25x17 - Happy To Be Me

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x17 - Happy To Be Me

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe from the monster, Galvanax.

Ten years later,

the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madam Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her!

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

[Tynamon] Here's the plan.

I'll combine six Skullgators into a mega monster using your magic Mallet.

-And the Rangers' Fusion Star? -And they don't know it's missing!

[Voltipede] Too slow!

[Rangers groaning]

Finders keepers.

-Your plan will never work! -She's just jealous.

I'm gonna destroy the Rangers and get you the Power Stars!

Very impressive, Tynamon. That truly is a brilliant plan.

Yes, I know.

-But Badonna's right. -What? Why wouldn't it work?

You should know that their Ninja Stars respond to their voices.

Their voices?

Yes. Only their voices.

But don't give up, you know our deal.

You'll get your secret little wish when you get me results.

Ha! The chances of that are teeny-weeny!

Just watch me, missy!

If I need a Ranger's voice, then I'll steal one!

[Mick] Ta-da!

This is the Superstar Mode Star.

It works with your Gold energy

when you add it to the Superstar Blade that Sarah made.

-Nice. Whoa, a new mode for me? -Yes, sirree!

-Cool! -Give it a try.

All right.


-[Brody] Levi! -[Tynamon laughs]

-Tynamon used some kind of spell on you! -Are you okay?

[in Tynamon's voice] I'm fine.

-Aren't I? Wait, my voice! -What'd did you do to my brother?

[in Levi's voice, laughs] Isn't it obvious?

Oh, don't I sound great? I've got the voice of a Ranger!


He sounded just like you.

Tynamon must have switched my voice with his!

[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

[Hayley] I just don't get it.

Why would the monsters mess up your voice?

Well, the Ninja Stars respond to Ranger voices.

Without his voice, Levi can't morph. So, that's one less Ranger to fight.

Plus, I sound awful.

My singing career is toast.

[Hayley] Don't say that.

-Preston. -Mm-hm?

You said Tynamon put a spell on me, is that right?


Well, you can do magic, so how about reversing it?

-Uh... -I need my voice back.

It's not that simple.

I don't know what spell he used, so it's harder for me to undo it.

Will you at least try?


Yeah, sure. I'll check my spell books.


Man, I sound ridiculous.

[Victor] "Ridiculous?"

-You can say that again! -[laughs]

You sound like a chipmunk!

Very funny.

[in squeaky voice] Man, that's screechy.

[in normal voice] Somebody get this man some oil!

Guys! Levi is sick.

He has... "tynamonitis" of the throat.

Oh, no. Is he, um... [clears throat] "contagious?"

Oh, yeah. Very contagious.

Smile, and back away.

He could infect the whole school.

I don't wanna catch it.

I know just what we need. Come on.

-[gasps] -[screams]

[Sarah] Hey, Mick.


Can you get my voice back for me?

Um, here, I found this spell and it might work,

but dark magic is really powerful.

Preston, please just try it.

I can't stand listening to this screechy voice.

Okay. Okay, all right. [clears throat]

[clears throat]

Let's hope this works.

Evagoo taran dava

Help Levi speak once more. Put him back to how he was before!

-[yelps] -Oh!

Ah! Oh, no!

Oh, yes.

He is "back to how he was before."

Like, ten years before.


Preston! I'm a kid!

Hey, at least we can still see you.

Remember, Preston, you turned me invisible.

[stutters] I don't know what went wrong.

-Try another spell. -[Levi] No way!

He'll probably turn me into a pumpkin!


Okay, don't worry, little Levi, we'll help Presto go through the books.

Yeah, we will find the right spell to fix you.

Yeah. Of course we will.

[whispers] Someday.

So, I guess for now, you're my little brother, huh?

-[scoffs] Very funny. -[laughs]

[alarm blaring]

[Redbot] Oh, no. What is it, Mick?

Uh, Buzz-Cams detected in the city.

Let's go, guys. It could by Tynamon.

Oh, Levi, you should probably stay here, until you can morph again.

Hey, maybe Redbot can read you a bedtime story?


-[Levi] Very funny. -Sorry.

Would you really like me to read to you?

-No, it's a joke, Redbot. -Oh.

I'm gonna go out and get some air. See you later.

Welcome, Rangers. Are you ready?

-It's time to begin. -Hey! That's our Ninja Fusion Star!

Where did you get that?

You should remember, because you're the one who dropped it!

-[Brody] No way! -[Preston] What?

I just can't wait to use it.

The Star will never work for a monster!

-Will it? -Yes, it will.

Because he has Levi's voice.

Ninja Fusion Star, Lock in!

Turns out Tynamon is a genius!

Let's give him a bunch of Skullgators!


Skullgators, combine!

Ninja Spin!

[Preston] Oh, no!

Megamauler, ready!

Oh, this is bad. Really bad.

Oh, this is bad. Really bad.

Oh, yes, it's bad and it's beautiful!

I'm Megamauler and I'll flatten everything!

Not us!

[Rangers] Ninja Spin!


Ninja Steel Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Ninja Steel Megazord. Ready!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!


He's coming right at us!

-Whoa! -[groans]

Whoa! Whoa!

The Megazord's becoming unstable!

It's gonna break apart!

[all scream]

[Megamauler laughs]

He blew right through our Megazord!

There's no way we can beat a monster that was created by the Fusion Star.

Preston, you have to find a way to break Tynamon's spell and get Levi's voice back.

Right. I'll do my best. Let's get back to base!

-Hey, where'd the Rangers go? -You let them escape! You fool!

Oh, yeah? How's this for foolish? I'll crush you instead!

That's enough! I'd better shrink your ego down to size!

Oh, no! What's happening?

-How dare you shrink me down! -Me?

You're the one who let the Rangers get away!

You're worthless, you belong in the trash!



I've had enough of you, old man. I'm out of here!

You won't get away that easy!


Yo, can you kick the ball to me?

Sure. Here you go.


Dude, you've got the weirdest voice.

-[laughs] Did you guys hear that? -[both] Yeah.

[mimics Levi's voice] "Sure. Here you go. I'm a weirdo!"

Leave him alone, Casey! So, what if he sounds different?

Yeah, right. Whatever.

You okay? Those guys can be pretty mean.

I'm fine. That was really nice of you. I just have this cold.

I'm, uh, Aiden.

I'm Rosie.

I know how it is. People tease me about my red hair all the time.

Plus, they never let me play ball with them.

But I don't let it get to me.

Really? What's your secret?

Simple. I just remember the words of my favorite song.

♪ When times are tough And words are rough ♪

♪ What's inside is the key ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm happy to be me ♪

That's my song!

I mean, that's my favorite song.

You like Levi Weston, too?

Oh, yeah. He's, uh, great.

I've sung those lyrics lots of times,

but now they mean even more to me, you know?

Yeah. They mean a lot to me, too.

You ought to listen to Levi's music more carefully.

-You're right, I should. -[cell phone rings]

I gotta go. My dad just texted me.

It was good to meet you, Aiden. You're cool.

Thanks. You're very cool, too.

Bye. Hope you feel better.

What on earth are you wearing?

Oh. These are custom-made biohazard suits.

With these on, we're perfectly protected from the plague

that's sweeping through this school.

[gasps] Oh, yes, the plague. [coughing]

[Monty gasping]


-Monty... -Victor, let's get out of here.

[Victor and Monty screaming]

[laughs, sighs]

-Nothing in here. -Me either.

That's it. That's all the magic books I have.

I'm sorry, Levi. We haven't found a single spell that can help you.

[sighs] You know, maybe that's okay.

I've been thinking. It's not the end of the world.

I've been a kid before, and I can do it again if I have to.

And as for my voice, well, there's more to music than just singing.

Whoa, what's gotten into you?

I was feeling really mixed up, and then I heard one of my songs.

It made me realize that

no matter what changes on the outside, I'm still me on the inside.

And I'm really happy to be me.

-Wait a second. -What is it, Preston?

You said you were feeling "mixed-up." Maybe you were "mixed-up."

And so was my magic.

It got tangled with the spell Tynamon used. Hmm.

-Aha! -[Levi] What is it?

A "separation" spell.

-Will that work? -I hope so.

Are you ready?

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Sdnik owt fo cigam!

I think it worked! It did work! My voice is back!

-Yay! -And you're big again.

[Megamauler humming]

[Tynamon] What's that horrible sound?

Aha! There you are, Megamauler! I've been looking all over.

[in normal voice] How dare you run away from me! Wait my voice!

Ha! They must have broken your spell, fool!

Without Gold's voice, the Fusion Star won't work!

We'll have to destroy the Rangers the hard way!

Wait a second! What makes you think I'll help you?

Why wouldn't you?

I mean, you don't want folks to think you're scared of the Rangers, do you?

How dare you? I'm not afraid of anything!

That's not how it looks.

Then I'll show them! I'll crush those rotten Rangers!

Hmm, that was easy!

-It's good to have you back, bro! -[alarm blaring]

Melt my motherboard, I'm detecting monster activity on Third Avenue!

-We'd better go. -Oh! Uh, Levi!

Maybe you could test out the new Superstar Mode for me?

Sure thing, Mick!

We'll monitor things from here!


[Tynamon] Just in time, Rangers.

So, Preston's spell changed your voice back, too.

Well, it's a good thing you're all in one piece before we destroy you!

It's morphing time! Power Stars!

[all] Lock in!


Ninja Spin!


[Megamauler] Watch out, Rangers!

I'm going to give the word "destruction" new meaning!

Speaking of "new," time to try out my new Ninja Star!

Superstar Mode, Activate! Ninja Spin!

[Rangers] Whoa!

Check it out! Levi's new mode is epic!

Storm Star, lock in!

Storm Star, Tornado mode! Ninja Spin!

Defeating you is gonna be a breeze!

[Megamauler] A little wind doesn't scare me!

[Levi] It should.


Superstar Storm Slash! Final Attack!

[Megamauler screaming]

What? No!

-[Brody] That was amazing, bro! -I'm just warming up!

Here it goes!

Lion Fire Red! Come on let's help him out!

-[Preston] Yeah! -[Calvin grunts] Let's go!

[Sarah grunts]

[all grunting]

-[Tynamon groans] -[Rangers grunt]

Heads up!

-[grunts] -[groans]

Ow! That one hurt!


This will teach you not to steal people's voices!

Lightning Mode! Ninja Spin!

[rumbling, crackling]

Superstar Supercharge!


Lightning Slash! Final Attack!

[Tynamon screams]


Oh, no! My brilliant plan has fallen apart!

Hey, looks like you dropped something!

Our Fusion Star. Nice!

I'll get you for this!

-[Levi] Well, he's gone! -[Sarah] But we got the Star back!

Tynamon's a loser!

But shall we give Megamauler a second chance?

-[crowd cheering] -All right! Gigantify!

I'm back, folks! You know how I roll! [laughs]


Here comes Megamauler again. Better call our Zords.

Blaze Zord Stars!

[Rangers] Lock in!

Activate! Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Combine!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

-I'll flatten you all! -Not so fast, buddy!

-[metal clanks] -[Megamauler grunts]

He's too strong. We got to try another approach.

-Any ideas? -Block his roller!

No! I'm stuck!

[Sarah] It worked!

Wait a second.

The monsters surprised us by combining Skullgators,

maybe we can combine something surprising, too,

like the Blaze Megazord and the Ultrazord!

Great idea!

[both] Zord Stars! Activate! Ninja Spin!

All right team, let's hope this works. Ninja Ultra Star! Lock in!

Ninja Blaze Ultrazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Ninja Blaze Ultrazord! Ready!

A whole new combination!

[Sarah] This is amazing!

[Preston] Great idea, Brody!

[Brody] Let's try it out!

Aha, I'm rolling again!

He broke through the block! But we're ready for him!

[Megamauler roars, laughs]

[Brody] Blaze Ultra Strike!

[Megamauler groans]

-[cheering] -This thing is so fast!

Back off, Rangers!

[Megamauler grunts]

Blaze Ultra Blitz!


And again!


-[cheering] -Yeah! Let's finish this guy!

-Levi, take this! -Thanks, bro!

Going up! Ha!

All right, Megamauler, we're gonna make this quick!

Begin Final Attack! Ninja Spin!



Ninja Super Steel Blaster, energized!

[Rangers] Ninja Blaze Firestorm!

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

This isn't good! [screams]

♪ Altogether Power Rangers ♪

-[Preston] We made it! -[cheering]

[Hayley] We got him!

Show's over! Ninjas win!

So, Levi, how does it feel to be back to normal?

You know what,

the only difference is, that I look like this guy's big brother again.


Hey, wait. This is her.

Hey, your name's Rosie, right?

Oh, my gosh! Levi Weston?

Nice to meet you. I hear you're a fan.

You gave some good advice to, uh, a friend of mine.

He's a kid with sort of a funny voice.

You mean Aiden? Really, you're friends?

Yeah, we're, uh, we're very close.

So, I was wondering...

-Do you wanna play ball with us? -Yeah, that'd be great!

[Levi] All right.


-[Hayley] Wow! You got him! -[Sarah] That was great!

[Levi] Come on, Preston!

Wow. That's Levi Weston.

Excuse me, Mr. Weston? Can we play with you?

What do you think, Rosie? Can these kids play with us?

Hmm. I guess so.

Attagirl. Come on!

[all gasping]

Whoa! Nice kick!

[Rosie giggles]

These suits are golden, Monty.

With them on, we'll always be clean and safe.

[Victor] Ah! My mask!

[screaming, groaning]

Oh, no!

They're in my mouth! Ow!

[Monty] It's in my mouth, too!

-We're doomed! -[laughter]

[Monty] Oh, no!

[theme music playing]
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