19x05 - The Rescue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x05 - The Rescue

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai

now that Antonius okay with the kitty I

figure we can let her hang around again

I hope so

check out what's going on over here


Focus this requires all of our attention

Okay I can do this wow it's strange to

see those two buddy buddy yeah but what

are they doing with the light sword

maybe your technology can harness the

power of the Zora






I think we should go fishing now great

sure could use a break

hey Mike

have some

come on


hey we're going fishing no we're not

yeah or not yeah no we need to keep

working on this yeah but we need privacy



samurai forever





how I miss you I don't trust that

serator and master xandrin's plans seem

even more stagnant than this River

what in the Nether world what is that



wait what's that sound could it be those

bubbles it is it It could only be ice

car Rising back up from the deep uh oh

Master Sandra this is great news for you

I'd like you to meet eye scar

let me be I'm taking my medicine but

we've come up with the plan to finally

deal with the samurai rangers a plan you


I'd like to hear this

please enlighten us I'm eyeing a trap to

take out those silly samurai rangers I'm

going to use the way their pathetic team

cares about one another to take them all

down coming from him I'm sure the plan

is sheer Genius so Raider ice car has

come up from the darkest parts of the

sanzu if anybody can get those punks

it's him so employing Ruffians is the

best you can come up with

how very

well I have plans too but for now I will

keep them to myself I don't like secrets

you'll know my plan soon enough my good



I can't stand that guy or his fancy




you'll unlock tremendous powers


it's done





Spike it's time for us to figure out our

Samurai symbols I'll do yours

you embody the most


where's my arms and my legs

that's not you that's your symbol a twig


don't you get it the Majestic twig can

be many great things

join together it can be shelter

piled high can give us warmth as

firewood even our practice swords are

nothing but large Twigs thanks

now you do mine you do mine

hey look over there

the lights on



they would never leave us behind

someone must have ambushed them I think

you're right

this is all my fault

it wouldn't have come here if I hadn't

been messing around finally figured that

out huh enough all that matters now is

finding mentor and Antonia

what's he doing with this thing anyway

hey everybody

it's Antonio's fishing school and it


that way


of course it leads to a creepy tunnel

they must have taken them down there get

ready we're going in



thank you

thank you

it's too dark in here to see I can fix


thanks Mike

the trail leads this way

ah yes now all that's left for us to do

is play the waiting game

what do you want from us Nylock I got

what I want the two of you

why us you're the Catch of the Day

You're the bait I'm gonna use to lure

the rest of your color-coded friends

wouldn't you like to give them a call I

bet you would well too bad they'll come

for you from the only entrance to this

Valley from right there

and when they do my mooger Army will be

waiting with open arms


don't worry we just have to keep faith

that the team will find us

we don't need faith


remember my fishing spool

I accidentally dropped it

I wonder if someone named Jaden will

find him


this time you've surprised even me



it's got a bad feeling about this

this is beyond creepy


it's the end of the line


everyone be on guard


hey check out the light sword it's

flying around all on its own

dropkick huh

you know

when you first came back I thought you

were trouble

I'm glad to say

I was wrong

you are yes

you deserve your spot on the team

you are truly worth your waiting

in Gold sure



case we don't make it out of this thank

you for putting up with me

and you know

believing in me

all I believe in is capturing the rest

of your crew

we keep ing them down but there's no end

to them if I could just take out these

fish faces I have a feeling the lights

or should help us don't worry I got

their backs okay Mike time to make your

move you got it pardon me excuse me

coming through

got it hey I think there's something in

the Light Zord look then hit it all


nice Shark Attack Mode

Antonio did it now we can unleash the

shark disk's Powers whenever we want

when you mess with my friends you swim

in dangerous water

now let's go find the guys let's roll


almost done hold on

I can't wait to see my samurai symbol


I'm done are you ready to see your

samuraising I sure am


but Spike that can't be my samurai

symbol it's nothing like me

what is the Patty tooth in twig


didn't we already fill our quota for the

day it forces seem more focused across

the valley you're right they're

expecting us along the valley sure but

if we charge down there we'll still be

at numbered 101


luckily I have a better idea


your pathetic buddies will be coming

through that pass any minute now and you

get to watch them fry

Antonio we will make it through this

even in defeat they are delusional


not delusional

I've just gotta hunch

what's a noise

heads up Nylock what


nothing's impossible with the black box

I can even pilot the Samurai battle wing


I can't believe they avoided my track I

thought they could only spot Us by

coming through that pass surprise to see


Green Ranger

ready Hey guys you're free

pink ranger ready


Blue Ranger ready

Yellow Ranger ready catch cold power

thanks for having my back gold ranger

ready how in the world did you Rangers

figure out my trap

not so fast

and red ranger ready rangers together

samurai forever Rangers to the left of

me Rangers to the right of me I can't

believe my eye who's getting the last

laugh now Nylock

your plan didn't work and now it's gonna

come back to bite you

you make me spitting man


what's up


haven't you Motors figured it out when

it comes to fighting dream means stop

wake up

I'm not exact

ly I haven't even begun to show you what

I can do yeah my moves are golden but

it's my Barracuda Blade that will cut

you down to size


huh what

all right now it's time for us to go for

the gold

lights out I'm pouring you to bed Ranger

without even a bedtime story but seeing

you lose will be a happy ending for me

at least

think again battle this scatter shot

nice Fast Watch What shark mode can do



I knew we could unlock the shark disc I

got my eye on you Rangers you are done

for you okay now what

by his folding sword mega mode power

swords combined

we need you



battle sword East Let's Dance

double the swords double the fun



this guy's a heavy hitter

hold on

not so fast call battle Zord West

can't escape now we've got to help


I've got your Golden Boy Rangers what

are you gonna do now back off


super mode



now shark attack

I'm not a shark bait



I forgot

we got him

that was a really great team effort

Fantastico samurai rangers Victory Is



against impossible odds you got the job


you saved us and I for one will be

eternally grateful

that makes the two of us

so is the shark disc gray or what

you truly outdid yourself this time

oh no now it's going to be even more

full of himself

I'm just glad you two are okay



how about some more snacks


forget the trail mix I'll warm up

something for you in the kitchen cool


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