25x11 - Love Stings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x11 - Love Stings

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[ODIUS] Hurry up Badonna ....

give me that Ninja Medallion!

[Badonna] Yes Madame, pardon me asking.

What is your plan?

Because this is the only Medallion

that survived your Foxatron's destruction.

[Odius] Today is Valentine's Day!

[Badonna] Oh.

[Odius] Teens go gaga for love.

-We can use that. -[Badonna] Ah! I’m all ears.

[Venoma] You called for me?

Yes. The time is ripe to use your special power on the Rangers.

Gross! Do I have to?

I destroyed your master when he failed me.

Would you prefer that option?

[Venoma] Very well...

I'll use my arrows to make the Rangers fall

madly in love with me.

And after they've given me roses and candy,

and their Power Stars...

You'll let me take this medallion and leave... right?

If you get me what I want, then you can have freedom.

It's a deal.

I will restore the reputation of the Galactic Ninjas.

You do that.

[Odius laughs]

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

[Levi] So ...

Brody, do you have a date to the Valentine's dance tonight?

Yeah, bro. It's gonna be cool.

Did you guys hear who I'm taking to the Valentine's Dance?

Lemme guess... Does her name start with an "H"?


Sandy — I — I — I was wondering if you ah -

Too wishy washy.

Sandy, would you go to the dance with me?

Sandy. Hey, how’s it — er — how, how’s it going? Ooh.

Oh there she is, Cupid.

Hit Sandy with one of your arrows for me, can ya?

Hm. Watch the Monty at work!

Oh! Well I never!

"Be mine, Valentine. Love and kisses...

Victor Vincent."


Who taught you archery, Monty?

Oh actually, Victor did.


Aim more carefully, Monty.

[whisper] Yes, sorry, Victor.

And it better work this time.

Hey, Sandy.

What's up, Victor?

The dance is tonight,

and I've heard you don't have a date yet.

Well, today’s your lucky day.

Looks like you got hit by Cupid's arrow...

Yes. Yes I have.

And Cupid’s gonna pay.

Won't you go to the dance with me?

Here's a small token of my affection.

You can have it... but only if you say yes.

Are you trying to bribe me to go to the dance with you?

Of course. It worked on a girl last year.

Get lost, Victor.

I'd rather go to the dance alone than go with you!

"Alone", really? Well...

Apparently, Sandy wants to go to the dance alone.

Can you believe it? Alone!

That’s by herself!

She wants to go to the dance alone?


Look, there’s, Lori.

Lori. darling... Today is your lucky day.

You can have this necklace if you go to the dance with me?

Sure, but you'll have to give me a lot more stuff than just that.

Who’s the best Kody?

Is it you? It is you?

So, what did you get me for Valentine's Day, babe?

Well Kody got you this!

Is that what I think it is?

Kody had to go.

Can you please put it in the trash?

Dog poop... my favorite.

You're so sweet to me. Aren’t ya?

Hey, Preston.

So, did you ask Sandy to the dance?

Ah — wh- What? [embarrased laugh]

How'd you hear about that?

I saw you practicing your magic trick for her.

I was just about to ask her...

then I heard say that Sandy wants to go to the dance alone.

Who cares what Victor said.

He once told me he was the first man on the moon.


All I'm saying is:

you can't believe everything you hear, okay?

You're right... maybe there is still a chance.

I gotta talk to Sandy.

-You're in luck, Presto... -Huh?

Go work a little magic.

Now's my back, I'll be chance--

I mean... now's my chance! I'll be back!


Sandy! Hi! Hey, hey! Happy Valentine's Day.

Oh, thanks! Happy Valentine's to you, too.

So, uh, about the dance tonight-

[Venoma] Oops, am I interrupting?

Ready for some dangerous love?

[Venoma laughs]

Sandy! Oh no!

Are you okay?

Yeah, Preston, I think so.

Guys, I've gotta get her out of here!

Yeah. Go on.

[Venoma] Did I spoil your Valentine’s Day?

Come on Sandy.

[evil laugh]

Listen up. I'm Venoma, Galactic Ninja of dangerous love!

I thought we were done with those Galactic Ninjas.

Hey, what did you hit Sandy with?

Let me show you! Ha!

Brody! Are you okay?


Venoma, my sweet darling...

will you be my Valentine?

[Venoma] Of course, my dear!

Now, come a little closer.

Brody, what are you doing?

Going to see my one and only soulmate, Venoma!

Ohhhh, I love her antennae...

and that silky wing!

She's flown away with my heart!

Oh no... that arrow must have made Brody fall in love with her!

Exactly, and you’ll never break my spell!

Oh no... that arrow must have made Brody fall in love with her!

Who wouldn't fall in love with an insect like that?


That's right... after you're hit by by one of my love arrows,

you'll all in love with the first thing you see!

Now, come here, my lovely Red Ranger.

Hey! Brody!

Don't worry guys, I'll get him outta here.

-[Levi] Thanks, Hayley. -Venoma! I love you!

Here's something you're not gonna love...

Ninja Spin!

[Gold Ranger] Surprise!

Now, how about a little love?

[Blue Ranger[ Watch out!

[Blue Ranger] You okay, Cal?

[Yellow Ranger] You’re just in time, thanks!

[Blue Ranger] No worries!

[Blue Ranger] We got this!

[Venoma] I’ll have to make my last few Love Arrows count!

[Blue Ranger] Just try it!

[Venoma] Argh!

Ninja Blast!

Get ready to be love-struck.

Cal! Levi!

Two more down!

[evil laugh]

[Gold Ranger] She's beeeeeeee-autiful!

[Yellow Ranger] I’m gonna make her mine!

[Blue Ranger] Whoa!

-[Yellow Ranger] I love you! -[Blue Ranger] Hey!

[Gold Ranger] And so do I!

[Venoma] Works every time!

[Pink Ranger] Oh no... not you guys too!

[Blue Ranger] Hey, we gotta get out of here!

Come on!

[evil laugh]

Three Rangers love me...

soon the Power Stars will be mine!

[Mick] I’m coming! I’m coming!


I got your message...

They're not really in love with a monster, are they?

See for yourself.

It’s a heart-shaped Ninja Star!

Ooh, look what I’m making for Venoma!

I’m writing a song just for her!

What are you up to there, Brody?

I'm gonna throw it into the Prism to make a gift for Venoma.

Here it goes!

Maybe later, buddy.

Well, from what you told me earlier, the spell seems to be caused by

being hit by one of Venoma's arrows.

Yup and we need to get those arrows before she can hit anybody else.

Okay boys, let’s have a talk about all your new feelings.

Oh ah, it's a text from Sandy.

She, she wants to talk?

We’re busy.

Go on, Preston.

We'll look after the Romeos, and try to figure out a plan.

Thanks guys, you guys are the best.

I'll see you in a bit.

Hey. You wanted to talk?

Yeah, umm... I was wondering if maybe...

Maybe what?

I want to go to the Valentine's Day dance with you.

What? That - That's great!

Ready for some dangerous love?

Sandy! Oh no, are you okay?

The arrow...

Um, Preston, are you good?

Ah yeah, I’m good.

So... here's the thing.

I think you're really great,

but I can't go to the dance with you.

Why not?

Well...Because you...


It just wouldn't be right.


[Sandy] I can’t believe him.

What happened? Sandy looks upset...

She just asked me to the dance.

What? That's good, that's great!

Why is she upset?

I had to say no.

No? Why?

One of Venoma's arrows hit her.

So she doesn't really like me.

She's just asking me because she's under a love spell.

That sucks...

But you did the right thing.

We're gonna figure out a way to fix things, okay, Prest?

She left her bag.

Hold on. Check it out.

The arrow hit a book...

that means, that means it never touched her.

So she's not under a love spell.

Then she really did ask me to the dance!

And I turned her down.

Oh no.

Ah, gee... she's gotta hate me now.

Oh man,how did things get so messed up?


[Mick] Hayley, hi. I need you and back here.

We're coming.

-I’m trying — I’m trying to - -No, you’re -

Guys, we all want the same thing,

so why don't we work together and get outta here...

And once we're out...

may the best man win her heart.

Which will be me, of course.

Now. They aren't looking... Let's go.

How does that look?

It should be strong enough.

[Hayley] Hey guys... What's up?

[Mick] We have come up with a plan dealing with Venoma--

Where did the Romeos go?

Oh they’re just over -

[Redbot] Suffering circuits, they've escaped!

[Redbot] Suffering circuits!

We've gotta track them down before they find their--

"True love."

We'll have to split up.

But then we'll be exposed to Venoma's arrows.

[Redbot] I think we have something that can help.

So, where do you guys think she is?

Turn right up here, Cal!

Monsters always hang out at the quarry!

No, try the beach!

I'm sure we'll find our lovely Venoma there!

No. No no no no, I wanna check out the gardens.

Bees love gardens!


Hey. Hey. Whoa.

Oh no... Nitro!

Ugh. Not now, it hurts to be away from Venoma!

Guys, where are you...?

Hey what is this stuff?

Smells like...


Oh no, that evil bee must be near.

[Venoma laughs]

Won't you be my Valentine, Blue Ranger?

[Venoma laughs]

I'd rather have a tooth pulled!

It's morphin' time!

Power Star! Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[Venoma] Don’t think you can escape me!

You’re mine!

[Blue Ranger] Never!

[Venoma] Try to keep up!


Yes! I got him!

Earth Ninjas are easy!

Come to me, my darling!

Venoma, I don't know why I didn't see it sooner.

[Venoma] Yes, we can be together!

You're my one true love!

[Venoma] If you really love me, you'll give me your Ninja Power Star!

Of course, my sweetness...

but first, there's just one little thing I need to do.

[Venoma] What? No!

[Venoma] Arh! That was my last Love Arrow!

And now my spell is broken!

Hurry up, Cal--

Venoma will be waiting for me!

Hey, I'm working as fast as--

Oh! Thank goodness we found you!

I thought you'd be married to the monster by now.

Married... to Venoma?

Are you nuts?

What happened?

They're fixed!

But... if they're fixed...

that means Preston's fighting the monster, alone!

-Oh! -Let's go!

Arr! But you said my love arrow struck you!

Oh yeah, I did say that...

This is made of metal...

your arrow never touched me.

Sorry Venoma...

You shouldn't believe everything you hear!

Ahh, tricked by a teen!

This can’t be happening!

Oh, no! The Blue Ranger fooled her.

Love can be so cruel!

You little sneak...

my Love Arrows may be gone, but...

I've still got fighting arrows!

Take this!

Guys, I'm at Greenville Clearing with Venoma!

[Calvin] Coming!

[Venoma] You can't hide!

Ninja Spin!

[Blue Ranger] Blue Tornado Strike! Ninja spin!

[Venoma] Venom Slash!

[Blue Ranger] Final Attack!

[Venoma] Arhh!

[Blue Ranger] Goodbye, Venoma!

[Venoma] This really stings!

[Cosmo] Un beee-lievable!


[Venoma] Hey, little Boy Blue!

[Blue Ranger sigh] This isn't good.

[Venoma] You're doomed!

[Blue Ranger] Uh oh! What’s that? The Blaze Zords!


[Blue Ranger] Right in the nick of time, guys.

[Red Ranger] We've always got your back, Presto.

Falcon Zord, Wing Strike!

[Venoma] Buzz off!

[Blue Ranger] Time to call the Serpent Zord! Ninja Spin!

[Blue Ranger] Out of the Shadows

[Blue Ranger] Let's end this!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, combine!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready.

[Venoma] Take this!

[Red Ranger] Blaze Hydro Shield!

[Red Ranger] Nice try, Venoma!

[Blue Ranger] They may not be Love Arrows any more...

but we're still gonna block every one!

[Venoma] Then I’ll wrestle you to the ground!

[Red Ranger] Think again.

[Venoma] Oww!

[Red Ranger] Serpent Punch!

[Venoma] Oww!

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

[all] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Ranger Blast!

[Venoma] Uh oh!

[all] Final Attack!

[Venoma] The Galactic Ninjas are no more!

[Rangers cheer]

[Red Ranger] Show's over, Ninjas win!

You were right, Hayley.

I — I never should have believed when he said,

Sandy wanted to go to the dance alone...

By now she probably already has another date.

Maybe, maybe not.

Why don't you ask her for yourself?

Yeah... Yeah, I will.

Hey, Sandy... do you have a sec?

What is it...? I ‘ve got homework to do.

I heard from Victor that you wanted to go to the dance alone...

but then you asked me,

and I wasn't sure you meant it,

but then I found out you did mean it,

but, but I already said no,

which was totally stupid...

because the truth is...

"The truth is..." what?

The truth is... I really like you.

And if you're not already going with someone...

I'd love to take you to the dance.

Really? You mean it?

-Yeah. -That’s fantastic!

I mean that'd be really cool.

I’ll see you tonight.

Move aside, Presto.

Hello there, Lori.

Looks like someone’s been shopping.

Did you get everything I asked for?

Of course.

There’s one giant pink teddybear!

And one pair of snow skis.

A diamond tiara.

And we mustn't forget your new veggie juicer.

And a fur coat.

Now you'll go to the Valentine's Day dance with me, right?

What about my balloons?

-Oh, Monty - -[Monty] Help!

Monty! Look out for the-

[series of loud pops]


Stupid cupid, get off of me!

No balloons, no date!

But I'll keep everything else. Thanks!



[theme music playing]
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