05x102 - Mission Start

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x102 - Mission Start

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: There, we discovered that Vongola HQ had been destroyed.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently holds the key for our return to the past.

Mukuro: This is Mist.

Glo: Curse you!

Ryohei: Ryohei Sasagawa has come to visit!

Reborn: Hibari, Chrome Dokuro, and Ryohei...

Reborn: At last, the Guardians have all been gathered.

Reborn: And the day of the final battle is close at hand.

Reborn: Everyone's been training to power up. That's all we need to do.

Reborn: But we're running out of time.

Reborn: We'll attack the Millefiore's base in Japan, Merone Base,

: and reach Shoichi Irie!

Black Spell: We've found a wall we believe to be the roof of their secret base!

Irie: You've reached it?

CherB: Yes.

CherB: All three teams have reached the Vongola secret base.

CherB: They've finished setting up the bombs.

CherB: They await your orders, Master Irie.

Irie: We will now attack the Vongola secret base.

Irie: Detonate the bombs on the count of three, and then head in at once.

Team : All ready to attack!

Team : Same! All set!

Team : We await your orders.

Irie: Commencing countdown.

Irie: Three...

Irie: Two...

Irie: One...

Irie: Fire!

Irie: All squads, attack!

Irie: Your top priority is the recovery of the Vongola Rings.

Irie: Take the Guardians alive.

Black: And if they resist?

Irie: Eliminate them.

White Spell: Roger that.

: What's this...?

White Spell: A large hall...

White Spell: Wh-What?

White Spell: Our infiltration route!

Hibari: You fell for it.

White Spell: What?

White Spell: That's the transmitter Glo Xinia-dono used!

Hibari: The weak love to gather in packs.

Hibari: And you trapped rats are gonna get bitten to death.

White Spell: I-It was a setup!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Target Mission Start

White Spell: Damn Vongola!

Hibari: Vongola?

Hibari: No way.

Guy: I bet you think you've got us caught in your trap,

: but that's not how it's gonna go.

Guy: We'll get out of here in a snap.

Hibari: I don't have time to play with you guys.

: What?

Guy: Wh-What are those?

Guy: This is bad!

Yamamoto: What's going on?

Gokudera: This alarm's gotta mean something.

Tsuna: And aren't we deploying earlier than planned?

Reborn: It's an enemy attack.

Tsuna: Reborn!

Giannini: An incredibly large Millefiore unit seems to be gathering

: at our future warehouse location

: two kilometers from here.

Reborn: Hibari's already headed there.

Tsuna: Hibari-san?

Tsuna: But there are a lot of enemies, right?

Tsuna: He can't fight them all himself!

Tsuna: We have to go too!

Ryohei: No!

: Huh?

Ryohei: If we do that, there's no reason for Hibari to put his life on the line.

Tsuna: That's...

Reborn: The Millefiore are focusing a lot of their military force there.

Reborn: By having Hibari handle them himself, the enemy will...

: lose a lot of their available strength on the surface and in their base.

Tsuna: B-But...

Guy: What happened?

Guy: N-No way...

Guy: He got... this many of us in one attack?

Guy: What a guy...

: Hmm...?

Hibari: There's still quite a few left.

Hibari: Guess I'll clean the rest of you up myself.

Guy: We still outnumber him!

Guy: There's nothing to fear!

Guy: We'll all take him on!

Guy: Go!

Guy: N-No way...

Reborn: If you want to repay Hibari for the hard work he's doing, succeed at your raid!

Tsuna: Th-That's...

Yamamoto: He knew about this?

Gokudera: He's just trying to show off...

Lal: What are you doing?!

Lal: Don't lose sight of your goal!

Reborn: You know how strong Hibari is, right, Tsuna?

Giannini: We've confirmed the signal from the surface surveillance point.

Giannini: The course is clear.

Giannini: Boss, you can use hatch F

: and route to cut right through to the enemy base.

Reborn: Tsuna!

Tsuna: Got it.

Tsuna: Hibari-san, I'm counting on you.

Tsuna: Open it up, Giannini!

Giannini: Roger that.

Giannini: Hatch F, open!

All: Let's go!

Irie: Has there been any word from the as*ault team?

A: None.

Irie: Huh, what's that about?

A: In all likelihood, sending transmissions from the Vongola secret base is proving difficult.

Irie: They could have at least left enough people to contact us.

Airisu: They have some White Spell members too.

: I wonder what they're doing.

Airisu: It's an as*ault striking at the very heart of the enemy...

Airisu: I bet they just rushed ahead.

Irie: Anyhow! Get a hold of them immediately!

Guy: Sir!

Guy: Merone Base, come in!

Guy: Merone Base.

Guy: Any luck?

Guy: None.

Guy: Damn it! Whatever they are, they're blocking all signals!

Guy: I'll do it!

Guy: Go forth! Demon of speed and sound! Vento Mantis!

Hibari: Guess I can still enjoy myself.

Haru: They sure are fast asleep.

Kyoko: Yeah.

Kyoko: But I wonder what that loud noise was.

Haru: It sounded like an expl*si*n to me.

Kyoko: Yeah...

Haru: But the alarm did stop, so I'm sure everything's fine.

Kyoko: Yeah, you're right.

Haru: We were worried and came to check on them,

: but they're both sleeping soundly.

Kyoko: Yeah...

Haru: Tsuna-san and the others...

: Huh?

Haru: Tsuna-san and the others already left, huh?

Kyoko: Yeah, no one was in their rooms.

Haru: They could have at least had breakfast.

Kyoko: Yeah...

Haru: Kyoko-chan.

: We should have our breakfast.

Haru: It's earlier than usual, but let's start preparing.

Kyoko: Great idea!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Namimori Shopping District

Lal: All right, this way.

Ryohei: It's good no one's here.

Gokudera: Of course. Everyone's usually asleep about now.

Yamamoto: It's almost always like this in the morning.

Gokudera: How do you know?

Yamamoto: Morning practice, of course.

Gokudera: Stupid baseball brain...

Lal: Enough with the pointless chit-chat. Hurry!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\an}This Way to Namimori Shopping Mall

Lal: This way. Follow me!

Giannini: They'll be nearing the target shortly.

Reborn: Hurry, Tsuna.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\an}Underground Parking

Lal: We're finally here. Don't screw it up.

Tsuna: Right!

Bianchi: I told you the enemy base is in the Namimori underground shopping mall, right?

Bianchi: Before we infiltrate,

: I want to make sure you're clear on what we've learned so far.

Bianchi: Strange ducts were found in several parts of this mall.

Yamamoto: Ducts?

Giannini: They're like vents.

Giannini: They pull fresh air in to the underground area.

Yamamoto: Oh, those.

Gokudera: You sure are clueless.

Lal: Shut up!

Bianchi: This is a model of the Millefiore secret base.

Reborn: The one that was leaked to Hibari, right?

Bianchi: Yes, and once we compared it to the shopping mall,

: we found that they line up with the ducts inside perfectly.

Tsuna: That means...

Bianchi: Not only do we know that the enemy base is in the underground mall, but...

Bianchi: By lining up the two diagrams, we ascertained its exact location.

Bianchi: Upon examination of the two diagrams,

: we were able to devise an infiltration route as well.

Bianchi: It starts in the mall's underground parking lot.

Bianchi: There's a generator room on the second basement level,

: making infiltration through that duct the best route.

Bianchi: I'll prepare PDAs with a map on them for each of you.

Tsuna: Where's the generator room?

Ryohei: Based on my intuition...

Ryohei: It's this way!

Gokudera: Whatcha need intuition for?!

Gokudera: Look at the map! The map!

Lal: I'll check it now.

Bianchi: This way.

Tsuna: Bianchi!

Gokudera: Your intuition, huh?

Bianchi: I came to see you off.

Tsuna: Huh?

: To this dangerous place?

Giannini: We got a signal from the surface surveillance point.

Giannini: Vongola X and his team have made it safely to the infiltration point.

Reborn: Good.

Reborn: This is where it really starts, Tsuna.

Bianchi: You can go in from the ducts right here.

Lal: Okay, let's go.

Bianchi: Tsuna.

Bianchi: I'll take care of Kyoko, Haru and the kids.

Bianchi: So don't worry. Just go all-out.

Tsuna: Right. I'll be back.

Gokudera: I'm counting on you.

Gokudera: I won't be bound by the past forever.

Gokudera: I need to talk to you when I get back.

Bianchi: Hayato...

Gokudera: After we've destroyed the enemy base and taken down Irie.

Bianchi: See you.

Bianchi: I have something I want to tell you too.

Gokudera: Later.

Tsuna: Ouch.

Lal: Don't make noise!

Tsuna: S-Sorry.

Lal: We're in the enemy's secret base now.

Lal: Make the smallest mistake and you're dead.

Tsuna: Right.

Lal: We have to move fast, without panicking nor rushing.

Yamamoto: I never thought I'd do something out of the movies, like this.

Gokudera: What a laid-back guy.

Tsuna: This really is designed like the diagram.

Lal: We're going left.

Giannini: Ten minutes have passed since they went in.

Reborn: It's only just begun. Don't get so stressed out.

Giannini: True, but still...

Futa: How are Big Tsuna and the guys doing?

Reborn: Just fine.

Reborn: What about Kyoko and the others?

: Right.

Futa: No change. Big Kyoko and Big Haru are making breakfast.

Futa: Lambo and I-Pin are still fast asleep.

Reborn: Normal is best.

Futa: We just need Big Tsuna and the rest to come back safely.

Tsuna: Wow! It's really quiet!

Lal: Of course.

Lal: Don't be so surprised by every little thing.

Yamamoto: No, I think that's pretty cool. Really...

Lal: All right.

Lal: Basement level , point C-.

: If we keep going this way, we'll come out in the second hangar.

Tsuna: How far have we gone?

Lal: We still have a ways to go.

Irie: The as*ault team?

A: Still no word.

Irie: What are they doing?

Airisu: I bet they've been wiped out.

Irie: They've had plenty of combat training.

: Do you think they'd get taken down that easily?

A: Put all our resources into finding out their status!

: Yes, sir.

Irie: The radar, the sensors... Exhaust all available methods!

Irie: Find out what's going on at the Vongola secret base!

A/B: Understood.

Lal: Point C-. We should be right above the second hangar.

Lal: Good. It's just like the diagram.

Lal: We'll continue heading toward the central facility.

Reborn: Good work, Bianchi.

Bianchi: It was no trouble.

Futa: Would you like some tea?

Bianchi: I'm good. How's everyone else doing?

Reborn: They seem to be progressing just fine.

Giannini: I can't pinpoint their exact location,

: but judging by the time elapsed, I believe they're close to the second hangar.

Bianchi: I hope nothing goes wrong.

Tsuna: Lal Mirch, how are you doing?

Tsuna: Hey!

Tsuna: O-Ouch...

Tsuna: Wh-What is it?

Lal: Infrared sensors.

Lal: It's about five meters...

Lal: If we're detected, we fall prey to those.

Tsuna: What are they?!

Lal: Automated lasers.

Tsuna: L-Lasers?

Lal: Just like in training, we're going to execute the "breakthrough."

Tsuna: R-Right.

Lal: You're too slow! Pick up the pace!

Tsuna: G-Got it!

Lal: You're still not using your arms correctly!

Tsuna: So we're finally doing the real thing.

Gokudera: It's okay, boss!

Ryohei: Yeah!

Lal: This is an optical filter made by Giannini.

Lal: It uses special rays of light to bend the infrared sensors,

: and effectively disable them for five seconds.

Lal: We're going to break through in that time frame.

Tsuna: G-Got it.

Ryohei: Okay.

Lal: Let's go.

Lal: Now!

Lal: Time's up!

Ryohei: Made it by the skin of my teeth. Man, that sure cuts years off your life.

Lal: All right.

Lal: Impossible!

Lal: The lasers are moving!

: What?!

Lal: Evade!

Ryohei: Backwards?

Gokudera: We don't have time for that!

Haru: Hi!

Haru: Starting today, we'll be doing "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Reborn: All those Haru's are pretty irritating.

Reborn: And what's dangerous about it?

: Eek!

Haru: I already have a dangerous feeling!

Haru: A-Anyway, let's call out our first-ever guest!

Haru: Of course, it's Haru's future husband, Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: Wh-Why am I inside this thing?!

Haru: Because it's dangerous!

Tsuna: Dangerous? That's not a reason!

Haru: Oh well! Anyway, first question!

Haru: About how we've been transported ten years into the future...

Haru: Your future dream is...

Haru: Of course, it's to marry me, right?

Tsuna: What kind of question is that?!

Haru: Okay then, what were your childhood dreams?

Tsuna: T-To ride on a huge robot...

Reborn: I'll grant that wish for you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Hey, isn't this a Moska?!

Tsuna: You've been watching "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Tsuna: I'll see you again next time!

Tsuna: You're just gonna ignore me?!

Next time: Next time:

Next time: The First Barrier.
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