01x25 - Rain

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x25 - Rain

Post by bunniefuu »

(electrical whirring)

- Hoobledoob Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland,

and I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobopaedia.

Here they come.

(electrical whirring)


♪ You know who "The Hoobs" are ♪

♪ Iver ♪

♪ Groove ♪

♪ And Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Yay ♪


♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the

engines screaming ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (chuckles) Oh!

- Way


♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do ya say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

- And you sprinkle

the peep seeds

on the earth like this.

There (chuckles).

- Mm hm, wow.

So now what?

- The peep seeds will grow

into beautiful peep flowers,

that's what Tula.

- Hoobledoob Hoobs.

- Hoobledoob.

- It's raining again,

can you believe it?

- Well I haven't

really noticed Iver.

I've been too busy planting

my peep flower seeds.

- Oh well--

those funny little specky

things are peep flower seeds?

- Yup.

- That not a bit

like our flower seeds

back in Hoobland are they?

- Not a bit.

I mean Hooby flower

seeds just look like

tiny Hooby flowers that

grow into bigger ones.

- Do you suppose

Groove's little specks

will just grow

into bigger specks?

- No Tula (chuckles),

they'll grow into peep flowers.

- But in Hoobland, our seeds

start growing right away,

and your specks are

doing absolutely nothing.

- Hm?

oh yeah.

But this is not Hoobland Tula,

they do things differently here.

My peep seeds will

grow, you'll see.

- (together) But how?

♪ How how how ♪

♪ How how how how how ♪

♪ How ♪

(slow dramatic tune)

- Nope, still specks.

They're not going

to grow Groove.

- Excuse me Tula,

is that a flower,

or is it a hooby hog?

- Yes, all right you two,

let's not worry too much

about Grooves peep seeds now.

We need to think up a

questions for Hoob News.

- Hooby Galooby,

just listen to that rain.

- Yeah, it's weird

how often it happens.

- If we go out and

see the Tiddlypeeps

we'll get our twizzle tops wet.

- Ew, we'll get all of us wet.

- We won't be going

to see the Tiddlypeeps

unless we can think of a

question for Hoob News.

Now then, what can we

explore today about this

hoobacious peep planet that

would interest Hoobs everywhere.

Um (smacks).

- There's so much of it.

- Yeah, and it

comes and it goes.

Listen, it's

stopping again there.

- Well yes, yes, it

is stopping again

so now we can get on.

- Since there's

so much rain about

there must be a reason for it.

- Yes but--

- Exactly,

there's hoob loads of rain

falling but the question is,

what's rain for?

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- What's rain for?

That is indeed the question Tula

The perfect question for

you to answer on Hoob News.

(Groove laughs)

All the information about rain

can go straight

into my Hoobopaedia.

- You're right Hubba Hubba,

all this rain must

have some use.

- Oh yes, I'd have

though so Iver.

- And Hoobs everywhere will

really want to know about rain.

After all, no one in

Hoobland has ever seen it.

Now, let me see if I can

find anything on HoobNet

to get you started.


(electrical whirring)

Ah, take a look at this.

(electrical whirring)

(tropical music)

Very cloudy sky.

Oh, here's some rain drip

drip dripping, making puddles.

There's rain coming

down on the trees,

and dripping off a roof.

Look at that rain everywhere,


(electrical whirring)

- I had no idea so much rain

fell out of the sky

on the peep planet.

- Oh Iver, rain is

not for Hoobs is it.

I mean, all our

water in Hoobland

just bubbles up

from underground,

it doesn't fall on

you and soak you.

- Quite.

Do you suppose there's a big

fountain up there somewhere?

- Hmm, or a--

a giant rain machine!

- Well that's a possibility.

I mean, the rain must be

made in the sky somehow.

- But how?

♪ How how how ♪

♪ How how how how how how ♪

♪ How ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- (gasps) It's Hubba Hubba.

Maybe he's found out

how rain is made.

- Or maybe he's found out how

to make my peep seeds grow.

- Hoobledoob Hoobs.

Now, I've just been

in touch with Roma,

and she's gone off

to find some rain

so she can report back to you.

(chuckles) She loves

it on the peep planet,

and she's as excited

about this hoobly groobly

rain stuff as I am.

- It's all very well

for you Hubba Hubba,

you're not gonna

have to go out in it.

You're back in sunny Hoobland.

- I know Tula, but guess what?

I just found a story from

a Tiddlypeep on HoobNet,

and I think it might help

answer your question.

(electrical whirring)

(tropical music)

- [Narrator] Mud

bug sat on the top

of his little hill

in the desert.

It was hot, hot, hot.

Mud bug didn't mind

the heat a bit,

but he really wanted to

be able to slide down

his little hill.

He could only do this when

the hill got slippery,

and the hill only got

slippery when it got wet.

So mud bug was hoping for rain.


He stared up into the clear

blue sky and he sighed sadly,


then suddenly,

he spotted something

far away on the horizon.

A little wisp of cloud.

The little wisp called to him,

"I'm on my way mud bug".

And mud bug watched

the little wisp

growing fatter and

fatter as it drifted

closer and closer to him.

(chimes ringing)

Soon, the little wisp

had become a big gray cloud

and it was right overhead.

"Here I am", said the cloud.

"I am so big,

"and so heavy,

"that I'm about to burst."

And the cloud did just that.


Rain poured down on mud bug.

"Yippee", he shouted.

"Now my hill is all slippery."

and he slid right

down to the bottom.


(sun laughing)

But the hot sun

soon sucked up all

the drops of rain,

and a new wispy cloud began

to form and drift away.

Mud bug knew that it would

get bigger and bigger,

and fatter and fatter

then it would burst,

and some other mud bug

would get a chance to go,

"Wee!" down his slippery hill.

(chimes ringings)

(electrical whirring)

- How hoobacious was that?

- Yeah (chuckles).

- First we find out

that rain falls from the sky

and now we know it

comes from a cloud.

- Hm, so let me

get this straight.

The sun sucks up all

the little rain drops

which turn into baby clouds.

- Which grow into

big fat gray clouds.

- Which burst.

- And make us wet.

- Yes Groove, but why

does the peep planet

need to get so wet?

- So the mud bugs can go

sliding down the hills I guess.

- Well that can't be

the only reason Groove.

- Oh, it can't?

Well all I can say is

that I'm glad I haven't

put my peep seeds

out in the rain (chuckles),

they wouldn't like getting

wet anymore then I do.

- Mm, there must be someone

who knows more about rain.

- Mm.

- But who?

♪ Who who who who who ♪

♪ Who ♪

- I don't know who,

and now it started

raining again.

Oh, this is such a mystery.

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Is it still raining Hoobs?

- Yes Hubba Hubba, but

we've no idea what it's for?

- Mm, very curious,

very curious indeed Tula.

Do you know what Hoobs?

I think it's time

for a hooby think.

- You're right Hubba Hubba,

a hooby think is bound

to give us all an idea.


♪ When you're stuck for

an answer on what to do ♪

♪ Stop hm ♪

♪ Think it through ♪

♪ Take a deep breath in ♪

♪ Think it out ♪

♪ Work it through don't

scream and shout ♪

♪ Think it through ♪

♪ Don't go boo hoo ♪

♪ Think it through ♪

♪ You'll feel brand new ♪

♪ If you think it through ♪

♪ If you think it through ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


- Well I don't know

about you Hoobs,

but that hooby think gave

me two fantabby hooby ideas.

The first one was why don't

you visit the Tiddlypeeps.

- Are you thinking

what I'm thinking?

- I'm thinking that

asking the Tiddlypeeps

means going out in the rain.

- And going out in the

rain means getting wet.

- Well I can't go,

I've got to stay here to

look after my peep seeds

and keep this nice and dry.

- Ah, but my second

thought was this,

when it's raining in one

part of the peep planet

it's not always raining

in another part so--

- So what?

- So if you drive the

Hoobmobile a long way

then you'll drive

out of the rain,

and you can visit the

Tiddlypeeps without--

- Getting wet!


- Yes!

- Ah that is a hoobly

groobly idea Hubba Hubba.

- Hubba Hubba you are a genius.

- Ohh I wouldn't say that Iver.

Now get those Motorettes singing

and get the Hoobmobile

on the move Hoobs.

Off you go.

- I'll drive.

(piano plays softly)

(thunder roars)

- Seatbelt (clicks).

- Mm hm.

- We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps!


- Ye haw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪ ♪ They know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who what where

why when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ Ya hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

they're fun they know ♪

- Hello Tidddlypeeps!

- Hello Iver!

- Want to do a hooby hello?

- Yes!

♪ Hoobledoob Hoobledoob ♪

♪ Woo woo woo ♪

- Now I wanted to talk

to you about that um,

weird, wet, rain

stuff (chuckles).

- Rain's not weird, it's fun!

- Fun, did you say fun?

Did you hear that Tula, Groove?

Rain is fun!


Wait wait wait, why is rain fun?

- Because it's wet

and it makes puddles.

- Puddles, oh I see (chuckles),

but what's so good

about puddles?

- Puddles are for splashing in.

- Ah (stutters) Tula,

Groove can you believe this?

Tiddlypeeps actually like

splashing in puddles.

- (laughs) Hey!

- They actually like

the rain (chuckles).

Well thank you very very much,

but I must be getting back now.

And again, hoobletoodledo.

- Hoobletoodledo!

(upbeat music)

- (small scream) Now we know

what all this rain is for,

it's for Tiddlypeeps

to splash in.

- The rain falls from the

sky from big gray clouds

so that Tiddlypeeps,

can have fun!

- There we are,

we have the answer

for Hoob News.


- Well you wouldn't catch a Hoob

splashing around in

puddles that's for sure.

- Absoloutely not Groove.

Do you know what I

think about rain?

♪ When you hear the

flip flop of the rain ♪

♪ Start to plip plip plop ♪

♪ Against your window pane ♪

♪ At the first plip plop

you should take my advice ♪

♪ Get straight back indoors ♪

♪ 'Cause it's really not

nice to be out in the rain ♪

♪ It's a thing you'll regret ♪

♪ For a Hoob in the rain ♪

♪ Will get wet wet wet ♪

♪ As soon as it pours ♪

♪ The earth turns all boggy ♪

♪ And a Hoob in a bog

would be terribly soggy ♪

♪ If a Hoob is ever

caught in a storm ♪

♪ Then that Hoob will feel

all drippy sad and followed ♪

♪ In Hoob land ♪

♪ The sun's up all day ♪

♪ In Hoobland ♪

♪ Even the rain stays away ♪

♪ In Hoobland there's

not a cloud in the sky ♪

♪ In Hoobland all

the Hoobs stay dry ♪

(piano plays softly)


- All right, let's get

ready for Hoob News.

- I'll stay here Iver

if you don't mind,

and talk to my seeds.

If I talk to them, I think

they might just grow.

- (echo) Oh Roma Roma Roma.

- Hey it's Roma.

- Oh, it's always

good to see Roma,

even though we all ready have

the answer to our question.


- Hoobledoob Roma!

- Hoobledoob Hoobs, Hubba

Hubba asked me to see

what I could find

out about rain.

Well, as you can see,

I'm standing here

and it's pouring.

I tell you, there's

so much of this stuff.

It rushes down mountains,

fills up lakes and

rivers and streams,

and then pours into the sea.

Oh, I'm sure Hoobs everywhere

will be asking themselves

one very important question,

how could Roma bare

to be out in the rain?

Well, I'll tell you,

peeps have invented

special clothes for rainy days.

Plastic macs like this

one cover there bodies,

with plastics hoods

that cover their heads.

See how nicely this one

covers my twizzletop.

- Yes, that looks very smart.

- Mm, nice, mm.

- I like that.

- Fantabby hooby hey.

Then there's this

wonderful invention,

an umbrella to cover everything.

So, let the rain pour,

let it fill up the rivers and

lakes and run into the sea,

'cause I'll stay snug and

dry under my umbrella.


(water splashes)

(Roma grunts)


this is Roma Hoob

in a huge puddle,

staying miraculously dry.


- (all together) Hoobletoodledo!

- Well Hoobs, just when we

thought we'd found the answer

along comes Roma with even

more information about rain.

- I'm going to ask Hubba

Hubba to order hoob loads

of peep rain clothes

from Hoob Net.

We can wear them for Hoob News.

- (laughing) Hey, get

some of those hooby groovy

twirly umper bumpers

that Roma had.

- (giggles) Umbrellas Groove.

- (laughing) You

better order lots Tula,

well in case we get

a leak in the roof.


- Mm yeah.

There's something missing here.

Come on little seeds, come on.

You can turn into hooby

groovy peep flowers,

you can do it.

- Groove.

- Hm?

- I can't help thinking

that I haven't quite

gott to the bottom

of this rain question.

- No, and I haven't

got to the bottom

of my seed question either Iver.

- I mean rain rushes

down the mountains

and fills up the rivers and

lakes, and flows into the sea.

- Yeah.

- But we still don't

really know why?

♪ Why why why ♪

♪ Why ♪

- I don't know.

- Neither do I.

- How quick was that.

Hubba Hubba sent us

all these rain clothes

for us to wear for Hoob News.

- That's nice Tula,

but I don't think we'll

be doing Hoob News.

- Iver, we have to do Hoob News.

We, we always do Hoob News.

- But Tula, we don't

know the answer.

We simply don't know

what rain is for.

Why does it fill up

the rivers and lakes

and flow into the sea?

- Well, don't ask

me, I don't know.

- Precisely (sighs).

(Groove sighs)

- Well there's no point in

just sitting and sighing.

Let's ask Hubba Hubba if

he's got anymore suggestions.

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Hoobledoob Tula.

So (chuckles) how

are you getting on?

- Well, Iver and Groove

are miserable Hubba Hubba.

- I'm sure there's

something about rain

that I just don't know.

- And there's something about

peep seeds that I don't know.

- See, miserable, I told you.

- Oh, cheer up Hoobs.

Why don't you try the

Tiddlypeeps again.

Maybe they'll know about

peep seeds and about rain.

- You think the

Tiddlypeeps might know

how my seeds will

grow Hubba Hubba?

- Well, Tiddlypeeps seem

to know most things.

- Hooby groovy, yes.

I'm going, I'm going

to see the Tiddlypeeps.

- I'll drive you there Groove.

- Oh, thank you Tula.

Now Iver, will you stay and

look after my seeds for me?

- Yes.

- Thank you.

Oh, and just in case

the roof springs a leak,

(grunts) will you hold

this over the tray.

- Yes.

- Keep them dry.

- Oh okay.

- Thank you.

- Don't forget to ask

what rain's for Groove,

or we won't have the answer.

(thunder roars)


- Ye haw!

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart ♪

♪ They're fun ♪

♪ They know ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who what where

why when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them off we go ♪

♪ Ya hoo ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

they're fun they know ♪


- (gasp) Look Tula,

the Tiddlypeeps have

got seed packets

like the ones I have.

I'm gonna take a closer look.

(horn plays)


- Hoobledoob Groove.

- Can I ask you a question,

are you planting flowers?

- Yes.

- Ah Tula, Iver,

did you hear that?

(Tula gasps)

The Tiddlypeeps are planting

flowers just like me.

Tell me, do your seeds

actually do anything

or you know, do they just

into the ground doing nothing,

like mine.

- Of course they do

something, they grow.

- Iver, Tula, did you hear that?

- Yes.

- The sun shines,

the rain rains and

the seeds grow.

- Thank you.

(upbeat tune)

You mean, you actually let

the rain fall on your seeds

and make them wet?

- Of course, all plants need

water to grow and stay alive.

- So, that's what

the rain is for,

too make things grow.


- Would you like to

take this with you?

- Thank you both so much,

you've been wonderful.


- Hoobletoodledo!

- Hoob Hoob hooray,

we found the answer.



We know what rain is for.

- To make things grow.

- I'm so happy.


Isn't it hooby groovy

aye (chuckles).

(sighs) Rain makes things

grow, like peeps seeds.

- (laughing) And there we

were, trying to keep them dry.


- You know, after Hoob News,

I'm gonna move my seeds

onto the hooby roof garden

so the rain can water

them all the time.

- Hoob News!

Come on it's time for Hoob News,

Groove Groove Groove

into the Hooby Studio.

(piano plays softly)

♪ Oh insy winsy Tootle

climbed up the spout ♪

♪ Down came the rain and

washed the Tootle out ♪

♪ Out came the sun and

dried up all the rain ♪

♪ So incy winsy Tootle

climbed up the spout again ♪

♪ Iver Groove and Tula have

all been watching rain ♪

♪ They didn't really like it ♪

♪ They thought it was a pain ♪

♪ But now they know

just what it is ♪

♪ And how and where and why ♪

♪ Groove is very happy his

seeds are wet not dry ♪

♪ His seeds are wet not dry ♪

(electrical whirring)

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba Hubba ♪

- Are you ready with your news

from my Hoobopaedia Hoobs?

- We're ready.

- Well take it away.

- Hoobledoob woop to

all you Hoobs out there,

welcome to Hoob News.

The news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question--

- What is rain for?

- [Iver] First we saw lots

of friend which Hubba Hubba

had found for us on HoobNet.

And we realized just how much

rain falls on the peep planet.

- [Tula] Then we heard a

story about a little mud bug,

and we learned that

rain comes from clouds.

- [Iver] Then I went to

visit the Tiddlypeeps,

and they told me that

rain was fun to splash in.

- [Groove] But we didn't

much like the sound of this

because Hoobs don't

like getting wet.

- [Tula] Then Roma told

us about rain clothes,

and umbrellas the

peeps use to keep dry.

- [Iver] So we knew

more about rain,

but we still weren't quite

sure what it was for.

So Groove went off to

the Tiddlypeeps again,

and this is what they said.

- The sun shines, the rain

rains, and the seeds grow.

- We had found out

exactly what rain is for,

(together) to make things grow.

Hoob Hoob hooray!

- And so it's thanks once

again to Iver, Tula, Groove

and Roma for giving

us a little peep

into the world of peeps.

And remember, wherever,

whatever you are,

have a nice day,

and hoobletoodledo!

- Hoobletoodledo!

- Right, I'm gonna

put my peep seeds

on the hooby roof garden,

they need all the

rain they can get.

- Groove, I hate

to tell you this.

- What?

- It stopped raining.


♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine screaming ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob Hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- (chuckles) Oh.

- Yay!


♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪
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