01x17 - Fix It

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x17 - Fix It

Post by bunniefuu »

(electronic whooshing)

- Hooble doop, Tiddlypeeps!

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobopedia.

Here they come!

(electronic whooshing)

(upbeat electronic music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver.

- Groove.

- And Tula!

- We're Hoobs!

♪ and they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

- Yahey!

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(Iver laughing)

- Wahey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- One, two, three,

four, five--

- [Iver] Tula!

- Wait, wait, I'm

just counting my jam!

Six, seven, eight--

- Tula, look!

- Nine.

- We found our Hoobytug.

- Yeah, but the

Hoobybag is broken.

- Well, never mind.

We can still play with

the Hoobytug, can't we?

I'll have a go after I've

finished with my jam.

- Ready?

- Ready.

- I've got Heebleleaf

jam, Hooboberry jam

and Hoobocactospiker jam,

but they all look the same.

- Hooby, hooby,


- Sort of red.

- Hooby hooby hooby

tug! (they groan)

(rope boings)

(they yell)

- Oh no, now the Hoobybag

and the Hoobytug are broken.

- The Hoobytug is broken?

And I didn't get to play!

And I was really looking

forward to a good Hoobytug.

- What can we use

to fix our Hoobytug?

- [Computer]

(echoing) Hubba Hubba.

- Ah, it's Hubba Hubba.

(electronic whooshing)

- What can we use

to fix our Hoobytug?

That's a very good question

for today's Hoob News.

- Thank you, Hubba Hubba.

- Oh yes, it's something Hoobs

everywhere will want to know.

After all, there's no knowing

when your Hoobytug might break,

and the answer will go into

the Fixing Things section

of my great Hoobopedia.

- I'll email Roma to tell her

that she needs to find out

all about fixing things.

- Is there anything on Hoobnet

to get us started, Hubba Hubba?

- Ah yes, let me

see what I can find.

It seems there are many

ways to fix things.

Oh, how interesting.

Take a look at this.

(electronic whooshing)

- [Hubba Hubba] What's

this peep doing here?

Oop, she's fixing something.

Ooh, there's some more

fixing going on there.

Ooh, these peeps

do so much fixing!

Yes, very carefully.

Oh, what's going on here?

Ah, they're fixing two

pieces of wood together.

(electronic whooshing)

- All those ways

of fixing things.

But I didn't see anyone

fixing a Hoobytug.

- But did you see those peeps

fixing those bits of wood?

- Yes, they just

stuck it together!

But how?

♪ How how how ♪

♪ How how how how how ♪

♪ How ♪

- With something sticky,

like Hoobofix, that's how!

- Hmm, do you think we could

fix the Hoobytug with Hoobofix?

- It's worth a try.

- Hmm.

- (gasps) It's run out!

- Oh.

- Oh.

- Have we got anything

else that's sticky?

- (munches) Your jam!

- (gasps) Groove!

- What, but it is sticky!

And if you ask me, this one

is stickier than this one.

Although this one is definitely

(slurps) yummier! (laughs)

- Come on Groove, come

down here and slap some on.

- Yeah!

- Right, here are the ends.

- Yep, here we go.

(jam splattering)

- My jam!

- Sticky, isn't it (laughs)

- Right, look at this,

take hold of the other end.

Now (laughs)

- Hooby hooby hooby.

- Hooby hooby hooby tug!

(rope boings)

- Oh, Hooby bother!

- And Hooby blow, the

jam wasn't sticky enough.

Do we have anything stickier?

- [Computer]

(echoing) Hubba Hubba.

- Hooble doop, Hoobs!

Do you have that

Hoobytug fixed yet?

- Not yet, Hubba Hubba, but

we think we could fix it

if we could find

something really sticky.

- Hmm, something really sticky.

- Yeah.

- Well, I've heard

that the Tiddlypeeps

know all about sticky things.

Why don't you ask

them for advice?

- Oh that's a good idea,

thank you Hubba Hubba.

I'll go and ask

some Tiddlypeeps.

- And I'll wake up

those Motorettes

and drive us there. Come on!

- And I'll finish

the jam! (laughs)


- Seatbelt?

- Seatbelt!

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!

(tinkling xylophone music)

♪ Yeehaw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who what where

why when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ Yahoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hello Iver!

- Want to do a Hooby Hello?

- Yes!

- Hooble doop, Hooble

doop, woop woop woop!

- Can you show me some

things that are sticky?

- What about sticky tape,

they're stickier one side.

- Ooh, that looks very useful.

It's a bit like Hoobytape.

- What about some glue?

- Oh, that's a

bit like Hoobyfix.

Have you got any

other sticky things?

- This is a sticky label,

it's sticky on the back

and you can write or draw

things on the front like this.

- I see.

- And then, you can

stick it to things.

- (laughs) It stuck to itself.

- Oh, that's Hoobacious.

You wouldn't have anything

else that's sticky, would you?

- Yes, what about

lovely sticky toffees?

- What is it?

- You unwrap the wrapper

and then you eat it.

Would you like to try one?

- Yes I would.

- Yes please.

Oh thank you, Inez.

Well we've got lots

of sticky things now.

(munches) Thank

you for your help.


But I must be getting back

to the Hoobmobile now.


- Hoobletoodledoo!

(upbeat piano music)

- The Tiddlypeeps knew about

a lot of sticky things,

didn't they?

Do you think any of them would

work for fixing the Hoobytug?

- No, 'cause I tried

all these sticky things

that Hubba Hubba

sent from Hoobnet.

The glue wasn't strong enough,

the sticky tape ripped off

and so did the sticky labels.

But I did order some

of those toffees

that the Tiddlypeeps had.

- Toffees!

- Look!

- Ah, Hoobygroovy, Tula.

(Iver mumbles)

- Mind you, it's not

all that bad, is it,

because I used the sticky

tape to mend the rip

in the Hoobytug bag.

- And I've worked

out how to remember

what jam is in which pot.

You draw a picture of the

fruit on a sticky label

and stick it onto the pot.

This one is Hooboberry.

And here is a label for the

last jar of Heebleleaf jam.

Now-- (Iver mumbles)

- I thought I had another

jar of Heebleleaf jam.

- Er, yes you did,

Tula, but I ate it.

(Iver mumbles)

- Iver, what is the matter?

- It's the Hoobygroovy

toffee, isn't it?

- Oh, has it stuck

your mouth up?

- [Iver] Mmmhmm!

- That's Hoobacious!

- [Iver] Mmhmm?

- If it's sticky enough

to stick up your mouth,

then maybe it's sticky

enough to mend the Hoobytug!

(Iver tries to talk

with mouth closed)

- Ah, maybe we should help

him get his mouth open first.

(Groove mumbles)

- [Iver] Mmhmm!

- You take the top, Groove,

I'll take the bottom.

(Iver squeals)

(loud popping)

- Ahh, ohh, yes.

Right, now for the Hoobytug.

Where are the other toffees?

(Groove tries to talk

with his mouth closed)

- Groove, we needed those

toffees for the Hoobytug.

- (mumbles and groans)

(mumbles) Help yourself.

- Ugh.

(Groove mumbles)

(loud popping)

- Toffee...


Toffee on Hoobytug. (groans)

There. Ready?

- Ready.

- Hooby, hooby, hooby,

hooby hooby hooby tug!

(rope boings)

- Oh, Hooby bother! We'll have

to think of something else.

- [Computer] (echoing) Roma.

- Roma!

(electronic whooshing)

- Hooble doop, Hoobs!

I got an email from

you, Iver, earlier,

asking me about ways of

fixing things together.

Well, I'm in a place

where peeps make clothes,

and on the table here

I've got Hoobloads of

stuff called haberdashery.

- I beg your pardon, Roma,

did you say Hoobadashery?

What's Hoobadashery?

- Ha! No, Tula, haberdashery!

It's a word peeps

use to describe

things to do with

making clothes.

Now, look, I've got all

these things they use

to fix clothes with.

For example, this is a zip.

And here's a button.

And over here I have

a lot of ribbons,

but my personal

favorite is this stuff.

(hook-and-loop fastener ripping)

Isn't that a Hoobacious noise?


fastener rips) Ha!

- Hooby galooby, what

is that stuff, Roma?

- It's called a hook-and-loop

fastener, Hoobs.

You sew a piece onto each

thing you want to join up

and then stick them

together like this.

(Groove laughs)

All the little

hooks on one piece

hook into all the little

loops on the other piece.

- Wow!

- Fantabbyhooby, isn't it?

- Hoobacious!

- Oh, Hooby bother.

It seems to have

got stuck to me!

Get off! Get off!

This is Roma Hoob,

hooked, looped

and going to get some help.


(mutters) Get off, get off!

- [Hoobs] Hoobletoodledoo!

- Well, buttons and

zips and ribbons

aren't any use to us, are they?

But that stuff that made the

funny noise looked Hoobacious!

- I wonder if Hubba

Hubba could get us some?

- No need to bother Hubba Hubba!

I've already found some!

(hook-and-loop fastener ripping)

- (laughs) It was

in my collection of

things that make a

Hooby groovy noise.

- Oh Groove, thank you!

Well, now all we need

to do is fix this stuff

to the Hoobytug, but how?

♪ How how how ♪

♪ How how how how how ♪

♪ How ♪

- This is how.

- Well done Tula!

- Yeah.

- Now let's stick the

two ends together.

- Right, mmhmm!

- Ooh!

- It's looking good!

- Let's try it out,

come on Groove!

You take that end.

- Yep.

- And I'll pull

against you, ready?

- Hooby hooby hooby,

hooby hooby hooby tug!

(rope boings)

(Iver screams)

Now what?

- D'you know what?

That's just given me a

really Hooby groovy idea.

- [Computer]

(echoing) Hubba Hubba.

(electronic whooshing)

- Hooble doop, Hoobs!

- Oh, Hooble doop, Hubba Hubba!

- Have you found

out what you can use

to fix the Hoobytug yet?

- Er, no, we thought we'd

just found the answer,

but we hadn't.

- But we have found a way

to stick up the top

of the Hoobytug bag.

Look, open (laughs)

close, open, close.

- That's fantabbyhooby, Groove!

- Yes, but just being able

to open and close the bag

doesn't fix the

Hoobytug, does it?

- We just can't seem to

find anything sticky enough!

- Ah, well I have the feeling

that sticky is not the answer.

- Why?

♪ Why why ♪

♪ Why why why ♪

- Because I have a story

here from a Tiddlypeep

which you might

find interesting.

(electronic whooshing)

(upbeat oboe music)

- [Tiddlypeep] There was once

a piece of string called Sammy

who lived in a

useful things box.

Now Sammy String was very sad.

(sad oboe music)

He lay at the bottom of

the useful things box

and sighed a great sigh.

(sad sigh)

- What on Earth's

the matter, Sammy?

- [Tiddlypeep]

Asked Rosie Ribbon.

- I'm fed up with

just lying here.

- [Tiddlypeep] Said Sammy.

- Nothing ever happens,

and I never get taken away

and used for anything.

- Well it's your own

fault, if you ask me.

- [Tiddlypeep] Called

Shirley Shoelace.

- You don't do

anything for yourself.

- Like what?

- [Tiddlypeep] Asked Sammy.

- Well, look at

Rosie, for instance.

Go on Rosie, show him your bow.

- All right.

- [Tiddlypeep] Said Rosie shyly,

and she quickly tied

herself into a lovely bow.

- Wow!

- [Tiddlypeep] Said Sammy.

(upbeat oboe and flute music)

- That's why Rosie's

so useful, you see.

- [Tiddlypeep] Said Shirley.

- She makes the prettiest

bows you've ever seen.

- So why are you useful?

- [Tiddlypeep] Asked Sammy.

- Because I do bows, too!

- [Tiddlypeep] Laughed Shirley.

- I'm a shoelace, aren't I?

Shoelaces have to make bows.

- [Tiddlypeep] And

she showed him.

(energetic flute music)

- What could I make then?

- [Tiddlypeep] Asked Sammy.

(sad oboe music)

- Knots!

- [Tiddlypeep] Replied

Shirley firmly.

- String is best for knots.

Look, I'll show you.

(upbeat guitar music)

- [Tiddlypeep] And

she showed Sammy

how to tie both ends

of himself together

to make a really good knot.

Soon Sammy was busy

practicing his knots,

and in no time at all

he became one of the

most useful things

in the useful things box.

(electronic whooshing)

- A knot, that's it!

- Hoob hoob hooray!

(bouncy country music)

♪ Our Hoobytug is broken ♪

♪ It's severed, cut, it's torn ♪

♪ And the bag that

it's been kept in ♪

♪ Is similarly worn ♪

♪ And we're in desperate

need of tugging ♪

♪ Will we never get a pull ♪

♪ Our tugger's hole

needs plugging ♪

♪ It's looking pitiful ♪

♪ Oh, there must be a way to

reattach this pair of ends ♪

♪ To take these

bits of Hoobytug ♪

♪ And get them to make friends ♪

♪ All we need's a simple plan ♪

♪ To get them back together ♪

♪ Some way to join

them up again ♪

♪ Something rather clever ♪

♪ We've tried a spot

of Hoobnip jam ♪

♪ On either end applied ♪

♪ But that ruse

proved to be a sham ♪

♪ So we put the jam aside ♪

♪ Instead we used

another trick ♪

♪ A gooey toffee paste ♪

♪ But toffee's not

supposed to stick ♪

♪ It's far nicer to taste ♪

♪ Oh, what were we

supposed to do ♪

♪ When heading for disaster ♪

♪ But Roma had a cunning plan ♪

♪ A hook-and-loop

type fastener ♪

♪ This fiendish stuff

seemed perfect ♪

♪ With a really Hooby sound ♪

♪ But when we pulled

the Hoobytug ♪

♪ We wound up on the ground ♪


♪ Roma's answer came

in useful, though ♪

♪ One thing we must admit ♪

♪ Its bag is fully mended now ♪

♪ But the Hoobytug's

still split ♪

♪ There had to be a

way of fixing it ♪

♪ So we asked the

question what ♪

♪ Then we heard the story, hey ♪

♪ The answer is a knot ♪

- Okay, let's do it!

- Yeah!

- Oh, can anyone

actually tie a knot?

- (sighs) Shall we ask

Hubba Hubba to help?

- No no no no no, hang on,

I'm sure we can work this out.



Let's ask Hubba Hubba.

- [Computer]

(echoing) Hubba Hubba.

(electronic whooshing)

- Hubba Hubba, we need to

tie a knot in the Hoobytug,

but we don't know how.

- But you know how to

tie a knot, don't you?

- Me? A knot? Oh,

no no no no no.

I can tie a bow in a

Heebleflibber's tail,

but I can't tie a knot.

But I know who can!

The Tiddlypeeps!

- The Tiddlypeeps, of

course, they'll know!

- Thank you, Hubba Hubba!

See you later!

- Yes!

- Come on, Tula!

- Let's get this

Hoobmobile moving!

- Um, I'll just

eat some more jam.

(tinkling xylophone music)

♪ Yeehaw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps,

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who what where

why when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

♪ Yoohoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

(Motorette laughing)

- Hey, Tula, Groove, these

Tiddlypeeps have got string!

That's lucky, isn't it?

(they laugh)

I bet they can help us.

Hooble doop, Tiddlypeeps!

- Hooble doop, Iver!

- I see you have

some string here,

please, could you show

me how to tie a knot?

- What's the knot for?

- It's to mend our

broken Hoobytug.

We need to tie the two

ends together again.

- This is how you do it.

You get the two pieces

of string together,

wind them through the

middle, and you pull.

- Hooby galooby,

do you know that's just

what I wanted to know?

Let me try and remember that.

That's round, through the

middle, and then you just pull.

That's... will

you show me again?

(upbeat music)

- And there is your knot.

- Oh, thank you!

I must dash now before

I forget how to do it.


- Hoobletoodledoo!

- (laughs) Round, up through

the middle, and pull!

(upbeat piano music)

- Come on, Iver, it's

almost time for Hoob News.

- Jam, Tula?

- Round, up through

the middle, and pull.

Round, up through

the middle, and pull.

- Oh, Iver, you're so clever!

- Iver!

- Oh yes (clears

throat) watch this.


- Round.

- Up through the middle.

- And... pull!

- Hooby galooby,

Iver, you've done it!

- Yes, come on you two,

time for Hoob News!


- And I know just what

I'm going to do with this.

(fast-paced piano music)

♪ Three sticky Motorettes ♪

♪ Sitting on a green courgette ♪

♪ Eating the most

delicious jam ♪

♪ Yum yum ♪

♪ One jumped onto the floor ♪

♪ Thinking she'd

find some more ♪

♪ That left two

sticky Motorettes ♪

♪ Boo hoo ♪

- Well, it's just

you and me then.

- Okay!

♪ Two sticky Motorettes ♪

♪ Sitting on a green courgette ♪

♪ Eating the most

delicious jam ♪

♪ Yum yum ♪

♪ One jumped onto the floor ♪

♪ Thinking he'd find some more ♪

♪ That left one

sticky Motorette ♪

♪ Boo hoo ♪

♪ One sticky Motorette ♪

♪ Sitting on a green courgette ♪

♪ Eating the most

delicious jam ♪

♪ Yum yum ♪

♪ One jumped onto the floor ♪

♪ Thinking she'd

find some more ♪

♪ That left no

sticky Motorettes ♪

♪ Boo hoo ♪

- Come on, Groove, it's

time for Hoob News!

- Here I am, and look at this!

Thanks to the Tiddlypeeps

the Hoobytug bag

handle has been mended

using knots and string! (laughs)

- [Computer]

(echoing) Hubba Hubba.

- Oh well done, Hoobs!

So, are you ready to

give me what you've got

on fixing a Hoobytug

for my Hoobopedia?

- We're ready, Hubba Hubba!

(upbeat rock music)

- Hooble doop woop to

all you Hoobs out there!

Welcome to Hoob News, the news

show for Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question--

- What can we use

to fix our Hoobytug?

- [Iver] It all started

when our Hoobytug broke

right in the middle

of a Hoobytug!

- [Tula] The first

thing we found out

was that there are lots

of ways to fix things.

- [Iver] We thought that the

best was to fix our Hoobytug

would be to use something

sticky, like Hoobyfix.

- [Groove] But we were

all out of Hoobyfix,

so we used Tula's

jam instead (laughs)

but it wasn't sticky enough.

- [Iver] The

Tiddlypeeps then told me

about all sorts

of sticky things.

Sticky tape, glue,

sticky labels,

but the thing I liked best

was the sticky toffee.

- [Tula] Toffee may be sticky,

but it isn't good

for fixing things.

- [Groove] But the sticky

tape did mend the split

in the Hoobytug bag.

- [Tula] And the sticky

labels were Hoobily groobily

for labeling jam pots.

- [Iver] Roma found out all

about some stuff that was sticky

and made a Hoobacious noise!

(hook-and-loop fastener ripping)

- [Groove] Sadly, it was no

good for fixing the Hoobytug,

but it was great for

sticking together

the top of the Hoobytug bag!

- [Tula] Then Hubba

Hubba sent us a story

which showed us that we

could mend the Hoobytug

by tying the ends in a knot.

- [Iver] Only we didn't

know how to tie a knot.

Until the Tiddlypeeps showed me!

So the answer to the question

what can we use to

fix our Hoobytug is

- A knot!

- And so, it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove and Roma

for giving Hoobs

everywhere a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember, wherever you are,

have a nice day and


- Hoobletoodledoo!

- Right, who's for a Hoobytug?

- Ooh, me!

(they laugh)

- I'll play in a minute

after I've finished

this last pot of jam.

- Hooby hooby hooby tug!

- Tug!

(laughing and giggling)

(upbeat rock music)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

(Iver laughs)

- Yahey!

- Oh!

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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