25x09 - Outfoxed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x09 - Outfoxed

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Brody] Previously on Power Rangers.

Now, Medallions — fill my Zord with ninja power!

Oh no, Brody!

[Preston] The Foxatron damaged our Zord Stars!

If we can't call our Zords... What are we gonna do?

[Odius] Why is my Foxatron losing power?

[Venoma] Madam, you just need to recharge the Medallions.

We've got one day to figure out how to beat that thing.

Man, feels like we're in a dream.

Or a nightmare.

I still can't believe Odius disabled our Zords.

We have to get our Zords working again.

Guys, Odius’ Foxatron will be fully powered in two hours.

Well, let's hope Mick found a solution.

Mick says he hasn't come up with a way to stop the Foxatron.

Oh great.

We're Rangers... failure isn't an option.

Let's go.

-Hi. -Hi.

I'm Sandy. I just transferred into your science class.

Do you, maybe, want to study?

I’m, so sorry, but my friends and I

are kinda in the middle of something.

-Okay. -Sorry.

No problem.

Name's Victor Vincent.

Want to see my trophies?

Actually, I was going to work on my science project.

-Great! -Ooh!

I love to do science. Let's go!

[Sandy] Thanks, you really don’t have to.

[Badonna] They’re almost done Madame!

[Odius] Good job, Badonna.

When the Medallions have finished recharging...

my Foxatron will finally destroy the Rangers,

and their Power Stars will be mine.

[Venoma] Look Wolvermean! It’s just like I told you!

She has all the Medallions!

[Wolvermean] I’m taking mine back!

I need it for my memory powers!

[Badonna] Uh ah. Those belong to Odius now.

[Odius] In two hours, the Foxatron will be fully charged.

But if you two can destroy the Rangers before then,

you can have your Medallions back.

[Wolvermean] What’s the catch?

If you fail, my Foxatron will destroy you and the Rangers.

Good luck!

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[Mick] Well, it didn’t work.

[Redbot] Suffering circuits,

Oh, hello team.

I’m afraid we haven’t had much luck.

There must be some way to fix the Zord Stars.

We have been working on it since last night...

Super Steel is just too hard to melt down and reforge.

Even if we can activate the Ultrazord,

we need a new strategy to have a chance against Odius' Foxatron.

Yeah, and we need it fast!

The Prism!

Those are new Zords!

[Mick] Wow! I have never seen them before...

Let's try and make new stars to activate them.

Everyone, back.

[Redbot] Careful, remember they fly out quite quickly.

[Mick] Or, maybe not.

Why didn't they fly out?

Ah, oh.

It's like they're stuck.

But, why?

Mick... what's going on?

Ah, well... No idea.


Who are you?

And how'd you find out about our base?

[Stranger ] Trust me... we know a lot about you.

We're on your side.

[Stranger ] And we're here to help with those,

the Blaze Zord Stars.

"Blaze Zords"...? How do you know what they are?

Legends say you have to earn the power of the Blaze Zords

from the Prism.

[Stranger ] Those Stars will be yours,

after you prove yourselves worthy of them.

"Prove" ourselves?

What does that even mean?

We're already Rangers!

Hey listen, if we don't get those Stars, the world as we know it will

be destroyed in less than two hours.

[Stranger ] You are the only ones who can unlock those Stars.

[Stranger ] Good luck.

Ah, who were those guys?

Ah, what is that?

[monitor beeps]

We have got Buzz-Cams flying into the city!

What do we do now?

Simple. We prove what Rangers are made of...

That's what.

Looks like we’re going downtown.

[evil laughter]

Wolvermean here!

And Venoma!

[Wolvermean] Get ready for the fall of the Power Rangers!

The Galactic Ninjas are about to rise again!

[Wolvermean laugh]

[crowd cheers]

[all six Rangers] Ninja Blast!

Curse you!

The only thing that's rising today is your chances of destruction!

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars!

[all] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

For the Galactic Ninjas


Let’s do this!

[White Ranger] Ninja Blast!

[Yellow Ranger] I got him!

[White Ranger] And I’m on him!

[Venoma] I’ll get you Gold!

[Gold Ranger] I don’t think so!

[Blue Ranger] Bow mode!

[Pink Ranger] Arrow Blast!

[Red Ranger] Yes!

[Gold Ranger] Rockstorm Blast!

[Venoma] Fighting without my Medallion is impossible!

[Yellow Ranger] Nice moves, Brody!

[Red Ranger] Thanks!


[Red Ranger] Let’s finish this creep!

[All] Ninja Strike, Steel Slash!

Ninja Spin!

[all] Final Attack!

[Wolvermean] Ahh! Not again! Ah!

Too easy!

Nailed it! Alright!

[Wolvermean groans]

Look! He survived!

[Wolvermean] I am defeated... but not destroyed!

I'll be back!

[White Ranger] Oh no, he got away!

[Gold Ranger] And Venoma retreated too.

[Red Ranger] That's gotta prove that we're worthy, right?

[White Ranger] Then let's go see if the Blaze Zord Stars

have come out of the Prism!

[Red Ranger] Yeah!

So? Did it work?


I'm sorry they're still stuck...

But if defeating monsters doesn't prove we're worthy...

what does?

The Foxatron will be charged in one hour,

Oh no! What are we gonna do?

[Brody] I don’t get it!

We've shown that we're strong fighters, and yet those Zord Stars

are still frozen.

[Redbot] Odius’ Foxatron will be fully charged in less than an hour.

So... what's the plan?

Well it looks like fixing your old Zord Stars is our best hope.

You're right. They beat our Zords before, but we have to try.

But you said that Super Steel was too strong to melt down.

It is, but, I have an idea.

If we put them in a chemical bath,

and zap them with electrodes,

we might be able to shock them back to life.

Like jump-starting a car?

Exactly! Well, not exactly,

but definitely sorta kinda like that.

So, I need everything on that list.

Yep... ok... Most of these will be in the science lab.

Yeah. Let's go.

Good luck.

[Mrs. Finch] Oh, sh**t! Oh no! No!

Is everything okay Mrs. Finch?

It’s my wedding ring.

It fell down the drain.

It was my mother's.

I don’t know what to do.

We've gotta get the stuff for Mick...

Yeah but we have to help, too.

You guys go ahead.

Hayley and I'll help find the ring.

Ok... Be quick.

Can we lend a hand, Mrs. Finch?

Oh... if you’re not too busy, that would just make my day.

Okay. Let's see if we can open this grate.

Ready? One, two, three.

[Sandy] ...and the chemical reaction should turn the liquid blue.

"Blue"? Is that all?

That's easy for this science superstar.

Excuse me. We're trying to "science" in here.

Yeah, we'll be quick.

Sarah, you find the electrodes and beakers.

You guys find these chemicals.

-Cool? -Got it.


[Monty] One for me and one for you.

Aha, gotcha! Whoa...

Ah, hey, you guys are not gonna combine those chemicals are you?

'Cause... that could be dangerous.

[Victor scoffs]

Listen Bub... you stick to magic,

leave science to the experts.

Hmm, okay.

[Victor] Watch and learn. Simple as-

[Monty] Nothing's happening...

[Monty] Oh no, this is bad!

[Victor] What happened?

We’re stuck.

Ow! My precious hair!

Oh your precious hair!

Let’s get outta here.

Ah, ah, ah! This way!

I am!

I’m out the door first!

If your project was to glue Victor and Monty together...

A plus.

This project is due today.

Somehow I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Hey... Didn't you ask me to study earlier?

Yeah, I'm new here...

I was hoping to make some friends.

Yeah, I know exactly what that's like.

I'm Preston.


Sorry for kinda ignoring you earlier...

my friends and I, we have this emergency.

Ah, Pres. We have everything we need. Let’s go?

Just a sec.

I can't just leave her here.

Go on ahead, I'm gonna help Sandy figure out this experiment.

It'll be quick.

Sure thing.

Hey, how about a little help?

Really? What about your emergency?

My friends have it covered.

I can spare a minute.

Ooh, ah...

Now, first of all you never want to mix these two together.

[Victor] Monty, where are you going?

To class, Victor.

Class! I don't want people to see me like this!

But we’re going to miss it!

This way, Monty!

Hey, did you get all the stuff?

Yes, of course. Did you find the ring?

Yeah, eventually.

Quick, we better get to Mick.

[Victor screeches]

We can't leave 'em like that.

OK, we'll take this up to Mick.

Wait a minute.

I know. This solvent ought to get those two unstuck.

-See you at the base. -Yep!

Please, help!

You guys, uh, need some help?

I'm begging you... This is a nightmare.

Hold them still.

Okay, don’t wiggle.

Well? Is it gonna work?

We need to let the voltage maximize.

We got Victor and Monty unstuck.

Turns out they aren't inseparable after all.

Any luck with the Stars?

We're about to find out.

Ah, clear.

[electrical buzzing]

You did it!

You jump-started my Zord Star!

Let’s do the rest!

But we're out of time...

Foxatron could come back at any moment now.

But we still have five more Zord Stars to fix?

There's no way we have enough time.

What do we do now?

But we're out of time...

Foxatron could come back at any moment now.

We still have five more Zord Stars to fix?

There's no way we have enough time.

The Prism! Whoa! It's spinning.

The Blaze Zord Stars!

But why...?


[Stranger ] Hello again.

[Stranger ] Just as we hoped, you’ve done well Rangers.

[Stranger ] Yes, through your actions today

you've proven to the Prism you are

worthy of controlling the power of Blaze Zords.

But the Prism already knows we're worthy.

We're Power Rangers.

What was different about today?

[Stranger] Don't you remember what you did in your most desperate hour?

Oh you did it, thank you.

Here’s your ring.

You don't know how much this means to me.

Thanks so much, Preston!

There you go.

We're free!

[Stranger ] As you worked to save the city,

you still found the time to help those in need.

[Stranger ] So you see, it was not your strength,it was selfless deeds

that unlocked the Blaze Zords.

Wow... that's epic!

[Stranger ] Yes, very epic.

Thanks... Whoever you are.

[Stranger ] Farewell Rangers.

[Stranger ] Perhaps we will meet again.

Oh no! Is it the Foxatron?

No it’s Wolvermean!

He's going giant in the city!

Time for him to meet our new Blaze Zords.

[All Rangers] Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] There he is!

The Foxatron could be activated at any minute,

so I’m gonna get my revenge now!

[Red Ranger] Look out!

It’s Blaze Zord time!

[Gold Ranger] Yeah!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Zord Stars!

[all rangers] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[Red Ranger] Falcon Zord!

[Blue Ranger] Serpent Zord!

-[Pink Ranger] Panda Zord! -[Yellow Ranger] Tortoise Zord!

[Gold Ranger] Piranha Zord!

[White Ranger] Tiger Zord!

[Red Ranger] Out of the shadows!

[Wolvermean] What? No!

[all] Whoa! Yeah! That’s incredible!

[Red Ranger] Let’s form our new Megazord and take him down!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, combine!

Ninja Spin!

[all] Ninja spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready!

[Yellow Ranger] This Megazord feels like it’s on a whole ‘nother level!

[Pink ranger] This is one mean machine!

[Blue ranger] We're gonna make magic with this thing!

[White Ranger] Wolvermean doesn't stand a chance!

[Gold Ranger] Time to show him what we've got!

[Red Ranger] All together guys!

[Wolvermean] New Megazord or not — you’re going down!

[Red Ranger] Don’t think so!

[Wolvermean] Ahh!

My shield!

[Odius] Yes! The Medallions are fully charged!

Now I can reactivate my Foxatron.

It’s time for me to crush those Ninja Rangers

once and for all!

[Red Ranger] Blaze Zord — Fury Punch!

[Wolvermean groans]

It’s not over yet Rang--


[Odius] Oh yes it is!

You had your chance, Wolvermean.

Now, it's my turn.

[Wolvermean] Curse you Odius, you treacherous wicked witch!


[Red Ranger] Oh no! The Foxatron’s back!

[Gold RANGER] Why would Odius destroy her own monster?

[Pink RANGER] I don’t know but let’s hope

this new Megazord is powerful enough

to take down that evil Zord!

Prepare yourself, Rangers. I intend to savor this.

[Red Ranger] Let's go! Ha!

[Stranger ] Very good, they form the Ninja Blaze Megazord!

[Stranger ] I like those teens.

They have attitude.

[Stranger ] Yes. We may need worthy Rangers like them in the future.

[Odius] Fox Drone Swarm!

[Red Ranger] That trick’s not gonna work twice, Odius!

[all] Ninja Blaze! Burning Blast!


[Red Ranger] We're coming for you!

[all] Ninja Blaze, Star Blitz!

It’s so strong - impossible!

But I’m never giving up!

Give me everything you’ve got!

[Pink Ranger] She asked for it.

Brody, let’s call in the big g*ns.

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

Huh? Weird.

[White Ranger] What's happening?

[Red Ranger] Hold on, everybody!

[Gold Ranger] Yeehaw!

[all rangers] Ninja Blaze Megazord!

Ranger Blast!

[Odius] What?

[all] Final Attack!

[Red Ranger] Show's over, Ninjas win!

[Badonna] Oh no Madame! Are you alright?

Your face!

It’s just a scratch!

Curse those Rangers.

How did they get those new Zords?

I don't know, Madame Odius--

My revenge will be devastating.

I'll get you Rangers! Just wait!

I'm so glad that's over,

and that Mick has fixed all of our Zord Stars.

Well if I never see another fox again, it'll be too soon.

That's for sure. But, guys, I feel like we learned a lot today.

We're not worthy just because we're Rangers

and we're good at fighting...

...but because we'll always do what's right.

That's pretty epic.

Hey, Sarah?

Yeah, what’s up?

I just can't stop thinking about those mysterious cloaked strangers.

If it weren't for them, we'd have no idea why the Prism helped us in the end.

Yeah. Where did they come from?

I wonder if we'll ever see them again...

-[Sandy] Preston, hey! -Hey!

I thought you should know, I got an "A" on my science project.

That's great!

I couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping me out.

Of course. Any time.

Hey, did you wanna come play some pool?

I'd love to!

Just, y'know, don't complain too much if I win.

Oh, is that how it is?

Hey guys, this is Sandy, she'll be on my team.

[all greet Sandy]

Come on, we're taking everybody else here down!

Ah right!

What's so funny, Monty?

I don't know, Victor.

Is it me? Is it my hair?

Nope, still perfect.

Okay. Let's get some juice.


[Victor] Two of your finest juices.

[theme music playing]
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