01x11 - The Invisible People

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x11 - The Invisible People

Post by bunniefuu »

[tires screeching]

[music continues]

[waves lapping]

[indistinct chattering]

[pleasant music]

[baby crying]

How do people live like that?

I don't believe it.

Believe it, Clark.

[crying continues]

Oh, wow.


What I want, T.J.

is a contrasting shot

of life around here.

What's goin' on over there?

Yeah, you got it.

It's a pleasure doing

business with you, Alex.

And I think fifteen million

is a fair price for

this property, don't you?

Well, speaking of fair price..

Is your A Street property

on the market?

I'm sorry, that building's

not for sale.

It's the first one I put up.

I have a sentimental

attachment to it.

Well, how about the, uh,

warehouse on Main Street?

Sorry, Alex.

What you're saying is, uh..

this is the only property

you're selling?

When can I expect

the deal memo?

My attorney is drawing up

the papers right now.

But remember..

there's no deal until you

take care of the contingency.

(male #1) There's

nothing that we can do.

- Can't the public help?

- Well, the public..

Listen, people have

good intentions

as long as you don't interrupt

the smooth flow of their life.

(male #2)



(male #1) Everybody, grab

a bucket. Get to the ocean.


Did you see that? Those guys

just threw a firebomb.

[dramatic music]

[people screaming]


Hey, call the fire department.

Somebody call

the fire department!

Call the fire department.

Ask them to drop by

if they're not too busy.


Our food. It's ruined!


Oh, God..

Alice, Alice, Alice.

It's alright.

Look, that sudden wind

saved most of our tents.


How could anybody do

something so awful?

Yeah, the man on the terrace

is a big help.

That, my friends,

is Gerald Manfred.

Mr. Conglomerate.

He is the reason that

we're here homeless.

Why don't you take

your people someplace else?

There he is, my people.

He was not born to shame.

"Upon his brow,

shame is ashamed to sit."

Mr. Manfred, they lost

their food in the fire.

You've got so much, maybe

you could give some to them?

What are you doing here?

You don't look like

you belong with them.

My name is Lana Lang.

I'm researching the Palms

for the homeless

for my political science class.

Why don't you take them back

to your political

science class and feed them?

Can I quote you on that,

Mr. Manfred?

Who the hell are you?

Let's just say

I'm with the press.

T.J., get a shot

of Mr. Manfred.

[camera clicks]

If he takes another picture

of me, break his camera.

And as for food, young lady,

I'd rather feed the seagulls.


Our kids are starving and he's

throwing food at the gulls.

- Why do we take it?

- Damon, Damon, do something.

They're getting

out of control.

People, don't do this.

You're playing into his hands.

What are you doing?

[indistinct shouting]

(Damon) People, people, people.

Don't, don't do this. Don't..

[shouting continues]

Why arrest them?

They're just hungry.


Well, I think I finally

removed the contingency.

[intense music]

Come on, everyone.

Let's eat.

(female #1)


Alice, we know where Damon is,

but where is everybody else?

Where they always are at this

time. Out hunting for jobs.

Any kind of jobs,

and looking for food.

Even begging for it.

I can't imagine what it does

to your spirit to beg.


you just have to.

You don't have any money

but don't you have friends

relatives, somebody

that can help?

No, none of us are

from around here.

We've come from all over

on the promise of jobs.

Obviously, you didn't get them.

Who promised these jobs?

Our savior, Mr. Manfred.

He was going to reopen

a factory.

Television sets, tape recorders,

that's what we all worked on

before the industry

went sour in America.

Why didn't he open it?

He built a factory

in Korea instead.

Ha. So much for

Made in USA.

Those of us who could,

went back home.

The rest of us

were so demoralized.

Then Damon showed up

from out of nowhere

and said we had to fight.

Make Manfred come through

with his promises.

Keep sticking his nose in it

until he makes restitution.

(child #1)


Excuse me.

There but for the grace of God

goes everyone's mother..

or father or us.

Good to see you..

- Hey!

- Hey!

Oh, my Lord!

What is all these goodies?

Who do we owe this to?

- You guys did this?

- Yeah.

Yes, Alex.

I received the deal memo.

I'm looking at it now.

There's one thing

I don't understand

you put a cutoff date in.

Dated one week from today.

That's true,

they're still on the beach.

But I assure you..

You don't need

to remind me that

fifteen million dollars

is a lot.

I guarantee you

they'll be off the beach

before the cutoff date.

Tell Mr. Baker and Mr. Gruber

I wanna see them immediately.

They said we had

to post bond.

I said we can't afford

to post a letter.

You have to keep us

and feed us.

So they gave us a warning,

they cut us loose.

Damon, we can't put

the rest of the tents up.

The pegs blew away

or were burned.

Alright, let's form

a hunting party

and go look for anything

to make pegs out of.

Damon, when you get some time,

I'd like to talk to you about

your thoughts on

possible solutions--

How about right now, while

we're with the hunting party?

- Clark?

- You guys go ahead.

I'll stay and help them

keep an eye on things.

- Anything to avoid exercise.

- Right.



And you've been with them

for five months?

Just trying to fight

the good fight.

Why don't we try the road?

Maybe we'll have better luck.


Anything to avoid

too much exercise?


Look, it will only

take five minutes.

Take ten.

[dramatic music]

You, come with us.

- Who?

- Police!

Irongate Protection Services?

That's pseudo police.

Leave him alone!

[music continues]

Help him!


Help him!

Help him, help him.

Help him!

Help him!

T.J. T.J.!


Help him! Help..

Oh, T.J.

The van. T.J.'s in the van!


Help him.

[tires screeching]

It's, uh, good

to see you all.

You wouldn't have seen anybody

if it wasn't for Superboy.


Suppose I, I have some

thank you cards made up.

So next time

I'm in this condition

I can send you one.

It's a deal, T.J.

Damon, they've,

they've got Damon--

I know. Take it easy.

I was wondering if you could

give me a clue as to..

We need a doctor.

Um, the first-aid station,

there's a doctor there.

Without Damon we're lost.

Can we help?

I wish you could,

I don't see how?

We've been over

every inch of this city

looking for jobs

and begging food.

We know it like

nobody else.

Of course, the balloons. I'll be

looking too. I'll be in the air.

If you see anything,

release a balloon.

Wait, they haven't

got any money.

Clark should have some.

Why is he always disappearing?

Don't worry about him.

He'll be fine.

- Feel better?

- Yeah.

Oh, I've been robbed.

- I took it to help Damon.

- That's cool.

As long as I know

it's for a good cause.

T.J., they're all looking

for Damon. Even Superboy.

He was hoping you could help.

I can.

Um, those guys who jumped us,

they tried to act like cops

but, I mean,

they missed by a mile.

They had shoulder patches..

Irongate Protective Services.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

Damon, ha.

You and I have

a lot in common.

That's a disgusting thought.

I sure couldn't do it,

Mr. Manfred.

I'd be awake all night,

unable to sleep.

Remembering all those

hungry faces staring at me.

But after all,

business is business.

Look at you,

a beach bum.

What do you know

about business?

I have my MBA from

the University of California.

I've been vice president of

three different corporations.

Do you want me to go on?

- I caught her snooping.

- Damon!

Miss Political Science.

Put her in the back office.

Don't let her get away!

[Lana screams]

Ten thousand dollars

tax-free and it's yours.

Just move your people

away from my area.

No deal.

You know why I dropped out?

Too many of your kind.

All the lying and cheating

and ruthlessness.

But when it's called business,

it's perfectly acceptable.


I tried, Damon. I tried.

But you gave me no choice.

And now the little lady

has to go with you.


I rethought the deal.

You let Lana go,

we'll do business.


I'm rethinking it too, Damon.

Once the girl is away free..

your self-righteous

morality will insist

that you keep your

people where they are.

Without you,

they'll drift away

and it won't

cost me one cent.

[shrill squeal]

I'm sorry I got you

into this. Forgive me.

I got myself into it.

[g*ns cocking]




- Are you okay, Lana?

- I am now.

- Let's talk deal.

- Anything. Anything.

- The factory, open it!

- He broke the law.

I have to turn him

over to the police.

Suppose I don't

press charges?

Please, I'll do

anything you want.

You'll give jobs

to the people you promised?


Why would anybody

trust him to keep his word?

If he doesn't, we'll have

to tell the authorities

about his attempted

m*rder of you and Damon.

You two will be more than happy

to testify against Mr. Manfred

in order to plea bargain

for lesser offence.

You won't have to worry

about your neighbors.

The state will provide you with

a place to live, called prison.

If that thought

doesn't keep you honest

I'll be back

to ask you why.

While you're waiting for jobs,

our good and faithful friend

Mr. Gerald Manfred

will provide you

with housing.


- Bye-bye. Take care.

- Bye-bye.


Take care of yourself.



- Goodbye, Alice.

- What about you?

- Is there a job for you?

- That's not my style.

I've got some

other things to do.

Goodbye, sweetheart.

Oh, for me?

Thank you.

Remember me.

I wanna thank you.

Don't thank me.

Thank T.J. and Lana.

- I-I didn't do anything.

- That's not true, Clark.

You took the first step

of the solution

to the problem

of the homeless.

What's that?

You noticed that we exist.

Take care.

Bye-bye, pretty lady.

- Take care of yourself.

- Thank you.


[pleasant music]


Jane, I know you like it

a lot here at the beach.

You're gonna like it

a lot more starting today.

Your mom's got a great job.

Oh. You got

a new place to live.
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