01x38 - Potatoes

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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01x38 - Potatoes

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hooble doop, Tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send four of

my favorite Hoobs down to Earth,

to find out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come.

(Theme song playing)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

- Iver!

- Groove!

- And Tula!

- [All] We're Hoobs!

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

We want to know ♪

- Ya-hey!

- (dinging)

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep The engines spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

- Ha-ha!

- Oh!

(laughing) Wahey!


♪ The Hoobs are here

So what do you say? ♪

♪ Hoobs! ♪



Tula, these hoobystampers

are hooble dooble dooper.


Iver, Tula.

Look at this.

Isn't it hooby groovy?

(laughing) What is it, Groove?

It's a potato plant.

I ordered it from

Hoobnet. (chuckling)

Peep farmers grow them.

What're you going to

do with it, Groove?

Well, I'm gonna get it to

grow a potato, what else?

Grow a potato?


♪ Why, why? ♪

♪ Why, why, why? ♪

Because it would be

nice to have a potato.

It would?


♪ Why, why? ♪

♪ Why, why, why? ♪

Because I don't have one.

And I'd like one.

Okay, um.

But that plant doesn't

look to me as though

it's growing anything,

except leaves.

Hmm, will Groove's plant

ever grow a potato?

Hubba, hubba, hubba.

Will Groove's plant

ever grow a potato?

Tula, that's an

hoobacious question

for today's Hoob News.

It is?

Oh, absohoobylutely.

There aren't any potatoes

here in Hoobland.

So Hoobs everywhere

will be interested

to know the answer.

I will put all the information

in my great Hoobapedia.

And please, will you

e-mail Roma, Hubba Hubba,

to ask her to find

out about potatoes.

We're definitely going

to need her help.

- [Hubba] Certainly, Iver.

That's a very good idea too.

Whatever Roma's up to

on the Peep planet,

I'm sure she'll stop to go

on a potato hunt for you.

That's fantabyhooby,

Hubba Hubba.

But I have another question.

What exactly is a potato?

Aha. Another good point, Tula.

Let's see if there's

anything at all on Hoobnet

that might give us some idea

as to what a potato is.

Hooby galooby.

I've just found

hoobloads of them.

Have a look at this.

- [Hubba] Now, here are lots

of different vegetables.

Ooh, look at the size

of that vegetable.

Oh, hoobloads of

potatoes, Groove, look.

Here are some Peeps

picking vegetables.

Up into the bag.

There's hoobloads

more potatoes, Groove.

Do you know, I think

potatoes are vegetables.


Ooh, there's some more potatoes.

Potatoes are vegetables.

Hooby galooby.

So a potato is a vegetable.

And there are different kinds.

Big ones, small ones,

smooth ones, knobbly ones.

Hmm, I wonder what kind of

potato my plant is growing.

Hmm, an invisible

potato. (laughing)

That's not funny, Tula.

My plant will grow a

potato. You'll see.

Okay. And when it appears...

If it appears. (laughing)

What will you do with it?

I'll, uh...

I'll put it in my potato

collection, of course.

Do you have a potato collection?

Well, I will when

I have a potato.

- Oh.

I see.

But there must be something

else to do with a potato

besides put it in a collection.

I think we should

ask Hubba Hubba

if he has any more

information for us.


Hubba Hubba. (ECHOING)

I'll see what I can

find on Hoobnet,

to get you started.

Oh, oh, I'm sorry.

I was just talking to the

Hoobs on planet Fluff.

Now, how are you getting

on with your potatoes?

Um, We need more

information, Hubba Hubba.

We're a bit stuck.

Oh dear.

Well, what do you usually do

when you're a bit stuck?

We ask the Tiddlypeeps.

Spot on, Groove.

The Tiddlypeeps always

help, don't they?

Besides, I've heard

that they love potatoes.

So I suggest that you

start up the Hoobmobile

and go and find

some Tiddlypeeps.

Oh, it's the Hoobs

on Alpha Three.

Excuse me. I'll see you later.

Right. I'll go and

see the Tiddlypeeps.

Groove, maybe the Tiddlypeeps

will have a potato to show us.

- Ah, yeah.

- Come on.

Let's wake up those Motorettes.

Oh. (laughing)

- [Groove] No touching.

- Mmhmm.

- Seatbelt, Tula.

- [Both] We're off to

see the Tiddlypeeps!

(Motorettes jamming)


♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

- They're smart!

- They're fun!

They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ Help us find things out ♪

♪ They give us clues

They tell us news ♪

♪ That's what

They're all about ♪

Yee hoo!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

Why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them Off we go ♪

Yee hoo!

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

They're fun They know ♪

Hooble doop, everyone.

- [Kids] Hooble doop, Groove.

Hey, look at all

these. (laughing)

They're hooby groovy.

How'd you do it, Perry?

Well, first you take a potato.

You give it some feet,

some eyes,

some ears,

some glasses.

And then you're done.

Oh, potatoes are hooby groovy.

Would you like this?

(gasps) Are you sure?


You can have mine too.

- [Groove] Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.

These will be hoobly groobly

for the Hoob News (laughing).

Now then, what are you doing?

We're potato printing.


Is that hooby groovy or what?

Tula, Iver,

I really hope you can

see all this. Yes.

All from a potato.

Would you like some potatoes

to take with you, Groove?

Do you mean it, really?

Thank you very

much, Tiddlypeeps.

Hooble toodle doo.

- [Kids] Hooble toodle doo.

Yay, look at all these potatoes

the Tiddlypeeps gave me.

Fantabyhooby, Groove.

The Tiddlypeeps were

printing with their potatoes

just like we do with

our hoobystampers.

Hooby galooby.

We could do potato prints

for today's Hoob News.

Great idea, Tula.

We could hang them up

around the Hooby studio.

And we could use

these potato Peeps

the Tiddlypeeps sent.

- [Tula] Potatoes are hoobly

groobly, really useful.

A lot more useful

than a potato plant

that doesn't have a potato.


It will.

Yes. But when?

♪ When? ♪

♪ When, when, when? ♪

♪ When, when? ♪

♪ When, when, when? ♪

This potato plant will

grow a potato, you'll see.

And when it does,

I'm going to make a special

potato Hoob with it.

You what?

Actually, it would be better

if I used it to make

a special print.

But I want it for my

special collection.

Oh, well, if we only have one

potato from Groove's plant,

we can't do three

special things with it.

We'll have to think

of a way to share it.


I wonder how three Hoobs

could share one potato.

Let's ask Hubba Hubba.

Hooble doop, Iver.

Hooble doop, Hubba Hubba. Um...

Can I ask you something?

What would you do with

a potato if you had one?


What would I do with

a potato if I had one?

Well, there are a number

of possibilities, Iver.

But do you know what?

I think I'd eat it.

- [Hoobs] Eat it?


I knew that would surprise you.

It's just that I found this

hooble dooble dooper story

on Hoobnet from a Tiddlypeep.

Take a look at it

and I think you'll

see what I mean.

- [Narrator] Once upon a time,

there were three potatoes

on a market stall.

There was King Edward,

who was a very proud potato

with a big, round tummy.

Next to him was

Norman New Potato,

who was small and sweet,

with very smooth skin.

Trying to hide under

a cabbage leaf,

was a third potato,

Jack Knobbly Knees,

who was big and

covered in bumps.

Norman New Potato was sure

he would be bought first.

- [Norman] Everybody

loves sweet new potatoes.

- [Narrator] He bragged.

(coughing) King

Edward coughed loudly.

- [King Edward] Humph!

I don't think so.

When it comes to the best,

everybody goes for King Edward.

Perfect for roasting.

- [Narrator] Jack

Knobbly Knees stayed

very quiet under

the cabbage leaf.

But Norman spotted one of

his brown bumps poking out

and gave him a nudge.

- [Norman] What about you, Jack?

Nobody would want an old

bumpy potato like you.

- [Narrator] The market opened

and Norman and King

Edward pushed themselves

to the front of the stall.

At that moment, a little

girl came along with her dad.

- [Girl] I'd like a

potato for my tea.

- [Narrator] She said.

- [Norman] This is it.

- [Narrator] Chuckled Norman,

as he nudged past King Edward.

The little girl pointed at him.

- [Girl] Hmm. The new

potato's too small.

- [Narrator] She said.

- [Norman] Oh, bother.

- [Narrator] Said Norman.

- [Girl] And the King

Edward is too round.

- [King Edward] Too round?


- [Narrator] Said King Edward.

Suddenly, the little girl

saw Jack Knobbly Knees.

- [Girl] Dad! That knobbly

potato is just right.

He's big and bumpy

and he'll bake

beautifully in the oven.


- [Jack] Goodbye!

- [Narrator] Called

Jack to the others.

But King Edward and

Norman just grunted.

- [Both] Humph!

So, you can eat potatoes.

You bake them.

Baking one and eating one.

That's a good way for

Hoobs to share a potato.

Hmm, I wonder what

they taste like.

Hmm, do you know,

I don't think we've got a potato

like Jack Knobbly

Knees that we can bake.

Well, maybe my potato will

look like Jack Knobbly Knees.

Groove, face it.

That plant is never

going to grow a potato.

I mean, just look at it.

Oh, Tula.

This potato plant

needs encouragement.

It doesn't need you saying it

won't grow a potato

all the time.

How would you feel if

you were a potato plant,

trying hard to grow a potato,

and everyone's saying,

"Oh, you won't do it, you.

"You won't do it."

Sorry, Groove.

You're right.

Come on, plant.

You can do it. You

can grow a potato.

I know you can.


Well, nothing's happened.


Hey, here comes Roma.

Oh, well let's hope

she can tell us

more about how potatoes grow.

Hooble doop, Hoobs.

Hubba Hubba's asked

me to find out

all about potatoes.

And here I am in a potato field.

I'm surrounded by potato plants.

Just like yours, Groove.

And I'm full of energy.

And do you know why I'm

feeling so energetic?

Because I just had the

most delicious bowlful

of creamy mashed potatoes.

- [Iver] Wahey!

- Mmm.

And guess what?

Potatoes are really

good for Peeps.

They give them so much energy.

Yes, but where are

the potatoes, Roma?

Well, here's one, Groove.

They feel heavy,

but they don't weigh you down.

Not unless you eat a sackful.


Oh, well.

I must say, I've

never felt better.

- [Groove] Yeah, but Roma,

can you tell me where

the potatoes come from?

The field, of course.

Yes, but where in

the field, Roma?

From the potato plants, Groove.

Now, after all those

mashed potatoes,

I can't stand around

here chatting.

I just have to go for a jog.

Roma, Roma!

Hooble toodle doo!


Oh, she didn't say how I could

find a potato on my plant.

Or how long it would

take to grow or anything.


But she did say potatoes

are good for you.

They give you loads of energy.

I've never seen

Roma so energetic.

And, she had mashed potato.

That sounds hoobacious.

Should I try and mash

up some of the potatoes

the Tiddlypeeps gave us?

You could. Except...

I've been stamping with them.

I've been turning them

into potato Hoobs.


Then we'll just have to wait

for Groove's plant

to grow a potato.

Yes. But, they won't be

done in time for Hoob News.

Iver, we have to be encouraging.

Come on, plant. Grow a potato.

Come on, grow, grow-

Tula, excuse me,

but I'll handle this.

Thank you.

(Blues music playing)

♪ Potato plant of mine ♪

♪ With leaves so

green And shiny ♪

♪ Grow me a potato, do ♪

♪ It can be big It can be tiny ♪

♪ I don't mind a King Edward ♪

♪ Or One with a

knobble And a bump ♪

♪ But grow me a potato, do ♪

♪ Or I'll get the hooby hump ♪

♪ The hooby hump, The hooby

hump, The hooby hump ♪

♪ Oh, grow me a potato ♪

♪ Before it is too late ♪

♪ Grow me any type you choose ♪

♪ I'm just a lil'

Hoob With the blues ♪

♪ Little plant ♪

♪ Don't say ya can't ♪

♪ Have a try ♪

♪ Don't make me cry ♪

♪ With all those leaves ♪

♪ You've got on top ♪

♪ Ya must be a hit ♪

♪ Ya cannot be a flop ♪

♪ Not a flop, not a

flop, Not a flop ♪

♪ So grow me a potato ♪

♪ Before it is too late ♪

♪ Grow me one for

the Hoob News ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm just a Hoob ♪

♪ With the potato blues ♪

That was lovely, Groove.

Thank ya, Hubba Hubba.

(laughing) Now don't you go

getting the hooby hump.

Oh, it's the only thing to do

when you've got a potato plant

that won't grow a potato.

Ooh, no, it's not.

Why don't you go

and take one more trip

to the Tiddlypeeps?

I could.

Yes. And this time,

why not take your

potato plant with you?

That's a hooby groovy

idea, Hubba Hubba.

Oh Iver, Tula.

I'm gonna take my potato

plant to see the Tiddlypeeps.

Who's gonna drive?

Well, I will, of course, Groove.


(Motorettes jamming)

Yee haw!

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

- They're smart!

- They're fun!

They know!

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when, and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them Off we go ♪

- Oh!

- Yoo-hoo!

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

The Tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart

They're fun They know ♪

- [Kids] It's Groove!

Hooble doop, Groove.

Can I ask you,

what do you think of this?

It's tall.

It's skinny.

It's floppy.

Yeah but, do you

know what it is?

A plant, of course.

Yes. But what kind of plant?

It's not a bean

plant or a pea plant.

And it isn't a carrot plant

or a cabbage plant, either.

It's a potato plant.

Yes, exactly.

Now, if it's a potato plant,

where exactly is the potato?

Here it is.

(Groove gasps)

- [Groove] Potatoes grow

underneath the plant?

(laughing) Hoobacious.

Potatoes grow in the ground!

I hope you heard that.

Did you hear that?

There's nothing

wrong with my plant!

It's perfect. (chuckling)

Oh, thank you so

much, Tiddlypeeps.

Thank you for, for everything.

Hooble toodle doo.

- [Kids] Hooble toodle doo!

Potatoes grow underground.

I never would have

thought of that.


Hey, isn't it fantabyhooby?

I told you my

potato was growing.

And it was.

I just didn't know where.


It's great, Groove.

We'll be able to show your

potato plant on Hoob News.

And then show everyone the

potato growing underneath!

Oh, hooby galooby!

- It's going to be a sensation!

- It is.

Come on. Let's get

Hooby studio ready.

♪ One potato, two potato ♪

♪ Three potato, four ♪

♪ Five potato, six potato ♪

♪ Seven potato, more! ♪

♪ One potato, two potato ♪

♪ Three potato, four ♪

♪ Five potato, six potato ♪

♪ Seven potato, more ♪

♪ Groove found a potato plant ♪

♪ It wasn't very big ♪

♪ He thought it was useless ♪

♪ And it wasn't worth a thing ♪

♪ He looked for a potato ♪

♪ It wasn't to be found ♪

♪ He looked on

stems And branches ♪

♪ But never underground ♪

♪ The Tiddlypeeps

They found it ♪

♪ The plant, it was no dud ♪

♪ For potatoes grow

down by the roots ♪

♪ In the earth and mud ♪

♪ Oh, one potato, two potato ♪

♪ Three potato, four ♪

♪ Five potato, six potato ♪

♪ Seven potato, more ♪

♪ One potato, two potato ♪

♪ Three potato, four ♪

♪ Five potato, six potato ♪

♪ Seven potato, more ♪

Yes. (laughing)

Hubba Hubba.

- [Hubba] Are you ready

with your news, Hoobs?

Ready to give me what you've got

on Groove's potato plant?

- [Groove] Certainly

are, Hubba Hubba.

Then take it away.


Hooble doop woop to all

you Hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News,

the news show for

Hoobs everywhere.

- I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

And I'm Groove.

And today, we've been

asking the question,

Will Groove's plant

ever grow a potato?

It all started when I

showed Tula and Iver

the plant I'd

ordered from Hoobnet.

It was a potato plant

without a potato.

- [Iver] Because there are

no potatoes in Hoobland,

Hubba Hubba had to show us

some he found on Hoobnet.

- [Tula] There are lots

of different kinds.

- [Groove] But we didn't

see how any of them grew.

And we didn't really know

what potatoes were for.

So, I went to see

the Tiddlypeeps

and they showed me

two hoobacious things

you can do with potatoes.

- [Tula] You can

print with them,

just like we do with

our hoobystampers,

only better.

- [Iver] And, you

can make potato Peeps

and potato Hoobs.

- [Tula] Then Hubba Hubba sent

us a hooble dooble dooper story,

which told us that

you can eat potatoes.

- [Iver] We really

wanted to taste one,

but we couldn't find a potato

like Jack Knobbly Knees

that we could bake.

- [Groove] We needed a

potato from my potato plant,

but it still wasn't growing.

- [Tula] Then Roma told us all

about how potatoes

give you energy.

And do you know why I'm

feeling so energetic?

Because I just had the

most delicious bowlful

of creamy mashed potatoes.

- [Groove] Now I

really, really wanted

my potato plant

to grow a potato.

I was sure all it needed

was a little encouragement.

So I sang it a song.

♪ So grow me a potato ♪

♪ Before it is too late ♪

♪ Grow me one for

the Hoob News ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm just a Hoob ♪

♪ With the potato blues ♪

- [Tula] Then Hubba

Hubba suggested

that Groove went to see

the Tiddlypeeps again.

And this time, take

his plant with him.

- [Groove] And do you

know what they showed me?

They showed me

that potatoes grow

underneath the plant.

My plant was growing

a potato all the time.

It was just under the soil.

It's perfect!

So, the answer to

today's question,

will Groove's plant ever

grow a potato is, yes.

It was growing

there all the time.



- [Both] Hoob hoob hooray!

- [Hubba] And so,

it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma,

for giving Hoobs everywhere

a little peep into

the world of Peeps.

And remember, wherever you are,

have a lovely day and

hooble toodle doo.

- [Hoobs] Hooble toodle doo!

Okay Groove, um,

what are you going to

do with the potato?

Um, I think I'm going to

put it in my collection.

Oh, are you sure?

It looks delicious.

Come on, come on. Now

you know how to grow one.

You can always grow some

more for your collection.

You're right.

Let's mash it!

(Everyone laughs)

♪ Hubba Hubba's In Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh! ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray! ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

Coming your way ♪

- Ha-ha!

- Oh!

(laughing) Ya-hey!


♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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