01x07 - The Beast and Beauty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x07 - The Beast and Beauty

Post by bunniefuu »

[music continues]

(male on radio) By a vote of six to

four, the city council has approved new

zoning restrictions for the

parkside development project.

In sports, in spite

of earlier setbacks

city officials are confident

that the new sports arena

will open

as scheduled in the fall

as previously announced.

Team training will move

to the new facility in August.

The weather outlook for

tomorrow is much of the same.

High in the 60's,

low in the 50's

with gusty winds

and a 30% chance of rain.

And finally, some good news for

a change on the crime scene.

Latest statistics

from the County Crime Bureau

show armed robbery

is down five percent.

Aggravated as*ault

three percent.

Stolen cars two percent.


..and under appreciated

fine police department.

Now we go live to city

auditorium for an update

on the southeastern

beauty contest.

[alarm blaring] Here they are

folks, 15 of the world's most

beautiful girls entering

the first southeastern

beauty pageant.

And they pay me

to do this.

Here's the beautiful

Tracy Cummings.

- Miss Georgia.

- Thank you.

The lovely Ms. Leslie Hepburn.

Miss Alabama.

And the gorgeous,

Jennifer Jenkins. Miss Florida.

(male #1) Hey, Superboy, we

could use some help in here.

You said, come back

when I had a million bucks.

Well, baby,

it won't be long now.

[intense music]

Tell you what, Zeke, I've never

been hit so hard in my life.

I got to get a X-Ray this

morning. I think it's busted.

And you're absolutely sure

it was Superboy?

- Positive.

- I just don't understand.

Why would Superboy steal

half a million dollars

worth of diamonds?

The kid's strong enough to

compress coal and make his own.

Are you calling me a liar?

All I'm saying is

that you could be mistaken.

He was wearing

Superboy's outfit.

Yeah, maybe you were hit

so hard, you're hallucinating.

Who else could melt open

a vault like that?

I just can't believe it.

It was hard for me

to believe too.

But one thing's for sure,

nobody, not even Superboy

is above the law.

(male on intercom)

Yes, lieutenant?

Put out an APB on Superboy.

(male #1) We're opening the

doors in five minutes, everyone.

Five minutes, let's go.

[T.J. chuckling]

I can't believe.

You're wasting your film.

We're only gonna run the picture

of Ms. Jennifer Jenkins

because that's who

we're doing the story on.

I know. These are for my wall.

I've never seen these many

beautiful girls in all my life.

And that includes my dreams.

Miss, uh, Ms. Jenkins?

Hi, we're here

to do a story on you

cause you once

went to Shuster.

Actually, he's doing the story,

I'm taking the pictures.

And, uh, a picture's worth

a thousand words, right?

So, um, say cheese

and T.J. White's my kinda guy.

It's nice to meet you both.

What would you like to know?

Uh, well, um..

What's your favorite, um..

What's the word

I'm looking for? I'm sorry.

Um.. Do you surf?

What do you like to do?

God, this is, uh..

Stay on the floor

and keep your heads down.

Okay, move. They must've

hit the alarm by now.

[alarm ringing]

[tires screeching]

- TJyour hair is on fire.

- Yeah.

Spaced out,

over Miss Florida, huh?

She is pretty though,

isn't she?


Let's see what's going on

in the real world.

(dispatch on radio) Suspect

vehicle is headed east on Ninth.

Unit 36 has made contact

and is in pursuit.

[siren wailing]

That's right up the street.

What are we waiting for?

We got an invitation, didn't we?

[instrumental music]

(dispatch on radio)

Attention, Units 14 and 15.

Set up road block

in Riverfront bridge.

Units 16 and 17. Road block

approach to Interstate Four.

[music continues]

(Clark) Come on, T.J.,

we're losing them.

(T.J.) If I step on it any harder,

my foot will go through the floor.

[music continues]

(dispatch on radio)

Attention, all units.


Proceed with extreme caution.

Suspects are armed

and dangerous.

[tires screeching]

[siren wailing]

[music continues]

I guess they're not making 'em

like they used to.

Those were supposed

to be new tires.

(dispatch on radio) Chopper Alpha.

Chopper Alpha. Fly cover for ground units

in pursuit.

- Oh, man!

- Clark?


[upbeat music]

[siren wailing]

[tires screeching]

(male #2) Turn around,

head right at 'em.

(male #3) You crazy?

We'll get k*lled.

I mean, we die. So do they.

And I say they're chicken.

[upbeat music]

First you drive us off the road.

And now you save our lives.

No time for explanations,


I've got some unfinished

business to attend to.

You're not going

anywhere, Superboy.

You're under arrest

for armed robbery.

[intense music]

Why, Superboy?

Why did you do it?

If I were guilty, why would I

let them bring me in?

I don't know, but we have some

witnesses that place you

at the scene of both crimes.

Did they say I flew or used

any of my superpowers?

Did I bend steel

with my hands?

There are some indications

of that.


someone is impersonating me

committing serious crimes,

I've got to find them.

Look, I know, no jail

will hold you against your will.

I want your word

that you won't break out.

I won't. Let me out

on my own recognizance.

I-I can't.


The department's

been under attack

and, uhthey're saying

that we are soft on crime.


Armed robbery

is a serious charge.

For anybody else,

we'd set bail at 10,000.

I'll talk to the DA

and make it 500 for you.

Where am I

gonna get $500?

Can I make a phone call?

[indistinct chatter]

Thank you.

[telephone ringing]

- Hello?

- Clark Kent, please.

Uh, he's not here.

This is T.J., uh, who's calling?


Yeah, yeah, right.

And I'm Robert Redford.

I haven't got time for games.

I got some pictures developing.

So, who is this?

Did Robert Redford save you from

being crushed in a junkyard?

Oh, gee, Superboy, um..

I-I don't know where Clark is.

I'm looking for him

myself actually.

T.J., I need your help.

I'm down at police headquarters

and there's been a little


I need to borrow

some money for bail.

You need to be bailed

out of jail?

It's a long story. I'll tell you

about it when you're here.


Four hundred and fourty,

460, 480, 500.

Can't thank you enough, Lana.

Well, it's about time

I saved you.

You've saved me

often enough.

I'm just glad

I had the money.

I am too.

Superboy, we could

use your help.

Thanks again.

If we could find the car

the perpetrators used

we could find them.

You read my mind,


You know, I haven't

seen Clark all day.

Yeah, I'm gonna lay

a b*mb on him.

Now what did he do?

He left me chasing a spare tire

into the lake

and then when I finally did

catch up to him, I..

Jennifer Jenkins. I, I bet you

he's down at the civic

pretending he's doing

a follow up on our story.

- Do you wanna come?

- No, thanks.

Beauty pageants

aren't my thing.

But you can drop me off

at the library.

[audience clapping]

Ladies and gentlemen, as our

pageant draws to a close

it is time to announce

our three finalists.

But, ladies, I want you to know

that whoever our queen is

in my book,

you are all winners.

The three finalists are..

Miss Georgia.

[audience clapping]

Miss Alabama.

[audience clapping]

And Miss Florida.

[audience applauding]

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

Police headquarters.

Thanks, Susan.

This is wonderful.

[indistinct chattering]


Hugo, why you dressed

as Superboy?

Why. Don't you remember?

You said you were crazy

about him.

Oh, come on,

that was a fantasy crush.

Like on a movie star.

You wanted Superboy,

now you got him.

Hugo, why don't you

leave me alone.

You promised to marry me if I

came up with a million dollars.

Where would you

get a million dollars?

Don't underestimate me.

We're getting married

and a deal's a deal.

I wouldn't marry you if you had

all the money in the world!

Put me down!

[upbeat music]

Put me down!

I got a great place

across the river.

[intense music]



Aah! Hugo, let me.. Aah!

Now don't you move.

[music continues]

[upbeat music]

[music continues]

- T.J., what happened?

- I'm alright. I'm okay.

Um, that Super.. that phony

Superboy slugged me.

But he took Jennifer.

I heard him say he was taking

her somewhere across the river.

How long ago?

Uh, 15-20 minutes.

Don't be a hero.

Let him take care of you.

[upbeat music]

Hey, Rudy,

give me a hand, will ya?

Just a second,

I don't wanna lose my place.

Get outta the van,


You'd better let me go.

Better take me back

if you know it's good for you.

Hey, Rudy, watch her for me.

I'm gonna go find a minister.

[upbeat music]

[intense music]

[metallic clanging]

[music continues]

[upbeat music]

Where are you hiding Jennifer?

That's for me to know

and for you to find out.

That's not hard.

Running around impersonating me

has gone to your head.

Sure, big deal.

With your superhuman powers, of

course, it isn't a fair fight.

But if you fought without 'em,

a plain fight, man to man

that'd be another story.

- That could be arranged.

- You serious?

You won't use

any of your superpowers?

Not one, I promise.


This is gonna be fun.



You expected a glass jaw?



Or feet of clay?

Help! Superboy.

I gave you my word,

I wouldn't use any superpowers.

I release you.

You'll tell me

where Jennifer is?


Superboy! Superboy!

Save me! Help!

(Superboy) Lieutenant,

you're not seeing double.

This imposter will be

more than happy

to sign a full confession

to the crimes committed

in my name.

Right, Hugo?

And then exchange his Superboy

costume for another one.

Something with grey stripes

would be appropriate.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I

have your attention please.

The winner of the Southeastern

beauty pageant is Miss Florida.

But, unfortunately,

she is not present.

Now, contest rules specify that

if the winner is unavailable

to accept, the prize goes

to the runner up

who in this case is, Miss..

[indistinct chatter]

Thanks for the lift, Superboy.

[audience clapping]

[audience cheering]

[upbeat music]

Excuse me, pardon me, pardon me.

Excuse me, pardon me.

Hey, hey, ho-ho.

Excuse me. Pardon me.

Oh, sorry.

[upbeat music]

Pardon me. Forgive me.

- Oh! God. Sorry.

- Oh.

I'mI'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Anytime.

- Okay.

What did I miss?

Everything, as usual.

[music continues]

[theme music]
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