01x12 - Frogs

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x12 - Frogs

Post by bunniefuu »

(laser sh**ting)

- Hooble-doo, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(laser sh**ting)

(machine beeping)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver!

- Groove!

- And Tula!

- [All] We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Yay!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪


- Whoa, hey

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here,

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Oh, the Hoobmobile

has never looked so,

Hoobily groobily, look at it!

It is sparkling.

- (breathes out) Yeah, and

so's my hooby groovy apple.

How green and shiny is that?

- [Tula] It almost looks

too good to eat! (laughs)

- Hey, Tula, you've

given me an idea!

- What?

- I won't eat it!

I'll start a collection

of green and shiny things.

- Oh Groove!

Did you say, green

and shiny things?

- Yes I did say green

and shiny things.

- Well I have just seen

the most hoobacious,

green, shiny thing jumping

into our pond on the

Hooby roof garden.

- Was it an apple?

- No!

It was a frog!

A green, shiny frog!

- A green and shiny frog?

That's great, I can put

him in my collection

of green and shiny things.

- Oh, no Groove, frogs

need to be in ponds,

not collections!

- Oh.

- Anyway, he jumped so high.

Oh frogs are

hooble-dooble-duper jumpers!

- I wonder why that is.

- Yes, why are frogs

so good at jumping?

- [Machine] Hubba, hubba.

Hubba, hubba,

hubba, hubba, hubba

- Why are frogs so

good at jumping?

That's an

hooble-dooble-duper question

for today's Hoob News.

- Hoob News!

Oh, Hubba Hubba, I'm so sorry,

I nearly forgot about Hoob News.

I was so impressed

with that frog.

- I'm sure Hoobs everywhere

would be impressed

with that frog, Iver.

Especially if you can find out

why he's so good at jumping!

It's fantabyhooby information

for my Hoobipedia!

Now, let me see if I can

find anything on HoobNet

to get you started.

(machine chimes)

Now, frogs.


Ah, here you go!

(machine whirs)

(lighthearted music)

Oh look!

It's a tiny stripey one,

look at that.

Oh, it's a great big one,

(frog croaks)

blowing out his cheeks!

He's off!

Ooh, tiny little orange one.

Oh, little one on a leaf!

(frog croaks)

Oh, hooble-doop!

He's watching and waiting.

There's another one

between some rocks!

Ooh, he's jumped.

Ooh, look there's one

watching from underwater.

Oh, he's eaten a fly!

Oh, oh now he's jumping!

Oh, (laughs).

(machine whirs)

- I never knew there were

so many kinds of frogs!

- And they certainly are

hoobily groobily jumpers!

- Mm, the question

still is though, why?

♪ Why why why why ♪

♪ Why why why ♪

Ah, I just had an idea.

- Mhm?

- One of those frogs

we saw, ate a fly.

- Yeah, frogs obviously eat

flies for their dinner, blegh.

- So?

- Well maybe that's why

frogs are so good at jumping!

- Yeah!


- I don't understand!

- Neither do I.

- I'll explain, I think

we should do a test.

- How can we do a

test without a frog?

- We don't need a frog.

Tula, you pretend to be a fly.

(imitates fly buzzing)


Now, Groove,

- Yes?

- You have to

pretend to be a frog!

- Okay!

Boing, boing,

(Tula laughs)

boing, boing, boing!

Boing, boing, boing,

boing, boing, boing.

- No, wait, wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait, wait stop!

- What?

Not a whole frog!

Just a frog's tummy.

- Let me get this straight,

you want me to pretend

to be a frog's tummy?

- Yeah, simple!

Hold your arms out like this!

Now that space there

is the frog's tummy.

- Oh, I see.

- Tula, get in.

Good, good.

We now have a fly inside a frog.

All you have to do now,

Tula, is buzz about.


(imitates fly buzzing)

- I can't move.

There isn't enough room in

here for me to buzz about!

(imitates fly buzzing)

(Tula laughs)

- Hmm, I see.

So there is not room

in a frog's tummy

for a fly to buzz.

- Which means,

that a buzzing fly can't be

the reason why frogs jump!

- Oh, hooby bother

and hooby blow!

- Um, Groove,

- Yeah?

- Can you let me out now?

- Oh sorry.

(imitates fly buzzing)


- Oh!

I've had a hoobacious idea.

- Another one?

You're full of hoobacious

ideas today, Iver.

Oh, do I have to be a fly again?

(imitates fly buzzing)

- No, Tula no, listen.

If a frog eats an enormous

fly for his dinner,

then maybe his enormous dinner

gives him lots of energy

and makes him jump!

- (laughs) Hoobygalooby,

that must be it, Iver!

- We need to test it out!

- Yes!

But how?

(upbeat music)

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ How ♪

- I know how!

We eat an enormous

dinner like a frog,

and see if it makes

us want to jump.

- No, you won't catch

me eating a fly, Tula.


- No, Groove, we don't

eat a frog dinner,

we eat a Hoob dinner.

Hoob nips, Hoob nips,

and more Hoob nips.

- Oh, Tula,

that is the hooby grooviest

thing you've suggested all day!



(upbeat music)





- Oh, who feels like jumping?

- Oh.


- How 'bout you, Groove?



I think we can safely say

that eating a big dinner

doesn't make Hoobs want to jump.

- No, it makes

Hoobs want to sleep.

- [Machine] Hubba, hubba.

Hubba, hubba,

hubba, hubba, hubba

- Hooble doop, Hoobs!

- We still have no idea

why frogs are so good

at jumping, Hubba Hubba.

- Eh, well perhaps

Roma might know.

You keep thinking, and I'll

see if I can find her for you.

(machine whirs)

I'll be back soon!

(machine whirs)

- Now, I've been thinking

about those frogs

that sit on lily pads.

(whimsical music)

- Oh yes, I'm going

to make some lily pads

to decorate the Hoob

studio for Hoob News!

- Now wait, wait a minute Tula,

frogs sit on lily pads, right?

- Right.

- And how do they get

from lily pad to lily pad?

- (laughs) They jump!

- Exactly!


Well, that is why frogs

are so good at jumping!

It's the only way they can

get from lily pad to lily pad!

- Iver, you're right!

You just have to be right!

- (laughs) Oh, here's Roma!

Let's see if she

thinks I'm right.

(machine whirs)

- Hooble doo, Hoobs!

(frogs croak)

I've got an email from

Hubba Hubba earlier,

asking me to find

out about frogs.

Now, as you can see,

I'm standing by a pond.

There are hoob loads of

lily pads in this pond,

and hoob loads of frogs too.

- Yes, Roma, and don't tell me!

The frogs jump from one lily

pad to another lily pad!

- They certainly do, Iver!

But that's not the

only way they get

from lily pad to lily pad,

they are excellent jumpers,

but they're fantabyhooby

swimmers too!

- So you mean that they swim

from lily pad to

lily pad too, Roma?

- They most certainly do!

Look at them,

(Tula laughs)

just look at them go!


Oh, I'd love to

swim like a frog!

But swimming would

mean getting wet,

so perhaps I'll

just try to learn

to jump like a frog instead.

Boing, boing, boing.

Oh, yes, this is fantabyhooby!

This is Roma Hoob,

jumping like a frog!

Boing, boing,

(water splashes)

(machine whirs)

- Oh dear.

So much for my idea about frogs

being good at jumping so

they can jump from

lily pad to lily pad.

- Hm, they can swim as well.

- Do you know something Tula?

I'm not sure we're ever going

find the answer to this one.

- [Machine] Hubba, Hubba.

- Of course you'll

find the answer, Iver.

I've just been speaking to

the Hoobs on the planet With,

and guess what?

They're trying to grow

a ponglewiggle fruit!

They've got the pong parts,

now they're just looking

for the wiggle!

(Hoobs laugh)

Now listen, I have

a hooble duper idea!

- What?

- Start up the Hoob mobile,

and go and find

some Tiddlypeeps.

They're bound to know

everything there is

to know about frogs.

- Of course!

The Tiddlypeeps!

Oh yes, thank you, Hubba Hubba!

I'll go and see the Tiddlypeeps.

- And I'll drive

the Hoob mobile!

- I'll finish off my lily pads!

(whimsical music)

- Seatbelts!

(seatbelt clicks)

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!

(bell chimes)

(upbeat music)

- Yee-haw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

They know

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues ♪

♪ They tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

they're all about ♪


- Yee-haw!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪


- Yee-haw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ And how they know, whoo ♪

(bubble pops)

- Hooble doop, everyone!

- It's Iver!

Hello Iver!

- Want to do a Hooby hello?

- Yes!

- Hooble doop, hooble

doop, whoo, whoo, whoo!

Oh, it's hoobacious

to see you all!

I want to ask you about frogs.

- They're green!

- Some are little

and some are big!

- They swim and they jump!

- Yes, thank you, thank you.

But what I really

want to know is,

- Ribbit!

- Oh!

- Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

- What was that?

- That's the noise

that frogs make.

- That noise made

me jump! (laughs)

Maybe that's what

makes a frog jump!

His ribbit. (laughs)

Of course!

That's the answer!

Oh, thank you very much!

Thank you!

Uh, hooble toodle-doo!

- Hooble toodle-doo!


(upbeat music)

- How hooby groovy was that?

- Very hooby groovy

indeed, Groove.

- Ribbit, ribbit.

- Did you hear that croak?

- Yeah!

- Ribbit, ribbit!


I nearly jumped out of my fur!

We have found the

answer at last!

Frogs jump because

they go ribbit!

- And their ribbit

makes them jump.

- Boing.

(upbeat music)

♪ Oh, green and spotty frog ♪

♪ We love to see you jump ♪

♪ From lily pad to lily pad ♪

♪ Landing with a bump ♪

♪ Why do you do it ♪

♪ If only we knew it ♪

♪ Why does a little frog ♪

♪ Go jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ We thought he jumped so high ♪

♪ After swallowing a fly ♪

♪ That wiggled and jiggled ♪

♪ In your tum tum tum ♪

♪ But that's not right at all ♪

♪ Inside the frog's too small ♪

♪ For a little fly to have any ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ But now we know why ♪

♪ You can jump so high ♪

♪ And land on the

lily with a thump ♪

♪ It isn't a joke ♪

♪ Ribbit, ribbit ♪

♪ It's because of your croak ♪

♪ Ribbit, ribbit ♪

♪ It's the croak of a frog that

makes him jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ Ribbit ♪

♪ Croak, jump ♪

♪ Croak, ribbit, croak, ribbit ♪

♪ Croak, jump, croak, jump ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ Ribbit, jump ♪


- Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Something's wrong here.

- What do you mean?

- You say that when

a frog goes ribbit,

he gives himself a shock.

And that makes him jump.

- Exactly!

- Let me try it and

see if makes me jump.


- Yep.

- Ribbit, ooh, I

didn't jump, did I?

- But we did.

- Yes.

- Yes, but I did the ribbit.

If you make the ribbit yourself,

it doesn't make you jump.

- Ooh, I tell you

what, let me try.

Let me try.

(sniffs) I'm going

to make a big noise,

see if it works with that.


- Oh!


- See, if you make

the noise yourself,

whatever noise it is, it

doesn't make you jump.

So a frog's ribbit

does not make him jump,

because he makes

the noise himself.

- Someone must know why a

frog is so good at jumping.

But who?

(dramatic music)

♪ Who, who, who ♪

♪ Who, who, who ♪

♪ Who, who, who, who, who ♪

♪ Who, who ♪

- Look no further, Hoobs!

A Tiddlypeep has sent

in a story to HoobNet,

which I think might help

you find your answer.

(machine whirs)

It's all about legs.

(machine whirs)

(upbeat music)

- [Kid] Gerald the giraffe

had the most beautiful,

long, strong neck.

And the most beautiful,

long, strong legs.

He could reach things

that the other animals could

only dream of reaching.

When Gloria gazelle's

ribbon blew off her horns

and landed on a high branch,

Gerald got it back for her.

When Roger rhino's bowtie

was stolen by Molly monkey,

and hid it in a nest,

Gerald reached up,

and gave it back to Roger.

Gerald didn't have

a bow tie or ribbon,

in fact, he didn't have anything

to wear to make him feel

more handsome and gorgeous.

Then, one day, a beautiful

purple feather floated down

from the sky, and landed

on the topmost branch

of Gerald's favorite tree.

- [Girl] That would be

the most perfect thing

to wear behind my left ear.

- [Kid] Said Gerald, he

reached up to get it,

but it was too high up.

Too high up, even for Gerald!

(dramatic piano)

Jump Gerald!

Cried Gloria the gazelle.

Yes, go on Gerald, jump!

Shouted Roger the rhino.

Gerald tried to jump,

but although his legs

were long and strong,

he just couldn't do it.

At that moment, Wilma the

weaver bird poked her head

out of her nest.

I may only be little,

but even a little bird

can help a big giraffe

with long strong legs!

And without another word,

she flew up to the

top of the tree,

picked up the purple

feather in her beak,

and handed it to Gerald.

Gerald was so happy.

He put it behind his

left ear and chuckled.

- [Girl] These legs

may be long and strong,

but they just weren't

made for jumping.

(machine whirs)

- Gerald the giraffe's legs

weren't made for jumping,

but a frog's legs are.

- Yeah, so what's so

special about a frog's legs?

- Well, they're long!

- But Gerald's legs were long.

- Yeah, and Gerald

couldn't jump.

- All right then,

they're strong.

- But Gerald's legs were strong!

- Yeah, and Gerald

- couldn't jump.

- I've got it!

Listen, a frog's legs

right, are long and strong.

And slippery and shiny.

But a giraffe's legs

are long and strong,

but rough and hairy. (laughs)

- I don't think that just

because they're slippery

and shiny means that

they're good for jumping.

Oh, hooby bother.

- [Machine] Hubba, Hubba.

- Cheer up, Hoobs.

Why don't you go and ask

some more Tiddlypeeps,

they knew about a frog's ribbit.

They're sure to know

what's so special

about a frog's legs.

- I'd forgotten about the

ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

- You're right, Hubba Hubba!

- I'll go and see

the Tiddlypeeps.

- And I'll drive!

Get ready to wake up and

sing, little Motorettes!

- Let's get this Hoob

mobile on the road!


(upbeat music)

- Yeah, and I'll stay right here

and practice my

ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Ribbit, ribbit.

(bell chimes)

(upbeat music)

- Yee-haw

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them ♪

♪ Off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

(bubble pops)

- Hooble doop, everyone!

- Hooble doop, Tula!

- Now, I hope very

much you can help me.

I need to know what

kind of legs you need

to jump like a frog.

- Long legs!

- Yes.

- Bendy legs!

Really, really bendy legs!

- What do you mean,

really really bendy legs?

- Bendy legs, like a kangaroo!

- Bendy legs like a rabbit.

- Bendy legs.

Really really bendy

legs like ours.

- So, let me get this straight,

kangaroos, jump like a frog?

- [Children] Yes!

- Do rabbits jump like a frog?

- [Children] Yes!

- So frogs are really

good at jumping

because they've got

really, really bendy legs!

- [Children] Yes!

(upbeat music)

(feet stomping)

- Hoobygalooby!

Groove, Iver, did you see that?

- Yes.

- We certainly have

the answer now.

Thank you so much!

Hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

(upbeat music)

- Bendy legs!

That's what's so special

about our frog's legs.

- Yeah.

That's what makes him

such a hoobacious jumper!


- There you are!

The Tiddlypeeps had the answer!

- They did, Tula, but I think

we should test this out.

Let's try jumping

without bending our legs.

- Oh yeah.

- Ow!

(Groove coughs)

- Impossible.

- Yeah, doesn't work.

- All right, all right,

let's try bending

our legs and jumping.

- Yeah.

Oh, hey!


- Hoob hoob hooray!

- Time for Hoob News, come on!

Into the Hoobie studio!


(upbeat music)

♪ A frog he would a wooing go ♪

♪ Hey who's the groly? ♪

♪ A frog he would a woo and go ♪

♪ Whether his lover

would let him or no ♪

♪ With a rolly polly ♪

♪ Gamon and spinach and ho ♪

♪ Say that and he rolly ♪

- Hey, shall we

do it another way?

- Oh yes, I'm all for

doing it another way.

- Mm, me too!

♪ A frog he would a jumper be ♪

♪ Hey ho sings toodle ♪

♪ A frog he would a jumper be ♪

♪ He did it by bending

his shiny green knee ♪

♪ With a jumpity hoppity

gamon and spinach ♪

♪ Hey ho, sing jumpity toodle ♪

(kiss smacks)

- [Machine] Hubba,

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.

- Well Hoobs, are you

ready to give me your news

for my Hoobipedia?

- We are!

- Ready Hubba.

- Well, take it away!

(upbeat music)

- Hooble doop!

To all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking a question.

- Why are frogs so

good at jumping?

(frog croaks)

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba

found us some pictures

of frogs on HoobNet, and we

saw one of them eating a fly!

So we thought that maybe

it was the fly wriggling

inside the frog's tummy

that made him jump.

- [Groove] So I pretended

to be a frog's tummy.

- [Tula] And I

pretended to be a fly.

I can't move.

But there wasn't any

room for wriggling.

So we realized that

that couldn't be what

made a frog jump.

- [Iver] So then we thought

that perhaps the frog's dinner

had given him so much energy

that he just had to jump.


- [Tula] So we ate an

enormous Hoob dinner

to test this out!


- [Groove] But an enormous

dinner didn't make us want

to jump at all.

- [Iver] Then I had

a hoobacious idea.

Maybe frogs are such

good jumpers because

they have to jump

from lily pad to lily pad.

Roma told us that this

was certainly true.

- [Groove] Then Iver went

to see the Tiddlypeeps

to find out if they

knew about frogs.

- [Tula] And the Tiddlypeeps

gave Iver quite a fright.

- Ribbit!


- [Tula] So then we decided

that it was the frog's croak

that made him jump.

And we sang about it.

♪ Jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ Ribbit ♪

♪ Jump ♪

- But then I thought,

we should test out

making a loud ribbit

to see if it made me jump,

it didn't.

- [Iver] Just when

we were giving up,

Hubba Hubba found us a

Tiddlypeep story on HoobNet

about legs, we found out

that giraffes have long,

strong legs, but...

- [Kid] These legs may

be long and strong,

but they just weren't

made for jumping.

- [Tula] The story made us think

that there must be

something really special

about a frog's legs.

- [Groove] So, Tula went

to see the Tiddlypeeps.

- I need to know what

kind of legs you need

to jump like frog.

- Bendy legs!

- So yet again, the

Tiddlypeeps gave us the answer.

Frogs are good at jumping

because they have...

- Bendy legs!

- Boing.


- As always thanks once

again to Iver, Tula, Groove,

and Roma, for giving

us all a little peep

into the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever

you are, have a nice day

and hooble toodle doo!

- Hooble toodle doo!

- Boing, boing,

boing, boing! (laughs)

- Now then, what did

I do with that apple?

- Ribbit!

- (screams) Oh!


- Ribbit, ribbit.

♪ Hubba hubba ♪

♪ In Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Hey, hey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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