02x53 - A Hint of Uneasiness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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02x53 - A Hint of Uneasiness

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: During the fifth match, which was for the Mist Ring,

Reborn: when Chrome Dokuro was in danger...

Mukuro: It's been a long time.

Mukuro: I have returned...

Mukuro: from the depths of the Paths of Rebirth.

Mammon: Stop it!

Mammon: I'll die! I'll die!

Mukuro: You lost for one simple reason:

Mukuro: I was your opponent.

Mukuro: Will this do?

Tsuna: Hibari-san...

Tsuna: Hibari-san!

On Screen,Tsuna: Target Slight Uneasiness

Xanxus: Do it.

Tsuna: S-Stop!!

Tsuna: What an awful dream.

Tsuna: There's no way Hibari-san's going to lose the fight!

Tsuna: I only dreamed that because of what Reborn said.

Xanxus: If Moska loses the Cloud Ring in tomorrow's match,

Xanxus: I'll give everything to you.

Reborn: Xanxus would only say that if he's confident Moska will win.

Tsuna: Hibari-san will be fine.

Tsuna: Enough! I can sleep for another hour.

Tsuna: Man, I'm way too worried now.

Tsuna: This sucks. How can he sleep so soundly?

Tsuna: See you later.

Tsuna: Dino-san would know about Hibari-san.

On Screen,Tsuna: Nakayama Surgery

Tsuna: I think he had somewhere to be last night, but maybe he's back.

Chrome: Boss?

Tsuna: Come to think of it, she was brought here when she passed out after the fight.

Tsuna: And she... kissed me, right?

Chrome: Boss...

Tsuna: U-Uh... What should I call you?

Tsuna: Chrome-san?

Tsuna: Dokuro-san?

Chrome: Whichever.

Tsuna: Where are you going?

Chrome: Ken and Chikusa took off.

Tsuna: Right... They left her behind yesterday.

Tsuna: I-I see.

Tsuna: By the way, thanks for helping us.

Tsuna: She's not listening at all!

Tsuna: She's totally making a run for it!

Tsuna: Um, wait!

Tsuna: Um... Well...

Tsuna: How's Mukuro doing?

Tsuna: Never mind. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Tsuna: It's just, you know, he saved us.

Chrome: He's sleeping right now.

Chrome: Mukuro-sama used too much of his power.

Tsuna: O-Oh, okay.

Tsuna: Where's Dino-san?

Tsuna: He wasn't in Lambo's room.

Dino: How is it, Romario?

Romeo: No change.

Romeo: But boss, either way we can no longer...

Dino: I'm well aware!

Tsuna: Dino-san?

Dino: We'll take care of it by end of the day somehow.

Tsuna: Is he working?

Tsuna: He seems busy...

Dino: Who's there?

Tsuna: U-Umm, it's me, Sa-Sawada.

Dino: Oh, it's just you.

Dino: You're early, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Good morning.

Tsuna: I couldn't sleep, so...

Tsuna: I'm glad Dino-san's his usual self.

Dino: Here to ask me about Kyoya, huh?

Tsuna: H-He's sharp!

Dino: Well, if he loses, it's all over.

Dino: I can understand your anxiety.

Tsuna: No! I know he's strong, it's just...

Dino: So you're worried... Or what, here to k*ll time?

Dino: They came to ask the same thing.

Tsuna: Wha--? Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto-kun, and Kyoko's brother?

Dino: They all came on the pretense of wanting their injuries checked out.

Tsuna: Guys...

Dino: Guess they feel more at ease, if they're asleep.

Tsuna: Huh? Then...

Dino: Kyoya's at the top of his game.

Dino: I'm not just saying that as his tutor; he's strong.

Tsuna: That's good to hear...

Tsuna: Man, now that I know, I'm a bit sleepy myself.

Reborn: You have training to do.

Reborn: You must complete the Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough today.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: Why are you a ninja?

Dino: He's had that habit since I was his student, but it still stops me cold.

Tsuna: What are you talking about?

Tsuna: Tonight's fight will decide everything, won't it?

Tsuna: There's no point in me training anymore!

Gokudera: Boss?

Ryohei: Lemme sleep a bit longer...

Reborn: It's because it's the final battle...

Reborn: Let them do the cheering.

Tsuna: Why?

Reborn: What will you do if the worst happens?

Tsuna: The worst?

Tam: How's your side, Oregano?

Ore: Not good; no one's here.

Tam: Nothing here either.

Ore: I see.

Lar: Never thought we'd be busting in a second time.

Lar: Where the hell is Iemitsu?

Tam: We're talking about the master here.

Tam: Start a fight and he'll show up in a flash.

Ore: What's in this room?

Ore: What is all this?

Tam: It's been blacked out, but...

Tam: This is a report on a w*apon of the Antebellum Italian Military.

Ore: The military?

Ore: What's something like that doing here?

Tam: Here I thought it was just a rumor...

Main: ,I once heard that the Mafia purchased some fairly nasty research

Main: ,that the Italian army was trying to bury after WWII.

Ore: That can't be true.

Ore: Are you saying this facility...

Tam: Yeah, looks like it was operational until very recently.

Main: ,Hey.

Lal: Based on this, it seems the w*apon they worked on here was sent to the Varia.

Tam: What?

Ore: What is Vongola IX thinking?

Ore: What would he use this for?

Revy: So creepy...

Revy: Boss, it's almost time.

Xanxus: Getting excited for your fight, Gola Moska?

Xanxus: I expect great things from you.

Basil: Master Sawada! Are thee all right?

Tsuna: That was close...

Reborn: You could've died there,

Reborn: stupid Tsuna.

Reborn: Your mind was elsewhere, wasn't it?

Tsuna: Ouch!

Tsuna: Don't kick me while I'm down, Reborn!

Reborn: Okay, let's keep going.

Tsuna: Do we have to?

Tsuna: If we don't hurry, we'll miss the start of Hibari-san's fight!

Reborn: I told you. Leave Hibari's fight to Gokudera and Yamamoto.

Main: ,You need to concentrate on mastering your technique.

Tsuna: Aww man, why?!

Tsuna: Are you serious?

Reborn: Completely.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Gokudera: Listen up, guys.

Gokudera: We're gonna win this no matter what!

Yamamoto: What're you going on about, Gokudera?

Yamamoto: Hibari's the one fighting.

Ryohei: What's the point in getting all worked up?

Gokudera: I know that!

Gokudera: But you heard it too.

Gokudera: The boss is trusting us to take charge of this.

Gokudera: We've gotta cheer him on with all we've got, to make sure he wins!

Yamamoto: Weird reasoning.

Yamamoto: You could never understand, baseball freak!

Ryohei: I don't fully get it, squid head, but I'm extremely fired up!

Yamamoto: Our star player has arrived.

Hibari: What are you gathering for?

Gokudera: What... You!

Yamamoto: Now now...

Yamamoto: Um, we...

Ryohei: Came to cheer you on!

Hibari: Bunch of pests.

Hibari: Scram, or I'll bite you to death.

Gokudera: What?!

Ryohei: How dare you talk like that!

Ryohei: I'm extremely pissed!

Yamamoto: Come on now, relax.

Yamamoto: We just happened to be passing by.

Yamamoto: Don't mind us, Hibari. Okay?

Hibari: I see...

Hibari: I just need to bite that to death.

Ryohei: This is it?

CherbB: Yes, this will be the Guardian of the Cloud Ring's combat field.

CherbB: The Cloud Ground.

Ryohei: This is nuts.

Ryohei: The sports field has...

Gokudera: That's...

Gokudera: Ga-Gatling g*ns?

CherbB: The Guardian of the Cloud Ring's role is to be a lone cloud floating in the sky;

Main: ,completely unencumbered and protecting the Family from his unique vantage point.

CerbC: Therefore, we have arranged for this field to be the most difficult of all.

CerbC: The area is surrounded by barbed wire, as well as eight turrets,

Main: ,which are set to attack anyone detected within a thirty-meter radius.

CerbB: Furthermore, the area has been laced with several pressure-based traps,

Main: ,which will explode upon issuing a warning.

Ryohei: It's like a real battleground...

Levy: You can run if you're scared,

Levy: just like your boss.

Gokudera: Shut up!

Gokudera: The boss didn't run!

Yamamoto: Tsuna doesn't need to be here.

Yamamoto: Hibari's our ace.

Yamamoto: He won't lose.

Levy: What?

Xanxus: Ace?

Xanxus: This should be fun.

Reborn: There, Tsuna.

Basil: Master Sawada!

Basil: Please hang in there.

Reborn: You've improved, Tsuna.

Basil: Reborn-san, he cannot continue.

Basil: If we persist, it will destroy him!

Tsuna: Just now... the flames...

Main: ,Huh?

Tsuna: I'm not sure yet, but

Tsuna: I think I understand what the first boss tried to do.

Basil: M-Master Sawada?

Reborn: I see...

Reborn: So what will you do now?

Reborn: Call it a night?

Tsuna: But you're right, Reborn...

Tsuna: I don't want to think this way,

Tsuna: but if, just if, Hibari-san loses his match...

Basil: Master Sawada...

Tsuna: I-If that happens...

Tam: Damn it. The GPS isn't working.

Ral: What a mess.

Ral: A weapons development lab...

Ral: This place is a castle of nightmares.

Ore: Hey, about that humanoid thing they sent to the Varia.

Ore: Do you think it's an anti-personnel w*apon?

Tam: No way.

Tam: You'd never need something that strong to take out one guy.

Tam: For starters, its armaments are way too powerful.

Ral: I-It's him.

Ore: Tumeric!

Ral: Why you...

Ral: My shot just bounced off!

Ral: Reinforced armor?

Tam: Stay back!

Tam: It's not working.

Ore: No way!

Tam: Run, Oregano.

Ore: It stopped.

Mor: I made it in time.

Lil: Who's there?

Mor: I'm your ally.

Mor: The name's Moretti.

Mor: The master ordered me to come help you.

Ore: How did you do that?

Mor: To stop this thing, you need to hit the emergency switch on the back.

Ore: But it's got a life-sign detection system.

Ore: How did you get behind it without being noticed?

Mor: Well, it only reacts to living things, not dead ones.

Mor: Since I can stop my heart and go into a state of pseudo-death,

Mor: I can get close to it without being detected.

Tam: Are you Moretti the m*rder*d?

Tam: The one working as the master's spy at Vongola HQ?

Mor: Yep. I'll accompany you from here on out.

Mor: I even have this map of the basement.

Tam: That'll be helpful.

Tam: I didn't think we'd get to see the actual w*apon sent to the Varia here.

Mor: No, this is just a prototype.

Main: ,What?

Mor: The one sent to the Varia is much more formidable.

Mor: It has no emergency switch, so once it's started nothing can stop it.

On Screen: ,Nakayama Surgery

Mafia: We're prepared to receive them.

Dino: Okay, then let's get started.

Mafia: Boss, it's nearly time.

Mafia: Even if Kyoya is stronger now, he's up against the Varia boss's aide.

Mafia: It won't be an easy fight.

Mafia: Are you sure you shouldn't watch?

CharB: It's legit.

Chrome: Chikusa, Ken, you're here.

Chikusa: It's such a bother, but...

Chikusa: we're standing in for Mukuro-sama to see this through.

Ken: Your job's done.

Ken: You don't have to be here anymore!

Chrome: But I want to see how it ends too.

Ken: Just keep your distance!

Chikusa: Ken, it's starting.

Ken: Mukuro-san won, so they can keep going.

Ken: You had better not lose, little ducky.

All: Hibari, fight...

All: Yeah!

Gokudera: Come on, turf top!

Gokudera: Put some energy into it!

Ryohei: What?

Ryohei: I just can't get into it without Hibari here.

Yamamoto: You used to hate these more than anyone, so it's good

Yamamoto: to see you're all for them now.

Gokudera: Of course I am.

Gokudera: If the boss was here, it's what he would've done.

Gokudera: Don't you dare lose, Hibari.

Gokudera: For the boss's sake.

CherB: We will now proceed.

CherB: Let the battle for the Cloud Ring, between Gola Moska and Kyoya Hibari begin!

Gokudera: He flew!

Yamamoto: No way!

Dino: Hey, Romario.

Dino: Kyoya...

Main: ,didn't seem worried about that...

Main: ,Gola Moska guy in the least.

Kyoya: Here. I don't need it.

Main: ,What? Hey...

Kyoya: You there, in the chair.

Kyoya: Get over here.

Kyoya: I'm not going home until I beat the crap out of the king of the mountain.

Lev: What?

Beh: There's no "what," tentacle head.

Lev: Tentacle head?!

Beh: We lost this one.

Beh: What should we do now, boss?

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Colo: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Colo: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Beh: Leo Guests are your key to good luck!

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

Main: ,...will be Leo.

Beh: Lucky me! Look happy!

Main: ,Hold... it... in...

Main: ,Number two for next week...

On Screen,Beh: Libra Humor is the secret to popularity!

Main: ,...will be Libra!

Beh: All right!

Beh: Maybe something good will happen with Kyoko-chan!

Main: ,Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Beh: Aquarius You're really quick on your feet!

Main: ,And the top sign...

Beh: ...will be Aquarius!

Beh: Hey there, senorita. Let's date.

On Screen,Sign: See ya next time!

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Main: ,Next time: The Guardian of the Cloud Ring's Frenzy.
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