19x11 - A Sticky Situation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x11 - A Sticky Situation

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai



bet I can beat you using only one arm


I win and You Got Served

that doesn't count hey I can't compete

with your Technique so I have no choice

but to outweigh you

is that a compliment

me compliment you

no way

you two could work together as well as

you compete against each other you'd

both be twice as strong

wait looks like it's our chance to show

them how well we work together


yeah that's right run away

you're the one who should run you know

there's explosions and misery such a

nice day then you show up to wreck it

but I a boxer will wreck you instead

come on Mike right

hey your moves on here fast they're all

bad he's a move that are really Scorpio

you watch together we'll shut you down

quick right together huh what a good


what what in the world is this get it

off we're stuck looks like you're in a

real sticky situation back off

back off now to finish my handiwork

oh no not the other one too hey don't

pull so hard Frank we're glued together


samurai forever Jayden







stop moving you stop moving struggle all

you want but as long as I'm around

you'll be stuck like that forever

forever no and you're next no chance

yeah yeah what's next is you going down


all right Light Zord let's light him up

battle this scatter shot

if I'm not sticking around from this

hey wait I'm back here wait Michael no



did you hear what he said unless we

defeat him

I think we'll be stuck like this forever



it's just like walking but faster now

get off my back squid breath that's

octopus breath to you enough of this

proven to be useless

show it's time for you to face my steal

what the hell please one moment Master's


epoxer is just being modest he's dealt

quite a blow to the Rangers he's put two

out of commission so please spare him

what are you babbling oh you're right

good save thanks to my glue the blue and

green ranges are in a let's say sticky


took out two Rangers wait a second

here's an idea if you stick a bunch of

humans together the other Goody

Two-Shoes Rangers will come running then

you can trick him into stepping into a

patch of your glue

hey that's not bad I can't believe I

didn't think of that I can you have glue

on the brain it's so hard to find good

health these days am I right

yeah I never see anyone catch a ball

with their face before

now let's start sticking together humans

he's stuck on spin cycle

we'll just wipe it off

ready guys


go foreign we're ready as we'll ever be


I'm sorry guys

it wasn't your fault you guys didn't do

anything wrong we let that nylon get


and we could be like this forever we'll

fix this as soon as the Nylock comes

back and what if he doesn't then what


he'll come back

they always do

and when he does

you two will be in no condition to face

what no he's right the rest of us will

have to handle it

this should be interesting


let's start with basic casagiri


my foot you pulled me that way ah come

on Mike Focus

that was your fault you keep pulling me

around come on left to right left to

right I was doing that she went the

other way come on this is awful look I

know you guys can pull this off but

first you have to get in sync tell that

to this guy

ah you guys think you're fighting that

glue it's really fighting yourselves



okay we can do this


stop pulling me I'm not pulling you are

man come on Mike I can't

just follow me and we'll nail these

symbol Powers who put you in charge



I know it's hard but fighting isn't

gonna solve anything

come on there has to be something around

here we could do to be useful

pick it up from the top Mike I can't

when your hands are there man what is

Mia been cooking


this way and what's wrong with this way

the trash is this way okay but it's

easier to go this way I said this way

hey what's going on here what's wrong

with you guys

we were just trying to help out

yeah if you can't fight the Nylock

together and try to make yourselves

useful go

get some groceries got it sorry mentor

this way


dude how can we even be Rangers if we

can't even take out the trash

I'll do whatever it takes to get those

saps to show up I'll trap those ranges

we look way weird Kevin I know but we

got to make this work it's a school


what we're just uh practicing the walls

a waltz Ali

one two three one two three

what are you doing we're not dancing the

Wolves foxtrot

Mike ah just come on

hey man you can scrub this Gunk off with

the stick

it's stuck that's pretty funny huh

right not funny maybe I can just uh rub

it off no no no no no don't you oh

thanks you're gonna go now



oh man


that's it that's it

hold on one second let me put this

change in my pocket

dude what are you doing

I'm sorry

forget it

we have bigger things to worry about

oh like how we're gonna get these things

home anyway

if you're gonna ask to switch places

forget it no I was just gonna tell you

how impressed I am with this idea you're

always so creative


I have to be I don't have your mad


hey was that a compliment you tricked me



what's up


I drink a lot of juice this morning

through oh man now to finish setting out

the bait

and my perfect Ranger traps complete


I was thinking of letting you ride for a

while but after that little pit stop

there's no way

what again look


let's hit it



what no we've got unfinished business

you and I oh I'll finish you all right

wrong epoxer you got us mad and when we

get mad you get gone

well then Catch Me If You Can you coward

you're not getting away this time yeah

we're gonna Stick it to you

what gives

we're caught in that glue of this

he tricked us I sure did you literally

fell right into my trap do you have to

work hard at being this dense or does it

just come naturally


now to Quicken the pace

Mia can you get off me don't you think

I'd like to I'm not doing this on

purpose stay calm guys

now that's funny




we're the only ones who could stop him


but Kev how can we fight like this

look I know you guys can pull this off

but first you have to get in sync

Kev I have to ask you a favor


I can't keep up with your Technique

you're too good would you be willing to

lower yourself a notch so we could be in


well in a situation like this you really

need your creative mind I'd rather

follow your lead and match your moves

Mike I'm putting my faith in you because

I know you'll deliver

what do you say

wow Kev you're an even better guy than I


and yes that was a compliment

now let's do this


stick around you've got a great view to

watch me destroy the city you just watch

it's blue in me against you humans let's


I'll glue the whole world together

not if we can help it what now how dare

you interfere with my fun play time's

over Nylock oh yeah and just who you two

jokers watch and see Go Go Samurai

hey I know you it's time to take them

down with your Technique plus your


Samurai Ranger ready

this is the best joke yet

seriously though you guys are toast keep

dreaming all right Mike let's show them

what this team can do follow me right

you asked for it

flying front kick to the chest right


one Little Chorus Line kick won't stop

me rapid chats now yeah a psychic you

got it

now flip me

now we're rolling flip me up going up

coming down

your turn get your kicks in sounds good

you thinking what I'm thinking windmill


nice Mike you too Kev now let's finish

this creep quit dancing around and fight


dancing then you don't mind if we cut it

time for this nylock's last dance you

ready never been more ready for anything

you'd better be ready to lose yeah time

for a math lesson with us one plus one

doesn't equal two

and even it equals one less Nylock





no now you're finished hydrobo ready


all right

oh we did it oh man it's great to be

free you said it bro


yes we're free yes yes yes


what is this what's wrong I stepped in

gum oh

we did it Mike we sure did together I

even think I was getting a hang of those

dance steps

if I can't stick you together I'll tear

you apart

Megazords to the rescue thanks for

ungluing us guys


nice one YouTube did a nice job as well

now leave the rest to us I'm calling in

one serious sword

autosaurus get in the game

Mega low power

full Megazord armed for battle


are North ready

ride Zord Mega Mode Power

Light Zord armed for battle you guys

just don't know when to give up do you

well let me give you a hint it's right

now enough

oh not enough I guess

all right you asked for it it's time to

bring out the big a*mo

shoulder Blaster

you'll have to do better than that then

again there's no way you can do better

than this octo spear George

Spin Attack

hey hold this power up

all right Shogun Mode


now I'm stuck revolving laser blaster


samurai rangers Victory Is Ours

this is taking too long

waiting for a serrator is growing tires


I apologize for not keeping in touch for

oh the last 200 years

do I know you why of course we go way


so how do you like being a half Nylock

have you gotten your fill of evil for

the moment

but I still have unfinished business to

attend to you're strong no Mortals have

been able to handle being a nyloc this

long both you and die you are very

impressive enough talk

can you fix my soul to a muscle or not

well I created it and I was the one that

gave it to you you act as if I knew that

stay calm Decker I can fix your sword

and I use harmonium But first you must

both do something for me I would do

anything to have this restored to me I

will mend it

did create it and you have shown me a

curse existence

so what will you show me next take pride

in knowing you shall soon play a huge

part in Mankind's destruction

ah you have made a good choice

if you do my bidding we cannot fail





cans looks like they finally found their

synchronicity eggs no




all right

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