02x06 - Getting Bigger

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Hoobs". Aired: 15 January 2001 – 3 January 2003.*
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It stars five creatures called Hoobs (Hubba Hubba, Iver, Groove, Tula, and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race.
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02x06 - Getting Bigger

Post by bunniefuu »

(spacey sounds)

- Hoobledoop tiddlypeeps.

I'm Hubba Hubba, talking

to you from Hoobland.

And I'm about to send

four of my favorite Hoobs

down to Earth to find

out all about you

for my great Hoobapedia.

Here they come!

(twinkling space sounds)

(rock music)

♪ You know who the Hoobs are ♪

♪ Iver, Groove, and Tula ♪

♪ We're Hoobs ♪

♪ And they're ready to go ♪

♪ Now the wheels are turning ♪

♪ We can all get learning ♪

♪ All the things

we want to know ♪

♪ Hubba Hubba's in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob Hoob hooray ♪

♪ The Hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The Hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪

(clumsy trumpet)

- Typical, typical typical,

typical, typical, ugh.

- What's the matter Groove?

- Well look the

hoobasteps are broken.

- Oh, dear.

- Now then.

- Whatcha looking for?

- Uh hoobytie, I can't

find any anywhere.

- Well you're not

going to find it by

staring up in the air are you.

(Tula giggles)

(Groove sighs)

Now what it is?

- I'm looking for hoobafix

and I can't find any of that.

- I don't suppose you'll

find that by staring

up in the air either.

(Iver hums)

- Ah, Hoobledoop Tula,

Hoobledoop Groove.

- Hoobledoop Iver!

- Hoobledoop Iver!

- So have either

of you thought up

a question for Hoob News yet?

- Well I've been busy

tidying up these shelves.

And Groove's been trying to find

some hoobytie and hoobafix

by staring up into the air.

- Yeah I could do with

some hooboloops as well.

Whilst I'm at it.

- Well look, there's a big

ball of hoobytie just up there

next to that roll hoobafix,

by a jar of hooboloops.

- You see?

They were up in the

air all the time.

I need all those things

to fix my hoobasteps.

- Hm, how did they get up there?

- Yeah, well I put

them up there didn't I.

(Groove groans)

but unfortunately, I

used the hoobasteps.

- Oh.

- Oh.

And now you can't get them down.

Because the

hoobasteps are broken.

- Oh this is too annoying.

(Groove sighs)

If only I were taller.

If only.

(dramatic music)

♪ I wish that I were taller ♪

♪ I'm sick and tired

of being smaller ♪

♪ Than the average kind of guy ♪

♪ If this wish could come true ♪

♪ Imagine all the

things I could do ♪

♪ I could reach up to the sky ♪

♪ I could swing upon the moon ♪

♪ Whistle clouds a hoobytune ♪

♪ Warm my paws up on the sun ♪

♪ I could tower

above the trees ♪

♪ Teach the birds

their A-B-C's ♪

♪ A happy Hoop,

I'd sure be one ♪

♪ Cause there's nothing like

a little bit of height ♪

♪ To make everything ♪

♪ Seem all right ♪

- Cheer up Groove.

- We'll get the

things down somehow.

Just as soon as

we've done Hoob News.

- But Iver, how will

we get them down?

I mean, how can Groove

reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps?

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Oh it's Hubba Hubba!

(spacey whoosh)

- How can Groove

reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps?

Well done Hoobs, that's

a hoobacious question.

(Hoobs chitter excitedly)

Yes, it's perfect for

my great Hoobapedia.

- Maybe we could find a way

of making Groove taller.

Then he could reach all those

things on the top shelf.

- Yeah and I'd be tall,

just like I've

always wanted to be.

Hooby groovy.

- Hubba Hubba, will you let

Roma know what our question is?

- Certainly Groove, I'm sure

she'll come up with a way

of making you taller.

- [Groove] Yeah.

- In the meantime,

I've had a bit

of a look around on Hoobnet.

- [Groove] Yes?

- I fed in growing taller

and getting bigger.

But all this stuff came up.

It's a little

curious but perhaps

you can make some sense of it.

(spacey bubbles)

(pop music)

- Ah, now that peeps bringing

some food to the table.

And there's a peep eating.

There's a tiddlypeep

eating something.

Oh look, those people

are eating with sticks.

Oh look, peeps, tiddlypeeps,

and wrinkly peeps.

- Eating!

- [Hubba Hubba] All eating.

- Eating, yeah.

- Right.

So getting bigger must have

something to do with eating.

- Maybe eating is what makes

tiddlypeeps grow bigger.

If we feed you a really

big dinner Groove.

- Yeah?

- Then maybe you'd get bigger.

(Groove cackles)

- Sounds like my kind of plan.

Let's go and see what's

in the hoobafridge.

- Okay but if we're

going to do this,

we've got to test

it out properly.

And that means, we measure

Groove before he eats

his big dinner, and then

we measure him afterwards

to see how much

taller he's grown.

- Hoobygallooby you

are a genius Iver!

- Oh, thank you Tu...la.

- Oh, oh, and I know

just how to do it.

Here's how.

- Tula, how is that stumpy

little pencil going to help.

- You'll see.

I'll measure Groove, while

you find him something to eat.

- Oh, all right.

- Groove, oh Groove.


- What, what what

are you doing Tula?

- You just come here

and stand still against

this wall Groove.

- But I want my big dinner.

- No wait there!

(sassy trumpet plays)

(pencil scratches)

That's how tall you are.

- Hm, oh yeah very nice,

now where's my big dinner?

(Tula sighs)

- Here it is!

Twelve hooby cookies,

six hooby buns,

eight hooby scones,

two hooby cakes.

(Groove whoops)

Three hooby puddings,

and the biggest hoobnip

from the Hoobnip Tree.

- Oh thank you!

- Of all of us, Groove

is probably the only one

who could get through

all that food.

But how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, how ♪

(Groove gurgles)

- That's how.

- Hoobygalooby, do

you feel any taller.

(Groove sighs)

- Um actually no I feel

a bit sick to be honest.

- Yeah.

- But it'll be worth

it if I've grown.

- There's only one

way to find out.

Stand up against

that wall again.

(twangy music)

- Oh, you haven't grown at all.

You're just the same as before.

(Groove sighs)

- Actually I think my

tummy might have grown.

I don't feel too good.

- We were sure it was food

that makes tiddlypeeps

get taller.

Why doesn't that work on Hoobs?

- Let's ask Hubba Hubba

and see if he's got any ideas.

(Groove groans)

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Hoobledoop Hoobs!

I've been doing a

bit of research.

It seems that food

is part of what

makes tiddlypeeps get bigger.

But they only grow a

little bit every peep year.

- Oh!

So feeding a Hoob, won't

make him get taller soon.

- No I'm afraid not Iver.

But a tiddlypeep has sent

in a story to Hoobnet

and it might help you.

Let's have a look.

(Spacey bubbles)

- [Child narrator]

Once upon a time

there was a great big giant!

The great big giant's

favorite game was football.

And he had a great big

giant ball to play with.

The question was, who was

going to play with him.

(giant sighs)

Well the great big

giant had two neighbors.

A gnome and magician.

The magician was too

busy writing spells

to play football.

So the great big giant asked

the gnome if he'd like to play.

Absolutely said the gnome!

- I love football!

- [Child narrator] But

when the great big giant

kicked the great big

giant ball to the gnome,

it landed on top of him and

squished him into the ground.

(Hoobs exclaim)

The great big giant lifted

the ball off the gnome.

- I'm very sorry.

- [Child narrator] He said.

- I didn't mean to squish you.

- That's all right.

- [Child narrator]

Said the gnome.

- But I'm just too

little to play football

with that great big giant ball.

- [Child narrator]

Now, watching the game

when he really should

have been writing spells,

was the magician,

who's secretly a

big football fan.

- Perhaps I can help.

- [Child narrator] He said.

- Try this spell.

For a gnome to play football

make him feet more tall

hocus pocus don't you snicker

make him all together bigger.

- [Child narrator] And wham.

In a flash the gnome

was just as tall

as the great big giant.

(Hoobs laugh)

He was a great big giant gnome.

They both thanked the magician.

- My pleasure.

- [Child narrator] He said.

- There's nothing I like better

than watching a good

game of football

while I write my spells.

- [Child narrator] So

the great big giant

and the great big giant

gnome played football

under the magician's

window all day.

(spacey twinkling)

- Well that's it.

That's the answer.

Let's try out a spell.

And then maybe I can

be a giant Hoob too.

(hoobs laugh)

Okay, here goes.

Stand back.

- Back, back, oh back!

- I'm a Hoob who's

much too small.

I wish I could be really tall.

Hocus pocus don't you snicker

make me all together bigger.

(groove laughs)

Come on!

- What?

- Oh yes!

- Come on measure

me, measure me!

(Tula sighs)

(pencil scratches)

- [Tula] Oh it's no good

you haven't grown at all.

- Oh hooby bother.

The spell didn't work.

- I think I know why Groove.

In the story, it was a magician

that gave the gnome the spell.

- Oh yes, Iver's right.

Hoobs can't make up spells.

No magician, no magic.

- Oh you know I am never

gonna get my hoobasteps

fixed at this rate.

- Yes and not only that,

we won't be able to

answer the question

in time for Hoob News.

- Maybe if I throw

a hoobybun up there

I can knock the

stuff off the shelf.

- Oh no! Don't do that.

- Why not?

- Because it's dangerous,

that's why not.

- Oh I guess you're right Tula.

I was just annoyed at,

you know, not being tall.

- Well I'm sorry Groove.

But you wouldn't want to

break all those things

the tiddlypeeps have

given us would you?

- Yeah.

- [Announcer] Hubba

hubba hubba hubba.

- Hubba Hubba's back!

(Spacey bubble sounds)

- Tiddlypeeps Groove!

Now there's an idea.

Why don't you go and ask some?

They're sure to know a

way to make a Hoob taller.

- Tiddlypeeps, yeah

they'll know what to do.

But to be honest I

feel a bit too full up

to go and visit the tiddlypeeps.

- Then I'll go for you Groove.

- And I'll drive.

(Groove laughs)

(Groove munches)

- Seatbelt!

(Tula hums)

- [Together] We're off

to see the tiddlypeeps!

(happy music)

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps,

the tiddlepeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, where,

why, when and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- [Motorette] Yahoo!

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- [Children] It's Iver!

- Want to do a Hooby Hello?

- [Children] Yes.

- [All] Hoobledoop, hoobledoop,

woop, woop, woop.

- Oh it's so good

to see you all.

Have you any idea how Groove

can make himself taller?

- He can stand on his

top toes like this!

(Groove exclaims)

- Oh that's clever,

I wonder if Groove can do that?

Are there any other

ways he can make

himself look taller?

- What about

stretching like this.

- That's it!

We've solved the problem.

Groove, can you hear me?

- [Groove] Yes!

- It's time to start

standing up on your tip toes.

- Yep!

- And reaching your

arms as high as you can.

Thank you, I must get

back to the Hoobmobile.

And oh, Hoobletoodledo!

- [Children] Hoobletoodledo!

(happy music)

(Groove groaning)

- Oh it's no good Tula,

I'm a bit taller,

but not tall enough.

- Wait a minute,

maybe we could try

stretching you a

bit more Groove.

- Hooby groovy Tula.

- Did you say stretching?

- Yeah.

- Hoobacious idea!

(Hoobs laugh)

On the floor Groove.

We are going to give you

a jolly good stretch.

I'll grab his feet.

You grab his arms.

(Iver laughs)

Right, oh thank you Groove.

(Iver grunts)

- Do you think a Hooby's

made of stretchy stuff Iver?

- We'll soon find out.

(Iver laughs)

Okay Tula, stretch!

(Hoobs groan)

- [Groove] Oh no

no, stop that hurts!

That hurts!

- Oh, sorry Groove.

We didn't mean to hurt you.

(Groove groans)

- That's all right Iver,

it'll be worth it if I'm taller.

Come on Tula.

The truth is, I don't

actually feel taller.

What I feel is, sore.

(pencil scratches)

- [Tula] Oh, you

aren't any taller.

- Hoobybother.

- [Announcer] Roma, Roma Roma.

- Don't worry Groove it's Roma.

Maybe she'll know where.

- Hoobledoop Hoobs.

Today I'm at a street parade.

Hoobloads of peeps

and tiddlypeeps

have gathered

together to have fun.

There are all sorts of

fantabby hooby things to do.

- What sort of things Roma?

- Well, there are several peeps

whose job it is to entertain

all the other peeps

by doing strange

and amazing things.

Take a look at

this for instance.

These peeps are balancing on

long sticks called stilts.

They tie the stilts

to their feet

so that their legs

seem much longer.

Before you can say hubba hubba

the peep is high up in the air.

Can you imagine a

Hoob doing that?

- [Groove] Yeah!

- I think I'll have a go myself.


I'm off to have a chat

with a very tall man.

I say, you with the legs, oy!

- Hoobygallooby, we've

been looking at it

the wrong way.

- Yes of course!

(Groove laughs)

- What have we been

looking at the wrong way?

- How to make you taller Groove.

- Oh yeah.

- That peep hadn't

actually grown taller,

he was balanced

on something tall

to make him higher up.

The answer to how Groove

can reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps is

to make him some stilts.

- Hoobygroovy stilts, hahaha.

But how?

♪ How, how, how ♪

♪ How, how, how, how, how ♪

♪ How, how ♪

- Here's how, with two bits

of the broken hoobasteps.

- And some ribbon

from my hoobybits box

to tie them to your legs.

- Guys, I'm really

not sure about this.

It just seems like a crazy.

- Right, there you go,

time for you to reach up

to that top shelf.

- [Tula] Yeah!

- Oh no, wait a

minute, wait a minute.

I'm sure stilts are

hoobygroovy and everything

but I'm not sure that Hoobs

are natural stilt walkers.

- Hm Groove could

be right, Iver.

Peeps probably have to

practice for a long time.

- Yeah and it looks dangerous.

I mean if I go up

in the air on stilts

how do I get down again.

A bit quickly probably.

- But Groove, it's nearly

time for Hoob News now.

- And we still

don't have any idea

how to make Groove

reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps.

- [Announcer] Hubba

hubba hubba hubba.

- Oh it's Hubba Hubba.

(spacey bubbling)

- Don't worry Hoobs.

Time for another visit

to the tiddlypeeps.

They're sure to be

able to help you.

- Hubba Hubba's right.

- Yeah I think I'll go to

the tiddlypeeps this time.

Before you two have any

more hooby groovy ideas.

- Yes.

- Okay, I'm driving.

Come on, let's wake

up those Motorettes

and get this hoobmobile moving.

(twangy music)

♪ Yeehaw ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps,

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ If we need to know ♪

♪ Who, what, when,

where, why and how ♪

♪ We'll ask them, off we go ♪

- [Motorette] Yahoo!

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ On the road we go ♪

♪ We're off to see

the tiddlypeeps ♪

♪ They're smart,

they're fun, they know ♪

- Hey you look like you're

having hoobloads of fun.

(Groove laughs)

I was hoping you might

be able to help me.

Because I've spent ages

trying to make myself taller

so that I can reach the top

shelf of the hoobmobile.

But nothing seems to work.

- [Iver] No.

- I'm desperate to be taller,

but I don't know how

to make it happen.

I bet you'd like to be

taller too wouldn't you?

- No, I'm glad I'm small.

- Are you really?

I am surprised.

Don't you want to be

as tall as a giant?

- No, if I was as

tall as a giant

I wouldn't be able to

fit in this playhouse.

- I see what you mean.

Hadn't thought about that.

Oh hello!

In fact, if you were taller,

you wouldn't be able to play

in this playground, would you?

And if I were taller,

I wouldn't be able

to play with you!

- I'm glad you're not

any taller Groove.

- Yeah I think I am too.

Being small is hooby groovy.

But there is just one problem.

If I'm not gonna

make myself taller,

how am I going to reach the

top shelf in the hoobmobile.

- You can use one of these.

- How does that work?

- Easy, we'll show you.

- I see, you use this

pole to reach the ducks.

Now if I put the pole

up in the air like this,

maybe I'll be able to

reach the top shelf

of the hoobmobile.

- Yes, why don't you

borrow one and try it out.

- Oh really you don't mind.

Oh thank you that is so kind.

I'm gonna give it

a go right now.

- [Children] Good luck!

- Thank you tiddlypeeps.

And hoobletoodledo.

- [Children] Hoobletoodledo.

(happy music)

(Groove laughs)

- Well at least I've found

out that I don't really

want to be taller anymore.

Being the size of a tiddlypeep

is really hooby groovy.

(smooth music)

♪ If I was bigger

than all of us ♪

♪ There'd be no

room upon our bus ♪

♪ For the things

I collected now ♪

♪ I'm so glad that

I am smaller ♪

♪ So much better

than being taller ♪

♪ The tiddlypeeps

have shown me how ♪

♪ I can fit in a tiny space ♪

♪ Or a teeny hiding place ♪

♪ Where a giant

hoob couldn't go ♪

♪ I can play upon the slide ♪

♪ The swings and the

playground rides ♪

♪ Where the big

peeps are told no ♪

♪ Cause there's

nothing so good ♪

♪ As being this size you see ♪

♪ Hoobs are hoobs it's the

size we're meant to be ♪

(Groove sighs)

- Well it's nearly time

for Hoob News Groove.

What are you going

to do with your pole.

- Well I'm gonna

test it out Iver.

(clumsy trumpet music)

- Ah, see!

- Hoob hoob horray!

- Hoob hoob horray!

- Now I can reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps.

And get all the things down

so that I can mend

the hoobasteps.

This might be the

best Hoob News ever!

(Iver laughs)

(twinkly music)

♪ Three things on the shelf ♪

♪ High up in the corner ♪

♪ Three things, two

things, one thing ♪

♪ Way up there ♪

♪ High up in the corner ♪

♪ So three hoobs want to grow ♪

♪ One to grow much taller ♪

♪ Three hoobs, two

hoobs, one hoob ♪

♪ On the bus ♪

♪ Wants to grow much taller ♪

♪ Three Motorettes on the bus ♪

♪ We quite like

being small, yeah ♪

♪ Too-Too, Tim, and Twine ♪

♪ That's all of us ♪

♪ We quite like

being small, yeah ♪

- [Announcer] Hubba

Hubba Hubba Hubba.

- Well now hoobs.

Are you ready to give

me your hoob news

for my hoobapedia.

- We're ready Hubba Hubba.

- Then off you go.

(intense music)

- Hoobledoop to all

you hoobs out there.

Welcome to Hoob News

the news show for

hoobs everywhere.

I'm Iver.

- I'm Tula.

- And I'm Groove.

- And today we've been

asking the question...

- How can Groove

reach the top shelf

without the hoobasteps.

- [Iver] We decided that

the best thing to do

would be to try and

make Groove bigger.

- [Groove] Which was great,

because I'd always

wanted to be bigger.

- [Iver] Hubba Hubba

showed us some peeps

and tiddlypeeps eating.

We thought that might be

a way of getting bigger.

- [Tula] So we tried feeding

Groove hoobloads of food.

- [Groove] But it

made me feel sick.

- [Iver] Then Hubba Hubba

showed us a hoobacious story

about a gnome that was

too small to play football

with a giant.

- [Tula] So a magician

cast a spell on him

to make him bigger.

- [Groove] So I

tried my own spell.

- But that didn't work either.

- [Iver] So I went to

visit some tiddlypeeps

who were stretching.

- [Tula] So we tried

stretching Groove instead.

- [Groove] But that hurt.

- [Iver] Then Roma

showed us some peeps

who were really high up.

- [Tula] So we made

some stilts for Groove.

- [Iver] But he was too

afraid to go up on them.

- Hey that's not fair.

It was too dangerous.

- [Tula] Well, anyways.

Groove went to visit

some tiddlypeeps.

- [Groove] And they

showed me that sometimes

it's better to be small.

- [Iver] But we were

worried that he hadn't

answered the question.

- [Groove] But the tiddlypeeps

lent me one of their

poles with a hook in the end.

And that gave me an idea.

I didn't need to

be bigger at all.

- So the answer to

today's question,

how can Groove reach

the top shelf without

the hoobasteps is...

- use a long pole with

a hook on the end!

- Fan-tabby-hooby.

So it's thanks once again

to Iver, Tula, Groove, and Roma

for giving hoobs everywhere

a little peep into

the world of peeps.

And remember,

however tall you may be

have a nice day

and hoobletoodledo.

- [Hoobs] Hoobletoodledo.

- So because I managed to

get all that stuff down

from the top shelf,

I was able to mend

the hoobasteps.

Which means that now I

can use the hoobasteps

to get all that stuff

down from the top shelf.

- But you've already

got everything down

from the top shelf.

That's how you mended

the hoobasteps.

- But if I've already got

things off the top shelf

then I don't need the

hoobasteps anymore.

(Iver and Tula laugh)

Oh I'm confused.

(rock music)

♪ Hubba Hubba in Hoobland ♪

♪ And Roma's

somewhere far away ♪

♪ The Motorettes are singing ♪

♪ We keep the engine spinning ♪

♪ Hoob hoob hooray ♪

♪ The hoobmobile is

coming your way ♪

♪ The hoobs are here

so what do you say ♪

♪ Hoobs ♪
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