Lust Stories 2 (2023)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Lust Stories 2 (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Sister, when we went shopping, he looked

at the embroidery more than the clothes.

- Even now, look!

- Yes, he thought that would get him girls.

I got her.


Yes, samosas!


If you do all of this,

I won't agree to this marriage!

His limbs are intact,

he can take his food by himself.

If you serve him now,

he'll order you around all his life.

- Hey, Chiku, where's your mother?

- I'll take it.

She'll be here soon.

Two hours after sunrise,

and two hours before sunset,

even if someone dies,

Mom won't leave her Goddess' side.

Talk about better things!

And stay away from those samosas.

Put them down, come on.

Yes, give it to me.

Did you make them, Veda?

Have you put something sweet in these?

Grandma, it's sweet potato.

It's healthy.

Don't worry, eat it.

How can something that's not palatable

be good for health?

What's with your enmity with potatoes?

Not enmity, it's more of a friendship.

Whoever eats potatoes turns into one!

They're made for each other.

As a child, he would separate the potatoes

from the stuffed parathas.

But it is beyond me how today's generation

is so crazy about being fit.


Not just being anti-potatoes,

I've heard they match on multiple levels.

I mean, three months

of chatting and walking

I must say, you've profited a lot from it.

Sister, one can never tell

what nature has in store for us.

Now, for example, meeting Dabbu

in the market after 12 years,

which led to meeting you

for a cup of tea.

And right before I finish that cup,

Arjun entering your house.

Who knew I'd go shopping for vegetables

and come back with new relatives.

While I was here

matching their horoscopes,

these two already found out

everything about each other.

Sufi songs, Chinese food,

traveling the world, going for treks,

wanting to be CEO's.

They're so alike!

- Mom, please stop it.

- Stop what?

What's the big deal about talking

in front of our family?

I would say that you two are really lucky

that you have so much compatibility!

Quickly say yes, brother.

If our son elopes

with your daughter on the night train,

don't come to us with any complaints!

Well, I'd say run away!

We'll save a fortune on the wedding!

Excuse me, Papa?

You had sex?

Coital conjugation



What kind of nonsense is this?

Is your birth the result

of a nonsensical act?

You are the ones without any sense!


I asked because

we're talking about marriage.

Before buying a car,

don't you go for a test drive first?

Why no test drive before marriage?

Marriage is no joke, child.

It will decide

the course of your entire life.

Sorry! Mom, you aren't feeling well.

Let's go.

No, please let her speak.

Do you doubt our son?


- Chiku, what is this?

- I'm...

Grandma, we're getting married...

That's why the doubt.

You also should doubt my granddaughter.

Leave us aside,

even they should have doubts,

whether they're compatible or not,

in the bedroom.

It's good. It's great

that both of them like Chinese food.


But how long will

the noodles keep them tied to each other?

After hours in the office,

working hard to become CEOs,

why would they still be eager

to see each other?

To listen to Sufi songs?

Or to plan for a trek?


Whether their horoscopes are

a perfect match or not,

if the sex is good,

these two won't leave each other.


Hey, come here.

- You weren't sleeping, right?

- No, I was just lying down.

- Come.

- You're so funny, Grandma!


I wasn't joking.

Grandma! Like a nuclear att*ck happened.

One blast took two houses down!

Mom and Dad aside,

poor Uncle Dabbu and Aunt Reena

you should have seen their faces!

Yes, they are poor indeed.


This is a worldwide phenomenon.

The poverty of thought.

How is Arjun?

He's fine.

He's cool.

He was laughing uncontrollably!

I'm not asking about the reaction,

I'm asking about the action!

How's he?

I'll I'll find out and let you know.


Hey what's the hurry?


You're not in a hurry?

That means you two aren't meant to be.

Everything is not about sex, okay?

And, I'm not that inexperienced.

I know. I have had boyfriends.


marriage is something else.

Child, I'm not saying that

the one you have great sex with

is the one you should get married to.

All I'm saying is

you need to make sure that

sex with the person you marry is great.




But why didn't I see

this side of you before?

Grandma, you're so passionate! So sexy!

You're such a rockstar, Grandma.

If your Grandpa

was still alive

then the door to this room

would be locked from the inside.

Oh, wow!

I mean he was that good?

Not just that he was good,

we were good.

This... Open this small drawer.

It's the last pack.

Grandma, this

If there's ever a chance, why risk it?

It was always by our side.

Or who knows, you'd have an uncle

playing in your arms.

Hey, no, keep it back.

It's past its expiry date,

like your grandfather.

Tell me one thing.

You had an arranged marriage, right?

So, how did you know if

the both of you were compatible?

Arranged marriage was

for the ones who arranged it.

We were by the river banks

or in sugarcane fields

or inside the empty bogies

of the railway yard

and so many other places,

checking our compatibility.

Nowadays, you kids have so much comfort!

- You can do it.

- Grandma!

- Come on!

- You can do it.

Grandma, I'm going.

You're so sexy!

Good morning, son.

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Let candles of desire

Light up nights in your heart

As creases smile at your sight

Marvel at this maddening delight

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

I'm really worried.

Where's the time?

We have the date now, it'll work out.

Where have you been?

Please thank God

that despite your obscene talks,

Dabbu and I are still friends.

The 28th of the next month

is an auspicious date for the wedding.

Let something auspicious happen before

the wedding.

Have you lost it?

- You take care of this woman.

- Hey!

This wedding will not take place

until Veda and Arjun...

Oh, God!

What do you want?

- Before getting married, should she...

- Disgusting!

What's disgusting?

What is it?

I don't want to repeat the same mistake.

All of these unspoken,

disgusting things are reasons

for Suchi's life being the way it is.

What's wrong with my life?

It is dead.

Ended right after getting married.

I'm happy, Mother.

One who hasn't experienced joy in years

can't know what it is.

When did you last sleep together?


Don't shout.

Producing a child is by no means

the gold standard of a healthy sex life.

I'm not saying there's a problem

with you or her.

But there's surely a problem

with this pair.

You're just 52.

And she's just 48.

Before forging new relationships

rekindle the existing ones.

I should've said all of this

when her parents came to me

with a marriage proposal for you.

It's 1:00 a.m. and Veda isn't home yet.

Arjun also hasn't returned yet either.

He was talking about some farewell.

Veda also must be with him at the party.

Or maybe

they're clearing your mother's doubts.

Man, it's your son and my daughter.

Don't turn this into a joke.

Sorry, man! Cheers! Sorry!

How was it?


I've left God's side to come talk to you.

How was it?



"Nice" is a sugar-coated biscuit.

No, we are we are good.

We're good.

Did Mount Fuji erupt?


It was your grandpa's code word.

He would ask me every time.

This body

is a volcano like Mount Fuji.

Only satisfied once it erupts.

Mount Fuji?

Mount... Grandma, I really

didn't know you were so wild inside!

My God!

Why do you hide this image behind

this pious, religious stuff?

Meditation clears up the mind.

Did it erupt or not?

It did.


Grandma, you're just so embarrassing!

This is very embarrassing, Grandma.

Embarrassing is better than depressing.


Grandma, it was the first time.

And you know, guys, they erupt first.

Maybe I'm just too hot for them.

You know?

Too hot.

Isn't Arjun hot for you?

No, he's he's so hot.

I mean he's so gorgeous.

Maybe I was tense.

Performance pressure, right?

And thanks to you, you were in my head,

sitting on the bed.


You know what, Grandma? I'm...

I'm happy, I'm good.

Mount Fuji doesn't

have to erupt every day.

I'm not worried about you.

I'm worried for Arjun.

He's sensitive.

He wouldn't be able to turn around and

sleep soundly like 90 percent of men if

his partner is left unsatisfied.

He'll try to find faults within himself.

How would he know if was left unsatisfied?

He thinks I erupted.


this marriage is going to be really sad.

Those who seek pearls must dive deep

With drowsy eyes deprived of sleep

Don't stop rowing, says the boat

Keep swimming, stay afloat

Lose all your senses

Let the sun rise in the west

Lose your way

And set in the east

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Let candles of desire

Light up nights in your heart

As creases smile at your sight

Marvel at this maddening delight


What do I have to say?

I'm here to have some tea.



Where are you off to?

Grandma, I didn't want to disturb you.

You can't disturb those

who are already disturbed.




Grandma, we are fine.

Grandma, we are fully on.


Grandma, the two of us

Grandma, everything is great.


Grandma, we're in love.

Grandma, if you...

Grandma, if you don't want to listen

to us, then we'll go.


We've left a suite worth 23,000 rupees

to come and talk to you.

Why are you wasting our time, Grandma?

Yes! That is it!

That is what I wanted to hear.

Waste of time.

If you feel this is a waste of time,

it means you enjoy something so much

that you want to waste your time

doing just that.

May God keep you insatiable

for each other for life!

Look at him!

He's blushing so much!

If you've heard what I heard

from Grandma's mouth, you'd be shocked!

He's blushing like a squishy tomato!

I feel like

Grandma, she's always picking fights.

I don't think we'll last a year.

What hotel are you in?

Do you have a boyfriend?

Speak softly,

or he'll come to haunt me at night.

If the base is strong,

you'll withstand all kinds of quakes.

Don't let it weaken or become boring.


What do they call people who use dr*gs?


- Junkie.

- No, they're called something else.

- What do they call them?

- Addict?

- Yes!

- Addict.

Become addicted to each other.

And there will be things,

things that pull you apart.

But if the sex is the best,

then you guys won't leave each other.

The chances of that happening are low.

And even if you do part ways,

these memories will

bring you back together.

Sex is important for love.

Where are you going for your honeymoon?


Do we even need a honeymoon?

I do.

For you.


The Fuji eruption on the wedding night

Don't laugh. Listen carefully.

The Fuji erupting on the wedding night

is more special than the Fuji erupting

on days and nights before the wedding.

And until that happens,

the both of you won't leave this room.

What did you say?

This room?


what is this Mount Fuji?

Made for each other.

You've done enough parenting for one life.

Now go on a honeymoon!

Make each other.

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Let candles of desire

Light up nights in your heart

As creases smile at your sight

Marvel at this maddening delight

Play the game

The game of love, player

Let your body and soul

Swing by the gates of heaven

Hi, Sammy.

Isheeta, you won't believe what Rohan did.

What happened?

He's gone and applied for that loan.

We talked about it for weeks,

we decided together

that this is not a good time.

And this morning, he casually informs me

that he's applied for it!

I mean, what's the point then?

Am I supposed to ignore this too?

It's not a small amount, babe.

And I don't understand why do we have

to have the latest model of the damn car!

It's so unnecessary!

Ish, I'm so angry I can't tell you!

Yeah, I can understand.

It's totally gonna f*ck up my finances.

We just bought the house,

And he knows I also have to pay

for Ma's treatment also.

And the last thing I need

is another EMI!

Why are you sounding so low? All okay?

Same old migraine.

Oh, no! Again?

Ish, you have to try that acupressure guy,

just trust me.

Yeah, I guess.


Listen, I've reached home.

Yeah, okay, you go rest.

I'll call you later.

- Yeah, okay, bye!

- Okay, bye!

- Hi, Ish.

- Hi, Sammy

- What?

- You won't believe what has happened.

- What?

- I just walked in and Didi is

- Didi is

- What? I can't hear you!

She's having sex inside.

Didi? Who Didi?

Seema Didi!

- What?

- Yeah.

Inside? You mean inside the house?

On my bed.

What the f*ck!

Why are you shouting?

What the f*ck, Ish!

That is disgusting. That is sick.

I know, I just froze and I ran out.

You ran out?

Are they still in there?


And where are you?

On the landing.

Babe, are you mad?

It's your house.

Your maid is in your bed.

You go back inside right now and fire her!

Listen, Sammy, I can't.

I just can't deal with this right now.

My head is k*lling me.

Listen, you go inside,

otherwise I'm coming there. I mean it.

f*ck, Seema! And with whom?

Do you think she's having an affair?

I don't know.

- Oh, they're coming out. I have to go.

- Okay.

Close the door.

- Didi

- I bought fresh eggplants for lunch.

Ma'am, did you call the plumber yet?

- No, I forgot about...

- I've reminded you so many times already.

- I was caught up with work yesterday.

- Yeah, it was the same day before as well.

That tap is more like a fountain now!

I got drenched

while doing the dishes yesterday.

- The watchman told me that Thursday...

- Didi, yesterday...

Wha What is it, ma'am?

you left the window open!


I shut all the windows while leaving.

The bathroom window was open.



There were so many mosquitoes in here!

Dinner didn't taste good either!

Same old okra everyday!

Go more asymmetrical, okay?

Increase the arches here.


Simplify the notes.


And print it in maybe a

a thick paper, like maybe 300 GSM,

and show it to me.

- Ma'am

- Ma'am


- Tell me.

- Pass that.

- See this.

- Yup.

Did you pay Saayli's fees?


I went to get the cylinder today.

It was too crowded.

I'll get it tomorrow.

What happened to you earlier today?

Didi, where are you at?

It's 9:30 a.m., I need to get to a meeting

and the lunch isn't ready yet.

Hurry up, come soon, please.

Sorry, ma'am. I'll be there in five.

Why aren't you in school today?

Up there! Didi!

There's something wrong with me, you know?

Last couple of months, I've been getting

these pounding headaches in the afternoon.

Migraines, you know?

So, my friend's mother told me about

this amazing acupuncture guy

who fixed her in just two sessions.

It's very difficult to get

an appointment from him, you know?

So I have to go again today.

Okay, no worries.


Ma'am, how come you're back early today?


See, I called the plumber myself!

Very good.

Actually, I

forgot my charger.

So I'll just get that.

Ma'am, it's done.

Please check it.

Hey, listen.

Shave before you come tomorrow.

- Someone's out there.

- No.

- Wear your clothes.

- Now...

- Let's go.

- No one's there.

Listen to me


- I heard something.

- Just wait.

Just listen to me.

Who's there?

What is going on in my house?

What is going on?

What do you mean?

What's going on out here?

- What?

- You

You were hiding here and watching us?

Shut up!

Why should I shut up?

Aren't you ashamed?

You were hiding here and watching us?

Her pants are undone, look!

- What a disgusting woman!

- What?

- What nonsense!

- Seema, keep quiet

You are the one doing

disgusting things on my bed

and then you dare to accuse me!

What is so disgusting?

Whatever it is,

I'm doing it with my own husband!

Unlike you, who's getting off

on watching others do it.

What a slutty woman, my god!

- How dare you call me a slut?

- Seema, keep quiet! Have you gone mad?

Who are you calling a slut?

You were the one lying naked on

my bed furiously at it! And I am the slut!

- And I'm disgusting?

- Sorry, madam.

If you want to have sex with your husband

then do it in your own house!

- I trusted you with my house key.

- Please let it go, madam.

- You took advantage of my trust.

- How did I take advantage of it?

- What did I do? Did I steal anything?

- Hang on a minute!

You gave me the key

for your own convenience

because your lazy ass can't

open the door in the morning.

- Lower your voice.

- Why should I?

Tell her to keep quiet!

You gave me the keys

to keep the house clean!

- Keep your voice down.

- You have no clue where anything is kept!

I even wash your f*cking panties!

Seema, what are you saying?!

What do you mean what am I saying?

She can't talk to me like that

just because it's her house!

You are not doing me any favors!

I pay you a salary!

And you!

Did you take my permission to come here?

Did you ask me?

What do I know

who all she brings in here!

I don't know!

- How dare you!

- What did you say?

- What did you say?

- Have you lost it?

Should I call the police?

- You'll call the police? Call them!

- Sorry, madam. Please.

Why are you sorry?

She's blatantly calling me a whore!

- And you're apologising to her?

- Let it go, please.

- She was watching us!

- Just calm down!

She was watching us in the mirror!


Me? Watching you?

What else were you looking at?

Why would I want to watch you!

The very thought repulses me!

Disgusting woman.


So now I am repulsive?

I gross you out? I have been cooking

and cleaning for you for years

and now suddenly I gross you out?

You weren't disgusted back then?

When I kept your house so clean,

just like my own house.

You weren't disgusted then?

You cannot do a single thing by yourself!

You cannot even find a man for yourself!

You even need me to make yourself cum!

- Seema!

- Get out!

- Seema, that's enough!

- Get out of my house!

Take your g*dd*mn money and leave!

- Leave.

- Wait!

Give me my purse.

Keep your money.

I don't want your job.

I don't want your money.

I can easily get ten other jobs.

Nobody in my building will hire you.

When I go tell them how you were naked,

f*cking on my bed!

Go ahead and tell them.

You think I'm going to sit quietly?

I have seen everything with my own eyes!

How you sneak in like a little rat,

and watch us from behind the plants,

and touch yourself!

Every f*cking day!

And whom do you think people will believe?


f*ck off!

Akash, take this.

I want the change back.

See you, Mom.

Mom, you're not going to work today?

I'll go in a bit.

Didi, you're late again?

Sorry, ma'am. No water supply today.

Okay, hurry up, do the dishes.

I'm running late today!

And please clean the fan on Sunday.

Ma'am, Seema worked for you

for many years, right?

Why did she leave?

The watchman said you needed a house help?

Yes. Only for cooking

and doing the dishes.

Also, I'm vegan.

So, no dairy products at all.

And go easy on the spices.

Can you start tomorrow?

9:00 a.m.?

I'll start tomorrow.

Thank you!


You didn't fire Seema that day?

Actually I was


You know, I've been hearing all sorts

of crazy things.


So your seventh floor neighbor,

who's in my Bandra Mom's group, you know?

- She's been saying all these crazy...

- What has she been saying?

She's been saying,

you were making your maid do stuff

- and watching and all

- What?

Yeah. And then apparently she was

asking for money as well,

but then you guys had some big fight

- and everybody in the building heard...

- What did you say?

Babe, I didn't even know what to say.

Because I haven't even spoken to you.

You have just ghosted me.

And I think... I mean,

did you even fire her?

Sammy, are you nuts?

I fired her.

And I didn't call you

because I've been busy at work.

You know, Ish, there's been something

on my mind and I really wanna ask you,

- so I'm just gonna go ahead and ask you.

- Yeah.

You know when you

and I used to live together,

and Rohan used to come over?

You, by any chance, didn't watch

- Rohan and me...

- No.

- And how can you even ask me this, Sammy.

- Okay, sorry.

Listen, I have to go now.

I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye.

- Please close the door.

- That's her.

The one with the maid drama!

Who? Her?


- Apply that heart filter.

- Wait.

See, how cute you look here!

Saayli? What's going on?

- Mom...

- Take your hands off her!

Dare you touch her!

How dare you touch my daughter?!

Want me to tell your mom?

Bloody bastard!

- And you, shut up!

- Mom

What were you doing with this boy, huh?

We were discussing exam papers

Give the phone to me.

- Unlock it. What were you looking at?

- Mom, sorry.

- I'll show you!

- Mom, we were discussing the paper...

- Mom, listen...

- What were doing out there?

What did you close when I came?

- What did you shut?

- Mom!

It's nothing, go to sleep.

Was it necessary to hit her?

Want me to congratulate her instead?


but you could have talked it out.

It's 10:30 p.m.

We ran away and got married at her age.

Are you going to get her married

to that scumbag?

Is he okay for your daughter?

Did I say that?


You think you know everything, right?

What is wrong and what is right.

Forget it, I don't want to talk to you.


I can see that.

I have been noticing it

for a couple of days.

You can't bear to look at me

Tell me.

Do I disgust you?

What did I do wrong? Tell me!

Don't touch me!

Did I steal something?

Did I sleep with someone else?

What do you think?

You haven't done anything wrong?

And what about what she did?

Didn't she do anything wrong?

They're rich people!

It is my fault.

I shouldn't have gone there.

Not once or twice but every day?

It is not your fault.

She knew everything.

She didn't have a problem with it.

She knew!


So she knew everything.

You knew everything.

And me?

Shouldn't you have told me?

If she was there every time then why...

It turned you on?

The fact that she came every day

and watched us

it turned you on.

Tell me.

That excited you, right?

Tell me.

Tell me.

What are you doing? Someone might see.


Now you're feeling shy?

How much for the broccoli?

Fifty rupees for 100 grams.

Give me half a kilo, please.

Broccoli is 400 rupees a kilo.

Give me some okra, half a kilo and

Hand me fresh ones.

The ones here are not good.


Put in the eggplant.

- How are you?

- Saayli's exams

Are they done?

The exams are next month.

- But she hardly studies.

- Why?

She is always on her phone,

chatting with boys.

- After all, she is at that age

- Yeah.

- How much?

- Hundred rupees.

Did you find a maid?

Did you find a job?

Yes, got two of them.



Thought a lot about calling you.

I tried as well to tell you.

Actually, I should have just told you

that I was


you and your...

I knew it already.

Why did you not

tell me?

Because I enjoyed it too.

Take this, ma'am.

Two hundred rupees.


- See you.

- Bye.


should I come?

The keys

Whenever something goes wrong

Whenever there's a problem

Stand by me, oh companion

- Whenever something goes wrong

- The rest of it when you reach.

No, Nisha, you can't stop.

One minute.

Now what?

Senior has called for an emergency AGM

What? How's that possible?

He can't do that without me, I am the CEO.

Well, he has.

The ED is up our ass, Vijay.

I kept telling you not to deal

with the Malaysians, stay away from them.

But you wouldn't listen, would you?

Bro, whatever I've done so far has been

for this company. Not for myself.

Clearly, Senior doesn't feel that way

And maybe after today's board meeting,

even the board may agree with him.

Just get your ass back here!

Also, where are you?

Site visit.

I'll call you in a bit.

How far are you?

When are you getting here?

Yes, I

Nisha, give me a minute.


Hey, buddy! What are you doing?

Reading Famous Five,

But I'm not the one reading it.

Mom's reading. I am hearing.

It's not hearing, it's listening.

- Bud...

- Papa, when are you coming?

Soon, buddy.

Let me talk to Mommy.

Okay, Papa.

What the f*ck is wrong with your father?

For what joy has he called an AGM?

I don't know either.

Got a call an hour ago.

And you're going?

I'm a member of the Board, Vijay.

I'll have to go.

Listen, remind your father

that his company was nothing,

till I built it for him.

It was worth nothing before that.

How dare he f*cking doubt my intentions?

I don't know.

Why don't you ask him yourself?

You're getting a lot of calls.

Nisha, listen, I need to go back

What? No way! You promised me!

I know.

But something important has come up.

More important than this?


Are you f*cking blind?

Me? Sir, you came into my lane!

Sir, this is my village.

You'll find a mechanic here.

Thank you.

Sir, you have a vintage car.

In case you need

a new part then I cannot...

Just go and take a look.

Let's go.

Is there a phone here?

It's dead. Since last two months.

What the!

f*ck it, just go ahead.

I'm getting late.

Is there a coffee shop around?


There isn't anyone, there never was

In my life, apart from you

- Stand by me

- Stand by me

- Oh companion

- Oh companion

Stand by me

- Whenever something goes wrong

- Whenever something goes wrong

- Whenever there's a problem

- Whenever there's a problem

- Stand by me, oh companion

- Stand by me, oh companion

- There isn't anyone, there never was

- There isn't anyone, there never was

- In my life, apart from you

- Apart from you

- Stand by me, oh companion

- Stand by me, oh companion

- Whenever something goes wrong

- Whenever something goes wrong

- Whenever there's a problem

- Whenever there's a problem

- Stand by me, oh companion

- Stand by me, oh companion

- There isn't anyone, there never was

- There isn't anyone, there never was

- In my life, apart from you

- Apart from you

- Stand by me

- Stand by me

- Oh companion

- Oh companion

- Bye!

- Bye!

Excuse me?

The f*ck! Shanti, you're alive!

I'm Vijay.


- I think you're mistaken.

- Balls, I'm mistaken!

I can recognize you anywhere!

You should leave.

You're making a mistake.

A mistake?

Okay, tell me, what's your name?

I'm sorry!

I'm really sorry!

It's okay.

What's the matter?

Why are you behaving this way?

Is there a problem here?

Is this man troubling you?

- Why would I...

- Did I ask you?


No, right?

Good. So, shut up.

Tell me, Shanti.

Is he troubling you?

- Yes!

- Yes?

No, the yes was for something else.

I remembered something.

Not, "Yes, I am troubling her".

This is different.

It's okay, Inder. I know him.

- He's not troubling me.

- Exactly.


- Didn't you hear her?

- Did I not tell you to shut up?

Who are you? What's your name?

Vijay. Vijay Chauhan.

Vijay Chauhan?

Yes, full name.

What are you doing in my town?

Your town?

My car broke down.

I'll see you in the evening?

And you

get your car repaired,

and get out of here.

I shouldn't see you here in the evening.

Hey, you can't talk to me that way.

I'm telling you for your own good.

Leave this place.

He talks so strangely!

Who talks like that?

He is right. You should leave.

I will.

After you tell me

why you left me ten years ago.

I looked everywhere for you.

I was going out of my mind.

You just vanished!

That was ten years ago, Vijay.

And for ten years I didn't know

where my wife was,

whether she was alive or not.

And you're here!


you owe me an explanation.


Old habits.

I need to change.

Will you wait?


- Do you have coffee?

- Yes.

The kettle is there,

and the coffee right above.

And milk?

Since when did you

start taking milk with your coffee?

Just checking if you still remember.

Vijay, can you turn that tap off, please?

I'm not getting water here.

Doesn't this remind you

of our flat in Malad?

Only one tap at a time.

What the f*ck?!

For you.

I don't drink coffee.

I know.

Tea with milk.

So, tell me

You should get going.

Or you'll be late.

I have a meeting, but it can wait.

Vijay Chauhan late for a meeting?

You're never late.

Well, there is always a first time.

Now, tell me!

I don't remember everything.

I was coming back from the nursing home.

I met someone on the road.

He was looking for the nursing home.

His pregnant wife was in the car.

She was in labor.

She was screaming in pain,

so I went there to help her and



I don't remember anything after that.

What I do remember is

that I was here, in Paraisol.

Why didn't you come back home?

You didn't even call me once.

I was scared.

Of what?

I was scared that

Someone was trying to k*ll me.

To k*ll you?

Why would someone want to k*ll you?

I don't know.

I was really scared and

I thought of calling you,

but I didn't have the courage.

No one wants to k*ll you.

How can you think so?

Nursing home?

You said you were returning

from the nursing home?

Why did you go to the nursing home?

Were you pregnant?

I'm sorry.

I wanted to surprise you.

We were gonna have a baby?

I lost our baby.

It was all my fault.

I shouldn't have gone to that car.

- It's okay.

- I should have told you everything.

It's okay.

It would have been so...

No, we can't do this.

This is wrong.

What's wrong in this?

You're my wife.

So, you didn't remarry?

With whom?




Our Anu?


So you married Anita?

Everything happened so quickly.

After you left

I was a mess.

And she was there for me.


Two boys.

Eight and five.

So sweet.

I still remember, when Anu

and you joined that company together.

What was the term?

Graduate Management Trainees.

And that first day

when Anu came over

I thought that she was

the prettiest girl in the whole world.

Is it?


A little, in the beginning.

But I knew you were only mine.

I even had the marriage certificate

to prove it.

You're right.

I was always yours.

Nice tea.

And I still am.

You look different.


What happened to Anu's fiance?

The one who was going to take over

the company after they got married.

I don't know.

We'd only met a couple of times.

Once we met them together, remember?

So, who's running the company now?

Oh, hello.

The one standing right in front of you.

I'm so proud of you.

All you've wanted since college was this.

And look, you got it.

It was impossible to do so without you.

You sacrificed so much!

- Managed the house so that I...

- No!

Managing the house was my choice.

I was happy doing that.

Whatever I am today,

is all because of you.

Thank you.


You've not changed at all!

Jumping at every opportunity.

How does Anu keep up with you?

Very happily.

You should leave.

You'll be late.

Yeah, I am getting late.


you're coming with me.

Why? No.

Why not?

Anu will be so happy to see you.

She wouldn't be happy.


You still don't get it, Vijay?

It was Anu.

What was Anu?

She was the one who hired those people.

That couple.

The one near the nursing home.

They were the ones who tried to k*ll me.

What nonsense is this!

Are you out of your mind?

Anu loved you from the day she met you.


No, Shanti! The three

of us were best friends.

The three f*cking musketeers!

Anu always wanted you for herself.

She always tried

to divert your attention off of me.

And the day she found

out that I was pregnant

- she just...

- One minute

How did Anu find out

that you were pregnant?

She's never told me anything.

What was she going to say?

Remember the evening we had

the dinner

and we were all singing

"Jab Koi Baat Bigad Jaye"?

No. Go on.

That's the evening I did my test.

By mistake I left the

test kit in the washroom.

I didn't want anyone else to know.

So I instantly went back to check for it.

And I saw Anu coming

out of the washroom.


Vijay, I had kept the test kit face up

inside the washroom.

But when I went back in there,

the test kit was kept face down.

That means, Anu saw it

and accidentally put it back upside down.

Even if she did see it


Actually, after you left,

Anu didn't leave me alone for a second.

I thought she was

genuinely concerned, but

Such things require a lot of money,

the kinds she has in plenty.

We need to do something about this.

No, we don't.


Vijay, you're happy, right?

With Anu and your kids?


Then let things be.

Return home.

Back to your family.

There's still time.

Please go.

And forget all of this?

Whatever you've told me?

Try to.

Or else, your life

will become a living hell.

Listen to me.

Please leave.

I know it's been quite a few years,

but do you remember

the faces of the couple you met?


Seriously? Till now?

Fresh like it happened yesterday.


If we find them, we can get closer

to the truth. We'll know the truth.

What will you do by knowing the truth?

And what if Anu has done all of this?

Then she must be punished.

And then?

And then, maybe, we can live together.


I missed you so much!


No, we can't.

You should leave.

You have a wife now.

Because of whom I lost you.

We can't do this.

Please leave.

Listen, I'm with Inder now.

Were they this big before?

Focus on the job.

Vijay, careful.


- Vijay, did you...

- Sorry, I lost control.

The last time you lost control,

I was the one who got pregnant.

And then, straight here.

Don't worry, you won't get pregnant.

How do you know?

I just do.

If you have doubts,

then try your Red Blue thing. You'll know.

Same old Vijay.

I know everything.


Red Blue?

How do you know?

What Red Blue?

That test kit.

The one Anu found.

It's called Red Blue.

My friend got it from Canada.

That brand isn't available in India.

I hadn't told anyone about it.

How did you know?

You must have told me.

I hadn't told you this.

Did Anu tell you?

No, Anu didn't tell me.

That means

it was you.

Vijay! Vijay!

- Help!

- I gave those fuckwads so much money.

They couldn't even do one job well.

Moreover, you remember

their faces as well!

Thank you for not coming back

and staying the f*ck away.

Because whatever I am today

is because of you.

You've sacrificed a lot for me.

Just this one last time. Please!


f*ck, I'm late.




Shanti, are you...

Tried really hard to wake him up.

Seems like he didn't want to come back.

Whenever something goes

Whenever something goes wrong

- Whenever something goes wrong

- Something's wrong with the music system.

How do I turn it off?

Didn't I tell you?


or you'd be late.

f*cking whore!

Don't move, bitch!

My Lord,

you have friends in high places,

why not request them?

Hey, we don't go begging for alms.

We give orders.

So, my Lord,

will you get the tender this time?


The Collector's mother used to scoop

cow dung at our palace back in the day,

then help me out as well, my Lord.

I pick up and drop off the prince

from his tuition every day.

If I could also get paid

Have some patience.

Once we bag the contract,

you'll get paid too

In that case,

it will surely be awarded to you!

What have we got here?

It's nothing.

Just a sight for sore eyes, my Lord.

I see

Distraction can lead to an accident.


Good day, my Lord.

Drive safe.



Go on, son. I'll join you.


You are leaving early today?

My son's running a temperature, my Lord.

Him, I will give medicine to.

But what do I do with this?

See my pants have come undone.

Come, fix it.

Please, my Lord, I can't.

Please, my Lord. Please

It'll only take a minute.

Come, come

Please let me go, my Lord

Here's a fresh one for you.

I don't want more.

Put that glass down. Eat first.

I've prepared your favorite dish.

So, tell me.

How are your preparations coming along?


Just fine?

I hope better than fine?


What do you mean by no?

You do want to go to England, right?

I don't want to go to England or anywhere.

What do you mean you don't want to?

I don't want to.

You are going to England.

There is nothing left for you here.

And you?

If I leave, what about you?

You don't worry about me.


Once you go there, I'll come join you.


Your hair's become so dry.

I won't oil my hair.

Do you know how expensive it is?

And today, Father went to the city again

for some new tender.

God knows what he's mortgaged now.

How do you know?

He's the one telling the world about it.

You don't have to worry about money.

You just focus on your studies.

Don't apply oil on my face, Mom!



My queen.

Are you asleep?

Are you asleep?

I have some good news for you,

do you know

today, we bagged a big tender.

Just like last time?

Bloody bitch.




I'll show you!

Get out.

Get up, get out of this place!


I'll show you!

Bastard! Think you're a man, huh?

If I ever see you here again,

I will cut you into pieces.

Get out of here, get lost!

Go away!

Son of a bitch!

Who is it?

- Aunty.

- Bastard, Get out of here.

Get lost! Go away!

Bloody animal!

Come on, back to work.


Yes, tell me.

What happened?

The same old every day shenanigans.

The worst scum on earth end up here.

Forget it.

You tell me what is the matter?

You are still not feeling better?

Don't ask feels like I'm dying.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Just missing you.

Right, I know everything.

When you start missing me.

You were a real queen

when you were here.

But he made you a whore in that palace.

If being a whore makes my son the king,

so be it.

Did you go see a doctor?

What will the doctor do?

When it's time for someone to go

they got to go.

Good you got out of here.

Just yesterday, I found out,

one of the girls has gotten the disease.

Don't know which degenerate

gave it to her.

Her life is over

before it even began.

f*cking idiot.

You got me drenched!

Told you to go slow!

Bastard. Hold me!

What? What is it?

What are you doing here?

My Lord, going to tuition classes.

Tuition classes.

Listen. Come here.

Fucker, if this time

the Prince doesn't score well,

you'll be the one to fail.

Let's go.



What was he saying?

He was asking about my stars.

I told him they are not aligned.

You've prepped well, right?


Never mind.


hotel representatives had come over again

to hold talks with you.

This palace belongs to Kings.

It's not your brothel

to turn it into a hotel.

I've said it once, I won't repeat it.


Get out.



Morning, my Lord!

Well, you're not Bitari.

Are you new?

Yes, my Lord.

Go, grab my towel for me.


One, two

and my pawn is safe.

- Father

- Yes?

I want to study further in England.

Why? What's the problem here?

The education is better there.

And now you even have the contract.

So, Mom and I can

go there for a few years.

Greetings, my Lord.

My lady has sent your tea.


what's your name?

My Lord, Rekha.

Wrap it up.

Black clothes, black slippers, black

thread, don't wear anything black.

You see, your stars are against you.

A big one.

Ideally, the rituals are done in Ujjain.

But I can get it done right here

for Rs.1100, just for you.

What else?

First thing in the morning,

feed the dogs, crows and five ants.

- Black ants?

- Absolutely not!

If you want to go to England,

then the difference between

black and red is like life and death.

I wonder why you are

so persistent about going to England.

Even the sun doesn't rise there

for three months!

I wonder who they pray to in the morning?

I want to become a big sh*t.

How much more big do you want to get?

As much as your father?

Bhanu says he's like this

because his blood is white.

It's not your father's fault

His stars

His stars are not in the right place.

I know a ritual

that should be done in Banaras.

But I can do it here also, just for you,

only for Rs.2100.

Your Venus is being influenced.

As long as you live in that palace,

you will never go to England.

What do I do to appease Venus?

There's a long ritual..

But for now. Take a drag.



Coming, my lady.

Just finishing the laundry.

Okay, hurry!

Will you iron this kurta for me?

There's a meeting in the city.

Who's the new girl?

The old one was working well,

why did you let her go?

I did not. She went away.

Why? Weren't we paying her?

What else did she want?

We were paying her to work in the kitchen,

not in the bedroom.

Learn to be in your limits.

Or I'll throw you right back

into that hole I picked you from.

One more thing.

Stop corrupting the Prince's mind

with thoughts of England.

He is a King's son.

And Kings work for no one.

Such beautiful sarees, my lady.

They must look so good on you.

Pick one.

No, no, my lady.

They wouldn't suit me, would they?

Fine, don't then.

This one can I take this one?

I like this color a lot.

Take it.

My lady

Sons of b*tches.



Squabbling with me, you assh*le!

Your mother would pick cow dung,

m*therf*cking Collector.

You swine.


f*cking Collector.

Slept off again?

How did this conk out again?


Nothing ever works in this house.

Son of a


f*ck it.

My Lord.

My Lord.

Still alive.





Just a sec, my lady.

Listen, girl.

You are pretty good at this.

Where did you learn?

I didn't learn it anywhere, my Lord.

As a kid, I would

massage my father's feet.

I see.

So you were always a smart girl?

Growing up, everyone always said,

"This girl will make the village

proud someday."

A little higher.

Can I ask you a question, my Lord?

Is this palace older

than a hundred years?

A little higher.

I never even dreamt I'd get to

live in such a palace someday.

A little higher.

Can I ask you a question, Lord?

Are the queen and prince going abroad?

If they leave

the palace will feel so lonely.

But I've heard it's so pretty abroad.


Get out.

My Lord, I

S... Sorry

I'm stupid, I say things without thought.

Forgive me, my Lord.

Stop sniffing around.

And focus on the job.

You want to live in the palace, don't you?

Do you drink alcohol?


Take it.

Turn around,

come on.

Oh, this will stain.

Don't worry, my Lord, I'll wash it.

Do one thing take it off.

Come on..

Don't think.

Little more.


Someone is here to meet you.

f*cking villagers

won't leave me alone for a second.

I will study hard.

We will go to England.

Won't live here!

That's all I wanted to say.

Bunch of thugs, all of them.

I spent so much in bribes.

All a waste, rascals!

Chanda, that bitch.

Even my son wants to leave me and go.

An astrologer once said to me,

I will die lonely.

Go away, f*ckers.

Leave me!

"Good you got out of here."

"Just yesterday, I found out,

one of the girls has gotten the disease."

"Don't know which degenerate

gave it to her."

"Her life is over before it even began."

"What's her name?"

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