25x20 - Doom Signal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x20 - Doom Signal

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously, Odius created a ray that could control humanity.

I can now take over the minds of anyone who watches Galaxy Warriors!

[narrator] She beamed it to every TV on Earth.

Unaware of her plan, Hayley and Calvin were fighting.

So, what, then? Are you saying we're done?

-[narrator] They broke up. -Fine, then.

[narrator] Soon, Hayley regretted it.

I'm such a fool.

[narrator] But she was too late to save Calvin.

With the Rangers divided, can Odius be stopped?


The mind control is working perfectly, Madame.

I will take the humans to the ship.

Odius wants to turn the entire human race into her personal army.

[Preston] We gotta do something.

You said the Rangers' base was in the school. Lead the way.

[Mick] Yes, Madame.

We gotta split up.

Preston, Levi, you come with me to go after Odius and Mick.

Hayley and I will go after Badonna,

stop her from taking people up to the ship.

Right, Hayley?

I still haven't heard from Calvin.

I'm sure he'll be fine. We should go.

-Redbot, are you there? -Yes, Preston.

Take the Ninja Super Steel and get out of the base, now!

-I'll do it at once! -[Preston] Odius is on her way! Hurry.

Suffering circuits, this is bad! Really bad!

-[w*apon powering up] -Oh, no!

[yelps, groans] I'm too late!

[Odius] And we're just in time. [laughs]

[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

-[w*apon powering up] -Oh, no!



[Odius] And we're just in time. [laughs]

Emergency! System malfunction!

Mick, get me the Super Steel.

Malfunction! Emergency!

Mick, don't do it! Malfunction! Malfunction!

Fire up the forge! We're going to make something special!

[Badonna] Step up, stupid humans!

Next stop, the Warrior Dome.

You lot, your turn. Move it!

They're already teleporting people. We're too late.

[gasps] No! They've got Calvin!

We gotta go after him.

Yeah, but we can't go to the Warrior Dome without a plan.


[Badonna] Move it! Move it!

[whispers] You're nuts.

Next group!

I don't see Calvin.

Come on, come on, come on.

[Basherbots chattering]

[Odius] So the Prism was here this whole time.

I'm going to give it a new home.

[Preston] What's Mick doing?

[Mick] The forging is done, Madame.

Yes, it's beautiful.

This star will make me unstoppable!

She's making a Ninja Star.

[Ninja Comm beeping]

The Rangers are here!

[Rangers groan]

[Odius] We need to move! Hurry!


[Levi] They're gonna get away.

Everybody, lift.

[all grunt]

-[Preston] They're gone. -They took the Prism, too.

-[powering up] Reboot in progress. -Redbot!

-[Brody] Are you okay? -[grunts] I'm fine.

[Ninja Comm beeps]

[Sarah] Guys? What happened?

Odius beat us to the Ninja Super Steel and took the Prism.

But we'll get them back.

[Levi] How are you two doing?

Calvin's been mind-controlled.

Oh, no. Calvin?

He was teleported up to the Warrior Dome, so we followed.

They're on the ship? I must speak with them. I have news.

Sarah, Hayley, I've discovered how Odius' mind-control works.

She is broadcasting a spell from the ship with some secret satellite dishes.

You must destroy them to stop this signal and fix all the people!

Satellite dishes. Okay.

Be careful. The ship has sensors that can detect if you morph.

Don't worry, guys, we're on it.

-[Brody grunts] -Rangers, you must prevent Odius

-from activating that Star. -We'll stop her.

[Brody] Let's track her down.


[Cosmo] These buffoons are hilarious! [laughs]

I'm a showbiz genius!


[Cosmo] Where do you think you're going?

Stop, please!

Fine, fine, no more hammers!

How about some nice simple juggling!

-Juggling should be easier. -Yeah.

-Off you go! -[Victor] Okay.

[audience cheering]

By the way, if you drop those balls, they'll explode!

They'll what?

[both scream]


Hayley, the satellite dishes must be in there.

[Basherbots mumble, gasp]

I'll hold them off.


[all grunting]

[alarm blaring]

The guards are gone.

Let's stop clowning around and get out of here!


There they are.

[Odius laughs] Put it right here, boys.

It's time to make the Prism work for evil.

For a thousand years, this has been my goal.

To raise an army and control the legendary powers of the Nexus Prism.

I'll be mightier than all the Rangers combined.

The universe will be mine.

Yes, Mick, yes. Throw the Star into the Prism!

Soon, my Ninja Nexus Super Star will be complete!

Did she say Nexus Super Star?

Dad had a Nexus Star.

[Brody] He took it from the Prism, and then Galvanax came for it.

-[grunts] -[screams]

[groans, coughs]

[Galvanax] Yes! The Ninja Nexus Star is mine!

Once I absorb its power, I'll rule the universe! [laughs]

[Levi] Wait a sec.

If Odius' one is made from Super Steel, it could be more powerful than dad's Star!

We have no idea how strong she'll be!



-I'll destroy you! -Dad, no!

Dad, no!

-[Dane grunts] -[Brody] Please stop!

You're being mind-controlled!

[all grunting]


Nice. A little entertainment while the Prism finishes its work.


-[groans] -[Levi] Preston!

Hayley, any luck? We need that signal stopped, now!

I found the satellite dishes.

There it is!

[gasps, groans]

[pants, grunts]

Calvin! Please, help me!

I won't help you.

I'll destroy you!

[both grunt]

Calvin, don't.

I cannot let you destroy the satellite signal.

Calvin, stop! I don't want to hurt you.

[both grunt]

-Calvin! Help! -Hayley!

I got you! I got you!

Hurry up, come forward. We don't have all day!

[gasping, screaming]

What? The mind-control isn't working! No!


[Preston] Brody!

[Levi] Dad, you're back to normal.

-[sword clanks] -Boys?

You're okay. Sarah and Hayley must have stopped the signal.

I'm sorry.

We're okay, Dad.

[sighs, screams]

Bad guys! Bad guys!

What? [grunts]

Curses! The signal stopped!

[Mick pants] Oh, boy, am I glad to see you.

Give it up, you're outnumbered.

Not so fast. The army was only part of my plan.

This will be your doom.

-[laughs] -[Brody] Quick, blast her!

Give up, Rangers.

Now, I will become one with the Nexus Super Star,

and unlimited power will be mine!


We gotta stop her.


[Calvin] I can't believe I almost hurt you.

[Hayley] It's not your fault.

Listen, Cal, I'm so sorry for breaking up with you.

I never should've been upset at you for telling me the truth.

You're an honest guy.

That's the thing I love the most about you.

Let's face it, I was wrong, too.

And I promise to be kinder when I know the truth may hurt your feelings.

-Now, let's go save the world, together. -Yeah! [chuckles]

-[groans] -[grunting]


[man] Back off!

[all grunting]

[man ] Come on, let's throw them down the trash chute!

-[man ] Yeah! -[man ] Yeah!

[man ] Good riddance!


-Sarah! -Hayley! Oh, good job.

And you found Calvin!

[chuckles] Yeah. I'm back in action. We both are.

Glad to hear it.

-[door opening] -[woman] Someone's coming!

-[gasps] -I wanna go home, right now.

You'll go home. Everyone will.

But first, someone's got to find a way to teleport all these people safely.

Yeah. We need a hero, like the Power Rangers.

But the Rangers aren't here, so...


-but we can do it. -[chuckles] Yeah.

I can figure out that teleporter thing.

No one's getting left behind on our watch.

Everyone is counting on you two.

Time to save the human race, Monty.

Okay. Everyone, follow us and listen closely.

-Go, go! -Come on. Let's go, guys.

[Sarah] Get to safety!

Let's go help our friends!

I feel my power rising.

Calvin, you're okay.

Yeah. But what's happening?

It's Odius, she's merging with the Nexus Star!

-[grunts] -[Rangers scream]


-[Brody] Everyone okay? -[Hayley] We're fine.

[Dane] Yeah.

Dad, Mick, leave this to us.

You don't need to tell me twice.

Good luck, team.

[Odius laughing]

It worked. I've transformed!

I am one with the Nexus Super Star!

It would be unwise to resist me now, Rangers.

It may not be wise, but it's exactly what we're gonna do.

It's morphin' time! Power Stars!

Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[all grunt]


Your Ranger powers can't stop me.

Today is the day I obliterate you all!

Today is the day I obliterate you all!

Oh, you can try, but you'll fail!

You may have destroyed my monsters, and the mighty Galvanax,

but none of them measure up to my new strength!

[Rangers scream, groan]

Odius is right. She's in a whole new league of power.

-Come on, we gotta go make a plan. -[Levi] Good call, Brody.

You can run, but you can't hide, Rangers.

That's the last of them!

[Monty] We did it, Victor.

[Badonna] What? You freed Madame Odius' soldiers?

How dare you! You're supposed to be juggling, not rebelling!

-Hey, those could explode. -Boom voyage.

-Careful! -[Victor and Monty] Catch!

[Badonna and Cosmo] No!

[Badonna and Cosmo scream]

-[Calvin] Guys, I think we lost her. -[Brody] Yeah, but not for long, I bet.

[Sarah groans] What are we gonna do?

Our weapons can't touch her.

We need something just as strong as the Nexus Super Star.

Wait a second.

Our Power Stars formed when the original Nexus Star was shattered.

Maybe we could combine our Super Steel Power Stars?

That's it! Everyone, hold out your Power Stars.

Vanna yatobo, sinistiwa habada!

[Hayley] Whoa, check it out.

[all] Whoa! Wow!

Its energy, it's inside us now, I can feel it!

We're full of Nexus energy.

Just like my dad was, only this time we're a whole team!

[Calvin] And we each have the energy of all six Power Stars!

Rangers, your time is up.

Prepare to be destroyed once and for all!

You've got another thing coming.

[all] Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Brody] Ninja Rangers fear no danger. [grunts]

You will!

[all grunting]

[Odius] What?

-[groans] -[grunts]

This is impossible! I should be beating you easily.

[Brody] Ever heard of Nexus Power?

What? It can't be!

[Brody] The power of the Prism flows through all six of us!

Just watch!

Super Ninja Steel Rangers, blades together!

[theme music playing]

[Rangers] Ultimate Nexus Blast!

My turn. Dark Nexus Strike!

[Brody] Give up, Odius, this is your last chance!

I'll never surrender!

[all grunting]

-[Preston] Hold on, guys! -[Odius screams]

[Brody] Let's finish this!

[Odius groans]

[Rangers] Nexus Ninja Strike, Steel Slash!

[Odius yelps, screams]

[Brody] Final Attack!

-[grunts] -[screams, groans]

No! Curse you, Rangers!

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Altogether Power Rangers ♪

[Brody] Game over. Ninjas win.

-[Sarah] Are you okay, Brody? -Yeah. It's finally over.

-[Sarah] Odius is gone for good. -[Levi] And the Earth is safe.

-[Brody] Good work, team. -[Levi] Yeah!

-[Sarah] We did it! -[Hayley] Yeah!

[Brody] You guys are awesome.

[crowd applauding]

And even though they had been kidnapped by monsters

and trapped on their alien spaceship,

this brave pair heroically evacuated hundreds of citizens safely back to Earth.

[woman] Go, Victor!

So I present Victor and Monty with...

the Summer Cove trophy for Extraordinary Heroism.

-[man] Way to go! -Yeah!


-My th trophy, it's so beautiful. -[camera shutter clicking]

Galvanax and Odius are gone, but we're still standing.

And so is the Prism with its Nexus Super Star.

[sighs] Back to how it was the day it arrived at our house.

The Prism is done helping us. Somebody else might need it now.

Goodbye, and thank you.

Oh, my!

And so, the legend of the Nexus Prism continues.

We're really gonna miss you, Mick.

We could not have saved the world without you.

And you, Redbot. You're like family now.

It was truly a great honor to fight beside you, Rangers.

I hope someday our paths cross again.

-Just hopefully not on a prison ship. -[laughter]

Yeah, and maybe we'll run into each other in outer space,

fixing rocket ships or something.

And I'll write a song about you and Redbot. You'll be legends.

I'll never forget you guys.

[Hayley] Aw.


Especially, since I'm not leaving.

Did you say you're not leaving?

Heck, no. Come on, I love teaching shop.

And besides, I have set up a satellite link

so that I can talk to my parents every night.

[clears throat] But you let us say goodbye.

Yeah. And let us go on and on

about how awesome you are and this and that and...

It was really sweet. And I love you all, too.

Now, shall we get back to work?

After all, we do have to clean out the Ranger base.

-[Hayley] Oh. -Yeah.

And, uh, don't you guys have exams coming up?

Oh! And what about training?

You may not be Rangers anymore, but we are still a team.

You're darn right we are. Some things never change.

[laughter, cheering]

-[Sarah] All right! -[Brody] Hurry up, Redbot.

[theme music playing]
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