25x02 - Moment of Truth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x02 - Moment of Truth

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin'time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[woman] Try as many as you like.

[Victor] Too big...

Too pointy...




Pay attention, Monty.

My "look" is serious business.

These new glasses have to be cooler than a snowman's snow-cone!

I'm Deceptron, every time a human tells a lie it powers up

my Bolt Blaster!


Look at these, Monty.

They scream...


Well, Monty... what do you think!?

I love them. Can we go--


You really love them?


They're cooler than a penguin's pajamas?


That's a juicy lie, I can feel its power!

Ah, twenty dollars, right?

-Thank you, young lady! -[woman] I'm over here.

Are you sure you can see in those things?

They're a little dark,

but the important thing is that I look cool.

Better to look good, than see good!

[Monty] Uh oh.

So looking forward to bowling tonight?

Yeah, if you don't use any of that sneaky magic.

Hey, guys!

[Preston] Hi.

[Calvin] Ooh, whatcha got there, Hales?

Good one you ding-dong, It's your gift.

-My gift? -[Hayley] Yeah.

Oh, my gift gift.

I can't wait for our anniversary dinner tonight.

-Yeah. -[Hayley] Can you believe it?

We've been together for two whole years.

Ooh, "Nitro."

This is great! Thank you!

Dinner? What about...?

And I, I got you a present too of course.

I'm, I'm, uh, saving it for our dinner.

[Hayley] Ooh.

[Deceptron laugh] Yes!

Another lie!

I'm charged up and ready to blast!

Look out! Run!

A monster!

You teenagers don't stand a chance against the mighty Deceptron!

We're not just teenagers...

we're Power Rangers!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -Bolt Blast!

[Deceptron laughs]

[Hayley] There's a bolt through my Ninja Star!

It won't fit! I can't morph!

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

It won't fit!

I can't morph.

Hey! What did you do to her Power Star?

I'll stop you when my bolt is re-charged.

He's gone.

Come on, hopefully Mick can remove this bolt!

He shot his bolt right into the White Ranger's power star.

Now the White Ranger can't morph!

Who's the greatest?

[Odius] Only one Ranger?!

You need to defeat them all!

[Cosmo] Good point!

What's your plan?

The Yellow Ranger is on a lying streak!

I'll just follow him to truly charge my bolt blaster!

Then I'll stop all the Rangers from morphing and steal their Power Stars!


[Mick sighs]

That bolt just isn't budging.

I'm sorry.

If I can't morph, the Ranger team is weaker.

Levi That's exactly what Odius wants.

[Redbot] Don't worry.

We'll find a way to fix your Power Star, Hayley.

[Sarah] Of course we will.

plus, look on the bright side,

you have got an awesome anniversary gift from Calvin to look forward to!

[laughs nervously] Ahhhhh, yeah!

You sure do!

Mick Let's try...

using some heat.


[Calvin] Cool.

Can I have a word, Cal?

-Calvin Me? -Yeah.

You obviously didn't get her a present, did you?


No... I forgot.

OK, forgetting is bad, but lying about it is...worse!

[through teeth] Just tell her the truth.

I can't. It's too late.

Look I can just Go out and get her a gift,

while they're busy with the Power Star.

OK, good luck.

Wait, I don't know what to get her.

Please help me?

OK, OK. Fine...

but only because I know how excited Hayley is.

Thanks, Pres.

Hey guys, Preston and I

are gonna dash out real quick to pick up Hayley's present.


Where are you going?

[whispers] I wanna see what you got.

Yeah, I'll come too.

Uh... guys it's not that big a deal.

Check out this guy.

So humble.

You really landed a winner, Hayley.

-Let's go! -[Sarah] Bye.

-[Preston] Great. -See ya.

Brody Sooo.... What did you get Hayley?

Oh um, it's a, uh...

Preston, I told you...

Yeah, its...

He got her a...

Car. He got her a car.


He's pulling another Ranger into his web of lies.

Levi You bought her a car!

calvin A car...a carPET.

Oh, of course.

Yes, a carpet.

For… for her room.

An anniversary rug?


Wow, that's so romantic.

Yes, I'm all charged up with lies!

Rangers, you're about to lose your Power, just like your friend.

And then stealing your Stars will be a snap!

The only thing you're taking - is a beating.

Oh, big talker.

Don't let him blast your Stars!

I can take you four easy!

[Yellow Ranger] No way!

[Red Ranger] Sarah. That monster's back!

We could use a hand!

I'm on my way, Brody.

Mega Morph Cycle Star, Rev Up!

[Pink Ranger] I'll be there 'wheelie' fast!


[Deceptron] Too slow!

Nice try! Not happening.

[Deceptron laughs]

[Gold Ranger] He's a real bruiser!

I'm just getting started!

[rangers yell]

[Deceptron] Too easy.

[Blue Ranger] We can't seem to wear him down!

That's 'cause lies give my bolt blaster its energy!

And lucky for me, Rangers love to lie!

Bolt Blast!


-LEVI He got us! -PRESTOn No!

Our Power Stars!

They're bolted, just like Hayley's!

Your Stars will be mine!

[Deceptron laugh]

Our Power Stars!

Preston They're bolted, just like Hayley's!

[laughs] Oh darn it, I'm outta juice,

but I'm more than strong enough to destroy you all!

-Huh? What's that? -[Pink Ranger] Surprise, bolt-brain!

Plasma Blast!

[Pink Ranger] Sorry I wasn't faster!

-[Yellow Ranger] You're just in time! -[Pink Ranger] He got you guys too?

[Red Ranger] Guys, he teleported away!

[Pink Ranger] That buys us some time!

[Levi] What now?

[Pink Ranger] Maybe Mick will help find a solution!

[Mick] I can't fix these either, they're the exact same bolts!

Well, this is quite a pickle.

And these Stars are in bad shape too!

[Preston laughs]

Come on, this is no time for jokes.


OK, the Gold and the Blue Ninja Power Stars

are trapped just like Hayley's.

None of them will function until we remove these bolt.

[Levi] When we were fighting Deceptron,

he said that our lies were what gave him

the energy to blast us.


Because there is a lot of emotional energy used in lying.

[Sarah] Hmm. And he's using it

to neutralize our Stars.

[Hayley] He must be trying to trick us, right?

Because none of us have been lying...


[all agree]


Calvin? What do you mean?

I lied to you this morning.

[Hayley] What?

I lied to you this morning when I said I had gotten you a gift.

The truth is...

I'd forgotten our anniversary.

Why didn't you tell me?

I freaked out when I saw what an awesome gift you got me.

And all I could think about was how I'd let you down.

I didn't want to see your face all...


I don't care about the present.

You're forgetful, I know that.

And sometimes you're late,

sometimes you have grease on your hands.

But those are the things I love about you.

But yeah, it makes me sad when you lie to me.

I'm so sorry, Hayley.

Can you forgive me?

Of course I can...

Because you told me the truth.

Hey, look! The Power Stars!

[Mick] Whoa, telling the truth fixed the Power Stars!

I'm glad you came clean, Calvin.

Honesty is always the best policy.

[loud beeping]

[Redbot] The scanning system's found something!

Mick Uhhhh. We've got Buzz-Cams in the city!

Deceptron won't be far behind.

Now that we have our Power Stars back, we've got a fighting chance.

We need to move quick,

in case he finds anyone else lying

that could power him up.

I'll get to work creating new Zord Stars for you

out of Super Steel.

Thanks, Mick.

Let's go!

[Victor] Ah what a lovely day.

[man] No way!

Hey! Look at that!


[Monty] Ooh.

You hear that Monty?

They're looking at my awesome glasses, aren't they?

Yep! That guy loves 'em.

Ha! That guys lies are powering me up!

A few more, and I'll be able to disable the last three Power Stars!

-[Monty] Oh, Victor! -[sighs] Let's pause here a moment,

give the ladies a chance to stop and say hello.

Um, maybe we could sit in the shade?


Sunglasses are for the sun!

-Monty Uhh... -[painter] What are you doing?

We'll just be a minute.

I'm so sorry.

Oh. Hello, ladies.

[girls laugh]

Monty, did they laugh at me?

I'm over here.

Don't people dig my hip new look?

Ummm.... ahh...


They love it.

They can't get enough!

I'm in peak power thanks to those fibbers!

Time to find the Rangers!

[people scream]

[screams] There's a monster!

A Monsfter?

I mean, of course I can see that, Monty!

Monty? Monty?

-[Deceptron laughs] -[Hayley] There he is!

Hello Rangers, looks like you found me first!

You've got a screw loose, buddy,

and we're here to fix you for good!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!

[all] Ready!

Ninja Spin!

[Rangers shout]

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

You can all morph?

But three of your Power Stars were bolted!

Then I guess you didn't count on the truth being

stronger than lies!

Then I'll destroy you the old-fashioned way!

Basherbots! Attack!

[Deceptron] This is my stomping ground now, Rangers!

Time to finish you both!

[Pink Ranger] Hold on guys, I'm coming!

[Yellow Ranger] He's tough.

[Pink Ranger] That's true.

But we can defeat him if we work together.


[Deceptron] You have no chance against me!

[Red Ranger] Surprise!

[Deceptron] What? Hey!

[Red Ranger] Time to fire things up– Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Lion Fire red!

[Deceptron] That supposed to scare me?

[Red Ranger] Yep!

[Deceptron growls]

[Deceptron] We'll see about that, Red Ranger!

Bolt Blast!

[Deceptron laughs]

[Deceptron laughs]

Let's amp things up!

[Red Ranger] I can't take this much longer!

[Yellow Ranger] Hold on Brody! Element Star! Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Water Attack!

[Deceptron] Ahh!

Hit by my own Bolt Blast!

-[Yellow Ranger] Brody, you're okay! -[Red Ranger] Look, he's frozen!

[Pink Ranger] No more bolting for you.

Arrow Blast!

[Deceptron] No, my Bolt Blaster!

Curse you, Rangers!

[Red Ranger] Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

[Pink/Yellow Rangers] Ninja Spin!

Steel Slash!

[Red Ranger] Lion Fire Flame Strike!

-Ya! -[Deceptron] This isn't good!

[Red Ranger] Final Attack!

[Red Ranger] Yeah!

[Blue Ranger] Great job, guys!

[Cosmo] Yeah!

He likes lies, so let's make him a whopper!


[Deceptron] Yes!

It's pay-back time!

We're gonna need some more power.

Mick, tell me some good news?

Brody, the Zord Stars are ready, and heading your way.

Let 'em fly, Redbot!

[Redbot] My pleasure!

[Mick] Good arm!

[Gold Ranger] Yes! Just in time!

[Red Ranger] Yeah! Lion Fire Zord Star. Lock in!

Bullrider Zord Star, lock in!

Preston, you call the Ninja Steel Megazord.

We need all the help we can get!

[Blue Ranger] You got it!

Robo Red Zord Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Megazord. Ready!

Bullrider Megazord. Ready!


It's good to be back in my own Megazord!

Ninja Steel Megazord. Ready!

[Pink Ranger] Hey, we don't have our Master Mode Stars!

[White Ranger] No Ninja Master Mode...

how are we going to control the Megazords?

[Pink Ranger] Check it out. A new Star!

I think we have a new mode, guys!

-[Blue Ranger] Yeah! -[White Ranger] Cool!

[Yellow Ranger] The Ninja Super Steel must have its own Star

-to control the Megazords. -[Pink Ranger] Awesome!

[Gold Ranger] Hey guys, looks like I get the new mode too!

[Yellow Ranger] Let's try it out!

Super Ninja Steel Mode Star!

[all] Lock in.

Ninja Spin!

[Yellow Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode. Ready!

Whoa, this new Megazord mode feels powerful!

[Blue Ranger] Time to see if Deceptron can handle the truth!

[all] Ha!

Three on one. Sounds fun!

[Red Ranger] Not for you!

[Deceptron growls]

-[Yellow Ranger] Take him out! -[all] Ha!

Bullrider Megazord, Rodeo Rapid Fire!

[Deceptron] Aah!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Ultrazord, combine!

-Ninja Ultrazord, ready! -[Deceptron] Bring it on!

Oh yeah!

-[all] Ready! -[Blue Ranger] Ninja Ultra Strike! Ha!

To tell the truth, that was a strong attack,

but not strong enough!

[Yellow Ranger] I can't believe he survived!

[Red Ranger] Calvin, we have to unleash all our power!

[Yellow Ranger] Yep. Let's see what Super Steel Mode can really do!

Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energized!

Check it out

-[Blue Ranger] Whoa! -[White Ranger] No way!

[Pink Ranger] Super Ninja Star Blaster.

-Wow! -[Gold Ranger] Nice!

[Yellow Ranger] We're ready to take him down!

Deceptron doesn't stand a chance against this!

Let's do it!

[Deceptron] Give it your best shot!

[Red Ranger] Oh, we will!

[all] Ninja Ultrazord Blast, Final Attack!

[Deceptron] Oh no!

The truth hurts!

[Red Ranger] Show's over, ninjas win!

[rangers cheer]

-[Calvin] Look at that, no line! -[Hayley] It's our lucky day!

Hi. We would like one mushroom, pineapple, pepperoni pizza, please,

with extra sauce.

That's your fancy anniversary meal?

Pizza from the Snack Stop?

Yup, same as last year.

-It's our favorite. -It's a tradition now.

Look, I still feel pretty bad about not getting you a gift.

So, to make up for it, I made you something...


You made something for me? Really?

[Hayley] A calendar with pictures of us!

Oh, that's so thoughtful, Calvin.

-Aw. -Look, how cute.

This is so sweet, thank you.


There's two of them?

Yep... This one's for me though.

I circled our anniversary date, so that I never forget again!

Thank you!

Pizza's ready!

Take this!

Thank you!


You've ruined my shirt!

What? You walked into me!

-You can't see a thing in those glasses! -Of course I can, Brody!

I'm not Brody, I'm Calvin!

[Victor] Oh. Sorry.

My sunglasses are a little bit dark...

But aren't they the coolest?

-Well... -Remember... honesty.


I'm sorry Victor, but your glasses are not super cool...

they're super ridiculous.

Again, I'm sorry.

Monty, you told me they were cooler than a penguin's pajamas!


I've been out in the hot sun all day

flaunting these, and I have nothing to show for it!

Oh, wow, you have something to show for it, all right.

Really? What?

What is it?
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