25x04 - Making Waves

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x04 - Making Waves

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin'time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Captain Shaw] Come on!

Come on, I won’t bite.

[Captain Shaw chuckles]

Welcome to the Summer Cove "Big Catch" Competition.

Out in them there waters,

lives the biggest fish that ye ever did see.

His name's Bruiser, and he's a crafty one.

Use whatever clever lures or secret tricks you want...

and if any of you mateys catches him...

You'll win this trophy!

That will be my fiftieth trophy!

But, you don't know how to catch a fish.

Ha! You'll figure it out, right Monty?

[Captain Shaw] Off ye go, buccaneers!

Get fishin'!

Best of luck to yah!

Well, off you go!

I’m excited.

Thanks for letting us help you in the fishing competition, Dad.

Sounds like it's gonna be a blast.

No problem, honey.

Wait 'til you see what I've got to help us.

[Preston] Oh cool...

But what is it?

This is my Diver-Drone!

Programmed it to find anything unusual.

Like a huge fish.

Brody Whoa... what's that?

It's my custom "net cannon",

so I can catch fish without hurting 'em.

This competition is the perfect time to test it.

Hey, you guys want to put it in the water?



[Aaron] These dots on the radar are small ones.

We just got to wait for some big ones

and then catch it.

-Wow, so your dad built that? -Yep.

He's a marine biologist.

He uses drones to study marine life.

Ooh, I think we got something!

It's gotta be Bruiser.

Time to deploy the net cannon!


Oh! What happened?

-[Levi] Look, over there! -[Aaron] Oh no!

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[Aaron] Oh! What happened?

[Levi] Look, over there!

Oh no!

[Hayley] I’m sorry dad, that doesn’t look good.

[Aaron] Oh no... my Diver-Drone.

-[Jackie] Hi, Sarah. -Oh hi, Mom!

What are you doing here?

I thought maybe I'd try to catch Bruiser too...

What's going on?

Aaron The net is ruined...

and these circuits are fried.

It looks like it found something made of...


Aww, Dad. I'm sorry.

Looks like we'll have to wait for next year to go after Bruiser.


I can help you fix that thing in no time.

It’ll be fun.

I'm Sarah's Mom, Jackie.

You must be the handsome owner of this handsome drone?

A-hem, Mom!

Indeed I am.

I heard you're quite the inventor.

Which means, you're not only pretty, you're pretty smart.

Okay. Dad!

Aaron Foster, Hayley's dad.

Let's get this drone working again, so you can win this contest.

Great idea...

[Aaron] And then, maybe we can grab a bite to eat?

You know, just to say thank you.

I would love that!

You've got to be kidding me.

Our parents are going on a date?

[COSMO] This week’s contestant,

Doomwave, has hidden his Tsunami Machine in the waters off Summer Cove.

[Odius] Yes, and when I press this button,

it will create a tidal wave so big,

the whole city will be wiped from the face of the earth!

[crowd cheers]

[Cosmo] Let's start the count down!

Three...two...one. Punch it!

[Cosmo] Where’s the wave?

[Odius] What?

It's not working!

Some stupid underwater drone broke my Tsunami Machine!

[Odius] Fix that tsunami machine, or I'll wipe you out!

Yes ma'am!

I'm downloading the data to see what's broken.

It might take a while.

Then maybe it's a good time to go for a picnic.



This metal that got stuck in the net cannon sure is weird...

Seems like they fit...

Well, let's see if we can piece it together.

Hayley, I think your Dad is great.

So's your Mom.

But, the idea of them going on a date...?

It's just too weird. Right? Yeah. I totally agree.

Hey, maybe the date will go badly...?

-Yeah. -Yeah.

Maybe not.

Okay then, the date will definitely go badly...

if we give them a bit of "dating advice".

-What do you mean? -Well, my mom hates exotic foods, right?

But you could tell your dad that she loves weird, unique food.

Oh, I get it...

And my Dad gets motion sickness...

but you could tell your mom that he loves rides.


Hey honey, do you have a flathead screwdriver that I can borrow?

Sure Mommy!

But first, I have such a good idea for your date.

Jackie Oh? What's that?

Hey, Dad...

you know that restaurant that sells snails and grasshoppers?

Yeah... Jackie likes that food?

Loves it.

Okay, Dad, let's see if you took my advice...

[Aaron] Close your eyes and open your mouth...

you're gonna love this!


What was that?

A fried grasshopper!

You love exotic food, right?

[gagging and spitting]

[both giggling]

Okay, I told my mom that your dad loves to spin around fast.

Oh come on, let's go for a ride!

Um, I'm not so sure I should do this.

Here we go!

Woo hoo!

[Jackie] Hold on tight!


Are you okay, Aaron?

Yeah, just a little...dizzz---


Excuse me. I've gotta go.

Oh my goodness.

-We totally nailed it! -Nailed it!

Yeah, I better go check that my Dad's okay.

Yeah, I’m gonna check on my mom.

-Okay. -See ya.

They go together!

-There, and there! -Perfect.

Got it!

[Levi] No way!

That's the Galaxy Warriors logo.

Odius must have some sort of machine planted under the water.

We've got to get back to the beach and figure out what's going on.

Come on! There’s no time to waste.

[Brody] Hey guys look, they’re fixing that machine.

What does it do?

[Doomwave] Come on, let’s finish this!

[Badonna] Doomwave!

When's your Tsunami Machine going to be fixed?

Don't worry, I'll have all of Summer Cove washed away by dinnertime.

Hurry it up. Odious does not like waiting.

[Doomwave] Of course!

[Brody] They’re going to create a tidal wave?

Your dad's drone must have damaged that machine.

Preston Well then let’s finish the job.

[Doomwave] My plan was foolproof.

How much bad luck can a monster have in one day?

You'd be surprised!

Huh? Rangers!

I've got just the thing for you...

A paddlin'!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!

Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger.

[Doomwave] Alright suckers!

Time to feel the might of my tentacles!

[Red Ranger] Bring it octo-freak!

[Blue Ranger] Nice one, Calvin!

[Doomwave] You’re mine, Red!

[Red Ranger] Think again!

Time to wave goodbye!

-[all] Ninja Blast! -[Gold Ranger] Rockstorm Blast!

[Doomwave] Missed me!

-[Gold Ranger] He’s quick! -[Doomwave] See you later, Rangers.

I’ll take my machine into the ocean where you'll never find me!

[Red Ranger] Stop him!

[Doomwave] Once my repairs are complete, you can say goodbye to Summer Cove!

[Yellow Ranger] We've got to find that machine and destroy it

before he can finish fixing it.

[Blue Ranger] What we need is something that can go underwater.

[Gold Ranger] Your dad's Diver-Drone!

[White Ranger] But, it isn't finished.

[Red Ranger] No problem... we'll help your parents finish fixing it.

[White Ranger] But, ah, uh oh.

[Pink Ranger] We better figure this out.

[Monty] Behold...

This is my Super-Duper Hooky-Wooky.

It's sure to catch Bruiser.

I'll be polishing your new trophy for you in no time!

That's your brilliant idea?

I absolutely guarantee you that you won't catch zip with that.

But I’ll enjoy watching your try.

I've got something!

-It feels like a biggun'! -[Victor] Give me that!

Bruiser doesn't stand a chance against Victor Vincent.

[Victor] Ahhhhhhh!


[Sarah] What?

[Hayley] Wait! You're throwing my dad's drone into the trash?

Ah, well, yeah.

He called and said that he can't fix it alone.

And I don't know anything about programming...

That was your mom's expertise.

He also kinda mentioned that their picnic was, well...

a catastrophe.

No way, they were working so well together this morning.

Well we kinda, sorta sabotaged their date.

-You what? -Why?

We didn't want our parents going out together.

It's just, weird.

SARAH Yeah and we didn't know we'd need them to fix the drone.

I’ve got an idea.


Let's all split up and see if maybe one of us

can solve the problem alone.

What? Mick, that's a terrible idea.

Sure is. We need to work together to fix this.

Yeah, we're a team. That's what makes us strong.


Uh, didn't your parents make a great team too?

Yeah. They did work really well together.

[Sarah] And they were actually having fun.

How would you feel if someone broke up your team?

I think we made a big mistake.

Yeah, we've got to get them back together again.

They'll never do it.

They will...if the right people ask them.



What are you doing here?

I was asked to come. What about you?

[White Ranger] We called both of you here.

We need you to work as a team...

And fix this drone.

Us? Work as a team?

I'm afraid that's not such a good idea.

Please Mo-... I mean, Mrs. Thompson.

The whole city is counting on you.

Both of you.

Well, if it's that important...

...then we'll work together.

Good, 'cause I heard you're quite a team.

Well I've got all the data.

Well if you can run the diagnostics, I can repair the net cannon.

I can do that.

Are you feeling any better?

You seemed kinda green when you got off that merry-go-round.

Kind of how you looked after eating those grasshoppers.

[both] I'm sorry.

You know, I'm starting to think Hayley might

have given me bad dating advice on purpose.

Yes, I think maybe Sarah did too.


I suppose that if I found out that my mom was dating my best friend's dad,

I'd think that was kinda strange too.

[both laugh]

Right now, we have more important issues.

[Pink Ranger] Looks like our parents are getting along great.

It's working!

Rangers, it's working.

[Pink Ranger] Thank you for your help.

Whatever the problem is, I hope my drone...

I mean "our" drone... helps.

[Red Ranger] Yeah. It sure will.

Let's get it to the beach.

[Jackie] Good luck, Rangers!

-[Blue Ranger] Thanks! -[Yellow Ranger] Yeah.

[Pink Ranger] Okay guys, this is the spot.

Now let’s put it in the water and we can start the scan!

[Red ranger] I really hope this works!

[Doomwave] Not so fast!

I finally fixed my Tsunami Machine,

and I won’t let you interfere while it’s charging!

[Blue Ranger] We got this!

[Doomwave] You won’t stop my Tsunami Machine!

[Red Ranger] Look out!

[Doomwave] Now to destroy you and your drone!

[Red Ranger] Look out!

[Gold Ranger] Back off!

[Red Ranger] Get the drone into the water!

[Blue Ranger] You got it!

[White Ranger] Let’s stop this creep!

[Yellow Ranger] Nice and gentle.

[White Ranger] Alright, I’m switching it on!

[Yellow Ranger] It’s working!

[Doomwave] Stop that!

[Pink Ranger] Oh no! My remote control!

[Doomwave] You're too late, Rangers!

My machine is almost fully charged.

Soon it will wash away the city!


[Red Ranger] Not today!

Get that remote!

-On it! -[Doomwave] Attack!

[Pink Ranger] Got it!

Let's hope we can stop that Tsunami Machine in time.

[Yellow Ranger] We'll keep these creeps busy while you destroy that device!

[Pink Ranger] Okay!

Let’s see.

Yes, the drone’s back online!

[Blue Ranger] Oh, no you don’t!

[Doomwave] Yes, it’s working!

-Argh! -[Red Ranger] Hurry!

[White Ranger] Come on!

[Pink Ranger] I think I found something, look there it is!

[White Ranger] Quick! Fire the net cannon!

-[White Ranger] Got it! -[Pink Ranger] Yes,

the drone’s dragging it into shore!

-[Doomwave] No! -[Red Ranger] Ninja Strike!

[Gold Ranger] Tornado Slashes!

[Doomwave growling]

[Red Ranger] Final attack!

[Doomwave] I’ve got a sinking feeling!

-[Gold Ranger] Say cheese! -[Doomwave] What! Arhh!

[White Ranger] There's the tsunami machine!

[Pink Ranger] Not for much longer!

[both] Ninja Blast!

[all] Wahooo! Yeah! Great job!

[Cosmo] Should we give Doomwave another chance?


[Doomwave] You’re going to pay for destroying my machine!

[Red Ranger] Mick, are you there? We need a hand!

I've just made a new Star to help you out...

The Sub Surfer Zord Star is coming your way!

-[Red Ranger] Got it! -Wait! What?

[Blue Ranger] It attached to the drone?

[Pink Ranger] Wait, something’s happening!

[White Ranger] Dad's drone turned into a Zord?

[Red Ranger] Whoa! This is epic!

[Rangers cheer]

[Doomwave] Hey, what the... Argh!

That drone is going down!

[Red Ranger] Can you guys believe this!

[Doomwave] I’ll sink that submarine!

[Doomwave] What? No!

[Red Ranger] It's Ninja Zord form is a surfer!

[Gold Ranger] Wha hoo! I wanna see how this Zord rides!

[Red Ranger] Go for it bro’!

[Gold Ranger] Yeah, gnarly!

[Gold Ranger] Look at these slick moves!

You’re in for a wipeout, Doomwave!

[Doomwave] Just you try it!

[Gold Ranger] Whoo, yeah!

Let’s torpedo him!

Zord Mode, Activate!

Torpedo Blast!

[Doomwave] Argh!

[Pink Ranger] Awesome!

[Red Ranger] Let's help finish this creep!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord, Combine!

Ninja Steel Megazord, Ready!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

Let’s form a new Megazord with the Sub Surfer Zord!

[Red Ranger] Sub Surfer Zord Star!

Lock in!

Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord, Combine! Ninja spin!

Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord, ready!

[Blue Ranger] This new Megazord is amazing!

[Yellow ranger] Totally tubular!

[White Ranger] Look out!

[Doomwave] I’ll sink you!

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energized!

[Pink Ranger] Yah!

[Red Ranger] Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord Riptide Slash!

Final Attack!

[Doomwave] Argh!

[Rangers cheer]

[Red Ranger] Show's over, ninjas win!

And once we fixed the drone, the Rangers took it and...

We're not really sure what they did,

but I sure hope it helped.

Hey, you may have saved the whole city?

That's pretty cool.

-[Sarah] Mom. -[Hayley] Dad.

-Aaron. -Over here.

What's wrong?

Hayley and I have something we want to say to both of you.


It wouldn't have anything to do with our picnic... would it?

-You know? -Give us a little credit, girls.

Once we started talking, we figured it out pretty quickly.

Yeah, I guess it was a silly thing to do.

'Cause... We just want you guys to be happy.

Can you forgive us?

Just promise us you'll stay far away from our next date.

-Oh you got it. -Guys, someone caught Bruiser!

[all] Oh!

[Captain Shaw] That fish isn’t real!

[Victor] Of course it is!

[Captain Shaw] But I can see the seams!

[Victor] Nah!

Something fishy about this here fish!

[Victor] Ah! Monty!

[all laugh]

You won’t believe what happened!

This big fish ate me!

Victor Whoa!

You're right!

I don’t believe it!

You’ll both walk the plank!

Run, Monty, run!

[Victor] He's got a sword.


[theme music playing]
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