01x15 - Seasons

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x15 - Seasons

Post by bunniefuu »

(computer whizzing)

- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoob-opedia.

Here they come.

(computer whizzing)

(upbeat music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

- Oh ho!

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

(spring boings)

- Yay.

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Ha ha, oh!

- Wha-hey!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

(playful music)

(water splashing)

- Hooble-doop little peep tree.

I'd do the whoop

whoop whoop bit,

but I don't want to hurt you.


What's happened to your

shiny green leaves?

They've gone all

brown and crispy.


- Hooble-doop Groove.

- Tula, look at my

little peep tree.

It's leaves are all

brown and crispy.

- Oh dear.

Let me try and cheer it up.

- Oh, all right.

- Hm, hooble-doop

little peep tree,

and a whoop whoop whoop.

(bell dinging)

(Tula gasping)

- Tula, you can't

whoop whoop whoop

a peep tree like that.

Look what you've done.

You've knocked his leaves off.

- Has anyone thought of

a question for Hoob News?

- No Iver, we have not thought

up a question for Hoob News.

Tula just whooped my peep tree,

and two of his leaves

have dropped off.

- Hooby-galooby, Groove.

Those leaves are all

brown and crispy.

- I know, and I

can't work out why.

♪ Why, why, why ♪

♪ Why ♪

- Maybe if you gave

them a bit of a dust

that would turn them

green again, Groove.

- Oh yeah, yeah right.

(inspiring music)

(gasps) No, no.

- Oh dear, Groove.

I don't think your peep tree

can be feeling very


- No he can't, look, more

leaves have fallen off.

What am I gonna do?

- Well we do need to

think up a question

for Hoob News, Groove.

- Iver, my peep tree

is nearly naked,

and all you can think

about is Hoob News.

- Oh Groove, I'm so sorry.

Listen, why don't we take him

down inside the Hoobmobile

and stick his leaves back

on with some hooba-fix?

(Groove sighing)

(bell dings)

- (gasps) Come on Groove,

it's warmer in the Hoobmobile.

Maybe your tree will like

it better down there.

- I hope so Tula.

Will you help me pick up leaves?

- Mm-hmm.

- Right Groove, a

little dab of hooba-fix

should do the job.

- Well it might make

them stick, Iver,

but it won't make them

green and shiny again.

- One thing at a time, Groove.

Right, shall we stick this

leaf back on the branch?

- Okay.

Oh, please stay stuck.

- Okay, I'll take my paws away

on the count of

three hooba-boobas.

(anticipatory music)

One hooba-booba.

Two hooba-boobas.

Three hooba-boobas.


- Oh.

- Oh Iver, will Groove's peep

tree ever get his leaves back?

- [Computer] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Will Groove's peep tree

ever get his leaves back?

Oh Hoobs, that's a

hooble-dooble-duper question

for Hoob News.

It's just the sort of thing

that I can put straight into

my great Hoob-opedia, so

Hoobs everywhere can find out.

- Hubba Hubba, please

will you email Roma

and ask her to find out all

she can about peep trees?

- Of course I will, Groove.

But, before I do, let

me see if I can find

anything on the Hoob

net to get you started.

Now peep trees, peep trees, ah.

Take a look at this.

Ooh, lots of trees here.

That must be where

the Wrinklypeep

and the Tiddlypeep are going.

Look Groove, all those

leaves have gone brown,

just like your tree.

Oop, the Tiddlypeep playing

with some fallen leaves.

Ah, and we can see the

leaves falling here.

Ooh look, a Tiddlypeep

and a peep playing.

And there they are,

all on the ground.

Ooh look, there's a leaf

hooblebobbling on the water.

(Hoobs gasping)

- Well it's good

to see that my tree

isn't the only one that's

losing it's leaves.

But we still haven't worked

out why he's doing it.

- No, we need an idea.

- We do, and how

do we get an idea?

- A hoobythink.

♪ When you're stuck

for an answer ♪

♪ Or what to do ♪

♪ Stop, hmm, think it through ♪

♪ Take a deep breath in ♪

♪ Think it out ♪

♪ Work it through ♪

♪ Don't scream and shout ♪

♪ Think it through ♪

♪ Don't go boohoo. ♪

♪ Think it through ♪

♪ You'll feel brand new ♪

♪ If you think it through ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

- Well, how was it for you?

Any ideas?

- No.

- I had one, I had one.

In the video Hubba Hubba

showed us from Hoobnet,

the Peeps and the

Tiddlypeeps were

kicking the leaves around.

- Yes.

- So, maybe peep trees

lose their leaves

so that Peeps and Tiddlypeeps

can have fun with them.

- Tula, why don't

we give it a try?

(anticipatory music)

(leaves rustling)

- All right, ready Groove?

- No actually Iver.

If you don't mind, I'm

going to stand here

in front of the peep tree

so that he doesn't see.

Because he might not like

us kicking his leaves.

- Tula?

- Uh-huh?

- One, two, three.

(Tula laughing)

(Leaves rustling)

- Iver, did that feel like fun?

- No.

- No, it didn't seem like

any fun to me either.

I can't kick a peep

tree when it's down.

- Me neither Groove.

I think we're just too worried

about the peep

tree to enjoy this.

- [Computer] Hubba Hubba,

hubba hubba hubba, Hubba Hubba.

- Well Hoobs, have you found out

why your peep tree

is losing his leaves?

- No Hubba Hubba.

- Well why don't you go

and see some Tiddlypeeps?

They're bound to be

able to help you.

- Great idea, let's go

and see some Tiddlypeeps.

I'll drive.

Are you coming, Groove?

- No Tula, I'm going to

stay here with my tree

if it's okay.

- Well of course

it's okay Groove.

He needs you.

Right, let's get those

Motorettes singing.

Come on, Tula.

(lively music)


- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps.

(playful music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hooble-doop Tiddlypeeps.

- Hooble-doop, Iver.

- Do you three know

anything about trees?

- We know a bit.

- What would you like to know?

- Oh, right, we've been

looking after a peep tree

in our garden, but all of

the leaves have fallen off.

We were wondering if

that's so the Tiddlypeeps

can have fun with leaves?

- You can have fun with leaves.

- You can make leaf prints.

- Leaf prints, oh bronty

that is hoob-acious.

What are leaf prints?

- This is one, you take a leaf

that has fallen off a tree,

then you paint one side of it,

press it down onto some paper,

and if you do it lots of times,

it makes a picture.

(Hoobs gasping)

- Oh, there is one other

thing I need to know.

Why did the leaves fall of

the trees in the first place?

- Because it's autumn.

- Autumn, what's autumn?

- It's a time of year

when it gets a bit colder,

and leaves change colors

and fall off the trees.

- So the leaves fall off of

the trees because it's autumn.

Oh thank you ever so

much, you're lovely.

You Tiddlypeeps are hoob-acious.

Oh, I better be getting

back to Tula and Groove now,

so hooble-toodle-doo!

- [Everyone] Hooble-toodle-doo!

(Iver laughing)

(lively music)

- So that's why you've lost

your leaves, little peep tree.

Because it's autumn.

(soft music)

- Ah.

- Oh, hooby-galooby, Tula.

That is a lovely

leaf print picture.

- Thanks Iver, I'm going to

hang it in the Hooby Studio

for Hoob News.

(soft music)

Oh Groove, I think you need a

hooble-digger to cheer you up.

- Hooble, hooble, digger

digger digger digger digger.

- D'you feel better?

- Yeah, thank you Tula.

A hooble-digger always

makes me feel better.

Hey, maybe a

hooble-digger would make

my peep tree feel better?

- Hmm?

Oh, well then, we

can give it a try.

- Hooble, hooble, digger

digger digger digger digger.

- [Computer] Hubba Hubba,

hubba hubba hubba, Hubba Hubba.

Hooble-doop Hoobs,

whatever are you doing?

- Oh, we were just

giving my peep tree

a hooble-digger, Hubba Hubba.

To see if it would

make him feel better.

- I'm sure it did, Groove.

Now I've just found

a story on Hoob Net,

which you might find useful.

Take a look at this.

(serene music)

- [Storyteller] There once

was a happy young tree

called Cyril the Sycamore.

He lived on the

edge of a forest.

When it was warm and

sunny, Cyril would stretch

out his branches, and wave

his beautiful green leaves

in the warm breeze.

In the autumn, when

the days grew shorter,

the air grew colder, and

the sky became cloudier,

Cyril's leaves turned to

red, orange, brown, and gold.

Then one by one, they

fluttered to the ground.

Cyril loved the autumn.

Not only because his leaves

turned beautiful colors,

but also because it

tickled when they

blew off in the cold wind.

The leaves swirled

round and round,

twisting and

somersaulting in the air.

Cyril would swell with

pride as he played a game,

trying to guess which leaf

would hit the ground first.

(melodic chiming)

But now, autumn had

turned into winter,

and it was very, very cold.

Cyril only had a couple

of leaves left to lose.

He had worked hard all year,

and now it was so cold

he was ready for a rest.

Cyril decided to let his last

leaves fall from his branches,

and float to the ground.

Then, he relaxed his

roots and drifted off

into a deep-peaceful sleep.

(Cyril snoring)

Cyril dreamed of

how fresh and green

his leaves had been during

the warm sunny days.

- Hooby-galooby, my peep

tree is going to sleep.

- Shh-shh-shh-shh, Groove.

He won't be able to sleep

if you make such a noise.

Come on, come on, he needs

some peace and quiet.

Out you go, come on, come on.

- Oh yes, how

hoobly-groobly is that?

- But Iver, will

he ever wake up?

Will I be able to

talk to him again?

Will his leaves ever grow back?

- Oh calm down Groove, he's

probably just having a rest

like Cyril the Sycamore,

because it's winter.

- So, the leaves fall off the

trees because it's autumn,

and then the peep trees go to

sleep because it's the winter.

- What do you think

of my tree then?

- Oh, that will look hoob-acious

when we do Hoob News.

You're so clever, Tula.

- Thanks Iver.

Come on, let's take it

into the Hooby studio

and we can see where

we should put it.

- Oh this is all very well,

but I'm still worried.

(lively music)

- I mean, will my little

tree ever grow leaves again?

♪ I've treated my

tree with tenderness ♪

♪ And hooby loving care ♪

♪ Hooby loving care ♪

♪ I've polished it's leaves ♪

♪ Made them shine and

now my tree is bare ♪

♪ His tree is bare ♪

♪ I've talked to

my tree every day ♪

♪ And sung it hooby songs ♪

♪ You did, you know you did ♪

♪ I've done all I

can to make it glad ♪

♪ But now it's leaves are gone ♪

♪ Now let me see, do

ya think it's me ♪

♪ We don't think you

should take the blame ♪

♪ It's foliage has

been a bridge ♪

♪ Oh will it ever be the same? ♪

♪ On the peep planet

where it was born ♪

♪ My tree should be okay ♪

♪ Should be okay ♪

♪ Even though the wind

blows cold and strong ♪

♪ On these chilly autumn days ♪

♪ Chilly autumn days ♪

♪ But the leaves it

bore on every branch ♪

♪ That once were

gorgeous green ♪

♪ Gorgeous, its gorgeous ♪

♪ First all went

brown then fell down ♪

♪ Each twig has

been swept clean ♪

♪ My tree was fine

in warmer times ♪

♪ But then the autumn came ♪

♪ It's lovely leaves

have all been thieved ♪

♪ Oh will it ever be the same ♪

♪ Oh little tree ♪

- I do hope it will

be the same, Groove.

- [Computer] Roma, Roma, Roma

- Oh, Roma's here.

I'm sure she'd have found

out something hoob-acious

about peep trees, Groove.

- Hooble-doop Hoobs.

- Hooble-doop, Roma.

- Today I'm reporting

from right around

on the other side of the world.

Here in the meadow, all

the trees and plants

are covered in leaves,

and everything is starting

to turn green again.

- Um, but Roma, how

could it be getting green

on the other side of the world,

when all the trees here

are losing their leaves?

- Well Tula, even though it's

autumn where you Hoobs are,

here on the other

side of the world,

it's what's called springtime.

A while ago it was winter,

and it was very cold indeed.

Many of the trees have

lost their leaves.

But now it's getting

warmer, and all the trees

are starting to grow

their leaves again.

That's what happens in spring.

- Hooby-galooby, springtime

sounds hooby-groovy.

- It gets better

than that, Groove.

- Yeah?

- Later in the year, it

will get even hotter here.

And spring will

turn into summer.

Did you know that these

different times of year,

spring, summer,

autumn, and winter,

are all called seasons.

So when spring becomes summer,

or autumn becomes winter,

peeps say the

seasons are changing.

- Whoa.

- Oh, the spring weather is

simply hoob-acious, Hoobs.

And now I'm off to enjoy it.

This is Roma Hoob,

about to run gaily

through a springtime meadow.


- Hooble-toodle-doo.

- Fa-la-la-la-la-la.

(Hoobs laughing)

- Hey did you hear that?

- All we have to do

is wait 'til spring,

and your peep tree will start

to grow it's leaves again.

- Oh and then by summer

you'll be back to normal

with lovely, green,

shiny leaves.

- Um, but isn't it surprising,

that here it's autumn,

while on the other side

of the world it's spring?

- [Computer] Hubba

Hubba, hubba hubba hubba.

- It certainly is, Tula.

In fact, this peep planet is

full of surprises, isn't it?

- Mm, but Hubba Hubba, will

I have to take my peep tree

to the other side of the world?

Or will the spring

come 'round here?

- I don't know, Groove.

But, I know who might.

- The Tiddlypeeps.

- Exactly.

- That's a hoobly-groovy

idea, Hubba Hubba.

Will you go again Iver, please?

I'd like to stay and

have a quiet word with--

- Oh with?

- Yeah.

- Yes yes, of course,

of course Groove, yes.

- I'll drive you there.

- Come on!

(energetic music)

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- So Tiddlypeeps, do you

know about the seasons?

- Oh yes, Iver.

Spring, summer.

- Autumn and winter.

- Oh that's hoob-acious.

D'you know, Roma showed us that

it's a completely different

season on the other

side of the world.

- Do the seasons happen

here like they do there?

- How do you mean?

- Well, um, after

it's been winter here,

will it be spring?

So that the trees get

all their leaves back?

- Yes, after winter

comes spring,

and all the trees that

have lost their leaves

start to grow them again.

- Did you hear

that Tula, Groove?

The peep tree is

going to be fine.

- Yes, those leaves will

stay all the way through

to next autumn.

- Next autumn?

- Yes, next autumn the

leaves on the trees

will turn brown and

they will fall off again

until they grow back

in the springtime.

- You mean this is going

to happen all over again?

- Yes, the four seasons, spring,

summer, autumn, and winter

happen every year.

- And they always happen

in the same order.

- Groove is going

to be so happy.

You know you Tiddlypeeps,

you're hoob-acious.

Thank you so much.

- No problem, Iver.

- I think I better be getting

back to the hoob mobile now.


- [Children] Hooble-toodle-doo.

(Iver laughing)

(playful music)

- Did you hear

that, little tree?

You're going to be all right.

- Yes Groove, Groove,

as soon as summer comes

your peep tree will be

covered in new shiny leaves.

- Yeah.

- Then it will be

time for autumn again.

- Yeah.

- Right now, it is

time for Hoob news.

Come on then, we've

got to move your tree

into the Hooby studio.

♪ In summer it gets hot ♪

♪ In wintertime it's cold ♪

♪ In summer it gets hot ♪

♪ In wintertime it's cold ♪

♪ In autumn all

the leaves fall ♪

♪ The leaves fall ♪

♪ And all the trees are bald ♪

♪ In spring they

grow some new ones ♪

♪ Some new ones ♪

♪ Just like the

Hoobs were told ♪

- [Computer] Hubba Hubba,

hubba hubba hubba hubba.

- So Hoobs, are you ready

to give me your Hoob News

for my Hoob-opedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba.

(lively music)

- Hooble-doop whoop, to

all you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question,

- Will Groove's peep tree

ever get it's leaves back?

- Groove was just

the tiniest bit upset

when all of the leaves

fell off his peep tree.

- [Groove] We found out that

hoob-loads of other trees

were losing their leaves,

but we didn't know why.

- [Iver] So we decided

to ask some Tiddlypeeps.

The Tiddlypeeps showed

us that not only

can they have lots of fun

with the fallen leaves,

- [Tula] But the reason

the leaves were falling off

is because it's autumn.

- [Groove] Then we heard

a story, and we found out

about another season, winter.

- [Iver] And we

discovered that peep trees

rest all winter.

- [Groove] But we

still didn't know

if the leaves would grow back.

- [Iver] Then Roma told

us, that on the other side

of the world, winter had turned

into another season, spring.

And all of the trees

were growing new leaves.

- [Tula] Then Roma told

us that as it gets warmer,

spring turns into summer,

and all the peep trees

are back to normal.

- [Iver] But Groove was worried

that we'd have to

take his peep tree

to the other side of the world.

- [Groove] So Iver went to

see some more Tiddlypeeps.

- [Iver] And they told me that

spring would come here too,

and then the seasons would

happen all over again.

- [Tula] So the answer

to the question,

will Groove's peep tree ever

get his leaves back, is.

- [Hoobs] Yes!

- He'll get his leaves

back in the spring.

- Oh hooble-dooble-duper.

So it's thanks once again to

Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember, wherever

you are, have a nice day

and hooble-toodle-doo.

- [Hoobs] Hooble-toodle-doo!

- I wonder what I'd look like

if I lost my hooby fur in

the winter like my peep tree.

- Yuck.

- What?


(Hoobs laughing)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

♪ The hoob mobile

is coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here so

now can you say, Hoobs. ♪
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