01x22 - The Phantom of the Third Division

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Superboy". Aired: October 8, 1988 – May 17, 1992.*
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American television series based on the fictional DC comic book character Superman's early years as Superboy.
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01x22 - The Phantom of the Third Division

Post by bunniefuu »

[music continues]

[telephone ringing]

[ringing continues]


I'd like to talk

to Johnathan Kent.

(female on telephone) He is not here

right now, can I ask who is calling?

An old army buddy. We were in

the Korean w*r together.

Oh, well, this is Mrs. Kent.

When will he be back?

He went to the bus depot

to pick up our son.

He'll be back soon.

Can I ask who is calling?

I'm sure he'd love to see you.

[dramatic music]

[engine rumbling]

It's about time, Bill.

Or should I say it's about

time to get a new carburetor.



[engine rumbling]

Are you sure Sunny's

gonna pick us up?

No, we like standing around

here looking at empty busses.

He should be here.

I'll give him a call.

It'd be nice if we picked up

some flowers for Mrs. Kent.

Oh, yeah,

I don't see any flowers.

I meant the florist

over there.

- Uh-oh.

- What? What is it?

It's my bag

with all my comedy routines.

I must've left it

on the bus.

I've heard them.

Nobody's gonna take them.

At least nobody

with a brain.

Lana, I'll make the jokes.


[engine rumbling]

[male #1]

Hey, beautiful.

How about a ride?

The best ride

you've never had, sweetheart.

[engines roaring]


Guys, I think we got

our self another passenger here.

- Leave me alone.

- Leave her alone, uh?

Well, looks like the girl's

got a bodyguard here.


You should have kept

you're big mouth shut.

Leave him alone!

Come on, man!

Another big mouth,

that's heard from.

We don't want

any trouble.

- Look--

- I'll handle this.

You see these hands?

These are real weapons.

I've had them registered.


At the public library

under eight.

This is no time for your jokes.

Come on.

No, no.

Don't stop him.

He is a real joker.

See if you think

this is funny.

Come on, leave her alone.

- Don't do that man.

- What about this?

[upbeat music]


[grunting continues]


Hey, wait!

How are you?

You alright?

It's good you got here. I had

him on the ropes.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Sure you did.


what's this all about?

Nothing much, Pa.

These guys were just passing

through town, weren't ya?

Well, just keep going

right through town.

You know that sign that

welcomes you to Smallville?

You keep going till you see

it in you're mirrors.

[engines rumbling]

Everybody here okay?

- Yeah.

- We are now.

Sorry I'm late.

What happen?

My carburator broke down.

Willie's gonna

lend me his station wagon.

Ma's cookin' up a big feast.

So let's go put

the feed bag on, uh?

Oh, yeah, I can almost

smell the turkey.

She has turkey

on my first day back.


[dramatic music]


Korean w*r screams]

Just need it for one week, uh?

Well, that's the strangest

deal I ever made.

It's all I want it for.

Darn thing's been

deserted for 15 years

then a man comes and offers me

a thousand dollars for one week.

I would have rented it to for

six months for that kinda money.

You don't mind my askin',

what do you need it for?

I mind.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]


Everything was so delicious.

Oh, thank you, Lana.

No, TJ and I can take care

of these.

- We will?

- That's the least we can do.

Yes, the least.

Martha, no one can put

a Turkey together like you can.

That's the second time

you've said that since dessert.

And, I'm gonna

keep on saying that

until you stop all this

unnecessary worryin'.

What worryin'?

Apparently, we got a call

from this X army buddy of mine.

All of a sudden you're mom's

building a case about it.

Well, why wouldn't

he tell me his name?

Now, who knows?

I don't like

the way he sounded

and don't you tell me it was

because we had a bad connection.

There was hate in his voice.

Now, Martha..

[glass shattering]

I better get in there

before we run out of dishes.

And, don't you,

"Now Martha" me.


I don't know, Pa. She's got

pretty good instincts.

Well, she does that.

But, it was just

an army friend of mine

who was passing

through town, that's all.

Your ma chased

us out of the kitchen.

But, with a smile.

What are you kids

gonna do this afternoon?

I have to

get our house ready.

My mom's comin'

in tomorrow mornin'.

Can you give her a ride TJ?

I can hang out.

No, Clark..

why don't you guys take the

pick-up and go in into town?

Don't let your mother start

a worry epidemic around here.

You know how she

frets over me?

You go have a good time.

When you're in town,

check on the carburator.

Will do.


[dramatic music]

[music continues]

[telephone ringing]


Ms. Kent..

this is Dr. Williams

calling from the emergency room

of Smallville County Hospital.

I'm afraid you're

son's been in an accident.

An accident?

He is askin' for his father.

What kind of an accident?


Oh, that tractor of mine.

First it was the jeep

and now it's the tractor.

Must be something in the air.

That was a call

for the emergency room

of the Smallville hospital.

There's been a car accident.

Oh, Ma,

there's nothing to worry about.

We know that nothing

can happen to Clark.

He said that Clark

was asking for you.

Lana or TJ must be hurt.

You stay by the phone.

I'll go to the hospital.

[siren blaring]

(male #1)


[dramatic music]

Jonathan over here.

[music continues]

It's been a long time, Jonathan.

[music continues]

[siren blaring]

[tires screeching]

[blaring continues]

[car honking]


Thank heavens you're alright.

- Of course we're alright.

- I was worried sick about you.

Why would you be

worried sick, ma?

Someone called and said

there was an accident.

There wasn't any accident.

There were three guys at

town but that was this morning

and that was no accident,

that was deliberate, huh.

Now, that is the

second odd call.

He said, he was a Dr. Williams

and that you were

askin' for Pa.

- Where is pa now?

- He went to the hospital.

Will you guys stay with her

I'm gonna run to the hospital.

Why don't you take Tj?

I'll take care of your mom.

I'm okay.

I'll be right back.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

You left me to die, Jonathan.

Pay off is long


You know

they tortured me?

They cut me.

They burned me.

Week after week,

months after months.

The only thing that kept me

alive was thinkin' about you.

[theme music]

No, Superboy, there's no

Dr. Williams on the roster.

But, he did call

from here though.

It wasn't me, and I have been

on the desk all afternoon.


You're breaking

into a conversation, Ted.

- It's okay, nice to meet you.

- Yeah.

Okay, what is it Ted?

Uh, I think someone

stole my ambulance.

May be you just

misplaced it.

Try lookin' in the

lost and found.

Very funny,

no chance I misplaced it.

I went inside

to do my paperwork..

and when I came out..

it was gone.

Well, don't drag your feet.

Report it to transportation.

Who would be dumb enough

to steal an ambulance, anyway.

[dramatic music]

Tom, what the hell

is the matter with you?

Now, you better listen to me--

No! Shut up.

You listen to me.

You recognize me, ha?

Even with this-this thing

covering the scars on my face.

Of course, I recognize you.

Why did you do it, Jonathan?

Why did you leave me out there?

I didn't abandon you.

We searched all over for you.

You disappeared.

We lost town men. We were

ordered back to the base.

We still couldn't find you.

Not good enough, Jonathan. Not

after all I have been through.

What are you going to do?

They didn't tell me

so I am not gonna tell you.

[intense music]

Yes, Jonathan.

Look at that.

What's that?

That's what the North Koreans

made me wear as prisoner of w*r.

I've been saving it so

I can throw it in your face.

I've got something

appropriate for you, too.

- Looks familiar Jonathan?

- Don't be crazy, Tom.

- It wasn't my fault.

- Yes, it was your fault.

Now, put that on.


[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

Put in on.

[theme music]

For god sakes, Tom.

Don't do this.

I've waited too long for

this moment, I can't stop now.

You get that uniform

dirty captain, crawl!

Go on, crawl!

Crawl, Jonathan, crawl.

Crawl for your life.

Go on crawl, Jonathan.

Get down on that dirt.

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

Gettin' tired, Jonathan?

So was I.


[theme music]

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

(Tom) Your luck's

holding out, Jonathan.

But, for how long, huh?

[b*ll*ts ricocheting]

Hey, Jonathan, now I've got ya.


Go ahead, Tom.

Go ahead, k*ll me.

That's what I said, Jonathan.

But, they wouldn't do it.

I begged them to do it.

No, they kept

sh**ting poison arrows at me

just missing me,

trying to drive me crazy.


They all missed, except one.

One, hit me in the face.

And that's why

I want your face now, Jonathan

To scar it like mine, to do

to you, what you did to me.

[theme music]

[music continues]

- You okay?

- Now I am.

Wait. Wait, wait.

[eerie music]


I don't wanna

k*ll you. Just him.

Once the k*lling starts,

it gets out of control.

Let me handle this.

Tom, it's me your friend,

Captain Gin.

[dramatic music]

The North Koreans,

they are the enemies, not me.

Captain Gin,

get down.

They're all around us.

We gonna tackle in circle.

Here they come.

They are comin after us..

Oh, hell.

- That's okay, that's okay.

- No..

You can stop sh**ting.

You can stop sh**ting.

The w*r is over.

It's been over a long time.

It's over?

Yeah, it's over.

Did we win?

w*r makes losers

of all of us.

[dramatic music]

Specially me.



look what they did to me, look.

Look, look!

[dramatic music continues]

There's no scar.

Of course, there is.

Can't you see it?

It's an inner scar.

We can't see it,

but it's there. A lot deeper.

The pain won't go away.

Tom, it's gonna work out.

Yeah, I promise you

it's all gonna work out.

Come on, now.

Come on.


Korean w*r screams]

I am sorry, Jonathan.

I am sorry.

I wont be able to spend

the rest of the day with you.

- It's no problem.

- I wanna thank you.

For showin' up

when you did yesterday.

It's the least I can do, Pa.

Martha, I'll see you

tomorrow at noon.


- You be careful

- Oh, yes, I will.

[engine starts]

I've always prided myself on

being a compassionate person

but, I don't see why your

father has to drive him back

to the sanitarium.

That man has lived

a nightmare all these years.

Living in the

terrors of the prison camp.

I guess pa feels they were there

for each other in Korea.

He wants to

be there for him now.

I know but, I just can't

get it out of my mind

that he almost

k*lled your father.

Ah, I know you're right.

Oh, I just need some time.

[glass shatters]

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my..

Clark, I think your mother

will be very lucky

to invite us over again.

None the less,

we'll bring our dishes.


[dramatic music]
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