05x114 - The Storm Guardian, Stands

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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05x114 - The Storm Guardian, Stands

Post by bunniefuu »

Here I go...

Maximum Ingram!

It's okay that you couldn't take out the container.

This room is for training, so it's made out of stronger material.

Now, it's my turn.

Shot Plasma!

I don't know where you got your ideas...

But that type of dodging isn't near fast enough.

Electric Tower!

Turf top!

I'm not the man I was the last time we met, unfortunately.

Dialogue On Screen ,Target The Storm Guardian, Stands


Hey, Turf top!

Don't bother.

No one can take a direct hit from my Electric Tower and readily stand up after it.

Like I said, I'm different from last time we met.

As such, Shot Plasma will be enough to defeat you.

Damn these ropes!


Oh, I see.

You healed your wounds by using the active factor of the Sun Flames.

Obviously. I'm the Guardian of the Sun Ring.

You're pretty tough.

This time, I'll show you heaven's door.


Rest in peace.

Shot Plasma!

Turf top!

Thought it'd be okay to go down, as long as you defeated me in the process?

It's not a bad deal if I can take one of the six Millefiore's Funeral Wreaths along with me.

So naïve.


Shot Plasma Reverse!


I'll turn you into a piece of steak.

Shot Plasma!


Cooked rare.

Damn it. You bastard!


Then what happened to Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto?

Who knows.

That's not what you should be saying.

If something happened to them...

Worrying won't help the situation any.

Right now, we have trouble getting through to one person, and that's you.


Believe in your comrades. They've undergone their own training.

That's true, but...

They'll be fine as long as they don't run into someone extremely strong.

Right... I have to believe in them.

They all believed in me when I left them behind.

More importantly, there's something you need to think about.


What Spanner said.

Are you okay with how things are going now, Tsuna?

That should do it.


That should do it.

I'm sorry for not having a more suitable string.

Don't be. Thank you, Haru-chan.

Well, in a way, pink kind of works.

Your brother's gonna be happy.

You're right.


All right! Lambo-san's gonna polish it up real good.

Rub, rub, rub.

Hey, if you rub it that hard...

Stop, Lambo!

Be more gentle!

Got it.

Rub, rub, rub!

No, that's too hard!

This is Lambo-san's!

I-Pin's gonna polish!

Knock it off, you two. That glove isn't a toy.

You're going to wreck it!

Here you go!

There are two gloves; left and right.

So how about you polish them up together?


Sweet! Let's have a polishing race!

I-Pin won't lose!

Treat them as nicely as you can.

Rub, rub, rub...

Next shot's for his handler.

Not gonna work.

No matter where you hide, you can't avoid my balls.

Turf top!

Damn, is this the only box I can open?

Well... You're all I have to depend on right now.

Come out, Uri!


Chew through these ropes!

You can pull that off, can't you?

Don't ignore me!

What's this?


Where are you going, Uri?!

You can't fight!

You'll get slaughtered, you fool!

I'll cook you medium-rare.


Get back!

What was that?

Turf top!

Oh? You've recovered already?

The restorative ability of the sun certainly is impressive.

Here's another one.

Nice try.

But I'm not stupid enough to get hit by my own ball.

How long do you plan on doing that?

Until I hear the bell sound after the ten count, I'll keep standing in the ring.

That's the spirit of a boxer!

You've got guts.

Fine then, I'll give you what you want.

This'll be a KO.

Electric Tower!

Accelerated Healing Full Power!

Turf top!


You're putting up more of a fight than I expected, Guardian of the Sun Ring.

But it's time you gave up.

The gap between us is too great.

Right down to the rings we wear.

Turf top!

Damn these freaking ropes.

Damn it!

L-Listen up, Gokudera.

If I go down, those ropes will disappear.

Like me, you've got a nasty habit of letting the blood go to your head way too fast.

Be patient.

Turf top...

You done with your last words?

Pay attention. I'm giving you your ten count.

Turf top!

I don't think he'll be getting back up, but let's make sure.

Damn it...

Eat this!

Turf top!

What is this?

When did you...?

I'll never forgive you!

I'll never forgive you!

How dare you...

L-Listen up, Gokudera.

If I go down, those ropes will disappear.

Like me, you've got a nasty habit of letting the blood go to your head way too fast.

Don't panic.

How dare you hurt Turf top!

Oh, here comes the little schoolboy.

Looking for trouble again, are you?

Keep talking, but you're not the only one who's changed.


This sounds like fun, and it looks like you've got yourself quite a w*apon there.

That weird shape and strange design...

I see you have an Innocenti original; a creation of the most artistic of the three box inventors.

Like I care.

So you don't even know the value of the Box w*apon you're using...

You don't deserve that toy.

I don't care about its value as long as I have the power to take you down.

You can't take me down...

Plenty of people would love to get their hands on an Innocenti original.

After I crush you, I'll sell it for a pretty penny.

Shot Plasma!

Although Gokudera and Yamamoto have gotten a lot stronger,

we don't know how many fights we'll be facing as we go forward.

And we don't know what type of enemies we'll encounter.

You have to get stronger too.

I know that, but...

Think about Spanner's suggestion, and then, make your decision.

I have no idea where we are.

I wonder if Gokudera and Ryohei are lost somewhere too.

What are they doing right now?

Think you can hit me?!

Hovering to draw me away from the Guardian of the Sun Ring?

Don't bother. I'm gonna take you down.

Electric Tower!

He did it again...

He used his Storm w*apon to completely nullify my flames.

What's wrong? You look pale.

Tell me about that w*apon of yours.

What little trick are you using?

Curious, huh?

Well, think about it long and hard.

Just like I did.

Agonize over it... Let it eat at you...


Go to hell as you do!

My turn.

Firing distance .

Temperature C.

Humidity %.

Wind zero.

Correction for gravity and magnetic fields ..

Take this!

Flame Arrow!

Oh? You've improved.


The Storm disassemble factor won't be able to break through my barrier.

Lightning is the toughest element of all.


He's piercing through my barrier...

That's impossible.

He was also able to repel my lightning shield, Electric Tower...

What's going on here?

You won't get away!

I'm not trying to run.

You'll see.

These flames aren't ordinary Storm Flames...

That was close.

I can't stand anything ambiguous.

But now I know.

To be honest, I'm very surprised.

What would you know?

I allowed myself to be injured by a fool like you.

There was a reason for it.

I didn't expect you to use Storm and Rain Flames at the same time...

Or to be correct, you coated the surface of your Storm Flames with Rain Flames.

Dialogue On Screen ,Lightning Barrier / Break down / Nullify

The Rain Flames nullified the lightning barrier.

Once weakened, it was broken down

by the Lightning Flames, which is when you pierced through.

Your shield works the same way.

Due to the Storm and Rain Flames working together,

you nullified the effect of my flames.

One ring can only produce one type of flame.

But certain people possess multiple waves, which can release different flames.

Meaning, there are some who carry more than one type of ring and Box w*apon.

But it's quite rare for someone to use them in actual battle, let alone...

I've never heard of anyone fusing

two classes of flames together and firing them at the same time.

If I was able to shock you, the effort was worth it.


It took an obscene amount of thinking to make this SISTEMA C.A.I. work.


That's the name you've given to this Innocenti original?

That's right.

The usage of flames besides Storm was the key to solving SISTEMA C.A.I....


It's another episode of everyone's favorite "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Today's guest is Tsuna-san's mother, Nana Sawada-san!

Hi, hello there.

Are you all doing well?

Thank you for coming!

Thanks for inviting me.

I haven't seen everyone for so long, I really miss them.

Mama, I'm hungry.


That's the first thing you're going to say?!


I knew you would be, so I made lunch.

You're good, Mama.

There's enough for Tsu-kun and all his friends, so please give it to them later.

Sure. Tsuna's hungry too.

Wow, I'm moved!

For her to anticipate Tsuna-san and Reborn-chan's needs without them saying a single word...

She must be telepathic! Mind-to-mind!

Tsuna-san's mother is a role model to all mothers!

Stop that. It's not that big a deal.

It just comes naturally from being a mother for a while.

I'm even more moved!

I want to know everything Tsuna-san thinks, just like you!

There's a Vongola-style telepathy instruction set.

You can become psychic in one day!

That's not what I meant!

Fine, but get on with the interview. We'll run out of time.

Eek! Oh yeah!

W-Well then, we'll start off with some light questions...

Mrs. Sawada, who do you think would be Tsuna-san's perfect bride?

That's pretty heavy.

This is the only time I can ask!

Tsu-kun's perfect bride?


It's too soon to think about that.

It certainly is not!

Time passes in the blink of an eye!

What? Time's up already?


No, it can't be! There's so much I haven't asked!

Let's see... Probably someone good at cooking...

I'll try my best!

I'll make his meals every day.

"Haru, today's meal is delicious, as usual."

As if!

Ah... I'm so embarrassed!

I'm turning to mush! It's a meltdown!

So, what's Tsuna-san's favorite food?

Nameko mushroom miso soup.

Tsuna-san's favorite, not yours!

Favorite food? Let me think...

He'll pretty much eat anything.

As long as it's made with love, anything will taste good.

You're right!

Love is the best seasoning!

Love is a miracle!

Even inedible things will do, so long as they're seasoned with love!

I don't think he'd eat stuff that's inedible.

Do you want to become a bride when you grow up?

I do!

Mrs. Sawada, please make me into a bride!


Oh no! But if I married you, you'd be the husband.

U-Umm, that's not what I meant...

It's okay, I'm sure you'll be a lovely bride!


She finally gave me her approval!

Motherly approval!

I can see the church!

Wedding bells are ringing!


Hey, are you okay? Hello?

Haru's down, so that's all for today's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

See you again next time!

Next time

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