04x95 - Determination

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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04x95 - Determination

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

On Screen: ,Sawada

Main: ,Ouch!

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Main: ,Is this...a coffin?

Main: ,Wait?!

Main: ,Why am I in a coffin?!

Reborn: And according to Lal Mirch...

Lal: Vongola HQ was destroyed.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Main: ,And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Main: ,apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: But Byakuran's goal may be more than just eliminating the Vongola Family.

Reborn: It's really suspicious.

Reborn: Anyway, there's no time to waste.

Reborn: We're all going to train hard and attack the Millefiore hideout.

Reborn: You'll have to master the X Glove ver. Vongola Ring like your life depends on it, Tsuna.

Tsuna: You're the ones who don't know anything!

Haru: I'm sorry...

Haru: Come on, let's go Lambo-chan.

Tsuna: Haru, that's not what...

Reborn: So this is where you are.

Tsuna: Reborn...

Reborn: This is no time for you to be getting depressed.

Reborn: chrome's taken a turn for the worst.

Bianchi: What's going on?

Reborn: It looks pretty bad.

Reborn: A number of her organs shut down.

Tsuna: H-Her organs?

Tsuna: He couldn't have...

On Screen,EpTitle: Target Determination

Tsuna: It couldn't be...

Tsuna: Chrome!

Reborn: How's it going, Bianchi?

Bianchi: Terrible.

Bianchi: There's nothing I can do!

Tsuna: No way...

Tsuna: Why?!

Giannini: This facility is equipped with the latest in medical technology and medicine,

Giannini: but at this rate...

Bianchi: She's losing her organs!

Main: ,Huh?

Tsuna: Why would this...

Tsuna: No, I've seen this happen before...

Chrome: Mukuro-sama...

Viper: It's hard to believe, but she's able to survive because of illusionary organs.

Reborn: That's why her stomach caved in when she lost control of her illusions.

Tsuna: The organs created from Mukuro's illusions...

Tsuna: It's just like back then.

Reborn: Chrome's missing organs were created through Mukuro's strong illusions.

Reborn: If they can no longer be maintained...

Reborn: Something has happened to Mukuro.

Tsuna: Like what?

Tsuna: He beat the Millefiore guy in Kokuyo Land, didn't he?

Reborn: Mukuro wasn't actually there in person.

Reborn: He was fighting through Chrome from a faraway place.

Reborn: But it seems he's taken considerable damage this time.

Tsuna: No way...

Tsuna: What could have happened?

Chrome: ...Sama...

Chrome: Mukuro-sama...

Tsuna: Hang in there, Chrome!

Tsuna: You can't die!

Chrome: Boss?

Tsuna: Yeah! It's me!

Tsuna: Hang in there!

Chrome: So warm...

Chrome: Boss...

Chrome: Mukuro-sama...

Tsuna: Huh? What happened to Mukuro?!

Tsuna: Chrome!

Tsuna: Mukuro, what are you doing?

Mukuro: Such terrible power...

Mukuro: No wonder you're the supreme commander of the Millefiore, I suppose...

Mukuro: I cannot defeat you.

Byakuran: There you go saying things you don't really mean again.

Byakuran: You're a tough man, Mukuro-kun.

Byakuran: Your primary objective in this battle is not victory.

Byakuran: You were able to see my combat capabilities,

Main: ,shrouded in mystery, by fighting against me.

Byakuran: If you can take that combat data back to wherever your real body is,

Byakuran: or to another backup body like Chrome Dokuro or Leo-kun's,

Byakuran: you'll have succeeded.

Main: ,Oh?

Mukuro: An interesting observation.

Mukuro: However, what does it mean if you're right?

Byakuran: It'll never happen.

Byakuran: There's a special barrier around this room.

Byakuran: Would you believe me if I were to say

Main: ,it can block thoughts, in addition to light and radio waves?

Mukuro: What are you talking about?

Mukuro: I can't understand.

Mukuro: This body has reached its limit.

Mukuro: Time for me to return...

Mukuro: It's been fun.

Byakuran: Dematerializing to make your escape isn't going to work, Mukuro-kun.

Byakuran: Didn't I tell you this room is completely isolated?

Mukuro: Impossible...

Byakuran: I have no interest in you, when you don't have a Vongola Ring.

Byakuran: Time for you to die for real.

Byakuran: Bye-bye.

Chrome: Mukuro-sama?

Chrome: Where are you?

Mukuro: Chrome.

Chrome: Mukuro-sama!

Chrome: Mukuro-sama...

Mukuro: I'm right here.

Bianchi: At this rate...

Tsuna: Chrome! Chrome!

Hibari: Get out of my way.

Main: ,Huh?!

Tsuna: Hibari-san!

Hibari: I cannot allow you to die.

Kusakabe: Sawada-san.

Kusakabe: Let's wait outside.

Gokudera: He's not a doctor! What can he do?

Yamamoto: Maybe Hibari has a plan?

Gokudera: That's what I want to know!

Yamamoto: No idea...

Tsuna: Kusakabe-san!

Tsuna: How's Chrome?

Kusakabe: Chrome Dokuro is stable now.

Tsuna: Wh-What a relief...

Reborn: How did she recover?

Kusakabe: The Vongola Ring.

Tsuna: Huh?

Kusakabe: Hibari pressed Chrome to draw on

Main: ,the power of the Vongola Ring so she could live on her own.

Hibari: You have this Vongola Ring.

Hibari: Have you ever considered why Mukuro Rokudo entrusted you with this ring?

Hibari: You can survive if you can draw out its power.

Hibari: You don't want to die yet, do you?

Chrome: Mukuro-sama...

Chrome: Ken... Chikusa...

Kusakabe: Right now, Chrome is using her

Main: ,own illusions to compensate for her missing organs.

Gokudera: Th-That's actually possible?

Kusakabe: Yes.

Kusakabe: However, at her current strength, the illusions are incomplete.

Kusakabe: She's barely keeping herself alive.

Tsuna: What happened to Mukuro then?

Kusakabe: Mr. Sasagawa, who was with the Varia,

Main: ,would know more about Mukuro Rokudo's activities.

Tsuna: That's right!

Tsuna: You went to Kokuyo Land because of a message from Mukuro, right?

Ryohei: I was told the instructions from Mukuro to the Varia were unilateral.

Ryohei: I put my faith in those instructions when I took action,

Ryohei: but I have no idea what Mukuro is doing or where he is.

Bianchi: His power has been completely cut off from Chrome.

Bianchi: We should assume the worst.

Tsuna: No way...

Gokudera: Boss!

Gokudera: You know how tough Mukuro is!

Gokudera: He won't die so easily!

Main: ,Yeah...

Yamamoto: That's right, Tsuna.

Yamamoto: Don't worry about a thing.

Reborn: Still, either way, Chrome won't be in any condition

Main: ,to fight in our operation five days from now.

Ryohei: That hurts...

Lal: Don't worry.

Lal: I'll make up for Chrome's absence.

Tsuna: Lal...

Reborn: We can't count on you to do that.

Reborn: You are having difficulty just sitting there.

Reborn: We can't count on you to do that.

Reborn: You are having difficulty just sitting there.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Lal: What are you talking about?!

Reborn: Don't push yourself.

Reborn: We can tell you're not feeling well just by looking at your face.

Reborn: Too much exposure to non-³ Policy has worn you down.

Tsuna: Non-³ Policy?

Lal: Shut up!

Lal: How could a person from the past like you understand?!

Reborn: I could feel the non-³ Policy on the surface when I came to this time.

Reborn: I understand that what you're trying to do is foolish.

Tsuna: Wh-What kind of joke of a reunion is this?!

Tsuna: I was desperately trying to find you!

Tsuna: You're dressed all weird again...

Reborn: Can't do anything about that.

Reborn: I'll feel really ill if I'm not wearing this special suit.

Reborn: That barrier was also made for me.

Reborn: I didn't explain the details,

Main: ,but outside the base the air is filled with radiation that's deadly to Arcobaleno.

Reborn: Are you okay?

Lal: There's no point in panicking now.

Reborn: She's an Arcobaleno too.

Lal: Not fully, however.

Tsuna: Reborn and Lal Mirch are risking their lives...

Lal: But the Millefiore are the ones releasing non-³ Policy!

Lal: We have to defeat them or this world will never return to normal!

Giannini: Uh, about that...

Giannini: We're still unable to determine the reason non-³ Policy is on the surface...

Giannini: Th-The Millefiore are most likely the cause, but we cannot be certain...

Kusakabe: Our investigation has yielded the same conclusion.

Lal: No! It was them!

Lal: Colonnello, Viper, Skull...

Lal: The Millefiore k*lled them all!

Tsuna: Lal Mirch!

Giannini: Are you okay?

Bianchi: Get her to the infirmary at once!

Lal: Don't touch me!

Lal: I can stand!

Lal: Let me go!

Bianchi: Settle down.

Yamamoto: Don't push yourself too hard.

Yamamoto: You should get treated.

Futa: I'll go grab a stretcher!

Giannini: I-I'll go prep the medical equipment!

Ryohei: Sawada.

Ryohei: In five days...

Ryohei: I can guess what your decision will be after these setbacks.

Ryohei: I'll go tell the leaders that the operation's been called off.

Lal: I'm just feeling a little dizzy!

Lal: It's no big deal!

Lal: Don't mind me!

Ryohei: Don't push yourself, Lal.

Tsuna: Ryohei...

Tsuna: Let's do it.

Tsuna: If we go to the enemy's hideout, we'll be able to return to the base,

Tsuna: and we may find a lead on Mukuro.

Tsuna: And we may learn more about non-³ Policy...

Tsuna: But I have a feeling we'll be too late on both issues if we wait any longer...

Tsuna: Besides, I don't want everyone to stay here a second more than we have to!

Gokudera: Boss...

Yamamoto: Tsuna...

Tsuna: All of my friends from Namimori...

Tsuna: Chrome and Lal Mirch as well...

Tsuna: None of us are meant to be in this place!

Tsuna: Uh, that's just how I feel, but...

Ryohei: Well said!

Ryohei: You're the man, Sawada!

Ryohei: I'm extremely moved!

Lal: Stupid kid.

Tsuna: In any case...

Tsuna: We only have five days.

Tsuna: There's no time to waste.

Gokudera: Yes!

Yamamoto: Right on!

Kyoko: Haru-chan, did something happen?

Haru: Eek?

Haru: No, it's nothing.

Haru: No problem.

Kyoko: But...

Lambo: Tsuna was angry.

Kyoko: Lambo-kun, did Tsuna-kun get mad at you?

Ipin: Lambo must have played a prank on him!

Ipin: It's Lambo's fault!

Lambo: Lambo-san's a good boy!

Ipin: You are not!

Lambo: It's Tsuna's fault!

Lambo: Not Lambo-san's!

Ipin: Don't shift the blame!

Kyoko: Don't fight, you two.

Kyoko: Haru-chan.

Haru: I'm sorry.

Haru: I forgot to put something in the laundry.

Haru: I'll be gone for a bit.

Kyoko: Haru-chan!

Reborn: Don't forget that feeling, Yamamoto.

Yamamoto: Yeah.

Yamamoto: Okay! I'll give it another shot.

Yamamoto: I'm counting on you, kid.

Gokudera: All I can do now right now is complete SISTEMA C.A.I..

Gokudera: I'll definitely make it work!

Kusakabe: Shouldn't you get some more rest?

Lal: Don't worry about me. More importantly...

Kusakabe: This is a surprise.

Kusakabe: Sawada-san has shown remarkable improvement in his movements.

Kusakabe: He's even learned to control those unstable flames.

Lal: You've got it wrong.

Lal: He's using two different types of flames.

Kusakabe: Two different types?

Lal: The flame he's been using with the normal glove

Main: ,is constantly dispersing energy and easy to grasp.

Lal: You could call it a soft flame.

Lal: It allows for subtle control which makes it suitable for positioning and hovering.

Lal: On the other hand, the pure flame from ver. Vongola Ring

Lal: would be a hard flame that's difficult to control, but increasingly powerful.

Lal: It works best for accelerating in a straight line or in situations requiring raw power.

Kusakabe: I see. So it's variable.

Kusakabe: You've really thought this through, Lal Mirch.

Lal: No, not me. It was Sawada.

Kusakabe: The Vongola's super intuition?

Lal: I know why you'd want to find a reason for his rapid growth,

Lal: but I don't believe in that stupid myth.

Lal: Besides, his movements may have improved,

Lal: but his combat ability is far from where it should be.

Lal: Sawada doesn't have a box.

Lal: If he's having this much trouble against Hibari,

Main: ,who's this strong without a box,

Lal: he'll be crushed by the Millefiore, with their strong boxes.

Kusakabe: That's true...

Lal: I'm sure Sawada understands that better than anyone.

Tsuna: This is hopeless...

Tsuna: I've improved my mobility, but I still have no chance of beating him.

Hibari: How long do you plan to fight like an herbivore?

Hibari: You haven't used your weapons yet.

Hibari: Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: X BURNER.
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