03x70 - The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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03x70 - The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie

Post by bunniefuu »

Irie: My name is Shoichi Irie.

Irie: I'm an eighth-grader at a famous private middle school.

Irie: This town that I live in, Namimori, is nothing special.

Irie: It's an extremely normal, quiet town.

Irie: But recently...

On Screen: ,Sawada

Gokudera: You stupid cow!

Gokudera: I'm going to k*ll you today!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun, don't!

Tsuna: Are you okay, Lambo?

Gokudera: Boss, you don't need to worry about that guy!

Bianchi: Hayato, you're bothering the neighbors. Stop being a kid.

Gokudera: Sis!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Irie: I don't think it's just my imagination that it's gotten a lot noisier...

On Screen,EpTitle: Target The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie

Bianchi: Reborn, need seconds?

Reborn: Sure.

Futa: Me too!

Mom: Sure, coming right up.

Tsuna: Oh hey, where's Lambo?

I-Pin: Not here yet. Sleepyhead Lambo.

Tsuna: I guess we can have some peace and quiet, with him gone.

Tsuna: Thought he'd come.

Lambo: Lambo-san has arrived!

Lambo: I'm gonna eat till I bust!

Tsuna: Put your horns on straight before you come down here!

Futa: You can't be doing that, Lambo.

Futa: You have to look in the mirror and get ready properly.

I-Pin: Lambo doesn't take care of himself.

I-Pin: Do it properly!

Lambo: It was on purpose!

Lambo: I'll fix it this time...

Lambo: It was on purpose, though!

Lambo: Reborn, die!

Tsuna: He shot that trying to pretend he wasn't embarrassed?!

Tsuna: He flew off...

Mom: Here you go, Lambo-kun.

Mom: Huh? Where'd he go?

Lambo: No!

!sis: What was that?

Irie: I don't know...

Irie: It came from the room over there.

IMom: What was that sound?

IMom: What's going on?

!sis: Shoichi, why did you stop there?

IMom: I wonder who's kid that is.

!sis: Barging into someone else's house is bad, you know.

IMom: Are you okay?

IMom: Were you hurt?

Lambo: Reborn went boom and then flew!

Irie: That doesn't make sense.

Irie: You want this?

Irie: Here you go.

!sis: What's your name?

Lambo: You're a nice guy.

Lambo: You can become one of my henchmen.

Irie: Right...

IMom: Where is your home?

Lambo: My house is in Italy!

Irie: Italy?

IMom: Maybe he just moved back here?

!sis: Or he just came here to see the sights with his parents?

IMom: Oh, Sho-chan, could you get that?

Irie: Who is it?

Bovino Guy: I was asked to deliver this.

Bovino Guy: I'll leave it here.

Irie: Umm... By who?

Main: ,He slid down.

Lambo: All the candy is Lambo-san's.

Lambo: Grape's my favorite.

IMom: Oh, Sho-chan, what was it?

Irie: Some weird foreigner gave me this...

On Screen,Irie: A Gift of Apology, from the Bovinos

Irie: "A Gift of Apology"?

IMom: "We regret the trouble Lambo has caused you."

IMom: "Please accept this small token as our way of making amends."

IMom: "Also, please give the cow-print package to Lambo."

IMom: ...it says.

Main: ,It's me! It is!

!sis: I guess that's Lambo.

Main: ,Lambo-san is... me!

IMom: Wasn't that a bit fast?

IMom: Oh my goodness...

IMom: There's money in here.

!sis: Is that real?

!sis: There's other stuff in here too.

!sis: Wine... Pasta... Olive oil...

!sis: It must be from Italy!

Irie: I don't think that's the issue...

IMom: This is a problem...

IMom: We can't take this.

Irie: Th-This is...

!sis: What's this?

!sis: Oh, must be a kid's toy.

Irie: I'm not so sure...

IMom: Sorry, Sho-chan, but could you take him and this box back to where he lives?

Irie: Me?

IMom: They must be pretty big celebrities or something to send such an extravagant package.

IMom: I'd be too nervous to go there...

Irie: But why me?

Irie: I don't even know where his house is.

IMom: That won't be a problem.

Main: ,All right...

IMom: He has a missing child card.

On Screen,IMom: Namimori District Sawada

IMom: It says Sawada-san. I wonder if that's his relative?

Lambo: That's Tsuna's house. Reborn's there, so I came here.

Lambo: Reborn was like boom and pow!

!sis: I don't really get what he's saying, but isn't that Reborn-san he's speaking of?

IMom: Must be.

IMom: The address listed is pretty close.

IMom: Head over there, Sho-chan.

IMom: They must be so worried about Lambo-chan.

Irie: But I...

!sis: Get a move on.

Irie: Why is it always me?

Lambo: That was good.

Lambo: Got any more?

Irie: I think it's around here...

Irie: That's a toy, isn't it?

Lambo: It's something the boss sent me. It's my favorite thing in the whole world.

Lambo: Wanna see?

Lambo: Do ya?!

Irie: No, I think I'd rather stay as far away from it as possible...

Lambo: Ho-he-hum-he-ho! But I would show one of my henchmen!

Irie: I said no, thanks.

Irie: Oh, here it is.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Lambo: Lambo-san is home!

Irie: Hello, Mom?

Irie: There's a woman sleeping in a bikini in the front yard!

IMom: Calm down, Sho-chan. That's called sunbathing.

IMom: You have to be rich to do that when it's not summer.

IMom: I guess the Sawadas are celebrities!

IMom: They must have a big house.

Irie: Huh? Not really...

IMom: Well, good luck!

Haru: Do you need something here?

Haru: You didn't need anything?!

Tsuna: Haru!

Tsuna: You're wearing that to visit my house, again?

Haru: Oh, Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: What are you doing?

Haru: It's a version-up and an upgrade from the last one!

Haru: It makes maximum impact now, don't you think?

Tsuna: You didn't have to come all this way to show me.

Tsuna: And besides, you're not even scary.

Haru: That's not true.

Haru: The person who was just here got really freaked out!

Tsuna: Who was it?

Irie: What was that?

Gokudera: What are you up to?

Irie: He's scary.

Gokudera: Are you...

Irie: This guy's gotta be a delinquent.

Irie: I'm gonna end up in a fight...

Irie: And I'm gonna get my butt kicked.

Gokudera: Are you a hitman sent to assassinate the boss?!

Gokudera: You won't lay a single finger on him while I'm around!

Gokudera: Die!

Bianchi: Hello, Hayato.

Gokudera: Sis!

Bianchi: Silly Hayato, he's sleeping in a weird place again.

Bianchi: You need something?

Irie: Umm, I'm looking for Reborn-san...

Bianchi: Are you after him?

Reborn: What's wrong, Bianchi?

Bianchi: Oh, Reborn.

Irie: Reborn-san?

Irie: Wasn't Reborn-san supposed to be some foreign celebrity or something?

Irie: Reborn-san is just a baby!

IMom: Huh, a baby?

IMom: Oh, you mean a "babe", not a baby, right?

IMom: A really strong babe?

Main: ,No!

Reborn: What is it?

Irie: Umm, this is...

Lambo: Oh, Reborn, here you are!

Irie: Lambo...

Lambo: You've really done it this time!

Lambo: My boss sent me these!

Lambo: Take this!

Irie: Excuse me!

Bianchi: What was that about?

Reborn: Who knows.

Tsuna: Are you okay, Gokudera-kun?

Irie: Reborn took out Lambo!

IMom: Celebrities have it nice.

IMom: What did he buy for him?

Irie: He didn't buy anything...

IMom: Oh, those celebs... Were they sh**ting fireworks during the day?

Irie: No!

Irie: Anyway, I don't want to do this anymore.

Irie: I'm going home.

IMom: What are you saying?

IMom: We can't accept that package.

IMom: Go say hello and return it.

IMom: Got it.

Irie: I just have to give this back...

Irie: A bunch of fancy cars just pulled up in front of Sawada-san's house.

IMom: They must be rich after all.

Irie: A bunch of foreigners are coming out of them...

Irie: Celebrities must hang out with people from around the world.

Tsuna: Dino-san.

Dino: Hey, Tsuna.

Tsuna: What's up?

Tsuna: I thought you went back to Italy.

Dino: I had some work to do over here.

Dino: And I thought I'd come pay my beloved little brother a visit.

Romario: Don't listen to him, he's here for the food.

Dino: Romario, don't make it sound like that's the only reason I came.

Dino: Tsuna, that wasn't true, but your mom is a great cook.

Tsuna: You want to join us?

Dino: Sorry about that, Tsuna.

Dino: You guys can go home.

Romario: Don't give Reborn and his crew any trouble, boss.

Dino: Shut up.

Dino: Oh, it's Kyoya.

Dino: Been a while.

Tsuna: Huh, Hibari-san?

Hibari: You're still in Namimori?

Hibari: That's perfect.

Hibari: This time, I'll bite you to death.

Tsuna: Here he goes again...

Dino: Wait, Kyoya. Training's over, there's no need to fight.

Hibari: Like I care.

Hibari: I just have to bite you to death.

Reborn: Ciao-su, Hibari.

Hibari: Hey, baby.

Dino: Reborn, say something to him.

Reborn: Dino, you must take responsibility for your student until the end.

Reborn: It is a tutor's duty.

Dino: But I don't have anything left to teach him.

Dino: Guess I have no choice...

Dino: You battle freak.

Tsuna: Dino-san, Hibari-san, don't fight here!

Tsuna: My house is gonna get destroyed.

Lambo: Come and chase me here!

I-Pin: Lambo, wait.

Main: ,Stay away!

Tsuna: Lambo...

Tsuna: I-Pin...

Tsuna: That's dangerous.

Tsuna: It's the Mahjongg Mega b*mb countdown!

Tsuna: I forgot, I-Pin has a crush on Hibari-san.

Tsuna: Dino-san, throw I-Pin far away!

Tsuna: Oh yeah, Dino-san doesn't have his men with him.

Hibari: I've changed my mind.

Hibari: Beating him today wouldn't be any fun.

Reborn: Yeah.

Reborn: You're right.

Main: ,See you.

Reborn: Ignoring the stupid cow,

Reborn: this is pretty pathetic, considering they're my students.

Reborn: Tsuna, Dino...

IMom: Sho-chan, what's wrong?

IMom: Sho-chan?

Futa: Don't move, okay?

Yamamoto: Oh, Hibari was here?

Yamamoto: Did he come to hang out?

Tsuna: Uh, no, I don't think so...

Futa: Okay, first aid has been applied.

Futa: Be more careful, Big Tsuna, Big Dino.

Tsuna: Yeah, thanks.

Dino: Sorry about that.

Dino: But it might have been better than fighting Hibari.

Tsuna: How the heck did those guys train together?

Dino: Tsuna, I'm going to say hi to your mom.

Yamamoto: Tsuna, it must suck getting hurt like that.

Yamamoto: I'll play with the kids today.

Tsuna: You sure?

Yamamoto: Yeah!

Main: ,Yay!

Futa: Big Takeshi is going to play with us?

I-Pin: Very grateful!

Irie: There're more people...

I-Pin: What should we play?

Yamamoto: Let's see...

Yamamoto: How about catch?

Futa: Sure!

I-Pin: I-Pin too!

Tsuna: Wait!

Tsuna: That's going to end badly!

Yamamoto: Okay, here I go.

Tsuna: He didn't hold back!

Lambo: Lambo-san's gonna play too!

Yamamoto: You okay?

Yamamoto: Sorry, pal.

Lambo: Lambo-san can hold it in...

Lambo: Hold... it... I can't!

Irie: What the heck?

Irie: Lambo, he...

Lambo: Honestly, and I was just about to enjoy some food at the bed and breakfast...

Irie: ...is all grown up!

IMom: That's great.

IMom: But I was hoping you could stay a kid a bit longer.

Irie: No! Not me!

Lambo: Good afternoon, Young Vongola.

Tsuna: Adult Lambo.

Lambo: Here we go again... I'm off, Young Vongola!

Bianchi: Stop right there, Romeo!

Tsuna: I thought so!

Bianchi: Poison cooking!

Lambo: Save me!

Bianchi: Wait!

Irie: Mom, I don't think I can keep this up.

!sis: Hi, hi.

!sis: It's your lovely sister.

!sis: Mom couldn't follow what you were saying, so she left to go shopping.

!sis: I've got plans with a friend. Catch ya later.

Irie: Wait! Save me!

Irie: No!

Tsuna: Reborn, do something!

Tsuna: We're going to bother the neighbors!

Reborn: You can take care of it.

Tsuna: Wait!

Irie: I have to get out of...

Tsuna: Re-Born!

On Screen: ,Re-Born

Tsuna: I'll stop Bianchi like my life depends on it!

Reborn: To stop a fight, you have to make them lose their will to fight.

Reborn: A Niramekko Shot will help you out.

Bianchi: Wait, Romeo!

Lambo: Save me!

Bianchi: Romeo!

Tsuna: Bianchi!

Bianchi: What's that?

Tsuna: Made you laugh! Ha-ha!

Bianchi: That just ticks me off.

Reborn: Guess it doesn't work on Bianchi.

Lambo: Sorry, Young Vongola.

Tsuna: I'm still alive somehow?

Reborn: Well, you were Deathperate.

Reborn: You saved him. Well done.

Tsuna: Don't act like it was someone else's problem!

Reborn: Well, it was!

Tsuna: Geez... You know, I feel like someone else was there...

Tsuna: Aw, nuts. If a neighbor saw me like that...

Tsuna: You really don't care!

!sis: Looks like Shoichi's having a nightmare.

IMom: Sounds like the celebrities' house gave him quite a shock.

Irie: A huge face...

Irie: Explosions...

Irie: I don't think that package was meant for an apology.

Irie: I think it's a terrifying, cursed box,

Irie: and that my nightmares will only continue until I return it.

Irie: Please let me give it back!

Reborn: And now what you've been waiting for.

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Gemini Wearing a fruity scent will increase your popularity.

Lambo: ...will be Gemini.

Lambo: Next week is Lambo-san's!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Col: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Pisces You'll be able to read situations perfectly!

Lambo: ...will be Pisces.

Kyoko: I wonder if that means I can eat two special cakes to celebrate?

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

Reborn: And the top sign...

On Screen,Caption: Scorpio Get in better shape by running a marathon!

Lambo: ...will be Scorpio.

Bianchi: Let's celebrate with some poison cooking.

Lambo: That was all Lambo-san!

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist.
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