01x05 - Stars

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x05 - Stars

Post by bunniefuu »

(computer whizzing)

- [Hubba Hubba]

Hoobledoop, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth, to

find out all about you

for my Great Hoobapedia.

Here they come.

(computer whizzing)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

- We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

(spring boings)

- Hey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's ♪

♪ In Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

- Hoob hoob hurray!

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Ha-ha

- Oh!

- Well hey!

- Ah!

♪ The Hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

(Groove laughing)

- Oh, hooby groovy!

- Hoobledoob Groove!

- Oh Tula, you're enormous!

(Groove laughing)

- That's because you

are looking at me

through your new Hooby See-More.

- Yeah, it's hooby

groovy, isn't it?

- Yes, Groove, but you

better stop playing with it

because any minute now

I bet Iver will appear

and ask if anyone's thought

of a question for Hoob News.

- Has anyone thought of

a question for Hoob News?

- Told you.

Not yet Iver, and

Groove's a bit busy

with his new Hooby See-More.

- Yeah.

- Oh, what are you

hoping to see through it?

- A star.

- A star?

- Yeah.

- You can see stars

through that?

- Well, not right now, no, but.

- I'd love to see a star, too.

I've always wanted to

see a star up close.

A real, close up, sparkly star.

Let me see.

Oh, let me see please.

- Yes, all right, all right.

Don't get your

twizzletuft in a tangle.

- I love stars.

Where are you stars,

where are you?

Oh, I could star stare all day.

But of course, we do need

a question for Hoob News.

- Ah yes, can I have

it back now please?

- I wish I could have

my own special star.

I'd hang it in the Hoobmobile.

- Yes but how, I mean

how could we get a star

to hang in the Hoobmobile?

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Hoobygalooby Groove,

that's Hubba Hubba.

You've hit on the

question for Hoob News.

Come on!

(flute playing)

- Hoobledoob Hubba Hubba!

(computer whizzing)

- How can we get a star

to hang in the Hoobmobile?

Now that is what I call

a fantaby Hooby question!

(everyone laughing)

Yes, Hoobs everywhere will

want to know about stars.

And as soon as you

found out how you can

have one in the Hoobmobile,

I shall put your answer

into my Hoobapedia.

So you can share it with all

the Hoobs in the universe.

- Will you let Roma know that

we need to know all about stars?

- Of course I will Iver.

But first of all, let's

see if I can find you

anything on HoobNet

to get you started.

(computer whizzing)

Now stars, stars,

ah here we are.

(computer whizzing)

And here's a whole

galaxy of stars.

Look at those stars moving.

Oh, look at all those

beautiful stars twinkling

in the night sky.

sh**ting past, more stars,

moving and twinkling.

And some more stars,

lighting up the sky.

(computer whizzing)

- Oh, aren't stars the most

hoobacious things ever!

- They're hooby groovy, Iver,

they really are.

Hey let's go back upstairs

and see if we can see any.

- Just one star would light

up the whole Hoobmobile.

Imagine that.


- Did you see how

many there were?

Hoobloads of them!

- Yea, millions.

- Squillions.

(Groove laughing)

- I'd say there are more than

a zillion stars up there.

- Can you see any Groove?

- No, not yet.

- But why?

- Why, why, why, why?

- Why?

- I bet I know why.

All the stars Hubba

Hubba showed us

were shining at night

time, not in the day.

Mind you, that doesn't

help us work out

how to get one down, does it?

- No, they're so high up.

- I wonder if we could get

up there with a hooby leg up.

- Not even with

two hooby leg ups.

- Not with three.

- I know!

On the pictures that

Hubba Hubba showed us,

there were moving stars.

- Hey, where were they going?

- Oh, they weren't going.

They were coming,

they were falling.

- [Groove] Oh.

- And if stars fall

out of the sky,

maybe I could catch one.

Oh yes.

Oh imagine that.

(slow tempo music)

♪ Stars staring

gazing up above ♪

♪ Stars staring

something that I love ♪

♪ If only I could

reach up high ♪

♪ Just put my hand

into the sky ♪

♪ I'd catch a star

that winks at me ♪

♪ And bring it back

for you to see ♪

♪ That make a hooby galaxy ♪

♪ La-la la la la-la ♪

♪ Stars staring, see

them shining bright ♪

♪ Stars staring will

only work at night ♪

♪ If only they

could stay all day ♪

♪ And twinkle in the Milky Way ♪

♪ I'd catch a star

that winks at me ♪

♪ And bring it back

for you to see ♪

♪ I'd make a hooby galaxy ♪

(slow tempo music)

♪ I'd make a hooby galaxy ♪

♪ Hooby galaxy ♪

- That's so hoobily

groobily Iver

but, how would you catch a star?

- Good question Tula.

If the star is falling,

maybe we need something

to catch it in.

Maybe there's

something downstairs.

Come on.

- Yes, we won't want

the star to crash

in the floor and break.

Are you coming Groove?

- Oh, in a minute Tula.

The thing is, you

never know quite

when a star is going to fall.

- We need something

to catch it with.

Something like a star catcher.

A star catcher!

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

Hoobledoob Hoobs.

Well have you found

out how to have a star

in the Hoobmobile yet?

- Yes, Hubba Hubba we

just need something

to catch one with and

then we'll be there.

- Well why don't you go

and find some Tiddlypeeps.

They know all about catching

and I'm sure Tiddlypeeps

would be so pleased to help you.

- I think I'll just go

back up to the garden

and keep my hooby eye

glued to the Hooby See-More

once we drive along.

'Cause you never know

when a star might fall.

- At night Groove.

- No, that's only a guess, Iver.

You can't be sure.

(slow tempo music)

- Oh all right.

I'll go and ask the

Tiddlypeeps about catching.

- Oh, and I'll drive you

around until we find some.

Wait for me!

- Seat belt.

- Mhm.

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!

(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues ♪

♪ They tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪

(upbeat music)

- Yee hoo!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Yee hoo!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ And how they know ♪

- Hi, Tiddlypeeps!

- Hello Iver!

- Want to do a hooby hello?

- Yes!

- Hoobledoop, hoobledoop,

whoop, whoop, whoop!

- What's your name?

- Joseph.

- And what are you doing Joseph?

- I'm catching a tadpole.

- Did you say catching?

Catching is just what I

wanted to ask you about.

- Watch, it's fun.

(piano music)

- How do you catch things?

- Well, we're using

these fishing nets

to catch fish and tadpoles with.

(Iver laughing)

- You catch fish with that net?

- Yes.

- Can I see it?

- Of course.

- Oh.

- It's wet, careful.

- Hooby galooby.

Do you think I can

catch a star with this?

- I'm not sure you

can catch stars, Iver.

- Well I must go now.

Hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(upbeat music)

- Look Groove, look!

I've been to see

the Tiddlypeeps.

- I have to stay

hooby glued Iver,

you never know when

a star might fall.

Oh hello, what's that?

- Oh, we're going to use

this to catch a falling star.

- Hooby galooby.

- We are about to

catch our star,

I can feel in me twizzletuff.

- Are you sure Iver?

After all, we don't know

what the stars feel like

or what shape they are.

I mean they might

fall right through

the holes of your star catcher.

- Or they might be too big.

- [Roma] Roma, Roma, Roma.

- Roma!

Come on, Roma might have found

out how we can catch a star.

- Okay.

- I'll stay here, just

in case one falls.

(upbeat music)

(computer whizzing)

- Hoobledoob Roma.


- Oh hoobledoob, Hoobs.


This star is a real

twizzletuff sizzler.

- What star, Roma?

- Oh sorry Hoobs.

I mean sun.

The sun is a real sizzler.

Although, the sun is

a star too you know?

It just seems much

bigger and hotter

than the other stars because

it's very close to the Earth.

All stars are extremely

hot and fiery.

So the sun is as

close as it can be

without all the trees and houses

and everything else burning up.

And get this Hoobs,

because it's so close

the sun is the only star that

you can see during the day.

- Um, Roma can we

catch a falling star?

- Oh no Iver,

they're far too hot.

Catching a star would

be very dangerous.


Oh no, I've got to get out of

here or I think I might faint.

This is Roma Hoob about

to melt in the midday sun.

Oh, hooble toodle doo!

(computer whizzing)

- Oh dear, poor Roma.

Do you think she'll be alright?

- Oh I'm sure she

will be Tula, yes yes.

Well then, she's told us

something we needed to know.

The sun is a star and the

sun shines in the day.

(Iver sighing)

But we can't catch a star

to put in the Hoobmobile.

- Not even with a star catcher.

- No, because stars are too hot.

- Hmm.

(Tula gasping)

We better call Groove.

He doesn't need to

watch the sky anymore

because we can't catch one.

(Tula laughing)



(slow tempo sad music)

Oh I'm sorry Iver.

- What about Hoob News, Tula?

- Well, there must be

something we can do

to get a star into

the Hoobmobile.

- But what?

♪ What, what, what ♪

♪ What ♪

- Here's what, I asked

Hubba Hubba to find us

a star shape on HoobNet, and

and oh it's printing out.

- How hoobacious is that!

You mean we can make our

very own stars to have

in the Hoobmobile, Tula?

- Exactly.

And here it is.

- Hmm.

That is a star, isn't it?

I mean it looks like a

star but I don't know.

- Yes, something's missing.

- Yep, something's

missing alright.

- Hmm.

But I just can't

put my finger on it.

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.


- Oh, Hubba Hubba!

- Oh did you say something?

- Yes, I said I

found something else

that I think might

help you figure out

what your star is missing.

It's a hooble dooble doopa story

sent in to HoobNet

by a Tiddlypeep.

(computer whizzing)

Take a look.

(computer whizzing)

(slow tempo music)

- [Girl] High up among

the twinkling stars

there lived a tiny little speck

Speck so wanted

to be a real star.

- Oh how I'd like to

twinkle like all of them.

- [Girl] He sighed.

Speck decided to visit

his favorite star

the biggest star

of all, the sun.

- Ah, before you can

twinkle on the outside,

you must learn how to

twinkle on the inside.

And the secret of

twinkling on the inside

is to be happy.

- [Girl] So Speck

set off to find

something that made

him feel happy.

He found his star

friend, Glitter.

- Can I do a race?

- [Girl] Cried Speck.

- Three times around the sun.

- [Girl] They zoomed

around the sun three times.

(tinkling music)

- Wee!

- [Girl] Speck cried

as he won the race.

(Glitter panting)

But winning didn't make him

feel happy for very long.

Suddenly, he had

a sparkling idea.

A delicious Milky Way

chocolate star shake.

That was sure to

make him feel happy.

Just as he was

about to take a sip,

Glitter came up to him.

(Glitter panting)

- Oh I'm so thirsty

after that race.

- [Girl] He gasped.

(Glitter panting)

Seeing his friend

puffing and panting,

Speck kindly handed

his star shake over.

(Glitter slurping)

As he did so, Speck felt

a tingling feeling inside.

- Oh.

(tinkling music)

- [Girl] Before he knew

what was happening to him

he was twinkling brightly.

(Speck twinkling)

From that day on, the

kinder Speck was to others

the happier he felt and the

more brightly he twinkled.

So now that he had a twinkle,

he was no longer a speck,

but a wonderful shining star.

(slow tempo music)

(computer whizzing)

- So now we know what's

wrong with our star.

- It hasn't got a twinkle.

(Groove sighs)

Maybe it isn't happy.

Speck only twinkled

when he was happy.

Do you think a big cookie

will make our star feel happy?

- No, Groove.

- No, Groove.

- It might make me feel happy.

(Groove laughs)

- There must be some way

we can make it twinkle.

- Hmm.

I know!

We make it dark, stars only

twinkle when it's dark remember?

- We need to test our star's

twinkle in a dark place.

But where?

♪ Where, where, where ♪

♪ Where ♪

- Here's where.

Everyone ready in there?

- [Tula] Ready!

- Iver, you're letting

in the light, come on!

- Oh, sorry.

There we, oops!

- Oh!

- Sorry.

- [Groove] That

star, it's sharp.

- [Iver] Right, um.

- Oh.

- [Tula] Oh, it's not twinkling.

- [Iver] Hooby bother.

- Oh, I know!

- [Iver] Oh careful, Groove!

- [Tula] Hubba Hubba!

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba Hubba,

Hubba Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

(comptuer whizzing)

- Hoobledoob Tula.

- Hubba Hubba, we

need a twinkle.

- Yes I know.

A star just isn't a star if

it doesn't have a twinkle.

I've been searching

around but I-

Oh, I know!

Why don't you ask

the Tiddlypeeps?

The stars that they

make, all have twinkles.

- Of course!

That's it Iver.

We have to go back

to the Tiddlypeeps.


- [Iver] Hm?

- I'll drive you to find

some Tiddlypeeps, Iver.

- [Iver] I'm on my way.

(Iver boings)


- [Groove] Wait a minute,

don't leave me here like this.

I can't see-

(Groove boings and crashes)

(upbeat music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

what, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- Yeah hey!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

- Iver!

- Hello, oh!

- Oh, are you alright, Iver?

Oh you look like one of

our party decorations.

- Do I?

- You're all sparkly.

- [Iver] Am I?

- [Girl] You're all twinkly.

- What?

(Iver laughs)

Oh, hooby galooby!

Tula, Groove, look at

all these twinkles.

- We're making party decorations

that sparkle and twinkle.

- A twinkle is just

what our star needs.

- We can make it twinkle.

- You can give our

star a twinkle?

- Yes!

Come on, Iver!

- Oh!

(upbeat music)

(Groove laughing)

- [Tula] Oh look!

(Tula gasping)

Sparkly bits!

- Yeah.

(upbeat music)

- [Kids] It twinkles!

(upbeat music)

- Thank you Tiddlypeeps.

Tula, our star has got

the brightest twinkle

you've ever seen.

- Hey, we've all got a twinkle.

- Yay!

- You've all earned a twinkle,

because everyone

helped finish my star.

I'm coming Tula.

I've got to show this

to Tula and Groove.

(Tula laughs)

Hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(upbeat music)

- How hoobacious is this?

- It twinkles.

- I'm gonna hang it up

quickly in the Hoobystudio.

- And then we can do Hoob News.

- Hmm.

I still wish I could have

caught a falling star.

Oh well!

- Hey, you may not have

caught a falling star, Iver,

but that's the hooby

grooviest star I've ever seen.

(Iver laughs)

- Thanks Groove!

♪ Star light, star bright ♪

♪ The first star I see tonight ♪

♪ I wish I may ♪

♪ I wish I might ♪

♪ Have this wish

I wish tonight ♪

♪ Star light, star bright,

the first star I see tonight ♪

♪ I wish I may, I wish I might ♪

♪ have this wish

I wish tonight ♪

(slow tempo music)

- [Hubba Hubba] Hubba

Hubba, Hubba Hubba.

(computer whizzing)

- Well Hoobs,

are you ready to give

me your Hoob News?

- Ready Hubba Hubba!

- Then take it away.

(fast tempo dramatic music)

- Hooble doop woop to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News,

the news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question-

- How can we get a star

to hang in the Hoobmobile?

Iver fell in love

with stars today

and decided it

would be wonderful

to have our own star to

hang in the Hoobmobile.

But we didn't know

how to get one.

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba showed

us some pictures of stars

that looked as though

they were falling.

- [Tula] Iver went to

see the Tiddlypeeps

and came back with

a star catcher.

- [Iver] But because we

wasn't sure how big a star was

we didn't know

whether it would work.

- [Groove] And all our

hopes were shattered

when Roma told us that

you can't catch stars

because they're all too hot.

- [Iver] Then we decided

to make our own star

and Hubba Hubba found

a star shape for us

but there was something

not quite right about it.

- [Groove] Hubba Hubba found

a story about a speck of light

who wanted to be a

real star and twinkle.

- [Iver] So we realized

that our star had no twinkle

but we thought it might

twinkle in the dark.

- [Groove] But it didn't.

And I got in quite a

muddle finding that out.

(Groove laughs)

- [Iver] There was

only one thing for it.

Another hoobacious trip

to the Tiddlypeeps.

And they soon gave

our star a twinkle.

- So that's how Hoobs can have

their very own star

in the Hoobmobile.

Make it.

And give it a

really good twinkle.

- Fantaby hooby idea.

So it's thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember wherever

you are, have a nice day

and hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(Tula sighing)

- Oh dear.

- Oh Iver, what's wrong?

- Well I just wish I could

have caught a star that's all.

- Is it night time yet?

(slow tempo music)

- Ah, my wish came true.

- You wished you could catch

a falling star and you did!

- You see Iver, I told you.

You never know when

a star might fall.

(Iver laughing)

(slow tempo music)

♪ My stars staring wish

has just come true ♪

♪ Star staring, now

I can gaze at you ♪

♪ A falling star ♪

♪ Came from afar ♪

♪ And what a twinkly

star you are ♪

♪ I'd call to star

that winks at me ♪

♪ I'll keep it safe,

for all to see ♪

♪ We'll make a hooby galaxy ♪

(slow tempo music)

♪ We'll make a hooby galaxy ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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