02x56 - The Sky Ring Battle Begins!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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02x56 - The Sky Ring Battle Begins!

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: Hibari won the battle for the Cloud Ring, and we thought it was all over, but...

Tsuna: Vongola IX?

Reborn: It was all a trap by Xanxus.

Tsuna: Xanxus. I'll be taking that ring back.

Tsuna: I won't let you succeed Vongola IX!

On Screen,Tsuna: Target The Sky Battle Begins!

I-Pin: Lambo is resting.

I-Pin: Don't worry. He's okay.

Tsuna: Thank you so much.

I-Pin: Leave it to I-Pin!

Reborn: He woke up around lunchtime.

Lambo: Lambo-san's back in action!

Lambo: I'm hungry! I'm hungry! I'm hun-

Reborn: I heard he was pretty annoying.

Tsuna: I'm relieved, though. It makes me feel better.

Reborn: But he still needs to rest.

Tsuna: Yeah...

Lambo: Potty Pants Tsuna!

Lambo: Stupid Tsuna! Moron Tsuna! Loser Tsuna!

Tsuna: Are you sure he's just talking in his sleep?

Reborn: Just him talking in his sleep upsets you? You've got some growing up to do, kid.

Lambo: From today on, Reborn's job is to polish my horns!

Reborn: Sleep-talking or not, that's just unforgivable. I'll smack him silent.

Tsuna: H-Hey, Reborn, he's just rambling in his sleep!

I-Pin: Now, no v*olence!

I-Pin: Lambo needs rest!

Lambo: Tail head!

On Screen: ,Nakayama Surgery

Tsuna: No, I-Pin!

Lambo: I see pretty stars...

I-Pin: Talking in his sleep is no excuse!

Tsuna: But I guess it means he's on the road to recovery.

Reborn: Your mom and the others are taking turns watching him, so he'll be fine.

Tsuna: Yeah.

Tsuna: Um, about Vongola IX...

Reborn: He's not here.

Tsuna: Then...

Reborn: He's not dead yet.

Reborn: Dino got him to a well-equipped hospital right in the nick of time.

Tsuna: He did?

Reborn: He's in pretty bad shape.

Reborn: Anyway, I have a new w*apon for you.

Tsuna: A-A new w*apon?

Reborn: Come on, this way.

Reborn: It's a Mafia combat suit.

Main: ,Huh?

Reborn: It's custom-designed from thread produced by Leon.

Reborn: Even the Deathperation Flames can't burn it easily.

Tsuna: A Mafia suit? You mean I have to dress like a Mafioso?

Tsuna: Like this?

Tsuna: Or this?

Tsuna: Or this?!

Tsuna: I hope you don't mean this!

Reborn: Don't worry. It looks exactly like your typical Namimori Middle School uniform.

Tsuna: Oh, that's good...

Reborn: It's made from the same stuff as my suit.

Reborn: Look, Leon wore himself out making it.

Tsuna: Thanks, Leon.

Tsuna: That tickles!

Reborn: It has bonus functions too.

Tsuna: Bonus?

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: Once you change, we'll get going.

Reborn: Off to the final battle of the ring tournament!

Tsuna: Yeah.

Ken: Mukuro-san knew Vongola IX was inside that thing, then?

Chrome: Probably.

Chikusa: So what did he say?

Chrome: Not a thing. It's like he's looking away from me.

Ken: What the heck does that mean?

Chrome: It was like Master Mukuro was talking to someone else...

Ken: If you can't contact Mukuro-san, then you're even more useless!

Chrome: I'm sorry.

Ken: I ain't forgiving you, stupid.

Chrome: I'm going...

Chikusa: To Namimori Middle School?

Chrome: Yes. I've been summoned.

Gokudera: Yo.

Yamamoto: 'Sup.

Gokudera: Heading over?

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Ryohei: Let's go!

Basil: Gentlemen!

Yamamoto: I thought you were coming with Tsuna and the others?

Basil: No, I was conversing with my associates from Italy.

Gokudera: And? What'd they say?

Basil: The situation is unfavorable. According to Master Dino,

Main: ,my master and his team are still trapped inside Vongola HQ.

Gokudera: Bronco can't intervene either, so we're pretty much on our own here.

Yamamoto: No worries! Tsuna's gonna win.

Gokudera: Of course he will!

Gokudera: Nobody but the boss is fit to lead the Vongola Family!

Basil: E-Excuse me.

Basil: According to Master Dino...

Main: ,Including Master Sawada, at least five potential successor candidates were born.

Ryohei: Five?

Yamamoto: Four others besides Tsuna?

Basil: Indeed.

Basil: The three eldest were bestowed with enough skill to become Vongola Family's bosses.

Main: ,However, the one accepted by all high-ranking members of the organization,

Main: ,with the exception of Vongola IX and the outside advisor, was...

Basil: Xanxus.

Basil: Yes...

Basil: His talent to lead is just that overwhelming.

Gokudera: Hey, was the boss included in those three?

Basil: No.

Yamamoto: Makes sense.

Gokudera: Yeah, I can see that.

Gokudera: Listen up, rookie.

Gokudera: Our boss is just so incredibly awesome that only certain people can really grasp it.

Yamamoto: Oh come on, Tsuna's not that hard to understand.

Yamamoto: I think it's more like his awesomeness is so obvious it's easy to miss.

Gokudera: What're you blabbering about, baseball brain?

Ryohei: Actually, there are times when I don't\even know if Sawada is so great.

Gokudera: What?!

Ryohei: But his normal yet not normal qualities...

Gokudera: Don't make this more confusing!

Yamamoto: So what does this mean exactly?

Ryohei: Um... I don't even know anymore.

Basil: I agree.

Gokudera: You're both idiots.

Gokudera: Don't tell me you're a musclehead too?

Yamamoto: I'm not good at thinking about stuff.

Basil: I see...

Basil: They have been aware of the unaverage averageness of Master Sawada for some time.

Gokudera: What was that?

Yamamoto: It came from Nami Middle!

Ryohei: The courtyard!

Gokudera: What?

Yamamoto: What?

Ryohei: It's hot!

Gokudera: Xanxus!

Ryohei: What's going on?

Yamamoto: Did he do this?

Reborn: They're in good shape too.

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Tsuna!

Tsuna: Xanxus...

Xansus: Showed up, did ya, scum?

On Screen: ,Nakayama Surgery

Kyoko: I-Pin-chan, good work.

Haru: Okay, shift change time!

Kyoko: How's Lambo-kun doing?

I-Pin: Resting peacefully.

I-Pin: Sometimes, he talks in his sleep,

I-Pin: but right now he's resting quietly.

Kyoko: He's sleeping soundly.

Haru: I feel relieved.

CerbB: We've been waiting for you.

CerbC: Of the Sawada Guardians...

CerbC: Storm, Sun, Rain...

Main: ,...and Mist are present.

Tsuna: Mist?

Tsuna: You're...

CherB: Cloud and Lightning have yet to arrive.

Tsuna: Huh? They're coming?

Tsuna: Hibari-san!

Hibari: What do you want?

Tsuna: Want?

Ryohei: They're just like us.

Chrome: All of the Guardians were told by the Cervello that our presence was mandatory.

CherB: Yes, we've forcibly summoned all of the surviving Guardians.

Tsuna: Forcibly summoned?

Reborn: He's here too.

Main: ,Mammon!

Basil: And Belphagor and Leviathan?

Luss: Don't be so rough!

Luss: I'm badly hurt!

Ryohei: He's alive?

Gokudera: And they brought his bed?

Luss: Hey, how're y'all doin'?

Luss: Honestly, you're such ruffians! Be gentle!

CherB: Sawada's Guardian of the Lightning Ring has now arrived.

Tsuna: Huh? You mean...

Tsuna: Lambo!

Tsuna: Wh-Why is Lambo here?

Tsuna: He's barely conscious!

CerbB: You know why we've gathered you all to this place.

CerbB: In the battle for the Sky Ring, the six rings and the lives of the Guardians are all at stake.

CerbB: You know why we've gathered you to this place.

CerbB: In the battle for the Sky Ring, the six rings and the lives of the Guardians are all at stake.

Tsuna: The rings and the lives of the Guardians?

CherbB: Yes.

Tsuna: What are you talking about?

Tsuna: Lambo's hurt!

Tsuna: Give him back to me!

CherbB: Stand back.

CherbB: The Varia are in the same situation.

Luss: That's right!

Luss: Don't complain!

Luss: A summons must be obeyed without question.

Luss: It's part of a Guardian's job!

Mammon: That's right.

Mammon: I was waiting for Master Xanxus to calm down, so I could help him.

Bel: Yeah, right.

Bel: You got caught, but you didn't get k*lled, and now you're trying to dupe us.

Bel: You lost, losers.

Luss: Shut up, Bel-chan!

Yamamoto: How about Squalo? Is he here?

CherbB: Do remember the result of the Rain match.

CherbC: Squalo could not have survived.

CherbB: Now then, let the Sky Ring battle begin.

Tsuna: Wait, I still don't accept.

CerbB: You must fight, or you will lose,

CerbB: and Master Xanxus will become the official holder of the rings.

Gokudera: That bastard...

CherB: So first, we'll be confiscating the rings.

Ryohei: What?!

Ryohei: We went through hell to get these things, and you want us to give them back?

CherbB: If you're the true Guardian, you have nothing to fear.

CherbB: In the end, the Vongola Rings will go to their true masters.

CherB: Now, place the rings in this box.

Yamamoto: All right, fine.

Ryohei: I don't like this, but...

CherB: You too.

Hibari: I lost it.

CherbB: We already have yours.

CherbB/C: Receipt of the rings is acknowledged.

CherbB: I will now explain the rules for the Sky match.

CherbB: As with the other Guardian battles, completing the ring is one condition for victory.

CherbB: This time, the field will comprise the entire school.

Yamamoto: Wow, big...

CherbB: Small cameras have been placed about the grounds

CherbB: so the battle can be viewed, despite the wide area.

CherbB: Above the stands, we've also installed a large-screen display.

CherbB: We have also prepared wristbands containing a monitor and camera for each Guardian.

Ryohei: Wow, a little TV, huh?

Yamamoto: We'll get to see close-ups of Tsuna!

CherbB: Now that everyone is wearing their wristbands,

Main: ,please return to the fields where your battles took place.

Levy: Our fields?

Levy: What's the point in that?

CherB: No questions.

CherB: If you do not obey, you will fail.

Gokudera: That chick pisses me off.

Bel: Sounds like we won't just be watching.

Bel: Fun.

Ryohei: Well, I guess now's our only chance to do it.

Yamamoto: For the huddle!

Gokudera: Let's put some spirit into it!

Tsuna: R-Right.

Ryohei: You guys can stand over there.

Ryohei: I've added a ten meter rule, so it's fine.

Tsuna: Ten meter rule?

Ryohei: Anyone within ten meters is part of the huddle.

Ryohei: It's an extreme rule!

Gokudera: What does that even mean?

Ryohei: Okay, let's do this!

Ryohei: Sawada, fight!

Ryohei: Yeah!

Gokudera: See you later.

Chrome: Be careful, boss.

Ryohei: Good luck.

Yamamoto: Don't get hurt.

Tsuna: Guys...

Coronello: It's time, maggot!

Coronello: Shamal!

Coronello: Colonnello!

Shamal: I came to pick up your bodies.

Corn: I came to make fun of you.

Tsuna: I don't like the sound of that!

CherbB: All Guardians have reached their fields.

Shamal: So it's time to get started, huh?

Cornello: This is a fight for your lives!

Cornello: Stay on guard, maggots!

Ryohei: What's this pole for?

Ryohei: We've set them up at each battle field with rings of the same type on top.

Gokudera: The rings?

Gokudera: We're not fighting over them again, are we?

Bel: So we can fight too?

CherbB: You're free to do so.

Tsuna: What?

CherbB: If you are able to, that is.

Tsuna: Wh-What was that?!

CherbB: All of the Guardians have now been infected with a poison contained in the wristbands.

Basil: What?

Shamal: A poison?

Levy: M-My body...

Chrome: It's so hot...

Tsuna: Guys!

Shamal: This is bad.

Shamal: This poison, called Death Heater,

Shamal: causes paralysis so severe even standing will become difficult.

Shamal: Also, a burning pain, which will intensify over a thirty-minute period

Shamal: until they die.

Basil: N-No way!

Tsuna: Wh-Why are you doing this?!

Tsuna: This fight's for the Sky Ring. Why are you involving the others?

CherbB: It is the duty of the boss, who is like the sky.

Tsuna: Duty?

Tsuna: Sun, Lightning, Storm, Rain, Mist, Cloud.

Tsuna: As his presence affects each one, it is his duty to cover them all.

Tsuna: Therefore, this battle entrusts the lives of the Guardians to the boss.

CherbB: That is the purpose of the Sky battle.

Tsuna: So I'm responsible for them? But that's...!

Cherb: There is one way to stop the poison.

Tsuna: What?

Cherb: Place the appropriate ring in the hole in the wristbands each Guardian is wearing.

Cherb: If you can do so, an antidote for the Death Heater will be administered.

Reborn: In this battle, all of the Guardians' rings, not just the Sky, play an important role.

CherbB: Exactly.

CherbB: And, ultimate victory will go to the one who

CherbB: completes the Sky Ring and receives the complete set of Vongola Rings.

CherbB: You can place all of the Vongola Rings on this chain.

Tsuna: I get it!

Tsuna: Let's get on with this!

Tsuna: If I don't hurry, everyone will...

CherbB: One final warning:

CherbB: Once the battle has begun, no outside interference will be permitted.

CherbB: This includes special sh*ts.

Reborn: Understood.

Shamal: Why you...

Shamal: M-Master Xanxus, we haven't...

Xanxus: He's the one who said he wanted to start quickly.

Xanxus: So let's get going.

CherbC: O-Of course... Then...

CherbB: But thanks to that attack, Master Sawada is...

Basil: That was foul, Xanxus!

Xanxus: I shouldn't have done it before you fired the special shot?

Reborn: Don't underestimate me.

Reborn: Who do you think I am?

Basil: Master Sawada!

Reborn: Tsuna, you can't fight someone like Xanxus unless you're focused.

Reborn: You'll die if you try to fight him while saving the six Guardians. First...

Tsuna: I know.

Tsuna: I'll take him out first.

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Colo: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Colo: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

On Screen,Sign: Scorpio Good luck will come from training with an early morning practice!

Lambo: ...will be Scorpio.

Yamamoto: I see...

Yamamoto: That's good.

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Colo: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Sign: Virgo Don't sweat the small stuff.

Lambo: ...will be Virgo.

Kyoko: All right, boss!

Main: ,I'll give it my all!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Reborn: And the top sign...

On Screen,Sign: Cancer Make your yes and no clear!

Lambo: ...will be Cancer!

Bianchi: Ahh, sorry. Yeah, I'm the guy representing Cancer.

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

On Screen,Sign: See ya next time!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Flame of Fury.
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