25x05 - Game Plan

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x05 - Game Plan

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin'time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

I'm telling you, this is the greatest game.

-I'm on Level . -That's great.

Come on little guy!

[Baby Gamegoblin] Yum yum!

There you are, Preston.

[Baby Gamegoblin] Yum yum!

Hey, Presto.

You busy?


I got a spider!

Hey, guys.

So you're playing that game too huh?

Gamegoblin. It's the latest craze.

[baby Gamegoblin] Feed me! Feed me!


You guide this kooky little goblin-guy in to take over the castle,

and he eats all the creepy little creatures that try to stop him.

[Baby Gamegoblin] Yum, yum!

-Oh, he's so cute! -I want to try.

Come on Cal, don't mess up my game.

I'm already on level !

[Calvin] Is that... good?

[Preston] It's so cool, watch this!

-[Baby Gamegoblin] Yum, yum, yum! -[Preston] See?

So, the more creatures you get, the higher your Power Bar goes?

Mm hm.

So what happens when it's full?

Well, find out for yourselves...

I got everyone Gamegoblins!

[all chatter happily]

No worries, guys. You guys are lucky.

I got you the last ones.

[Preston] These things are selling like hot cakes!

[Cosmo] The Buzz-Cam doesn't lie!

Looks like the Rangers are hooked on Gamegoblin! Ha ha!

And that will be their doom!

How's that?

If enough people play and fill up my Power Bar...

I'll grow strong enough to suck the Rangers into the game

and destroy them!

Just watch, I can get real nasty!


You're nasty already, Gamegoblin!

We love it!

[Odius] Teenagers can't resist video games...

they don't stand a chance.


[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

Next up we're gonna be talking about volcanoes.

Now you'll have to listen very carefully,

because volcanos will be in your end of year test.

The molten magma sits underneath the earth's crust,

under tremendous heat and pressure...

As I was saying...

the molten magma sits just below the earth's...


I knew it!

You are all playing Gamegoblin!

The next person I find with that silly video game,

I will have it confiscated!

-[students moan] -[Mrs. Finch] Put it away.

Hurry up!

Now back to volcanos.

[Baby Gamegoblin] Feed me!

I heard that.

Someone's still playing that game...

-[game beeps] -[Mrs. Finch] Who is it?

I can hear it.

-Who has that...? -[game sounds]

-[kids laugh] -Victor!

Uh, hi Mrs. Finch! You're looking lovely as ever today...

Apart from that scowl...

Give me that game.

You can get this back from the lost and found at the end of the day!

No! You don't understand. I'm on level !

[school bell rings]

Don't forget to hand in your homework assignments before you leave!

Homework? Oh no, homework...

I forgot to do my homework.

Let me guess...

you were playing Gamegoblin?


Well, maybe.

Yeah, I guess I was...

But I'm really getting good!

That's great, but you failed the homework assignment.

For today's training, I thought we could start with some balance drills, and...

Ugh, I wish Preston had never given us those games.

Hold on a second...

where is Preston?

Yes!!Ha ha!

I got to level !

Whoa, five hundred points!

Alright, Level !

[computerized voice] All powered up.

Yes! I finally have enough energy!

[Odius] Gamegoblin, what's happening?

Now I can suck every Ranger into the game.

Except that Blue one, I need him to keep playing and give me more energy!


Come on guys, we need to train!

Okay, okay, okay.

Hey! Give it back.

Huh? What's happening?

MICK Whoa, uhh...

They got sucked right into the game!

Where are we?

I knew that game was trouble.

It seems like the whole city is empty.

Are you sure about that?


[Baby Gamegoblin laughs] Yes!

You thought you were playing me,

but it turns out I played you.

[Gamegoblin laughs]

Meet the real me...

You're inside my game now, Rangers!

I'll get Blue and Gold later, but for now, let's play for real!

We're inside the game?

[Gamegoblin] Yes, check it out.

[game voice] Fifty points.

One-fifty points.

Then it's game on, Goblin!

It's morphin' time!

-Power Stars! -[all] Lock in!


Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

You will soon!

[Gamegoblin] I'm getting weak, hold on a sec.

-[Red Ranger] Hey! -[Gamegoblin] I need to power up!

I got a points!

Wow, I got points!

I got points!

Yeah, points!


-[game voice] All powered up! -[Gamegoblin] Yes!

Now I can control you with my special attack!

[game voice] Controller Beam!

[Yellow Ranger] Brody, what happened?

[Gamegoblin laugh]

This is my favorite part of the game.

-Ready to play, Red Ranger? -[Gamegoblin] Owww!

[White Ranger] Brody! Are - are you OK?

[Red Ranger] Yes, I'm fine.

[Gamegoblin] But he fights for me now.

And don't forget your sword,

you'll need it to destroy your friends.


[Red Ranger] Of course.

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blast!

[White Ranger] Brody, no!

[Gamegoblin] To make things worse,

he's also more powerful than ever.

Now, finish them off.

[White Ranger] Brody!

[Gamegoblin] Darn, the Controller Beam wore off.

[game voice] Fifty points. One hundred points.

Yes, I got more power!

-[White Ranger] Uh oh! -[game voice] Controller Beam!

[White Ranger] I'll start with you!

-[Yellow Ranger] Hayley, honey-- -[White Ranger] Honey this.

[White Ranger] Ninja Element Star, Fire Attack!

[Red Ranger yelps]

[Pink Ranger] No! Brody's on fire!

[Red Ranger] It's OK, my suit will protect me.

-[Yellow Ranger] Hayley! -[Gamegoblin] I'm out of power!

[game voice] One hundred points. Two hundred points.

[Gamegoblin] Power's back!

So, who wants to fight for me next?

[Red Ranger] Careful, don't let him hit you with his Controller Beam!

[game voice] Controller Beam!

[Red Ranger] Get down!

[Pink Ranger] Close one!

[Yellow Ranger] Let's get outta here!

[Pink Ranger] Right behind you!

[Gamegoblin] Hey hey hey, come back here!

That's not how you play the game!

[Yellow Ranger] Let's duck in here for a minute!

[Pink Ranger] Good idea!

[White Ranger] We can't keep doing this!

[Red Ranger] Levi, are you there?

Brody! What happened to you guys?

Mick and I have been so worried!

Those games were a trap.

We're stuck inside of it, fighting Gamegoblin.

He's a monster.

Somehow, he keeps getting powered up, we can't beat him!

Are the others with you?

Everyone but Preston.

Don't know why he didn't get pulled into the game.

He's been playing it like crazy.

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Yes! I'm nearly at level !

I found him, and yeah, he's still playing.

[Gamegoblin] Two hundred points, hundred points!

Can't hide from a goblin in his own game!

[Red Ranger] Gamegoblin's found us!

Yes! I've got to Level !

I got a thousand points!

[game voice] Aha, all powered up!

[Red Ranger] Oh no! The monster just powered up with points.


Preston just got a thousand points!

Oh no...

All these people playing the game...

they're giving Gamegoblin the energy to fight you.

[Red Ranger] If that's true,

then you have to figure out how to stop them from playing, and fast!

Don't worry, I've got this. Stay safe, bro!

Come on Level .

You've got this Preston.

Preston, we have a problem. Come on.

What? What is it?

Just trust me. Come on.

I'm with you.

[Monty] Look Mrs Finch has your game!

-Mrs. Bell. -Mm hm.

Victor Vincent does not get this game back until the school day is finished.

-Get it? -Got it.

Nobody gets past Mrs. Bell.


[Victor] Hmm.

We've got to get my game back...

But Mrs. Bell watches things like a hawk!

[Victor] How do we get past her?

[Monty] Hold on.

MONTY That's it.

Grab your rod and reel...

we're goin' fishin'!


[Mick] You'll never guess what I just figured out.

When people play those games,

they generate energy for the monster inside?


Good guess.


do not touch the infected games Preston, otherwise they'll suck you in.

That's how the other Rangers got stuck in the game.


We gotta stop everyone from playing.

Come on that is like asking a bee not to buzz, or a fish not to swim.

These kids are totally hooked!


you okay?

I gave everyone that stupid game,

and now our friends are trapped inside.

This is all my fault.

I got everyone obsessed...

including myself.

It's gonna be fine...

but first, we have to get people to stop playing.


yeah you guys can do that, right?

-Yeah. -I think so. Sure.

Good. Then I'm going to help them.

You're what?

-No! Don't! -Preston!

-Don't do that. -Now he's trapped too!

Okay, Mick, how do we convince every student to stop playing the game?

Okay, well, well...



Take a seat, Levi.

I have got a plan.

[Gamegoblin] The power keeps coming.

I'm getting even stronger!

[Gamegoblin] Your little school-mates are playing my game more than ever!

Your friend Preston scores more than any of them!

And now I'll finish you all!

[Red Ranger] Get ready!

[Blue Ranger] Back off!

[Gamegoblin grunts]

[Red Ranger] Preston!

[Blue Ranger] The only thing I'm scoring now is hits against you!

[Gamegoblin] Blue Ranger!

[Pink Ranger] But, what are you doing here!?

[Blue Ranger] I got you into this, now I'm going to help you get out.

[Blue Ranger] Me and my friends are taking you down!

[Gamegoblin] Really?

[game voice] All powered up!

Controller Beam!

[Gamegoblin] You'll help me get your friends' Power Stars!

[Gamegoblin] You're under my control now, Blue Ranger...

and since your score gave me a massive power boost,

it's going to last awhile!

[Blue Ranger] Good, then I can destroy them!

[Pink Ranger] Careful!

[White Ranger] We can't hurt him!

[Red Ranger] I got this!

[Red Ranger] You guys take care of Gamegoblin!

[Yellow Ranger] Yeah, he's going down!

[Gamegoblin] I don't think so!

[Blue Ranger] Your Power Star is mine!

[Blue Ranger] Your Power Star is mine!

[Gamegoblin] Help me, Blue Ranger!

[Blue Ranger] Yes, master!

[Red Ranger] That was close!

[Blue Ranger] Leave my master alone!

[Blue Ranger] Ninja Blast!

[Gamegoblin] Impressive Blue!

Now finish them off,

bring me all their Power Stars!

[Blue Ranger] Yes, Gamegoblin, my pleasure!

Ninja Battle Morpher, Blade Mode!

[Red Ranger] Snap out of it, Preston!

-[Monty] Hello-- -No.

[Mrs. Bell] I'll get that message to him. Hmm.

Hello, Mrs. Bell!

How are you doing on this fine day?

Oh fine, Monty.

Now, shouldn't you be in class?


Mrs. Bell...

I should, but which class is it first?

-I think it is Chemistry, then History. -Yes.

[Monty] Yes...

I can't remember which one it is!

Could I get a copy of my class schedule?

You what?

Here we are.


My hair!

[Mrs. Bell] Give me my hair back!

-[Victor] Monty, I'm stuck. -[screams]

[Mrs. Bell] Victor Vincent!

What were you doing up there?

I was...

I was lost?

[Mick] Everybody!

Attention, everyone!

You have got to stop playing Gamegoblin!

No way! I'm nearly level ten!

Levi just reached level ten...

and look what happened to him!


No, no, no, no!

It turned me all green!

This is what happens when you reach level ten!

This is the Gamegoblin curse!

Stop playing or you will be next!

-[student ] Yikes! -[student ] That was close!

[student ] Let's get outta here!

[student ] I gotta warn my friends!

I don't mind green.

I'll look good in any color!

No Victor, you, you can't!

Yes, I can.

No! Oh, my game!

Monty, help!

[Gamegoblin] You've almost got them, Blue!

[Gamegoblin] Do it Blue Ranger, take all of their Power Stars!

[Blue Ranger] Yes master,

[Gamegoblin] Oh no! I've run out of energy!

Those teenagers must have stopped playing my game!

[Blue Ranger] I don't feel too good!

[Yellow Ranger] Preston, are you okay?

[Blue Ranger] I feel woozy!

What happened!

[Yellow Ranger] You're back with us buddy!

[Blue Ranger] And the game?

[Red Ranger] Looks like everybody stopped playing!

[Pink Ranger] So that means no more power ups!

[Gamegoblin] Argh!

Those cursed teenagers!

[Red Ranger] Looks like you're playing a losing game!

[Blue Ranger] Time for us to beat the final boss in his own game!

Blue Tornado Strike!

Ninja Spin!

Final Attack!

[game voice] Bonus level!

[Red Ranger] That's one giant bonus!

[Gamegoblin] I'm back!

[Blue Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation, Combine!

[Blue Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord Dragon Formation, Ready!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Blue Ranger] Let's do this!

[Gamegoblin] I can't fully control you, but I can still stop you!

[game voice] (V.O.) Controller Beam!

[Red Ranger] We've stopped!

Why can't the Megazord move?

[Pink Ranger] His Controller Beam has jammed our systems!

[Red Ranger] Let's try to change formations!

[Red Ranger] Astro Ninja Steel Megazord, Combine!

[Red Ranger] Ninja spin!

[Red Ranger] Astro Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

[game voice] Controller beam!

[Yellow Ranger] Oh no!

We've been disabled again!

What do we do?

[Red Ranger] We've got to try another formation!

[Red Ranger] Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord, combine!

[Red Ranger] Ha!

Ninja spin!

[Red Ranger] Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord, ready!

[game voice] Controller Beam!

[Red Ranger] Get ready to dodge, guys.

He's gonna try again!

[game voice] (V.O.) Controller Beam!

[Gamegoblin] Are you using cheat codes?

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack! Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Blaster, Energized!

[all] Sub Surfer Ninja Megazord, Riptide Slash!

Final Attack! Ha!

[Gamegoblin] Oh no!

[Red Ranger] Show's over, ninja's win!

Hold still...

you're almost clean.


couldn't you have just shapeshifted into having a green face?

Well, uh, yeah...

but this is much more fun.

[computers whirring]

We're back!

Are you okay?

We beat Gamegoblin at his own game!

And Preston was amazing.


Look, I'm sorry, guys.

I let Gamegoblin get in the way of homework, and training...

You weren't the only one.

We were all a bit obsessed.

You were right, Brody, we all went crazy, over a video game.

At least it's over.

And thank you guys.

Without your help we would've been toast.

No problem.

And now, how about some training?

Hey Mick...

how did you get everyone to stop playing the game?

Ah, we made up a story about the Gamegoblin curse...

we said something terrible would happen when you reach level .

Well maybe it's the truth...

I guess we'll never know.

Good news, Madame Odius.

I've booked the Galactic Ninjas to fight in our next episode.

MADAME ODIUS Interesting...

You know what they say...

"It takes a Ninja, to destroy a Ninja."

[Cosmo] I did it! Woohoo!

Even though Gamegoblin is dust,

nothing can make Cosmo stop playing that wretched game.

[Cosmo] Shush! Shush! I have important news!

I did it! I reached level ten!

[Madame Odius] All we need to stop Cosmo playing is a mirror!


I've turned green!

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