25x22 - The Poisy Show

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x22 - The Poisy Show

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously, the Power Rangers battled

to protect the Ninja Steel from Madame Odius and her master.

In the end, the Rangers won,

and a strange asteroid knocked Odius deep into space.

Sledge, an outlaw, discovered the asteroid contained a rare metal.

It contains Super Ninja Steel.

[narrator] He agreed to fix Odius' ship in exchange for the asteroid.

Pleasure doing business.

[narrator] But Odius tricked him.

She had already stolen the Super Steel to use against the Rangers.

But her plans failed and she was destroyed.

[Odius groans]

[narrator] The Earth was safe, or so the Rangers thought.

[Sledge] Yes. The Warrior Dome!

[Poisandra] Yay! We found it.

It's abandoned, Master Sledge.

Those Power Rangers must have finally destroyed Madame Odius.

Good. She stole the Ninja Super Steel from me.

But now, it's my chance to get it back. Merry Christmas to us!

[Wrench] Get that trash outta here!

[Poisandra] Oh, I haven't had a blindfold surprise in years!

[Wrench] I've reprogrammed the surviving Basherbots to work for us.

[Sledge] Good job, Wrench.

Now, Pinkletoes, it's time for the best gift ever!

Oh, it's a--


Some kind of junky, wrecked TV studio?

That's what you gave me for Christmas?

-[grunts] -[Sledge] Relax, my darling wifey poo.

-Once I fix it up, it will be... -[Poisandra gasps]

[Poisandra] "The Poisy Show"!

Oh, Sledgums. My own talk show. It's all I've ever wanted.

You're the best hubby in the universe.

[Sledge] Aw, shucks!

I'm going to need some famous guests.

I know just the people, my love.

How about I capture the Power Rangers for your show?

Oh, yes!

-They'd be perfect! -[Basherbots mumbling]

[Poisandra] You, listen up!

-This is what I want. -Psst! Wrench!

What she doesn't know is that while she gets a TV show,

I get the Rangers' Power Stars.

-[laughs] -You're a genius, Master Sledge.

I know! [laughs]

[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

It's very generous of the students

donating all of these Christmas presents to charity.

I'm glad you've volunteered to deliver them.

Christmas is a busy time, so we're happy to help any way we can.

Well, it is much appreciated.

Guys, I just heard from Santa and he's not far away.

With his help, delivering these presents is gonna be a cinch.

[pants] Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

But look what came for us.

Oh, it's from Wes Collins, the Time Force Red Ranger.

-[Sarah gasps] -[Brody] It's a Trans-Portal device.

Just like the one the other Rangers used.

And there's an Intergalactic Message Disc. Play it.

-That's Wes, all right. -Hello, Rangers.

With this Trans-Portal Device, you can travel between dimensions,

and aid other Rangers in times of extreme danger.

Use it wisely, and have a Merry Christmas.

Oh, I'm so glad we're still Rangers.

Maybe another exciting adventure awaits us. [chuckles]

[Calvin] Yeah.

Hey, look. The Nexus Prism, it's back.

What's it doing here?

It gave us back our Power Stars?

Why would it be giving us back our Ranger abilities?

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, from me, Sledge.

[Snow Fright] It's gonna be a white Christmas for you! [laughs]

[Preston] Look out!


[laughs] Good work, Snow Fright!

They're completely snowed in.

-We're trapped! -We're snowmen.

I don't know why Madame Odius had such a tough time with you wimps.

That was easy.

-Let go my friends! -Whoa!

Ah! Snow Fright, you missed one!

Listen up, buddy.

I've dealt with Rangers before and you're not getting away!


-[Sledge growls] -[beeps]

[Preston screams]


Huh? Where'd they go?

Oh, well, your friend doesn't stand a chance against Sledge on his own.

Now, as they say, the show must go on.

[Snow Fright] Welcome to the set of The Poisy Show, Rangers!

I'll take your Power Stars, too.

-Hey! -Thanks!

I've tied them up and taken their Stars for you, ma'am.

Good thinking.

Wouldn't want any of them morphing, would we? [laughs]

Someone's missing. Where's Sledge?

It's time to start the show.

Well, uh...

The Blue Ranger opened a portal and then he and Sledge tumbled through it.

Oh, Sledge is so sweet.

He'd do anything to capture all six Rangers to be my guests.

I can't believe Preston's in another dimension with that monster.

I hope he's okay.

[both scream, grunt]

Huh? [laughs]

Looks like you dropped something.

Without this, you'll never get back to your world.

Unless, of course, you give me your Power Star.

Not gonna happen.

Fine, then. You're not going anywhere. [grunts]

-[laughs] -[pterodactyl screeches]

[Preston groans]


-[Preston screaming] -[Sledge] No!

Where am I? That creature looks familiar.

I gotta get that Power Star!

Welcome to the Christmas special of The Poisy Show!

[audience cheering]

Starring the beautiful, the glamorous,

the pinkest of them all, Poisandra!

[chuckles] That's me!

Today, we'll be getting the goss from our first guests,

the Power Rangers.


Now, I heard that the three of you

fell in love with the same monster, Venoma!


-Huh? -[groans]

-Huh? -Venoma, my sweet darling!

-[Levi groans] -Oh, she's beautiful!


I got him!


-You're my one true love! -[both chuckle]

We weren't really in love with her. It was just a spell.

Typical men.

They say they love you and next thing you know,

you're getting blown up! [chuckles]

I've been with Sledge for over million years,

and he still doesn't listen to me.

Wow. She gets pretty worked up when she talks about Sledge.

[Poisandra] Sledge forgot my birthday...

Maybe we can use that to help us.

If we keep reminding Poisy how terrible he is,

maybe we could turn her against him.

Yeah. And when Sledge shows up again, she'll let him have it.

He'll be so distracted, we can escape.

Okay, sound like a plan, let me try it.

[Poisandra chuckling]

-Um, hey, Poisandra. -Huh?

I have a beautiful story about "true love"

that I think your viewers are gonna adore.

Ooh, I love it.

Please, go on.

Okay, uh, well, when my mom and Hayley's dad first started dating,

we weren't so happy...

I'm Sarah's mom, Jackie.

Aaron Foster, Hayley's dad.

Let's get this drone working again so you can win this contest.

Great idea. And then, maybe we could get a bite to eat?

Okay, their date will definitely go badly

if we give them a little bit of "dating advice."

-What do you mean? -My mom hates exotic foods, right?

But you could tell your dad that she loves weird, unique food.

And my dad gets motion sickness,

but you could tell your mom that he loves rides.

So good...

-What was that? -A fried grasshopper!

You love exotic food, right?


-[Jackie] Whoo-hoo! -[groans]

-[Aaron] Argh! -[Jackie laughing]

[Hayley] Yes! Our plan worked!

How would you feel if someone broke up your team?

I think we made a really big mistake.

Yeah, we've got to find a way to get them back together again.

Hayley and I have something we want to say to both of you.

-Really? -Yes.

It wouldn't have anything to do with our picnic, would it?

-Oh, you know?! -Give us a little credit, girls.

Once we started talking, we figured it out pretty quickly.

[shrieks] Yeah, I guess it was a silly thing to do

'cause we just want you guys to be happy.

-Oh, yeah. -Can you forgive us?

Just promise us you'll stay far away from our next date.

-Oh, you got it. -[laughter]

You and Sledge probably never have problems.

-Hmm? -Are you kidding?

Sledgums is always causing problems for me.

Sometimes I think he doesn't care about my feelings at all.

Keep it up, guys, we've just got to keep hitting her buttons!

Let me go! [grunts]

[Preston screaming]

[both grunt]

[both groan]

Preston? It me, Koda!

-The Dino Charge Blue Ranger! -Oh, yeah, Koda!

-[groans] -[chuckles]

The portal device must have thrown me into Dino Charge world, prehistoric times.


-What you doing here? -Ah...

A monster captured my friends, tried to catch me, too.

He tackled me, and...

must have activated the Trans-Portal Device.

We tumbled through a portal and ended up here.

His name is Sledge.


-Sledge still alive?! -Yeah.

He very bad.

Can you help me find Sledge?

I need to get back to my world and save the other Ninja Steel Rangers.


He this way.

[both] It's morphin' time!

Onto our next question,

you two look like lovebirds, I could spot it from a mile away.

Am I right?

-Yes. -Yes.

-Yes, you are. -Mm-hm.


But it hasn't always been smooth sailing.

We've had a lot of problems.

Ooh, juicy. Do tell.

I totally forgot our anniversary this year!

[gasps] Goodness gracious, you're a terrible boyfriend!

I know, right?

And if that's not bad enough, I lied about it, too.

-So, looking forward to bowling tonight? -Yeah.

Uh, hey, guys!

-[Calvin] Hey! -[Preston] Hey!

-Ooh, whatcha got there, Hayles? -Good one you ding-dong. It's your gift.

-Gift? -Yeah.

I can't wait for our anniversary dinner tonight.

Thank you!

Uh, dinner?

-What about--? Aah! -And...

I got you a present, too, of course.

Um, I'm-- I'm, uh, saving it for our dinner.

You obviously didn't get her a present, did you?

Shh! No, I forgot.

Okay, forgetting is bad, but lying about it is worse.

Just tell her the truth.

I can't. It's too late.

When we were fighting Deceptron,

he said that our lies were what gave him the energy to blast us.

He's must be trying to trick us, right?

Because none of us have been lying.

-Right? -Yeah, right.


I lied to you this morning when I said I'd gotten you a gift.

I'm so sorry, Hayley.

-Can you forgive me? -Of course I can.

I'll never let something as stupid as a lie get between me and her.

Aw, how sweet.

I'm sure Sledge would never lie like that.

Oh! Sledge lies to me all the time.


-[Poisandra] Oh, why? -It's working.

I know.

[grunts] Get out of the way!

Where did that leathery beast take the Blue Ranger?

-[Preston] Surprise! [screams] -[groans]

[Preston] Looking for us?

Two Blues? I think I'm seeing double!

I destroy you before. I destroy you again!

You should've stayed out of this.

Now I'll take your Blue Energem and his Power Star!

[laughs, grunts]


No! Koda!

[Sledge laughs]


It's over for you, little boy blue. Ha-ha!

It's over for you, little boy--

-[growling] -Huh?


I wonder what that is?

-[snarling] -Huh?

Oh, brother.

-[roars] -[screams]


-Nice dinosaur. -[snarls]

Come on, guy.

Don't worry. His name "Kroooya." He not hurt you.

He's your friend?


[chuckles] Kroooya, gross!

Good dinosaur. Yeah, you go home now, bye.

-Bye, Kroooya. -Look!

Sledge so scared he drop Portal Device!

Then he's trapped here. Let's go save our friends!

Come on!

You won't get away from me that easily.


[Preston grunts]

[Preston] Follow me.

[screams, groans]

That was close. Now, I'll destroy those Rangers.

Rangers, your stories have made me realize that Sledge never treated me right!


Wrench, where are the Blue Rangers?

I just need one more Power Star.

Hold up, did you just say Power Star?

It's not what it sounds like.


You only wanted the Power Stars!

-This show was just to distract me! -Oh, oh. I can explain.

[Sledge] Please!

It's all about you, Poisy, you gotta believe me.

Tell him how you really feel, Poisandra.

-What? Shut up, Ranger! -[cheering]

I'm sick of you treating me like dirt, Sledgums!

I won't have it! No more excuses!

-Psst! Hey, guys! -Preston! Thanks.

I can't believe you'd do that to me again!

-Koda. Thank you. -[Poisandra] You never change!


My parents were right about you all along!


Hey, stop!

Ha! Too late.

No! They got their Power Stars back!

Argh, curse you, Blue Rangers!

[Rangers] Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Show's over, we're outta here.

Vivix-- I mean, Basherbots, find them!

This way! Are you sure you're ready? Okay.

Follow me.

Into the garbage chute!

Trust me.

-[Calvin grunts] -Okay, bro!

Right behind you, guys!

Stop, you won't get away that easily!

Oh, no. I guess I'll have to ambush them on Earth!

[Sarah] Brody... [chuckles] you secretly called Santa!

Yep, Snow Fright is after us. Can you get us home fast?

-Right away, Rangers. Ha! -[rein slaps]

[Koda] You stop her. I have gift idea for Sledge.

[Santa] And I'll help you deliver it, Koda.

Get ready.

Those Rangers will be here any second.

Ho, ho, ho!

We're over Summer Cove now.

[Brody] Everybody, jump!

[Rangers grunt]

Ha! Called it.

[Rangers grunting]

Out of the fire and into the fight! Lion Fire Red!

[gasps] Fire doesn't go well with ice.

Then you're finished. Lion Fire Ninja Spin!

[Rangers] Lion Fire Heatwave, Final Attack!

[Snow Fright groaning]

I'm melting!

[laughter, cheering]

[Brody] Nice job, guys.

[Sledge screaming]

Well, Wrench, did you find the ship's Magna Beam?

No, but it has a Gigantify ray.

[laughs] That sounds like just what we're after!

Merry Christmas, Sledge. [scoffs]


Ice to be back! Ha-ha!

[Rangers] Zord Stars, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Megazord, ready.

[Preston] Ninja Steel Megazord, Dragon Formation, ready.

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready.

[Levi] Bullrider Megazord, ready.



Time for a cold snap.

[all groan]

She's gonna turn our Megazords into snowmen.

We've gotta stop her, it's getting really chilly out here.

Hold on, bro. We'll think of something.

I have an idea, let's hope it works.

Ninja Ultrazord, combine!

Ninja spin!

[Rangers screaming]

I did it. They're a giant snowman!

-[Calvin] Surprise! -[gasps]

[Calvin] Ninja Ultra Sword, ready!

[all] Ninja Ultra Strike!



Let's melt this snowflake.


Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Super Steel Blaster, energized!

[all] Ninja Ultrazord Blast! Final Attack!



I didn't have a snowball's chance!


♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

[all cheering]

Show's over. Ninjas win.

[Sledge] I'm so sorry, Poisy.

-Please forgive me. -No way! [sobs]

Sledge, look what I found. I didn't know you got Poisandra a gift.

Really? You got a gift for me?

Um, yes? Uh... Of course.

Oh, this changes everything.

Wrench, I didn't get her a present.

Well, if you didn't, who did?

You're the best, Sledgums!

Aw, anything for my princess. [chuckles]

"Merry Christmas from the Rangers"?

What? This present isn't from you at all!

You lied again!

-Poisy, no! Give me a second. -I hope you hit by an asteroid...

-Oh, how sweet. -[b*mb ticking]

Look what they got you.

-[all scream] It's a b*mb! -[b*mb ticking]

-[Koda] Thank you, Santa. Bye! -Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas!

It's so awesome of Santa to deliver those presents for us.

Yeah, Santa's a great guy.

And so are you, Koda.

You're a good friend.

-Thank you so much for helping us today. -Of course!

I glad Sledge finally gone.

Rangers not just friends, Rangers family.

[all chuckle]

Oh, is why I have surprise for you.

Santa help me get presents.

-Wow. For us? -Mm.

-Thanks, Koda! -[chuckles]

-Uh... Wow! Caveman clubs. -Mm.

You come home with me for caveman family Christmas!

-It's gonna be a merry Caveman Christmas! -Mm.


-[all grunting] -[Levi whoops]

[theme music playing]
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