19x16 - Fight Fire With Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x16 - Fight Fire With Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai


the Shima family crest



we knew this day would come

this changes everything

the other rangers will finally know my


I hope they'll be able to forgive me





it's you

huh no welcome from my furry Ward


I've been so lonely

since you left I've had no one to trade

insults with I'm glad you're back so

Master xandroid's still recovering at

the bottom of the sansu river

he stayed in the human world too long

and almost completely dried out

at least he fixed your harmonium before

that happened and in return I pledged my

loyalty to him good but I don't know

when he'll be back right now he must

soak up as much misery from the San Tzu

River as he can remember the boss has a

big t*nk and it'll take some time to

fill we should cause the misery of Our

Own in the meantime oh here's what we

can do Ambush the Red Ranger and take

him down

if we get rid of him we save the boss

and we save ourselves go on I'm

listening I have the perfect w*apon and

the perfect Nylock to use it she's fast

as Lightning and knows how to fight fire

with fire


it's me octuru yearning for a dose of

something wicked

have I got a job for you


I didn't think they'd let you back on

this ship

what's the matter couldn't make any

friends on Earth just like here

listen bird brain no matter where I go

I'm still in Nylock rather than testing

my patience with your taunts why don't

you try something challenging help us

take down the Red Ranger

well played

your skills are exactly what we need for

this job all you have to do is Target

the Red Ranger these are specially

designed to take down the head of the

Shiva Clan hmm

what are they fire flashers Red symbol

power is fire so we're going to fight

fire with fire these are filled with

evil Flames from the San Tzu River every

time they strike it'll make a fire

within him burn and destroy him from the

inside out

the Red Ranger is through

Valic attack at the park let's go



take him out

so that's the Red Ranger the head of the

fiery Sheba Clan time to use these fire

flashers to really like



I feel these guys get uglier every time

I see him yo lugers have cornered the

market on ugly it's what they do best

stay focused pick your targets I picked


what was that

you okay

what's that smoke yeah it feels like my

insides are burning up let me get you

even more are fired up

all right we'll stop burning what are

those things

where is she hello


it burns she's singling out Jaden we

have to protect him


those blasts are powerful I feel okay

that blast didn't affect me much really

yeah I'm barely scratched I think we can

block our sh*ts Rangers



is that just happening to him

I'll tell you why the head of the Sheba

family has massive fire symbol power my

fire flashers simply ignite the Flames

already inside him and you can't stop me

you can't even see me


where is she we must protect Jaden in

the Sealy power

guys stop taking hits for me we have to

protect you besides her hits aren't that

strong we're a team Jaden he's right if

they want you they'll have to go through

us first Emily's right we six are a team

till the end they're too loyal

please you guys need to stop protecting


you can handle this

you want me then fight me not them

for Samurai mode

nice vest

grinder and won't help come on we can't

let him do this alone

that's just who Jaden is

he'll do anything to protect us

you humans are pitiful

Jayden watch out this will finish you

think again say hello to my bazooka


I can't believe the fire didn't consume

him what happened if he's the head of

the shiba family there should have been

enough fire symbol power in him to

destroy him

oh there's only one explanation

you're gonna be okay just hang on you

gotta lead Kevin

You Can Count On Me

just rest here buddy we're coming back

for you

let's do this super samurai combination




s are breaking loose



don't worry I'll handle this


now you'll see how Wicked I can really


hard it can't be jaded yeah he's still

on the ground

what's going on who's in his sword

I've all seen enough of your

disappearing act it's time to make you


I have and your hair brain moves and

here now

it's time to make you disappear

you know what hair like yours needs a

good blow dry


wow what gifts





samurai rangers Victory Is Ours this

doesn't make any sense

we need to help Jaden

Jaden are you okay I'm okay I'm okay we

need to help him Gotta Get Him to the

Sheba house




what's going on here


who are you


she's my big sister huh Lauren what you

didn't tell us you had a sister

hi Jaden

why didn't we know about you


Where Have You Been why weren't you with

Jaden and what about whoa whoa whoa

don't just throw a million questions at

her why don't we start with this

Lauren welcome to the samurai rangers

thank you

I've imagined this day for

a long time I can't wait to get to know

each one of you

and especially

my little brother

the Nylock never even knew Lauren

existed it was all part of the father's

secret plan

you see in the last Invasion Masters

entrance forces were waging an intense

battle they were overwhelming the

Samurai Rangers

so their father put all his faith in his

two children

Lauren was sent off and put into hiding

fully mastered the ceiling power


but while his sister practiced the

ceiling symbol

someone had to continue to fight off the


that's where Jenny came in

but Jaden was only a little boy then


his father feared he himself had a

master deceiving power but he was

determined to try

he hoped even an imperfect seat would be

strong enough to at least send Master's

Andrew to the bottom of the Sanju River

long enough to allow his daughter to

truly Master the symbol herself and for

her son to grow strong enough to protect

the world until she did

to receive the Nylock Jaden had to do

one of the hardest things in the whole


hide it from his best friends

he must have felt like his whole life

was a secret

carrying that around inside himself all

this time

so does this mean she's ready


she has finally mastered the ceiling


the only Power capable of ceiling

Masters injured away forever

and waiting for


the Red Ranger played us for fools

it's an imposter all along that's why he

never used the ceiling power and why

those fire flashes didn't work on him if

Masters sandroid were here his rage

alone might flood the sansu river

I was so proud when I saw you fight


you've grown into a true samurai

you were the one who tore up the


you were amazing


I thought of you often over the years

I imagine that

like me you you must have felt very



but I've learned to trust my friends

they've become like brothers and sisters

to me too

I'm so glad

I hope I can become part of the family

now too



surrounded by friends

Lauren you no we can't be together now

I had hoped that maybe there would be

some way


this day would come

you are now the Red Ranger

you must take your place as their leader

the only way for that to happen is for

me to leave


the ceiling power is the only way to

save the world

it must be protected and that means

protecting you

at all costs

they're too loyal to me

If I Stay

If I Stay

dangerous mistakes could be made

I can't let that happen

are you sure

be one red ranger


hey man thanks bro


Lauren perfect timing

hey Lauren good to see you here's a

special burger for our new ranger

thank you


oh I can write kanji symbols like a

master at this thing I wouldn't go that


Mike has kanji issues hey

this belonged to my father

he used it in his last battle




it's really great to have another girl

on the team

oh thanks

we should totally have a girls day out


hey now look who's up come on Jaden it's

your sister's homecoming party and we

even got cake come on


what's wrong


what's the deal

you all need to follow Lauren now


she's the new Red Ranger and your leader

I'm going away

what do you mean you mean on a trip

right I mean permanently

Jayden you can't go

you know how we all feel I know

but Lauren alone has the ceiling power

she's able to do what I could never do

end this fight bring peace

you all need to Rally around her we need

you too Lauren tell him


well go on tell him


what is this

Jaden's leaving

how could you keep this from us


come on

make him stay

you can't stop them

no one can


you've been my Guiding Light

thank you for everything








it's been an honor to fight by your side

I'm going with you

you're a Samurai Ranger

I'm counting on you to stay

fight by my sister's side

I know you'll make her as proud of you

as you've made me



who brought us together


somehow fighting next to him made me a

stronger Warrior


so what are we supposed to do

just forget about him like he never


of course not Mike you remember what

Jaden said we have a duty as Samurai

oh he's my best friend

and technically I'm not a true samurai

like all you are


I'm going after him

I'm sorry Lauren

I'm sure you're a great Samurai

it's just not the same without Jaden



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