02x54 - The Cloud Guardian's Rampage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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02x54 - The Cloud Guardian's Rampage

Post by bunniefuu »

Ryohei: Check this out!

Ryohei: This is the real Maximum Cannon!

Lambo: I'm all dizzy now.

Levi: I am the one most suited to being the Guardian of the Lightning Ring.

Levi: Not you.

Levi: Scum like you isn't needed.

Levi: Disappear into nothing!

Gokudera: I can't return empty-handed!

Gokudera: If I go back now, I couldn't call myself the boss's right-hand man!

Bel: The ring...

Bel: I'm the winner...

On Screen,Yamoto: Reflecting Rain

Yamoto: Reflecting Rain!

Squalo: So this is... defeat...?

Mukuro: Rather flashy... for a bunch of Mafiosi.

Mukuro: You lost for one simple reason: I was your opponent.

Hibari: I see...

Hibari: I just need to bite that to death.

Reborn: The battle for the rings against the strongest

Reborn: assassination squad, the Varia, is finally coming to an end.

Reborn: Each side holds three rings, and fighting

Reborn: the decisive battle to determine the winner

Main: ,is the Guardian of the Cloud Ring, Kyoya Hibari.

Dino: Hey, Romario.

Main: ,Kyoya...

Main: ,didn't seem worried about that...

Main: ,Gola Moska guy in the least.

Reborn: Hibari defeated Gola Moska with a single blow

Reborn: and the tide of the battle turned at last.

Reborn: Now, things are looking bad for the Varia.

Main: ,Here. I don't need it.

Main: ,What? Hey...

Hibari: You there, in the chair.

Hibari: Get over here.

Hibari: I'm not going home until I beat the crap out of the king of the mountain.

On Screen: ,Target The Guardian of the Cloud Ring's Frenzy

X: My foot slipped.

Hibari: Must've.

X: I'm not kidding.

X: I only came to collect that piece of junk,

X: since we lost and all.

X: That's not what your face is telling me.

Ryohei: What's Hibari doing?!

Ryohei: He just beat that machine!

Gokudera: Another mine!

Yamamoto: Hibari!

Hibari: How long are you going to keep that up?

X: Relax, buddy, I won't interfere.

Hibari: If you say so.

Hibari: Either way, I'll be biting you to death.

Levi: You've got no right to challenge our boss!

Bel: Calm down, Mr. Doom and Gloom.

Levi: What? Doom and Gloom?!

Bel: If we try to take action against them after losing the tournament,

Main: ,it'll be seen as an act of rebellion against the next boss,

Main: ,and we'll all be k*lled.

Levi: Are you saying we should leave that cocky kid alone?

Bel: I'm sure our boss has something up his sleeve.

Levi: Like what?

Bel: No clue. Mammon or Squalo might've known.

Tsuna: What did I just...

Reborn: You did it, Tsuna.

Reborn: That's the Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough.

Main: ,What?

Basil: Well done!

Basil: Impressive, Master Sawada.

Basil: At last, thou hast perfected the technique only the first Vongola boss could use.

Tsuna: I...

Tsuna: never would've thought of such an unexpected technique.

Tsuna: I never would've been able to do it on my own.

Tsuna: I owe you big time, Basil-kun.

Tsuna: Thank you!

Reborn: All right, Tsuna, let's get moving.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Let's go to Nami Middle.

Hibari: I thought you weren't going to "interfere."

Levi: That guy... Is he actually pushing the boss back?

Bel: Unbelievable.

X: Cervello.

B: Yes, Xanxus-sama?

X: Don't forget anything that happens here.

X: Especially that I'm not attacking.

Gokudera: What was that?

Yamamoto: Hibari!

Gokudera: Wh-What're those?!

Yamamoto: This is bad! Run for it!

Levi: What have we here?

Bel: Crap.

Gokudera: Damn it...

Gokudera: Hey, you all right?

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Yamamoto: Are you okay?!

Yamamoto: Sasagawa?

Ryohei: What the hell is going on here?

Gokudera: I have no idea.

Gokudera: Th-That's...

X: I tried to warn you.

X: I was going to retrieve it,

X: but that Guardian of the Cloud Ring stopped me.

X: Thanks to him, Moska's controls stopped working.

Gokudera: He's out of control?

M: We're almost there.

M: This way.

M: I've brought them.

Oregeno: Master!

Iemitsu: Sorry, I messed up...

Oregeno: Please don't move.

Iemeitsu: You can laugh at me, 'cause I really messed up...

Iemeitsu: I can't believe I didn't realize it until I got shot.

T: Vongola IX?!

Iemitsu: No, he's just a shadow.

M: What?

Oregeno: You mean, a fake?!

Iemeitsu: We were completely duped.

Iemeitsu: But there's no excuse...

T: So then, where's Vongola IX?

Iemitsu: I found the Fenicia's flight schedule in his room.

Iemitsu: It's from a week ago.

Oregeno: The Fenicia?

Oregeno: Vongola IX's private jet?

M: But, a week ago, the Fenicia should've been

M: in the hangar for engine maintenance...

Iemitsu: That information's false.

Iemitsu: It was headed to Japan.

Yamamoto: We're in trouble...

Gokudera: Damn! This is nuts!

Gokudera: A-A compressed particle cannon?!

Ryohei: He's just attacking everything at random!

Ryohei: At this rate, we'll all be in danger.

X: Well ain't this a cryin' shame!

Yamamoto: He's laughing...

Gokudera: What a bastard.

Gokudera: He didn't care about the fight at all.

Main: ,He just wanted to cause an "accident" to wipe us all out.

Gokudera: That's why he provoked Hibari.

Ryohei: That's so low!

Hibari: So you used me?

Oregeno: What was that? Vongola IX went to Japan?

Iemitsu: If he's trying to control the ring contest,

Main: ,then watching from nearby only makes sense.

Oregeno: So Vongola IX went to Japan to try to make Xanxus the next successor?

Iemitsu: If you think of the Cervello Agency

Iemitsu: as Vongola IX's hands and arms,

Iemitsu: it all fits.

M: Th-That's true.

T: Then he's been behind this the whole time?

Oregeno: Master, what should we do?

Iemitsu: I have a lot of questions to ask him.

Iemitsu: We should go to Japan too.

Oregeno: Master, please don't force yourself!

Iemitsu: I-I'm fine.

Fake th: You have questions for Vongola IX, do you?

Fake th: It's too late for that.

Iemitsu: What are you saying?

Fake th: You're too late!

Ryohei: Hey!

Ryohei: It's dangerous out in the field!

Chrome: Chikusa? Ken?

Ken: Man, you're a lot of trouble, girl.

Ken: Crap...

Yamamoto: This is bad!

Gokudera: They're trapped!

Gokudera: That's...

X: That flame...

X: He's here.

Chrome: Boss?

Ryohei: That's...

Gokudera: B-Boss!

X: He's here, but...

Basil: What's going on?

Reborn: Looks like Moska's going to destroy everything.

Reborn: His movements aren't human.

Reborn: Is he completely out of control?

X: Trash gets taken out bag by bag. It's no different here.

Levi: What?!

Bel: Unbelievable.

Gokudera: H-He's flying...

Gokudera: Th-That's amazing, boss!

Levi: What was that?

Levi: What did he just do?

Yamamoto: Amazing...

Gokudera: Boss...

Tsuna: Hey, blockhead.

Tsuna: Your opponent is me.

Voice: Warning. Warning.

Voice: Adjusting target.

Voice: Destroy!

Ryohei: Sa-Sawada...!

Gokudra: What's going on? Why're the missiles targeting the boss?

Reborn: He's after Tsuna.

Basil: Huh?

Reborn: Moska's made Tsuna his sole target.

Gokudera: B-Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Levi: He couldn't have!

Yamamoto: This is bad. He can't dodge in midair!

Gokudera: Boss!

Tsuna: Too slow.

Ryohei: He's strong!

Yamamoto: Yeah!

Gokudera: Way to go, boss!

Bel: This can't be happening...

Levi: B-Boss?

Oregeno: Spill it!

Iemitsu: Come on! Too late for what?

Iemitsu: Start talking!

Fake th: Sure, if that's all you want to know, I'd be glad to.

Fake th: Do you know that the Vongola helped create a secret military w*apon?

Fake th: It was a cursed w*apon that should have been buried in history.

Oregeno: Do you mean that humanoid w*apon that was delivered to the Varia?

Fake th: Yes, Gola Moska.

Iemitsu: Moska?

Fake th: Do you know why Gola Moska was dumped like trash?

Fake th: Even the military, who developed it, tried to cover it all up.

Fake th: I'm guessing you have no idea why.

Oregeno: What are you going on about?

Fake th: Gola Moska, you see, was an inhumane w*apon.

Fake th: It works by devouring the life of another.

Main: ,What?

Oregeno: What is this guy talking about?

Fake th: Specifically,

Fake th: it only utilizes the energy from a certain type of person

Fake th: who possess the flame life energy.

Iemitsu: H-He can't mean...

Ral: Master, what's wrong?

Iemitsu: It needs to stop!

Main: ,What?

Iemitsu: The Guardian of the Cloud Ring battle must be stopped at once!

Ryohei: H-He defeated that monster!

Yamamoto: Way to go, Tsuna!

Gokudera: Great job, boss!

Chikusa: Is it over now?

Ken: Man, what a mess.

Basil: Well done! That mechanical w*apon was no match for Master Sawada!

Reborn: But one thing still bothers me.

Main: ,What?

Reborn: It must've occurred to him to have Moska fight at full strength,

Main: ,which would wipe us all out and give them the win.

Reborn: Why would Xanxus act in such a roundabout way?

Tsuna: Xanxus, why do this?

Basil: With one hand?

Gokudera: He did it!

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Colo: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Colo: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Sign: Libra Eating fall fruit is the secret to good health.

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

Lambo: ...will be Libra.

Romario: I'm lucky every day. So's Leon.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Colo: The second sign...

On Screen,Sign: Scorpio Gradually assert yourself more!

Lambo: ...will be Scorpio.

Haru: I see. That's good.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Reborn: And the top sign for next week...

On Screen,Sign: Pisces Performing with an instrument is the key to better luck.

Lambo: ...will be Pisces!

Haru: I wonder if that means I can eat two special cakes to celebrate?

On Screen,Sign: See ya next time!

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

I-Pin: Next time: Resolve.
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