19x20 - Samurai Forever

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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19x20 - Samurai Forever

Post by bunniefuu »

centuries ago in Japan Nylock monsters

invaded our world but Samurai Warriors

defeated them with power symbols passed

down from parent to child today the evil

nyloc have risen once again and planned

to flood the Earth luckily a new

generation of Heroes stand in their way

they are the Power Rangers Samurai

previously on Power Rangers Super


thanks to dayu's sacrifice we have

finally escaped the Netherworld next

we'll show these humans their true

meaning of suffering onward

Rangers the hour of your destruction is

at hand prepare to meet your doom there

on his chest that's where he absorbs

Humanity it could be his only weak spot

I may only get one shot to strike in

there so I've got to make it count Super

Samurai mode it's time get me to

Master's Andrea no matter what the cost

Mr conceal you but I can still destroy


would be your weak spot

you won't defeat me that easily

are you okay impossible you you thought

that you could destroy me this isn't

over Sandra

Toshiba fire disk

your one chance at Victory now I

shattered on the ground never wish

if you won't beg for yourselves then

I'll capture the other Red Ranger and

see if you'll beg to spare her





thank you



you guys can stand right


we have to find a way to stop Master's

Android I was just taking a little


me too


samurai rangers never give up

Generations our families have waited for

this moment

what we do today will be remembered




Lauren are you okay


Jaden wrist is like every day to protect

the world

they need another disc

I owe it to him to get a raise every

ounce of my ceiling powers

it may be their only hope


it worked

take this to my brother

tell him I gave him everything I had



and it has all your power

but the power can only be used once







what's up



we kicked those mooger's butts is

everyone all right we're fine

don't worry Mentor you taught us to

never give up

we'll beat Masters Android if it's the

last thing we do

and after that you're gonna teach me

something new

what's that to ride your motorcycle now

that excuse me more than anything

this is for you


another Shiva fire disc

but how could she she gave it everything

she had

but I'm afraid it can only be used one


one time

I'll be sure not to waste it


this disk belonged to your father before

his last battle

he asked me to save it for a Moment Like


use it to double your power

everything rides on this last battle

I have faith in you



master Zandra

it's time to finish this

I thought I told you pathetic pests to

wait sorry we became impatient

you will fall and this world will be



what's up



Rangers ready





Smasher dual mode



think again


now now what attack incoming gotcha


spin sword Shiva fire

unhind me once please

finish him Jaden thanks to Lauren's

Shiba disc I'm hoping to do just that


what's this it's the end of the line for


thank you

for this to work I've got to keep

hitting that spot


Sean g*n strike

I Haven't Seen the Last of Me

yes we did it he's really gone I can't

believe Lauren's disc had enough power

to unlock Shogun Mode

great job Rangers thanks

my wrath no master sandrid time to face

the Wrath of the Samurai Black Box time

for one last mega battle



I hate you Rangers I'll take you down if

it's the last thing I do


Sandra's more powerful than ever what do

we do now at this rate we won't last

long I'll try to buy some time Samurai

symbol power wait don't use symbol power

yet why not

we can't use it in small amounts

he'll win that way

we have to demorph and combine every

last ounce of our symbol power into one

grand strike

we have to get so close that we can't




let's do it remember no matter what

happens we cannot Retreat we have to

keep going at all costs even if we only

have one sword left

everything is riding on this one attack


okay then

charge so you're coming back for more


we just lost three of our Zords

going we still have eight of our swords


you just don't know when to quit

thinking they're so easy

destroying you piece by piece just keep

going are you really that determined to

march to your own destruction



there goes our Shield

okay guys this is it


I just want to say that no red ranger

has ever led a better team of Samurai



to a fall beside you

call you my friend

I think

no I know we all feel the same way

it all comes down to this

now use all the simple power you have




impossible samurai rangers hear me now


you have won this battle but our request

to rule your world will never end you

may have defeated me but the Nylock will

rise again

thank you

there's no one left

well so much for the boss's big plans

they've all gone down the drain





Rangers you did it you saved the world

the Nylock I defeated


yeah I'm so proud of you all

hey wait

yeah see it one last time

let's say it together


wow those Samurai Power Rangers really

saved us yeah I mean I can't believe

everything's back to normal well we had

quite a Time didn't we Spike

ah yeah

I'll never forget training to BSM right

with you

I just can't believe it's over already

Sensei bulk

Uncle bulk you know what seems just like

yesterday I was standing here waiting

for you to get off that bus and now

your dad's coming to take you back home

I'ma miss you Uncle Buck

me too spiky me too


let's go

you you look great


old man you look

you haven't changed a bit

you neither have you skullovich

come on

hey thanks for taking care of spite

bulky you'll come visit right

I love to catch up I would love to great

great ah

I hate to say it but uh

it's time to go you go



we couldn't have done it without you sis

I wish you could stay Jayden we're a

family again

you're gonna see me plenty

here let me help you with those

don't you want to say goodbye to the


I'm not very good at goodbyes or hellos

sometimes I just don't worry I'll take

care of it



see you soon


hey Jaden how

I have scored the golden ticket

and around the world fishing Expedition

this is a trip of a lifetime

I'm gonna catch fish nobody's ever heard


sounds fishy in a good way

how about you Mia

I'm going to The Culinary Academy

no comments please I didn't say anything

well I can take a hint but

I'm gonna study hard so when Antonio

comes back with his rare and exotic fish

I'll turn it into a gourmet cuisine

Kevin are you going back to the swim


well I just caught up with my coach the

other day and I just barely have enough

train for the Olympic qualifying


this is going to be hard work

but I but if anyone could do it you can


you got awesome thanks guys

what about you I mean

oh no major plans I'm just excited I get

to go home and take care of my sister

there's no other place I'd rather be

than home with family


tell them where you're going


I kind of thought I'd go with Emily


what you know in case you need help

moving her stuff

sounds fun right the moving man whatever

you say well come on mentor's waiting


so what are you guys gonna do

I haven't really thought about it

I mean for the first time in my life I'm

done with my samurai duties

for now anyway

my place is here

Shiba house must always be ready for the

next snow look attack

even if it never comes well there's any

trouble you have my number

rangers together

samurai forever


bye Emily all the best you guys

we'll email you when we get there

so what do we do now

well the bamboo needs pruning

and I do need to restuff the practice

dummy but


I got you a little Victory gift

now that the world's been saved I can

teach you to have some fun

I like the color

go on give it a try



all right


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