05x108 - A Man's Box w*apon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x108 - A Man's Box w*apon

Post by bunniefuu »

Reborn: Ciao-su.

Reborn: We've all been sent ten years into the future.

Reborn: There, we discovered that Vongola HQ had been destroyed.

Reborn: The future Tsuna appeared to be dead.

Reborn: This world is ruled by the Millefiore Family.

Reborn: The name of their boss is Byakuran.

Byakuran: Yes, what I seek is the key to ultimate authority:

Byakuran: ³ Policy.

Byakuran: The seven Arcobaleno pacifiers...

Byakuran: The seven Mare Rings, the strongest of their kind,

Byakuran: and the seven Vongola Rings, which hold equal power.

Reborn: And one of his subordinates, Shoichi Irie,

Reborn: apparently held the key for our return to the past.

Reborn: In order to survive... To return to the past...

Reborn: We've made our move.

Reborn: However, so has the enemy.

Irie: From this point on, it doesn't matter which squad you belong to,

Irie: my orders will be direct and absolute!

Reborn: Our mission has also started.

Reborn: While Hibari draws the enemy away,

Reborn: you have to charge into the Millefiore hideout, Merone Base,

Reborn: and make your way to Shoichi Irie, Tsuna.

Reborn: Open it up, Giannini!

Giannini: Roger that.

Giannini: Hatch F, open!

All: Let's go!

Tsuna: I'll end this.

Tsuna: X BURNER: Air!

Spanner: I lost.

Spanner: That's one incredible attack, if it's able to wreck King Moska like this...

Spanner: But it appears to be incomplete.

Spanner: My orders were to intercept.

Spanner: So long.

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target A Man's Box w*apon

Giannini: It's no use...

Giannini: I've lost contact with the boss.

Futa: Huh?

Reborn: It doesn't mean his transmitter was broken though, right?

Giannini: Right. We're still receiving radio wave bursts.

Giannini: However, we can't pick up any voices...

Futa: Big Tsuna...

Reborn: In any case, we can't do anything from here.

Reborn: We just have to believe in them.

Futa: Yes, you're right.

Gokudera: Did you hear that?

Ryohei: What is it, octopus head?

Gokudera: I just heard Reborn-san's voice.

Yamamoto: You mean that static from before?

Ryohei: Just sounded like random noise to me.

Gokudera: No, I'm sure of it.

Gokudera: That was definitely Reborn-san's voice.

Ryohei: Right, you've got sharp ears.

Ryohei: Now that we've destroyed their security system,

: the interference should be gone.

Yamamoto: Really?

Ryohei: Yeah.

Ryohei: It's extremely the case!

Ryohei: So what did he say?

Gokudera: Well, it was mostly noise...

Yamamoto: We're on the twelfth basement level, right?

Yamamoto: Giannini said we wouldn't get reception if we were too far underground.

Ryohei: I wonder what they wanted...

Gokudera: No idea...

Gokudera: Knowing Reborn-san, it must've been for the boss.

Gokudera: Could something bad have happened to him?!

: Hey!

Ryohei: Calm down! Just chill, okay?

Yamamoto: We don't know for sure yet.

Gokudera: So heavy!

Gokudera: You guys don't have to lay on me!

Ryohei: We're talking about Sawada. You don't need to worry about him.

Ryohei: Didn't you watch the fight with Dendro?

Yamamoto: That's right.

Yamamoto: And we may receive another message.

Gokudera: Damn featherbrains...

Gokudera: How's Lal Mirch doing?

Ryohei: No change. She's still unconscious.

Gokudera: We need to destroy their main facilities, and fast...

Yamamoto: Yeah. How much longer until we're there?

: Right.

Ryohei: We're taking the back route.

Ryohei: Twenty minutes, I'd say...

Ryohei: Until we reach our first target, that white and round device.

Irie: Well? Have we heard from Spanner?

Operator: Not yet.

Operator: But we've confirmed that there was an expl*si*n in the pipes.

Irie: A battle, then? With who?

Operator: We don't know.

Operator: Shall I manually open the monitor?

Irie: No, it's okay.

Irie: He said not to send any communications in the middle of a battle,

Irie: because they'd distract him.

: If he's in trouble, he'll call for backup.

Irie: And I'm sure he'll let us know when the fight's over.

Cervello: Irie-sama.

Cervello: We've established the current situation and finished

Cervello: running simulations of countermeasures.

Irie: Good work.

Cervello: We've confirmed the presence of five intruders.

Cervello: If the enemy's objective is the destruction of our main facilities,

Cervello: there's a % chance their primary target will be the main computer room.

Cervello: There's a % chance this primary communications

Cervello: and command center would be next.

Cervello: And your research lab would have a % chance.

Irie: I see.

Irie: Though the actual priority should be reversed...

Cervello: However, we have no intention of letting any of the above fall into Vongola hands.

: Yeah.

Irie: Y-Yes, indeed.

Cervello: We've devised a plan

Cervello: to split our forces into three groups,

Cervello: with one stationed at each location.

Cervello: If the enemy concentrates on one spot,

Cervello: we can have whoever's available move in to assist.

Irie: I see.

Irie: So what kind of forces do we have?

Cervello: We intended to assign a few men for deployment to any person over rank C with experience.

Cervello: But the discipline order had a large impact on that plan.

Irie: You mean the rd Squad?

Irie: Very well.

Irie: You may include them in this operation.

Cervello: Yes, sir.

Cervello: Then we shall list all fighters above rank C on this base right now.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Lightning Gamma

Cervello: Lightning Gamma from the rd Squad. Black Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Flaming Whirlwind Tazaru

Cervello: Flaming Whirlwind Tazaru, same. Black Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Iris Hepburn

Cervello: Mystic Flower Iris Hepburn from the th Squad and the Deathstalk Squad. White Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Iris Hepburn Deathstalk Squad

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Ginger Bread

Cervello: Magician's Doll Ginger Bread from the th Squad. White Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Vyshana

Cervello: White Slayer Vyshana from the th Squad. White Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Nigella Bearbunkle

Cervello: Demon Bear Master Nigella Bearbunkle from the th Squad. Black Spell.

Dialogue: On Screen,Cervello: Phantom Knight

Cervello: And the Phantom Knight. Black Spell.

Cervello: We'll send the Phantom Knight and Iris to the computer room.

Cervello: Gamma, Tazaru, and Ginger will go to the command center.

Cervello: That leaves Vyshana and Nigella in the research lab.

Irie: I have a problem with the research lab assignments.

Irie: Especially Vyshana.

Irie: He and his box are dangerous.

Cervello: That's why we felt he would be sufficiently powerful.

Cervello: You don't mean to bring up that issue during such an emergency.

Irie: This is exactly the time for it!

Irie: Do not allow Vyshana to run amok!

Irie: He needs restraint.

Cervello: Of course. Then we'll send the Phantom Knight to the research lab.

Irie: Please do.

Irie: It'll be no laughing matter if something happens to the research lab.

Cervello: Please deploy all forces at once.

Operator: Right away.

Operator: I see that those with experience are on a different level.

Cervello: What?

Irie: Is something wrong?

Operator: Nigella has already begun moving toward the research lab of his own accord.

Security: Handprint identified.

Security: Nigella Bearbunkle from the th squad.

Nigella: Damn Vongola, forcing us to guard the research lab.

Nigella: As I thought, they're deep within this base.

Nigella: Who's there?!

Nigella: Show yourself!

Vyshana: I desire...

Nigella: Vyshana?

Nigella: What is the meaning of this?

Vyshana: I desire your Box Weapons!

Nigella: What? This isn't the time for that!

Vyshana: Actually, it's the perfect time.

Vyshana: Your bear holds no significant power.

Vyshana: However, its existence will be redeemed when it is fed to my Box w*apon.

Nigella: Bastard!

Nigella: Are you insulting my Demon Bear?!

Vyshana: Never.

Vyshana: I do not insult your Box w*apon.

Vyshana: It is you I'm insulting.

Nigella: I refuse to take any more of this!

Nigella: An'orso di Orco!

Nigella: Nobody has ever been able to escape from the claws of this Demon Bear!

Vyshana: Ridiculous!

Vyshana: You have fulfilled my desire!

Vyshana: I desire your Box w*apon!

Yamamoto: Whoa!

Gokudera: What is it? Was someone there?

Yamamoto: Well, I accidentally stuck my head out there...

Gokudera: Moron. Once you do that, it's too late.

Ryohei: So did you see any guards?

Yamamoto: Nope.

Ryohei: Then get a move on!

Yamamoto: Roger.

: Oh.

Ryohei: These ducts are so narrow.

Yamamoto: Nice work.

Yamamoto: The exhibition hall we're headed to next should be much bigger.

Ryohei: The door to the exhibition hall is open.

Gokudera: They know we're here...

Yamamoto: Let's go.

Nigella: I-I never thought... my bear would be...

Gokudera: What's with this guy?!

Ryohei: That tattoo...

Ryohei: He's the Demon Bear Master, Nigella Bearbunkle.

Vyshana: I've been waiting for you.

Vyshana: I desire...

Gokudera: What's with him?!

Yamamoto: H-He's floating on a carpet!

Gokudera: And why is this Millefiore guy all beaten up?

Ryohei: Nigella Bearbunkle...

Ryohei: I've heard he's a fierce fighter who uses a bear Box w*apon...

Ryohei: There's something on the other side of the panel.

Gokudera: What's this creepy sound?

Yamamoto: Something fell down!

Ryohei: Could that be...

Gokudera: A-A bear's paw?!

Gokudera: Bear?!

Yamamoto: There are Deathperation Flames coming from it!

Ryohei: This must be Nigella's Box w*apon!

Yamamoto: What's over there?!

Gokudera: It's huge!

Gokudera: This is...

Yamamoto: A giant serpent!

Ryohei: Those flames...

Ryohei: It's a Box w*apon too!

: Oh...

Vyshana: I see, Serpe Tempesta...

Vyshana: The satisfied look on your face

: would suggest that Nigella's Demon Bear made a pleasant meal.

Ryohei: Serpe Tempesta...

Ryohei: A Storm serpent, huh?

Vyshana: Indeed.

Vyshana: My Serpe Tempesta is a new masterpiece crafted by Box Master Koenig.

Vyshana: It possesses the ability to increase its capabilities

Vyshana: by eating other Box Weapons.

Ryohei: Did he eat that bear?

Yamamoto: A box that can eat things?

Ryohei: It's possible.

Ryohei: Octopus head's kitty was eating fish.

Ryohei: What's wrong, Octopus head?

Gokudera: What are you talking about?!

Gokudera: Haven't you noticed?

Gokudera: That's no ordinary giant serpent.

Gokudera: It's one of the top eight organisms I hoped to encounter!

Gokudera: One of Japan's legendary cryptids!

Gokudera: The Tsuchinoko!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,Tsuchinoko & Friends

Gokudera: I'm sure of it.

: About that...

Ryohei: Tsuchinoko were discovered three years ago.

Gokudera: Seriously?!

Ryohei: So it's a brand-new box...?

: Heh.

Vyshana: I desire your lives!

Yamamoto: I understand the reasoning, but why did you have it eat an ally's box?

Gokudera: Fighting among yourselves?

Vyshana: What a hysterical observation.

Vyshana: Do not consider White Spell and Black Spell to be equal entities.

Vyshana: White Spell is the light that will guide this world to the future.

Vyshana: Black Spell is made up of foolish relics of the past.

Yamamoto: Relics?

Vyshana: In this world, the weak are exploited by the strong.

Vyshana: That would include the rotten, moldy Vongola.

Gokudera: What was that?

Ryohei: Looks like the Millefiore has its own internal difficulties.

Ryohei: But whatever the reason,

Ryohei: you can't be allowed to eat what belongs to someone fighting on your side.

Gokudera: You're going to fight him?

Gokudera: Let me handle this.

Ryohei: Sorry, Octopus head.

Ryohei: It's too late!

Yamamoto: H-Hey...

Yamamoto: Is that his...

Gokudera: Animal-type Box w*apon.

Ryohei: Yes. This is a man's Box w*apon, designed to carry out my will.

Ryohei: It's even got an extremely unparalleled name!

Ryohei: Mangaroo!

Dialogue: On Screen,Ryohei: Mangaroo

Yamamoto: I knew it was a kangaroo!

Yamamoto: Cool stuff!

Gokudera: The name's not as terrible as I expected...

Ryohei: You'll be facing me, Vyshana!

: Wow.

Vyshana: The Vongola Guardian of the Sun Ring's Box w*apon is a hopping kangaroo.

Vyshana: How infinitely pathetic.

Vyshana: Your Box w*apon could not defeat Serpe Tempesta in a thousand years.

Ryohei: What?

Vyshana: Do you not understand?

Vyshana: Serpe Tempesta wasn't hit by your attack.

Vyshana: It received it.

Vyshana: Look at your Box w*apon!

Ryohei: What?!

Ryohei: Manny!

Vyshana: Storm-class flames are sh**ting from the scales of Serpe Tempesta.

Vyshana: You should be aware of the special storm-class factor.

Gokudera: Disassemble factor...

Vyshana: Exactly.

Vyshana: Any material which touches its scales will be broken down.

Vyshana: Your kangaroo can no longer move.

Vyshana: The Millefiore say that the sun is most effective when shining from afar.

Vyshana: That means you shouldn't be fighting on the front lines,

Vyshana: since Sun Boxes and their active factor are not meant for offense.

Vyshana: The sun cannot defeat the storm!

Yamamoto: This is bad!

Gokudera: Get back, Turf top!

Gokudera: Your box is at a disadvantage here!

Ryohei: You seem to be confused about something.

: Huh?

Ryohei: After all these years, I'm still a boxer.

Ryohei: Have you ever seen a boxer send his own trainer into the ring?

Ryohei: I had no intention of using Manny to defeat him.

: Wha-?!

Ryohei: Besides, I don't give a damn about what the Millefiore say.

Vyshana: What?

Ryohei: The Vongola Guardians have a duty to fulfill!

Ryohei: Gokudera. Yamamoto.

Ryohei: Never forget the duty passed down from the first Family,

: which we accepted during the ring tournament.

Ryohei: Let's go, Manny!

Gokudera: The pouch on his belly is glowing!

Ryohei: Fire!

Ryohei: My Mangaroo is a two-staged support box...

Ryohei: And my duty as Ryohei Sasagawa, the Vongola Guardian of the Sun Ring...

Ryohei: is to become a bright and shining sun

Ryohei: that smashes the Family's foes

Ryohei: with my own body!

Yamamoto: Amazing...

Vyshana: Amusing.

Vyshana: I desire your despair.

Haru: Hey!

Haru: It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Today, we have, um...

Haru: Someone with a funny name!

Haru: Crepe Dokuro-san!

Haru: Eek!

Reborn: That's so obviously wrong.

Haru: Forgive me!

Haru: It's Cream Dokuro-san!

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Huh? What's wrong?

Haru: Cloak Dokuro-san!

Haru: Please come out!

Haru: Clover Dokuro-san!

Reborn: You're getting colder.

Haru: We're going to end up with Claim Dokuro-san!

Reborn: You're so hopeless.

Reborn: Just make do with this picture.

Haru: Eek!

Haru: Eek!!

Haru: Wh-What is this picture of?!

Haru: What kind of relationship does Chrome Dokuro-san have with Tsuna-san?!

Reborn: Oh, you actually said Chrome.

Haru: That doesn't matter!

Haru: Why on earth is Chrome-san planting the kiss on the Tsuna-san's cheek?!

Reborn: Calm down. Your speaking pattern is all messed up.

Haru: I have no time to waste here!

Haru: I must go ask Tsuna-san for the truth!

Reborn: Wow.

Reborn: Haru's Jealousy Flames.

Reborn: Stronger than Deathperation Flames.

Haru: Tsuna-san! Where are you?!

Reborn: Ah, there she goes.

Reborn: That's all for today's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews.

Haru: Tsuna-san! Where are you?! Eek!!

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: c*ptive.
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