03x71 - Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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03x71 - Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist

Post by bunniefuu »

Kyoko: I wanted to buy a few more.

Haru: The handmade chocolates from that store are super popular.

Haru: We'll have to rocket dash over for the next sale.

Boss: That was easy.

Boy: Give it back!

Boy: Give back our sign!

Boy: You can't take it!

Boy: Wait!

Guy: You're annoying!

Kyoko: Are you okay?

Kyoko: How awful...

Haru: Who are you people?

Boss: We're dojo busters.

Kyoko: Dojo busters?

Boy: Give back our sign!

Guy: Shut up, brat!

Guy: Got a problem? Bring it on!

Guy: How about it?

Boss: Let's go.

Boss: These people are no fun.

Kyoko: I-It's okay.

Kyoko: I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything.

Kyoko: I'm sorry.

Haru: I'm mad...

Kyoko: We can't let them get away with this.

Reborn: Leave it to me.

Kyoko: Reborn-kun!

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist

Ryohei: Sawada!

Tsuna: Ry-Ryohei-san...

Ryohei: Sawada, I have something important to tell you.

Tsuna: Wh-What is it?

Kyoko: My brother?

Kyoko: Why is he here?

Ryohei: Basically, a request has been made of the Boxing Club.

Ryohei: So, you'll accept, right?

Tsuna: A-Accept what?

Gokudera: Hey, turf top.

Gokudera: Don't drag the boss into stupid stuff.

Ryohei: I won't let you to call this stupid, squid head!

Yamamoto: So what is it?

Ryohei: Bodyguards.

Ryohei: There are dojo busters roaming around.

Kyoko: Dojo busters...

Tsuna: Dojo busters?

Ryohei: There you have it.

Ryohei: I'm counting on you.

Tsuna: Wh-Why me?!

Ryohei: Aren't you in the Boxing Club?!

Tsuna: I'm not!

Ryohei: Think about it, Sawada!

Ryohei: It's every guy's responsibility to help keep the area safe.

Tsuna: Th-That makes sense, in theory...

Ryohei: And once you use your fists for justice,

Ryohei: you'll understand how wonderful boxing is!

Tsuna: So it all comes back to boxing...

Reborn: We accept your request.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Tsuna: I keep telling you not to come to school!

Reborn: Tsuna will deal with the dojo busters, so you don't have to worry.

Ryohei: Yeah!

Tsuna: Don't decide that on your own!

Reborn: Protecting the safety of the citizens is also the mafia's duty.

Tsuna: I'm not in the Mafia!

Tsuna: Man...

Reborn: If you let weirdos run wild,

Reborn: the Family will look bad.

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: We'll show them our might!

Tsuna: Sheesh...

Tsuna: Just 'cause you're not involved...

Reborn: You're all involved.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: This is a request from Kyoko.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan?

Ryohei: What's wrong?

Kyoko: Well...

Kyoko: Something happened that I couldn't let go.

Reborn: The dojo busters are causing trouble all over town.

Reborn: Are you going to let that slide?

Tsuna: Th-Then Kyoko-chan was...

Ryohei: I won't let them get away with this!

Ryohei: I'll use my fists of justice to smash them!

Reborn: Tsuna, this is your job.

Tsuna: M-Mine?

Reborn: You're going to defeat the dojo busters.

Tsuna: B-But...

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun...

Kyoko: Just let me know if I'm asking too much.

Tsuna: No, of course you're not...

Ryohei: Really? So you'll help out?

Tsuna: Uh, well...

Gokudera: That's our boss!

Tsuna: Huh?

Yamamoto: Good luck, Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Reborn: All right, we'll start training in the park after school.

Tsuna: What?!

Tsuna: More training?!

Tsuna: I can't feel my legs...

Tsuna: Meditating right off the bat?

Reborn: Don't lose focus.

Reborn: Concentrate.

Tsuna: Easier said than done!

Tsuna: Especially when I'm sitting on this rock!

Reborn: Even the coldest rock will warm if you sit for three years.

Reborn: Clear your heart and eliminate worldly thoughts.

Tsuna: He wants me to sit here for three years?

Reborn: Don't worry.

Reborn: I'm not that patient.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: Be it rain...

Reborn: Wind...

Reborn: Or snow...

Tsuna: H-Hold on!

Tsuna: What are you all doing?!

Gokudera: We wanted to help with your training.

Yamamoto: The kid asked us to pitch in.

Ryohei: I'm willing to help to the limit!

Reborn: What do you think?

Reborn: Doesn't it feel like the seasons are passing by?

Reborn: Three years will fly by in no time.

Tsuna: Like hell they will!

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan! Haru!

Haru: You're working so hard...

Haru: Tsuna-san's such a kind person.

Kyoko: Thank you, Tsuna-kun.

Tsuna: Ah, well...

Kyoko: Actually,

Kyoko: I was talking with Haru-chan

Kyoko: and we thought we might train with you.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Kyoko: You're training to punish the dojo busters,

Kyoko: and we want to do our part too.

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan...

Haru: The three of us are united in spirit!

Haru: All for one!

Haru: Let us share everything!

Haru: When sick...

Haru: When poor...

Haru: When suffering...

Haru: When starving...

Tsuna: Those are all bad times!

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Now, now.

Haru: In any case, fight!

Kyoko: Let's work hard together.

Reborn: You two have dedication.

Reborn: Okay, let the training begin.

Both: Right! We'll do our best!

Tsuna: Wait...

Tsuna: Shouldn't you stop them from doing dangerous things?

Reborn: Their training here won't go to waste.

Tsuna: Are you sure about this?

Haru: Eek...

Haru: This is so warm.

Kyoko: This feels good, Haru-chan.

On Screen,Caption: Warm and Fuzzy Footbath

Haru: My body and soul are being refreshed.

Reborn: How about a foot massage?

Reborn: I brought cold drinks too.

Haru: Please work the pressure points in my feet.

Kyoko: Ah, can I get a cold drink?

Tsuna: Hey! Reborn!

Tsuna: There's an incredible difference in treatment here...

Tsuna: S-Stop!

Reborn: How did the training work out?

Kyoko: I feel like a new person!

Haru: My body and soul are sparkling!

Tsuna: My body and soul are completely worn out...

Reborn: Listen up.

Reborn: I'm going to teach you an ancient martial art.

Reborn: Its name is...

Reborn: Absolute Evil Fist.

Kyoko: Absolute Evil Fist?

Haru: Eek!

Haru: That's a devilish name.

Reborn: Only one thing is required to master this technique.

Reborn: You must focus all the chi in your body to one point.

Kyoko: G-Got it!

Tsuna: I guarantee this won't be good.

Yamamoto: Sounds like an amazing martial art.

Gokudera: The "evil fist" moniker must mean it's incredibly strong.

Ryohei: Focusing on one point is a basic in martial arts.

Ryohei: It makes sense.

Reborn: I'll need you to focus more often.

Reborn: Consider yourself in training morning, noon, and night, no matter where you are.

Both: Yes, sir!

Reborn: We'll hold a training camp at Tsuna's house.

Tsuna: What?!

Tsuna: My house?!

Reborn: Got it?

Reborn: Everything will be wasted if you don't focus hard enough.

Reborn: Knead and knead and focus the chi throughout your body.

Tsuna: Uh, with natto?

Mom: I apologize for making you help me prepare dinner.

Haru: Not at all.

Haru: This is part of our training!

Lambo: I want a natto omelette!

Ipin: I want natto gyoza!

Haru: Sure. I'll do my best to focus.

Tsuna: What is this?

Tsuna: I don't see how this will make us stronger...

Both: How is it?

Reborn: Not enough kneading!

Kyoko: I'm sorry...

Reborn: You good-for-nothing!

Reborn: You don't even know how to work natto?!

Haru: Eek.

Haru: I'm sorry...

Reborn: This world is filled with mothers-in-law!

Both: I-I'm sorry!

Tsuna: Are you supposed to be a nagging mother-in-law!

Reborn: You dawdling, foolish turtle!

Reborn: Good-for-nothing! Good-for-nothing!

Tsuna: Why me?!

Reborn: Start over, all of you.

Both: Y-Yes.

Reborn: Take the focused chi and squeeze, squeeze, and tighten.

Reborn: Your training will be for naught if it isn't tight enough.

Both: Okay.

Mom: It's like Tsu-kun's brought home two brides.

Reborn: You didn't squeeze the rag enough.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: Less dawdling and more tightening.

Tsuna: Hey, is this really training?

Reborn: Mama's really pleased by the new maids.

Tsuna: So this isn't training!

Reborn: Move your hands instead of your mouth!

Reborn: Fool! Fool! Fool!

Reborn: Wake up, Tsuna!

Reborn: It's time for morning practice.

Reborn: Run a lap around town.

Tsuna: Fine!

Tsuna: I get it! Keep it down when you wake me up.

Tsuna: Hey! You're going to sleep?!

Haru: The weather's so nice today.

Haru: Perfect for a morning jog.

Kyoko: Hang in there, Tsuna-kun!

Tsuna: Why am I the only one who has to carry this thing?

Boy: Hi there.

Kyoko: Y-You're...

Kyoko: Are you still practicing?

Boy: Doing some morning practice too?

Kyoko: That's right.

Kyoko: In fact, this person here is going to beat up the dojo busters for you.

Boy: Huh? He is?

Boy: Can he do that?

Haru: You shouldn't underestimate him.

Haru: Tsuna-san is like a superman!

Kyoko: I'm sure he'll win.

Tsuna: Hey, you two...

Boy: Wow! Awesome!

Boy: Kick butt, pal!

Boy: It's a promise!

Tsuna: So much pressure...

Tsuna: Hot...

Tsuna: Too hot...

Tsuna: What is this?

Reborn: We've finally reached the second stage of training.

All: Second stage?

Reborn: Training to develop an indomitable spirit.

Tsuna: So what's with the goldfish bowl?

Reborn: Concentrate on the fish in the water to forget about the heat.

Reborn: If you clear you mind of mundane thoughts, even a fire will feel cool.

Tsuna: That's impossible!

Reborn: That's not how they feel.

Kyoko: I am a goldfish... I am a goldfish...

Haru: Black moor... Black moor...

Kyoko: I am a goldfish... I am a goldfish...

Reborn: Right now, their minds are entirely focused on the fish.

Reborn: Which means their chi has been concentrated to one point.

Reborn: If you understand, give it a go.

Tsuna: It's hot!

Tsuna: I can't do this...

Reborn: Concentrate.

Reborn: Pretend that you're in the water with the fish.

Tsuna: Water...

Tsuna: In the water...

Tsuna: In the water...

Tsuna: Whoa...

Tsuna: It was so hot a minute ago.

Tsuna: But now I feel good.

Tsuna: It's amazing how far an assumption can take you.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Tsuna: P-Piranhas?!

Tsuna: Th-They're gonna eat me!

Reborn: See, you can do it when you put your mind to it.

On Screen,Caption: Namimori Zoo

Tsuna: What are you going to make us do at the zoo today?

Reborn: What do you think is the strongest thing in this world?

Haru: A Namahage!

Kyoko: Maybe my brother...

Tsuna: In terms of strength, it'd have to be Hibari-san, I guess.

Tsuna: But Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto are pretty tough too.

Tsuna: So is Dino-san...

Reborn: I want you to picture a strong person in your mind, and stare as if you have become them.

Tsuna: Stare?

Reborn: This guy.

Tsuna: A lion?!

Reborn: Concentrate your chi and use your spirit to scare the lion.

Both: Roger!

Kyoko: I'm my brother... I'm my brother...

Haru: I'm a Namahage... I'm a Namahage...

Haru: Eek. This training is hard...

Reborn: You should get going too.

Tsuna: But there are so many strong people to choose from...

Reborn: Good grief.

Reborn: I figured you could pull this off if Kyoko and Haru were here.

Kyoko: Let's do our best, Haru-chan!

Haru: Yeah!

Kyoko: {\an}My brother... My brother...

Haru: {\an}Namahage... Namahage...

Reborn: They're going to master this first.

Tsuna: What do you mean?

Reborn: Use your head.

Reborn: What is the one thing you lack most?

Main: ,The thing I lack most?

Futa: Big Tsuna, we brought some food.

Tsuna: Thanks.

Futa: Big Kyoko and Big Haru are working hard.

Lambo: Lambo-san's gonna play with them!

Ipin: You'll just bother them!

Tsuna: Futa, do you know anything about the Absolute Evil Fist?

Futa: Absolute Evil Fist?

Tsuna: Reborn's giving us instructions,

Tsuna: but he won't tell me anything.

Futa: The Absolute Evil Fist ranks third among the ,-year-old

Futa: Chinese martial arts which are should be sealed away.

Tsuna: Are you serious?!

Futa: I can't say for certain,

Futa: but I've heard no one's ever been able to beat it.

Tsuna: An invincible martial art...

Kyoko: Look out, Lambo-kun!

Lambo: Lambo-san won't lose!

Tsuna: Lambo! Look out!

Tsuna: Warm and gross...

Reborn: The time has finally come to pass on the Absolute Evil Fist.

Reborn: Watch carefully.

Reborn: Got it?

Reborn: You have to attack with everything you've got,

Reborn: or I won't be able to guarantee your survival.

Gokudera: Here we come, Reborn-san.

Reborn: Let's go!

Ryohei: What incredible fighting spirit...

Yamamoto: Hey, now. You serious?

Reborn: Now's your last chance to surrender.

Gokudera: He's...

Tsuna: Th-This is...

Reborn: Absolute Evil Fist!

Ryohei: U-Unbelievable!

Yamamoto: No way!

Gokudera: W-We lost.

Tsuna: Amazing!

Tsuna: They couldn't do a thing!

Tsuna: So what comes next?

Reborn: What do you mean?

Tsuna: Well, basically...

Tsuna: That was amazing,

Tsuna: but you have to use another technique to defeat your opponent after it, right?

Reborn: That was it.

Reborn: Absolute Evil Fist is a martial art which uses incredible fighting spirit

Reborn: to scare off enemies without fighting.

Reborn: Absolute Evil Fist ensures absolute victory!

Tsuna: Was that a pun?!

Gokudera: So it's just a bluff?

Reborn: Don't be stupid.

Reborn: Winning without fighting is a great tactic.

Tsuna: In that case, what if the opponent isn't scared?

Reborn: Beats me.

Tsuna: Don't say that!

Reborn: Stop your yapping and just do it.

Reborn: Especially since your opponent's here.

Tsuna: My opponent?

Boss: Tsunayoshi Sawada!

Boss: Where are you?!

Tsuna: Wh-Why?!

Boss: Are you Sawada?

Reborn: That's right.

Reborn: This guy's Tsuna.

Tsuna: R-Reborn!

Boss: You've got guts to challenge me.

On Screen,Boss: Letter of Challenge

Tsuna: Challenge?

Reborn: You actually received it?

Tsuna: This was your doing?!

Tsuna: What am I going to do?!

Boss: Hey, brat!

Boss: How dare you look down on us.

Boy: We're gonna beat the crap out of you.

Tsuna: Ah, uh, well...

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun!

Tsuna: Kyoko-chan!

Tsuna: Why?

Reborn: Since we're putting on a show,

Reborn: it'll be more exciting with a gallery around.

Tsuna: Come on!

Boss: All right.

Boss: Let's get started.

Kyoko: Tsuna-kun! Good luck!

Haru: Fight!

Boy: Hang in there, buddy!

Boy: Beat up those dojo busters!

Tsuna: N-No way...

Reborn: It's too late for you to have cold feet.

Reborn: You have the Absolute Evil Fist.

Tsuna: B-But...

Reborn: Use spirit.

Reborn: Give them a taste of your indomitable fighting spirit.

Tsuna: I don't really have a choice, at this point...

Tsuna: Someone strong... Someone strong... Someone strong...

Tsuna: The one I think is the strongest in this world...

Tsuna: Absolute Evil Fist!

All: What?!

Guy: What's this?

Boss: What was that supposed to be?!

Guy: You think that's gonna scare us?!

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Did he fail?

Reborn: The Absolute Evil Fist won't work if you think for even a second that you're going to lose.

Guy: We're not gonna hold back!

Gokudera: Then we'll...

Kyoko: We'll never lose!

Haru: We're joining in!

Tsuna: You can't!

Lambo: Looks like fun!

Kyoko: Watch out, Lambo-kun!

Lambo: Let Lambo-san play! Lemme!

Boss: What is this thing?

Lambo: There it is.

Boss: Get lost, you damn kid!

Ipin: Lambo!

Lambo: Good grief...

Lambo: I was in the middle of cleaning the bathroom...

Ipin: The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere...

Tsuna: Adult Lambo! Adult I-Pin!

Ryohei: They're...

Gokudera: More nuisances have shown up.

Lambo: Young Vongola.

Lambo: It seems you require assistance.

Tsuna: Uh, not really...

Lambo: Let me handle this.

Boss: Who are you?

Lambo: There's no need for me to name myself.

Lambo: As soon as these horns flicker, your lives will...

Boss: Shut up!

Tsuna: He's so weak...

Guy: {\an}Oh, there's a girl over here.

Ipin: {\an}Oh, I have a test tomorrow...

Guy: How about it?

Guy: Wh-What?!

Ipin: The area of a triangle is...

Ipin: Base times...

Ipin: Height...

Ipin: Divided by .

Tsuna: Adult I-Pin really knows her stuff!

Kyoko: Amazing!

Guy: What do you think you're doing?!

Ipin: Earth takes

Ipin: approximately days

Ipin: to rotate around

Ipin: the sun.

Ipin: This is called a revolution.

Boy: Wow!

Boy: She's cool!

Ryohei: That forehead girl is pretty good.

Ipin: This is hard.

Tsuna: Thanks, adult I-Pin!

Ipin: Ah, Sawada-san.

Ipin: Hey, where am I?

Tsuna: Uh, she didn't notice?

Ipin: Oh no!

Ipin: I have to get home and study for the exam!

Kyoko: I wonder who that was.

Haru: She was impressively strong.

Tsuna: So the Absolute Evil Fist didn't serve any use in the end.

Reborn: That's not true.

Reborn: Look.

Lady: Now then, everyone.

Lady: First come, first serve. The special chocolates are now up for grabs.

Kyoko: I'll never ever lose!

Haru: Never give up!

Reborn: It's being useful now, huh?

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Reborn: The horoscope for...

Ipin: ...next week!

Col: The best three, maggot!

Lambo: Lambo-san is here too!

Reborn: You do this then.

Col: That's right, maggot!

Lambo: Hold... it... in...

On Screen,Caption: Scorpio Confess quietly and keep it a secret!

Ipin: The third sign for next week...

Lambo: ...will be Scorpio.

Col: Number two for next week...

On Screen,Caption: Cancer Getting along with upperclassmen will bring good fortune.

Lambo: ...will be Cancer.

Reborn: And the top sign...

On Screen,Caption: Pisces A random guess will score big.

Lambo: ...will be Pisces.

Reborn: Ciao-ciao.

On Screen,Caption: See ya next time!

Ipin: Bye-bye.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: Expulsion Crisis.
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