01x20 - Little Hercules

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x20 - Little Hercules

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

[bell ringing]

[indistinct chatter]

- Say goodbye, Wonderboy.

- Say goodbye, Wonderboy.

- Yeah!

- Alright!

[instrumental music]

[music continues]


[laughter echoing]

[alarm ringing]

"Navy's newest sub

to make shakedown cruise."

Do me a favor

and trash that paper.

Give me some more

background information

on this kid, Billy Hercules.

Our boy genius.

They say he's so smart, the

Russians tried to make him

defect and work on their

own Starwars Projects.

Okay, so the Russians

don't want him.

Now, listen to this though.

Not only they choose to offer

this kid academic scholarship

but he's been offered a full

ride by every university.

MIT, Caltech, Stanford.


This kid must have everybody

eating out the palm of his hand.


Forget it.

She is in the majors. And you're

not even in little league.

[bell ringing]

(male teacher)

Remember, class, we will be

to Langston Naval Base.

We'll be guests of the Navy.

So, please, I expect everybody

to conduct yourselves


Don't do anything that will

cause embarrassment

to James Monroe High School.

Who threw that?

Hey, Einstein,

what's the big hurry?

Don't you know it's

disrespectful not to say hello.

- Isn't that right, guys?

- Yeah.

Excuse me. Could you direct us

to the principal's office?

Mm-hmm. Go down

around the corner..

His office is inside..

What's in the bag?

What have we got here?

Brain food. Hey,

I wonder if we eat this

if we're gonna become brain

busters like our friend, Billy.

I am starting to feel

smarter already.

Heywood, if you're

getting smarter

try and guess what's for desert?

That's easy butt-head.

Almond fudge brownies.

No, those are dog biscuits

for my German Sheppard.

Let's go! Come on!

Hey, Billy, no running.

Billy, I'm T.J. White.

This is Clark Kent.

Can we have a moment?

We're from Schuster University

and our school publication

wants to do a story on you.

Look, I don't mean to be rude,

but you're the fifth college

this week that's

come to interview me.

I'm sorry, but I have

a lot work to catch up on.

That was the shortest interview

in the history of journalism.

Talk about a bitter kid.


I don't think he's better.

Maybe, just unhappy.

[instrumental music]

That's looks complicated.

Can I help you with it?

I seriously doubt it.

It is primarily based on

multiple neural network models.

I'm trying to verify

the equilibrium

of the hot-field paradigm

using a scalar quadratic

weaponal function.

- I can't help you with it.

- You're not into computers?

Well, some. But that's

way ahead of my league.

I saw the face-off you had this

afternoon with those three--


Yeah. They're not the only ones

who treat me like a freak.

When I walk down the hall,

I hear people say

"There goes the

dweeb with the IQ."

They treat me like an alien.

I just wanted to be

treated normal.

I think I know how you feel.

But being different doesn't

mean you're not normal.

It could mean you're special.


SometimesI just wish I had

someone I could hang out with.

- Someone I could talk to.

- I like to talk to my father.

Mine died when I was five.

I'm sorry.

Can you talk to

your mom at all?

She's okay.

But there's just some things

I can't talk to her about.

Like girls, huh?

Amanda. She doesn't

even know I'm alive.

She seems a bit old for you.

How about someone your age?

Girls my age are too childish.

I need more mature women,

like Amanda.

But right now

she's into Jocks.

Girls go through

stages alright.

Right now, probably

popularity is the most

important thing to her.

As time goes,

you'll find

that girls put more weight

on things like intelligence.

Yeah. But right now

how do I get her to notice me?

[instrumental music]

[ship horn blowing]

Inside this room you'll see

our computer system operators.

It is here that we have direct

communication with all vessels

including aircraft carriers

and nuclear submarines.

Each operator has its own

16 character password

to gain primary access

into the system.

Now, these characters

are committed to memory.

Notice that as he

types in his password

nothing appears on the screen.

That's so nothing shows

that could be observed

by an unauthorized person.

Access to the computer room

is permitted only by

the use of one of these.

This is a smart card.

Hey, mental-head.

Give up.

What makes you think,

she's gonna have eyes for you?

Yeah. How are you gonna

turn her on?

Charlie Jock there

can do the 198.

You can't even walk straight.

Tomorrow at 3 PM, the Roosevelt

will start its shakedown cruise.

This will be broadcast

on national television.

At that time

we'll also demonstrate

the sub's state of the art

computer system.

I understand that you have

a TV in your classroom.

I trust you'll be watching.

[indistinct chattering]

[instrumental music]


"To think I might

would thrill me.

"But still I'm happy

to have found you.

And hope you'll

find me. Billy."

(Navy commander)

It took a long time

And the Navy is proud

of this newest submarine

which this day joins

our underwater fleet.

In a few moments, it will

start its shakedown cruise

and you'll observe just how

completely computer

controlled this sub is.

State of the art

is an understatement

when applied to this boat.

Ready, Lieutenant?

(automated voice)

Underway, shift colors.

Main Ballast pressure

verifies nominal condition.

Maneuvering bridge.

All ahead, one-third.

[intense music]

[alarm blaring]

What is that?

I look at you

and you don't see me.

But in my dreams you do.

It would take just a smile

for you to free me.

I love you, Amanda Drew.


I can't compete

with the those around you.

To think I might

would thrill me.

But still I'm happy

to have found you

and hope you'll

find me. Billy.

[intense music]

[alarm blaring continues]

Man battle stationsmissile.


full system over rise.

Go to manual mode. We've

a deceit system compromise.

Pull all centennial


(automated voice)

Prepare tubes one and sixteen.

[reporters clamoring on TV]

Something happened.

It's all messed up.

One thing he sure

can't think is that he's

in a threat to them, huh?

(Navy commander on TV)

Everybody, one at.

What? He was just her.

Where does he always go?

Get everybody out of here.

Sorry, folks. There

will be answers.

(automated voice)

Missiles one and sixteen..

Missiles one and sixteen.

Lieutenant, what

the hell is happening?

A computer virus, sir.

Somehow the Roosevelt

thinks its launched two birds.

Shut the damn thing off.

Sir, there's no way

to stand down.

The virus is still

out of control.

The computer

has us locked out.

We can't recall.

What exactly are

you saying, Lieutenant?

Our nuclear missiles

are set detonate above target.

Since no target was defined

the missiles are

designed to self destruct

one half hour from launch.

In 30 minutesthis sub

along with half the coastline

will be blown into orbit.

(automated voice)

Twenty nine minutes.

I love you, Amanda Drew.

[ship horn blowing]

Yes, sir. The sub is out to sea.

Only a skeleton crew aboard.

We're trying to track the virus.

[dramatic music]

Yes, sir.

The sub is putting distance

between itself and the coast.

Sir. I'll keep you informed

on a minute to minute basis.

Yes, I'm in contact with

all Air Force and Army commands

east of the Mississippi.

All navy units have been

put on emergency standards.

And every medical facility

has been made aware

of the situation.

Yes, sir.

(male reporter on TV)

Several defense forces

from Charleston

to the Florida Keys.

All sea and air traffic

have been diverted..

[switches the TV off]



I know why you're here.

I did something terrible.

I'm sorry.

Guess, you're here

to take me to jail.

No, I'm actually here

to ask for your help.

I tried. They cut

all lines of communication.

I can't get access

to their computer banks.

You're the only one

that knows the code you used

to embedded the poem

into the computer program.

Come to the sub with me?

- Yeah.

- Okay. Come on.

Hold on.

(automated voice)

You think I might

But still I'm happy

to have found you.

Please verify that

the silos are sealed.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir,

we have confirmation

from Norad of the

computer situation.

The virus has tape-wormed

the carrier packet

and embedded itself somewhere

in the parallel processors.

It's so deep

we're not sure where it is.


[dramatic music]

I need some help here.

Every time I think I've got it,

it's somewhere else.

(officer over radio)

Lieutenant, bogey approaching

she's coming in fast.

Wait, lieutenant,

I think it's Superboy.


Let him board.

Superboy, I'm Lieutenant Redman.

I sure hope you can help us.

Here's someone

who can lieutenant.

His name is Billy Hercules.

He planted the poem

and the computer program.

- I'm sorry.

- We'll talk about that later.

Right now, how about

getting that virus k*lled.

Is there anything

I can do, Lieutenant?

I don't know.

We can't rescind the

order to self destruct.

So our only hope is to

deactivate the missiles.

To do that we've

to get through this hatch

to the m*ssile compartment.

Computer has us locked down and

neutralized the manual system.

Oh, that's no problem.


The door is triggered

to blow up this section

if opened without

the proper code.

What if I don't

touch the hinges?

I'll burn a hole

through the center of it?

Can you do it? That door is

steel. Six inches thick.

(automated voice)

Twenty-one minutes.

Twenty-one minutes?

It's gonna be close.

[dramatic music]

I think. This may be

that did it.

I typed in the 34th iteration.

(automated voice)

System recovered.

The kid did it.

[crew cheering]

I can take it from here, Billy.

(automated voice)

Access denied.

Damn. We're still locked out.

(automated voice)

Fifteen minutes

(officer over radio)

Final evacuation chopper

Have everyone report

to the m*ssile deck.

Prepare to board the chopper.

That means you too, Billy.

No, we gotta get the door open.

- And we still have time.

- No, you don't.

Put him on the chopper for me.

- It means you too, Lieutenant.

- No way. I stay with my sub.

[intense music]



I couldn't go.

I sneaked off the chopper.

Don't be mad.

I'm not mad. But I can't

put you in anymore danger.

I gotta help.

It's all my fault.

Damn. I thought

I had it that time.

What we gotta do is,

go and unlock

everything that the

virus has infected.

(automated voice)

Thirteen minutes

(automated voice)

I can't. I can't. I can't.

I can't. I can't. I can't.



- You're okay?

- Are you okay?

(automated voice)

Security door disarmed.

Now, I am.

[dramatic music]

(automated voice)

Ten. Nine. Eight.

Seven. Six. Five. Four.

Three. Two. one.

[instrumental music]

She's all yours,


He's quite a man, Billy.

And the best tradition

of the United States Navy.

What do you think they'll give

him? A congressional medal?


What do you think they'll

give me? A prison sentence?

I hope nothing that severe.

But there will be discipline.

Yeah, I can handle it, I guess.

What you've been through

in the last half hour

you can handle anything.

- You really think that?

- I know that.

- Shall we fly?

- Yeah.

[instrumental music]
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