06x22 - Lifeline

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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06x22 - Lifeline

Post by bunniefuu »

Your Honor, Commander Rabb

has failed to produce
sufficient evidence

to lead a reasonable
person to conclude...

Your Honor, Counsel
is not an expert

on what reasonable
people conclude.

To lead a reasonable
person to conclude

the chain of command
was compromised.

Therefore, defense moves
that this court enter a finding

of "not guilty" on the charge

of fraternization.

HARM: Your Honor,
Ensign Leland testified

that he told Lieutenant
Bayer that he loved her.

She should have reported
it immediately to her CO.

She counseled him like
a good officer should.

She led him on.

He believed they
had a relationship.

Well, they did... a
working relationship.

Anything more was in
Ensign Leland's mind.

Come on.

The little glances,
the innuendo,

the intimate conversations.

All in his mind.

He mistook kindness
and friendship

for romantic interest.


Is it kind to let somebody
believe you love them

when you don't?

Of course not...
But that is not what...

JUDGE: Counselors!

The government has
satisfied its obligation

to establish a prima facie case.

The defendant's motion

for a finding of "not
guilty" is denied.

We'll start with the defense

Monday at 0900.

Court is in recess.

( pounds gavel)

(sighs) See you tonight?

Wouldn't miss it.

Tiner, what are you doing?

Strategically placing drops
of water on the jonquils, sir.


To simulate morning
dew, Admiral,

thus embodying the Zen precept

that life is a dewdrop
within a dewdrop...


Tiner, leave the flowers alone.

Aye, sir.

I'll go check the canapés.

( doorbell chimes)

Harriet, Bud, come
on in! Good evening.

Hi, Admiral. Hi, Admiral.

You look stunning.

Thank you, sir.

Let me get your wrap.

Thank you.

Please, go on in.

Get yourself a glass of wine.

We're just setting up.

Why do we always have
to be the first ones here?

It's goofy. Somebody has to.

where are we putting the coats?


You've got
something on your tie.

Peanut butter.

I was holding little A.J.

Is it noticeable?


Don't worry about it.

( doorbell chimes)

Admiral, is something wrong?

Uh... no.

I'm sor... I'm sorry.

Uh... come in.

Uh, it's a beautiful dress.


Thank you. Thank you.

I mean, I think you
know everyone. Uh...

Thank you.


Hello, ma'am.

At ease, Lieutenant.

( doorbell chimes)


Hi. Good evening, sir.

Come on in.

Uh, Admiral, this
is Gloria Goldberg.

Gloria, Admiral Chegwidden.

Very pleased to
meet you, Admiral.

Please, A.J.

Uh, can I take your wrap?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

Let me, sir. Hi.

So, Gunny, you feel
up to dancing tonight?

Oh, yes, sir.

The wound's almost healed.

Please, make yourselves at home.

Thank you.


Uh, yeah, I got shot.


In New Mexico.

Uh, white wine okay?

Yeah, thank you. Okay.

Hey, Tiner. Hey, Gunny.

GALINDEZ: Working hard?

TINER: You know the Admiral.


GALINDEZ: A couple
white wines, please?

It's kind of cold tonight, huh?


I'm Gloria.


You here with Gunny?

Uh...? Victor.

Oh, right. Yeah.

Good choice.




I doubt you'll stay that
way long. (doorbell chimes)

I don't dip my pen
in company ink.

Oh, is that them?

The happy couple.

Mic and Mac.

Well, he's cute.

She's gorgeous.

Speaking of gorgeous.

Commander. Sir.

Good to see you.
Nice to see you.

Nice to see you. Come on in.

ROBERTS: Hey, sir.


You think so?

Doesn't really do much for me.

(crickets chirping)

(pop ballad playing,
party chatter)

(doorbell chiming)

So, no tie again, huh, Bud?

Oh, hey, sir.

Yeah, I had a tie.

I-I had to take it off.

You wouldn't happen to have
an extra one, would you, sir?

No. Sorry.


Oh, hey, ma'am.

What a great party.

I'm sorry about the, uh...

Oh, that's okay.

Bud, tonight it's Mac.


Uh, I'd better get
this over to Harriet.

Excuse me, sir. Ma'am.


So, uh, Renée coming?


She's filming a
spaghetti commercial.

She'll be here soon.


Well, he seems happy.

As well he should be.

Yes, I agree.

You know what?

I-I should wait outside for her.

She's never been here before.

I'll go with you.

I want to talk about
the fraternization case.

At your engagement party?

Well, they can spare me

for a few minutes. Come on.

I picked up a new client today.

A 20-year-old is suing the navy

'cause he was circumcised
in a naval hospital

after his birth.

Was he damaged?

No, the operation was fine,

but he's claiming
diminishment of gratification.

Well, how the hell

would he know the difference?

My client has an
outstanding record.

She realized she
used poor judgment

and she learned
from her mistake.

(chuckling): Well, so
what're you proposing?

Attempted fraternization.

Punitive letter of reprimand.

"Attempted fraternization"?

( sighs)

All right.

I'll, I'll talk to
Admiral Stoker.

Consider it

an engagement gift.

Oh, I was hoping for a toaster.

Well, you may get a toaster yet.


Nothing. I...

I guess I never pictured myself

celebrating your engagement.

Do you expect me
to stay single forever?

I don't know what I expected.

You've been a surprise to
me from the moment we met.

You remember?



You two know each other?

Yes, sir. No, sir.

Oh, I-I'm sorry, Major.

Of course I don't know you.

I just... had a
moment of déjà vu.

Must be the uniform.

No. Actually, she
was in the navy.

The look on your face

made the hair stand up
on the back of my neck.

Imagine how I felt.

You were Diane
come back to life.

The resemblance was uncanny.

Sometimes I'd catch
you looking at me.

I knew you were seeing her.

She meant a lot to me.

So I gathered.

I know...

you were kissing her.

Because you look like Diane?

Because I wasn't Diane.

Mac, I never resented you.

You didn't like me.

You didn't like me.

I, at least, tried
to be friendly.


You torpedoed me
our first time out.

You're too thin-skinned.

Commander Rabb...

you sandbagged me with
that ricocheting b*ll*ts line.

Mac, I'm just doing my job.

I'll buy you lunch.

Buy me lunch?

You make a fool
out of me in there,

but out here we're still
supposed to be friends?



Maybe you can turn it on and off

like a bilge switch,

but I can't.

Mac, you're taking
this far too personally.

Damn right I am, Commander.

I was this close to
taking that cigar and...

Oh... you were
unbelievably rude.

I was rude?

You compared me to a bilge pump.

A bilge switch...
and you deserved it.

You were so full of yourself.

Oh, I believe that's
called self-confidence.

Mm. I believe it's
called being a jerk.

You're just a sore loser.

No, I was new.

You could've gone easier on me.

Go easy on you?

Hey, I was the one
who needed protection.

( knock at door)

( door opens)

You have pulled some
sneaky, deceitful moves on me,

but his is too
slimy, even for you.

Hey, you want to power down
and tell me what this is about?

Reporting to Chegwidden
behind my back.

Recommending an
Admiral's Mast, Article 90...

Ring a bell?

Hey, I sent in
my report, yeah...

Behind my back.

As primary investigator,
that's my prerogative.

But I didn't make
a recommendation.

Why didn't you
discuss it with me first?

Because, frankly, I don't
believe you're objective.

Maybe I'm not,

but you could've given
me the benefit of the doubt.

You had a personal relationship

with the officer we
were investigating.

And that bothered you.

What bothered me was your bias.

So, not the relationship?

Your personal life
is your business.

This is a great party, Admiral.

Yes, it is, Lieutenant.

I'm glad you talked
me into having it.

Oh, Harriet can con anybody
into doing anything, sir.

Not that this
party is a con, sir.

It's a great idea,

which I'm sure that you
would've come up with

if Harriet hadn't have...

Conned me into it?

Yes, sir.

I think I'll have
a glass of wine.

Then she says,
"That's my hard drive."

( chuckling)

Oop... slippery little bugger.

I'll get that for you,
mate. I've got it.

Oh, God.

( grunts)

Oh, so sorry.

What happened?

They pushed me.

Maybe you should call her.

Nah. I'll give her another
couple of minutes.

So, we got off to a rocky start.

At least it's all behind us now.

Is it?

Of course.

We have a trust,
an understanding.

You don't think so?


No, I do.

However... you didn't trust me

during the investigation
of Jordan's death.

I included you.

Yeah, only so you
could keep an eye on me.

Are you okay about Jordan?


Harm, you should really
talk to someone about it.

I do. I talk to Renée.


Did you know that
Jordan believed

you'd only be with her
until I decided I wanted you?

She told you that?

Funny thing is, I
half believed it myself

until that night
in Sydney Harbor.

RABB: You know, they
wrote "Eternity" on this bridge

in lights, on New Year's Eve.

Is that how long
we're going to wait?


We're not in Washington.

We're not even on
the same continent.

Location doesn't
change who we are.

Most men would
disagree with you.

I know.

I disagree with
me sometimes, too.

But you still can't let go.

Not yet.

You're just this way
with me, aren't you?


Only with you.

RABB: We were cruising
on the Titanic that night, huh?

And you steered us
away from the iceberg.

Why did you back away?


Is the party over?

No. No, you're right on time.


(music playing, laughter
and lively party chatter)

PETERSEN: The actor
couldn't remember his line

the writer punched the first AD

and the set decorator
dumped a bowl of pasta

on the makeup girl.


Sounds like your party
was more fun than ours.

Oh, well, maybe we
can liven it up a bit.

Colonel, it's that time.

Is that an order, sir?


Mic, with your permission?

Gladly granted.

♪ I want to be around... ♪

And with your permission?


( chuckles)

Thank you.

♪ When somebody
breaks your heart... ♪

I'm really sorry about
that whole wine thing.

Don't even worry about it.

I kind of like the casual look.

Hey, Gunny, you wouldn't happen

to have a tie or a jacket

in the car I could
borrow, would you?

Sorry, Lieutenant.
Maybe the Admiral...

I could ask him
for you, sweetie.

No. No, no, no.


MacKENZIE: Thank you, Admiral.

You're very welcome.

I don't mean
just the party, sir.

Neither do I.

Your support and
guidance have meant a lot.

And, uh, I'm sure it wasn't
always smooth sailing.

I'm sorry for the
trouble I caused.

What trouble's that?

I'm sure there were times

you regretted having me around.

Mac, the only time I regretted
having you in my command

is when you left it.

A big mistake, sir.

You were following your
heart, spreading your wings.

Oh, God.

Did I say that?

Oh, no wonder you were upset.

Upset? No.

As I recall, I was...

was quite calm about it.

How soon are you
going to be leaving?

With your permission, sir

I'd like to begin terminal
leave on Monday.


I'm sorry, Admiral.

I know this is short notice.

Damn short notice.

It was a sudden offer.

I have 45 days' leave

on the books.

You ambushed me, Major.

I'm sorry, Admiral.

If there was any other way, I...

Fine. If you want to leave
that badly, consider it done.

MacKENZIE: I'm just
grateful you took me back, sir.

CHEGWIDDEN: I forgot to
process your resignation request.

You never left.

Well, you didn't let me
off the hook that easily...

Writing wills and
tracking brig chasers.

I just thought you might
need a little practice.

Mac, you're a good
lawyer... calm, rational

and... an excellent negotiator.


That was a dangerous situation.

Well, we've been in
worse danger since...

MacKENZIE: I will have
some of that aspirin now.

This is a mistake.

What's a mistake, sir?

Um... Tony Bennett.

The music is supposed
to be Tony Bennett.

It is Tony Bennett, sir.



Good, good.

Uh... thank you, Colonel.

Um, sure.

( smatter of applause)

Uh, Admiral.

Uh, there's a question

I've been wanting to ask you.

Uh... what...

wh-what kind of question?

Not an... intimate one, I hope.

Uh, sort of, sir.

All right. Go ahead.

Well, as you know,
Bud is Mic's best man

and Harriet is my
matron of honor.

Um, I was wondering
if, at my wedding,

you'd be willing to
give me away, sir.

Of course, if you
think it's inappropriate...


No... I'd... be honored.

I would be honored.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, Colonel.

And thanks for the dance.

Excuse me.

You look lonely
standing over here

by yourself, Commander.


Who'd you come here
tonight with, Loren?

No one.

Well, I find that
hard to believe.

Harm... is that a compliment?

Well, knowing you, I
figured you'd waltz in here

with some undersecretary
of something or other.

Actually, it was a
White House aide.

He had a last-minute
meeting on the tax proposal.

Excuse me.


Can I get you a drink?

Oh, yeah.

You okay?

Yeah, I left my purse.

You're not upset?

No, why would I be upset?

Uh, no reason.

As long as you're okay.

Hey, as long as
you're out here...

you never answered my question.

Why did you back away?


Such as?

Well, for one thing,
we work together.

You were worried about
our professional relationship?

Mac, personal issues were
already affecting our work.

You honestly resent me.

And you have no faith in me.

How did we get to
this point, anyway?

I guess we were due.

We have been on a
honeymoon of late.

Are you saying
this was inevitable?

I don't know

but I think maybe we
should talk about it.

You know, there
might be deeper issues.

I am not going there with you.

This is not a marriage, okay?

So that's it... end
of conversation?

Yeah, let's get through it.

We have an
investigation to conduct.

I offered to talk it through.

Hmm, some things
are best left unsaid.

That's your MO... running away.

I wasn't running away.

I didn't want to
jeopardize our friendship.

Did you?

Back there in Sydney Harbor,

I would've said,
"Yeah, let's risk it."

Well, you wouldn't be having your
engagement party right now, then.

Maybe I would.

Nice to see everybody
getting along together.

You should hang on to that one.

She's good for you.

Yeah, I'm beginning to
realize that more and more.


'Cause she wouldn't
give you up so easily.

( bell clangs)

( applause and cheering)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Ladies, to your corners.

You go to your corner, Hormone.

Come on, mate.

You know, I don't think
Brumby would give you up

without a fight, either.

No, he wouldn't. He's stubborn.

You and he are alike that way.

Hey, easy on the insults.

Hey, this is the
man I'm going to be

spending the
rest of my life with.

It's okay with me,
if it's okay with you.

Is it? Okay with you?

CHEGWIDDEN: Colonel, are,
um, congratulations in order?

Uh, it's on the right hand, sir.

Ah, so it is.

Friendship ring?

For now.

WOMAN ( over P.A.): Quantas
Flight Seven to Los Angeles

is now boarding all
business class passengers.

Let's go, people.

Quantas Flight
Seven to Los Angeles

is now boarding all
business class passengers.

I love you, Sarah MacKenzie.

Oh, Mic...


Never look back.

No, sir.

RABB: It's not up to me
who you spend your life with.

So it's not okay.

I didn't say that.

I just...

I don't know why you
had to go to him so fast.

So fast?

I've waited

and I've given it
a lot of thought.

Probably more
thought than I should've.

I know.

Only we had a deal.

I'll tell you what.

Five years from this
moment, if neither of us

is in a relationship,
we'll go halves on a kid.

You and me?

Have a baby together?


Your looks and my brains.

He'll be... perfect.

And what if she has
your looks and my brains?

That could work, too.

So, what do you say?


Don't make a promise
you can't keep.

I haven't yet.

I think that contract
is null and void.


It still has three
years left to run.

Thanks for the
vote of confidence.

Do you love him?

Do you love Renée?

I'm not marrying Renée.

We should, uh,
should go back in.


Do you love him?

That's not a question
you get to ask.



You forgot your purse.

I-I should go back inside.

It's my engagement party.


Hey, you're cold.



I'm sorry. I was out of line.

Never apologize.

It's a sign of weakness.

Whatever you and Brumby
have between you, that's, uh...

that's your business.

Whatever's between us?

I'm marrying the guy.

What do you think is between us?

This is little A.J.
at his first rodeo.

He's so cute, Bud.

And he sits a good horse.

Do you ride? Yeah,
but just for pleasure.

Oh, me, too. Really?

We should go riding
sometime together.

Oh, and you could
come, too, if you'd like to.

HARRIET: Come where?

Hey, sweetie. Hi. Hi.

Uh, anybody need a refill?



( gasps)

I want you to be happy for me.

I am happy for you.


I'd hate to see you
when you disapprove.

I don't disapprove, Mac.

I'm just raising questions.

When did you
become my caretaker?

You save a person's life,

it makes you
responsible for them.

( g*nf*re)


MacKENZIE: Harm!

( g*nshots)

Nice of you to join me.

Saved your little green
Marine butt that day.

You're the one who put it
in jeopardy in the first place.

Ah, you still owe me.

Oh, I paid you back.


Two years later in a
place called Panama.

( g*nshots)

You're saying you took
down the drug dealer?

Just as he was
about to sh**t you.

That's not how I remember it.

Your memory's a little off

just like your aim.

Oh, really?

Well, my aim was good enough

the day you tried to persuade
the Admiral to take you back.

I did persuade him.

With my intervention.

It was a mistake, sir.

I think I still have something

to offer

so, with your permission, sir
I'd like to resume my duties.

Admiral, what Mac
is trying to say, sir,

is that returning to JAG
is not a fallback position.

CHEGWIDDEN: What about your

long-term career goals?

How do I know you won't feel
like, uh, "spreading your wings"

again next week?

Well, sir, I could offer
a lengthy argument

as to why you should
take me back; I could talk

about serving my
profession or my country.

The simple fact is,
JAG is where I belong.

Admiral, if she leaves again,

I will personally keelhaul...

If I were you, I'd stop helping.

If it wasn't for top
level intervention,

you would be in your cell
facing charges for brig break.

Your intervention
almost scuttled me.

Hey, what counts is intent.

And what was your intent

in helping me come back to JAG?

I didn't want to break
in a new partner.


Oh, waiter,

can I have a refill, please?


Oh, I'm not a
waiter, Mrs. Mattoni.

It's me... Lieutenant Roberts.

Your apron says
you're a caterer.

It's not my apron, sir.

Then why wear it?

If you think about it, Harmon,

you actually owe me.

( chuckles)

How do you figure that?


I... I didn't mean to
bring back bad memories.

No, you're right.

You were there for me.

MacKENZIE: Answer my question.

What is your plan, other
than to take a train to Beloyka?

You're being driven by emotions

and those emotions
are going to get us k*lled.

You can quit.

I can't.

My father is out there somewhere

and I'm going to find him.

Or die trying.

Or die trying.

But you shouldn't.

You've come with me
farther than anyone I know.

I'll never forget that, Mac.

You have always
been a good friend.

A friend?

What would you call us?

I don't know.

You've seen me at
my best... my worst.

You've always been
there for me, too.


not always.

( sighs)

MacKENZIE: So I had a drink.

It's not the end of the world.

(sighs) What are you doing?

Calling you a cab.

Harmon Rabb Junior.

So righteous, so pure.

You never had a weak
moment in your life, did you?

I'm going to wait outside.

Oh, wait a minute, I forgot.

Yeah, you-you-you
have had weak moments.

Of course.

Your long-lost father.

Neurotic Annie.

You know, you're
not just a drunk...

You're a mean drunk.

Walking away was
the right thing to do.

It wasn't easy.

I think sometimes

that's how you help
a person the most.

I wouldn't worry about it, love.


I wouldn't worry about it.


I'm not.

What do you suppose
they're talking about?

( wry chuckle)

Probably... us.


What does Mac think about me?

She likes you.

No, seriously.

She does. She told me.

Oh... that's bad.


I'm going to bring them in.

Renée... that's the
worst thing you could do.

I'm going to have
Sarah for myself

for the rest of my life.

You'll have Harm.

Let them spend some
time together alone.

Say their farewells.

There's no worries.

You know, you're not as
thickheaded as you seem.

( chuckles)

No offense.

I want us to stay close.

Your husband might have
something to say about that.

My "husband."

Kind of brings it home, huh?

Mic's a good man.
He's good for me.

I wish you would like him.

I do like him.

I liked him from the start.

We all did.

You are a self-serving,
arrogant bastard, Brumby.

One day, you and I

will have a private
conversation about that.

Oh, that we will,
Brumby, that we will.

Maybe your tactics work
in the Australian Navy

but I don't think
much of them here.

Perhaps the Admiral would
like my tactics better, sir

if they were in Major
MacKenzie's favor.

Careful, Brumby.

Permission to speak freely, sir.

What the hell have
you been doing?

All you lot...

Rabb, Roberts,
even you, Admiral, sir,

you're all Mac's friends

but you're all a little
bit in love with her.

Not that I blame you.

But it clouds
your judgment, sir.

Have you considered
the possibility

that maybe she is guilty?

He had to say that.

He was defending his client.

He was right.

About me being guilty?

No, about some people
being in love with you.

Another really cool
thing about pearls:

body contact makes them glow.

May I?


The oil in your skin gives
them a natural luster.

How do you know
so much about it?

GALINDEZ: So much about what?

Um, Jason here
was just telling me

about how body
contact makes me glow.

Her pearls.

Are you hitting on
my date, Jason?

No, Gunny, of course not.

Go away.

What did you just say?

That Brumby was right.

About some people
being in love with me?


What people?

What people?

It would have been
nice having you around.

Harm, the last thing you need

is a third female to
complicate your life.

Where do you get three?

Renée, me and Mac.

I'm not involved with Mac.


When you look at me
that way, what do you see?

I see a desirable woman.

And I see a man who's
so afraid of losing control.

You lose control in
my world and you die.

You're not flying a Tomcat now.

You don't need that lifeline.

Let it go before it
becomes a noose.

If you like, Miss Petersen,

I can find Commander
Rabb for you.

Oh, that's okay, Tiner.

He knows where to find me.


You look so sad.

Don't feel sorry for me, okay?

Wouldn't you be happier
if you could just let go?

Your problem is
you let go too easily.

This isn't about me.

No, it is about you.

The moment a man
shows interest, you're ready.

You're dropping chaff, Hammer.

Nice diversionary tactic.

You almost got me going.

It's not a diversionary
tactic, Mac.

I was there

when Brumby asked you
out the first time, remember?

So what do you say to a
celebration dinner on me?

I'm busy, but thanks.

Too bad.



I'll ring you up later.

Mac, the guy just tried to pin

a m*rder on you.

You're going to
have dinner with him?

Yeah. It'll give him a
chance to apologize.

The men you pick.

He knew what he wanted
and he went after it.

And he got it.


By the way, he did apologize

in a very charming manner.

Your problem is that

you make simple
things complicated.

You make complicated
things too simple.

What do you want?

I want a lot of things.

What do you want most?


What are you doing here?

Well, a girl can't get too
much of a good thing, so...

I was hoping we'd pick up

where we left off last night.




What I want most, Mac, is...

is to never lose you.

I promise you

no matter what happens,
you won't lose me.

Why did you go
to him so quickly?

You pushed me away.

What was I supposed to do?


For how long?

As long as it takes.

RABB: Why good-bye
and not good luck?

Didn't I say that to you once

when I was stupid
enough to leave JAG?

Yes, you did.

You said you were happy for me.

I was, but that was different.

You were in love.

And you're not?

What does love have
to do with anything?


( sniffling)

You want me to water your
plants while you're gone?

I don't have any plants.

Damn it.

I have so much I
want to say to you,

but I can't... can't
find the words.

I know.

( sobbing)

Damn you.

Why am I the only one crying?

Sir, ma'am, the
Admiral's asking for you.

Thank you, Tiner.
We'll be right in.

Whoo, it's getting
chilly out here.

Yes, it is getting
chilly, Tiner.

We'll be right in. Thank you.

Well, we should go in.

I know.

Mac, you have someone
who will always love you.

And you have
somebody that loves you.

We're getting too good
at saying good-bye.

( sighs heavily)

Attention on deck!

At ease. At ease.
People, gather 'round.

Um, I want to thank
you all for coming

and helping us celebrate
the engagement of...

well, two of the finest
people I've ever met...

Sarah MacKenzie and Mic Brumby.

Um, a couple of announcements.

We, um, we do have a cake.


Thank you, sir.

And we'll get to
that in a minute,

but before that,

with permission from
the bride and groom-to-be,

Lieutenant JG Harriet Sims

front and center.


( chuckles)

I didn't know this was
going to happen tonight.

Long overdue, Lieutenant.


Thank you. Did
you know about this?

It's why I got all dressed up.


You can have your
official promotion

first thing Monday
morning in the office.

I'm sure Lieutenant Roberts
would love to do the honors.

Thank you, sir.

( applause)

So, let's cut the cake.
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