06x141 - Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!". Aired: October 7, 2006 - September 25, 2010.*
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Centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family.
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06x141 - Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

Dialogue: On Screen,EpTitle: Target Reunion

Irie: The Vongola Box left to you by the current Vongola X...

Tsuna: A box that's the same orange as the Flame of Sky.

Tsuna: My...

Tsuna: My first Box w*apon...

Irie: However...

Irie: You can't use that yet.

Tsuna: Huh?

Gokudera: What're you talking about?!

Irie: Your Vongola Sky Ring can't open that box yet.

Tsuna: Wha-?!

Irie: You will need the seven Arcobaleno Seals for your Ring to open that box.

Tsuna: Th-The seven...

Gokudera: Arcobaleno Seals?

Reborn: I see...

Reborn: Once Tsuna defeated Xanxus in the battle for the rings,

Reborn: he was officially accepted as the Vongola successor.

Tsuna: What do you mean?

Tsuna: Dumb it down for me a little.

Tsuna: Hello? Reborn?

Tsuna: What exactly do you mean when you say I need the seven Arcobaleno Seals?

Irie: The seven Vongola Rings you possess...

Irie: The seven Arcobaleno pacifiers...

Irie: The seven Mare Rings...

Irie: The components of ³ are intricately linked by an unbreakable bond,

Irie: and the Arcobaleno are those who dedicated themselves to protect it.

Irie: That's why you require the seven Arcobaleno Seals

Irie: to draw out the full power of the Vongola Rings.

Tsuna: But...!

Tsuna: But in this era, Reborn's the only Arcobaleno who's still...

Irie: Yeah...

Irie: That's why you must...

Tsuna: Must what?

Irie: Temporarily go ten years back in time.

Tsuna: T-Ten years back?

Tsuna: We can do that?!

Gokudera: S-Seriously?

Irie: You must then overcome the Arcobaleno Trials

Irie: and obtain the seven Seals.

Gokudera: The Arcobalenos' trials?

Tsuna: Wh-What are they?

Irie: Our first priority is to send you back to the past.

Irie: I'll explain the details after the preparations have been completed.

Irie: You should return to your base for the time being.

Tsuna: Our base?

Irie: Only temporarily...

Irie: Also, you need to return with all the members who time traveled.

Tsuna: The members who time traveled...?

Tsuna: You mean Kyoko-chan, Haru-chan, and everyone else?

Irie: Naturally, they're included.

Irie: They'll need to travel with you.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: So we can take Kyoko-chan and everyone else to the past!

Irie: It's only temporary.

: What?

Irie: Once you've returned to the past and cleared the trials,

Irie: you'll all need to come back to the future.

Irie: The rest of them must return as well.

Tsuna: Huh?

Tsuna: Wh-Why?!

Irie: If they don't return to this time,

Irie: Byakuran-san will eventually notice,

Irie: which would ruin all of our plans!

Tsuna: N-No way...

Tsuna: I finally have a chance to send them back.

Irie: Please understand...

Irie: This process is absolutely necessary to defeat Byakuran-san.

Tsuna: But this is all so sudden...

Tsuna: What am I supposed to tell Kyoko-chan and Haru?

Reborn: Tsuna.

Tsuna: Huh?

Reborn: There's no point in worrying now.

Tsuna: R-Reborn...

Chrome: E-Excuse me...

Chrome: Master Mukuro...

Chrome: What's happened to Mukuro Rokudo?

Irie: According to what Byakuran-san said,

Irie: Mukuro had possessed a Millefiore soldier.

Irie: Once Byakuran-san noticed, he personally...

Tsuna: N-No way!

Irie: But I don't believe him.

Chrome: What?

Irie: Because his name never showed up on the Vindice Penitentiary's deceased list.

Tsuna: Which means...

Irie: He's alive.

Irie: That is certain.

Irie: Hey!

Kusakabe: Chrome-san!

Chrome: I'm so relieved...

Kusakabe: May I ask something, Irie-san?

Irie: Yes.

Kusakabe: I've been wondering...

Kusakabe: Would it be possible to release this time-period's Vongola Family members from that device?

Kusakabe: They would provide great strength.

Irie: Unfortunately, that must not happen.

Irie: If the past and current versions of Tsunayoshi-kun and company simultaneously appeared,

Irie: the possibility exists that space and time would collapse and the world itself would disappear.

Tsuna: Huh?!

Kusakabe: U-Unbelievable...

Irie: That's why we've bet everything on you.

Irie: Our only choice is for you, the official bearers of the Vongola Rings, to take care of this.

Tsuna: You've bet everything on us...

Kusakabe: If they can return to the past,

Kusakabe: couldn't they defeat Byakuran then?

Irie: That would be impossible.

Irie: I already said that defeating Byakuran-san in this time would be the only way to seal his power.

Reborn: That's right, Tsuna.

Reborn: You have an important question to ask Shoichi before you return to the base.

: What?

Reborn: Shoichi Irie, I can see that you truly want to defeat Byakuran.

Reborn: However...

Reborn: Are you going to join our Family?

Irie: Huh?

Irie: Can I?

Gokudera: Just like that...

Gokudera: Shameless little...

Spanner: I'm sticking with you.

Spanner: Hire me, Vongola.

Tsuna: S-Spanner!

Gokudera: They're all so...

Reborn: What are you going to do, Tsuna?

Tsuna: You always turn to me in these situations!

Reborn: The boss is supposed to decide these things.

Gokudera: Tell them what you're feeling right now.

Gokudera: Say no, if you don't want to, boss!

Tsuna: Well, I have no intention of being in the Mafia...

Tsuna: And to be honest, I went through a lot because of Irie-san,

Tsuna: so it makes me hesitant...

Tsuna: But I realize that he's had a hard time.

: What?

Tsuna: So please, continue to lend us your strength.

Gokudera: Bah...

Tsuna: We're counting on you, Spanner.

: Sure thing.

Tsuna: Huh?

Irie: I'm counting on you too!

Irie: Now that everything's settled, I have so much I need to do!

Irie: I have to check this device to make sure I can safely send you back to the past!

Spanner: Shoichi, I can help you with the technical aspects.

Irie: Thanks, Spanner!

Irie: Okay! Time to get busy!

Tsuna: Uh...

Tsuna: Is there anything I can help with?

Irie: Aren't you in a hurry to get back to your friends at the base, Tsunayoshi-kun?

Ryohei: That's right!

Ryohei: What about Kyoko?!

Ryohei: Where's Kyoko?!

Ryohei: Kyoko!

Gokudera: She's not here!

Ryohei: What?!

Gokudera: But she's safe, so stop worrying!

Ryohei: Really?

Ryohei: Where?! Where is she?!

Yamamoto: She's in our base.

Ryohei: Base?

Tsuna: That's right.

Tsuna: We need to explain everything.

Gokudera: Forget it, boss.

: Huh?

Gokudera: It'll take a long time to make turf top understand.

: O-Okay.

Tsuna: Ry-Ryohei...

Tsuna: I'll explain everything later.

Lambo: Hey, hey!

Lambo: Lambo-san wants takoyaki!

Ipin: I'm starving, too!

: A-All right.

Gokudera: Let's go back, boss.

Yamamoto: Let's go, Tsuna.

Irie: Your current mission

Irie: is to travel ten years back, to the aftermath of the battle for the rings,

Irie: and draw out the true power of the Vongola Rings,

Irie: before returning here.

Tsuna: The true power of the Vongola Rings...

Irie: In order to defeat Byakuran-san...

Irie: That's why you're returning, for now.

Irie: All of you need to resolve yourselves.

Irie: We'll deal with the Millefiore remnants.

Irie: Don't worry.

Tsuna: Are we sure the Millefiore guys won't attack us?

Reborn: They've been monitoring from Vongola HQ,

Reborn: and there've been no signs of any enemies or ring flames.

Reborn: We'll be fine.

Tsuna: Okay!

Tsuna: I haven't felt fresh air in so long.

Gokudera: Come on.

Gokudera: Let's go back, boss.

: A-All right.

Lambo: I smell takoyaki!

Lambo: Thataway!

Ryohei: Not happening!

Lambo: Lemme go!

Lambo: Stupid musclehead!

Ryohei: We need to hurry to where Kyoko is.

: Stupid Ryohei!

Lambo: Lemme go!

Lambo: Takoyaki!

Ryohei: Hey! Behave yourself!

Tsuna: Since we were injured and fatigued,

Tsuna: we were all silent on the way back, with the exception of Ryohei and Lambo.

Tsuna: I'm sure everyone found it hard to return to the base,

Tsuna: since we didn't exactly accomplish our mission.

Tsuna: Though we managed to reach our target, Shoichi Irie...

Tsuna: Though we're now able to temporarily return to the past...

Tsuna: We'll have to come back to this time,

Tsuna: where more battles await us.

Tsuna: How should I look when I face everyone waiting at the base?

Tsuna: As it turns out, I didn't need to worry about any of that.

Tsuna: Just the sight of one another...

Tsuna: Just the sight of our smiles...

Tsuna: was enough to fill our hearts

Tsuna: with the joy of seeing each other again!

Ryohei: Now explain everything, Sawada.

Ryohei: Make it easy for me.

: S-Sure.

Reborn: We need Ryohei to get it.

Reborn: This will be a long story,

Reborn: but tell it, Tsuna.

: O-Okay.

Tsuna: It all began...

Tsuna: Ow!

Tsuna: Is this ten years into the future?

Gokudera: Boss!

Yamamoto: Use these.

Tsuna: One-by-one, we were sent to the future by the Ten-Year Bazooka.

Tsuna: We learned that the Millefiore were currently attempting to rule the world,

Tsuna: their boss's name was Byakuran,

Tsuna: and that the man with glasses was the key to it all.

Tsuna: In any case, we trained to learn how to fight in this time,

Tsuna: so we could return Kyoko-chan, Haru, and everyone else to the old, safe Namimori.

Tsuna: We then set off to reach the man with glasses, Shoichi Irie.

Tsuna: However...

Tsuna: We were all split up.

Tsuna: I was saved by Spanner.

Spanner: I want to see a perfected X BURNER.

Spanner: I'll complete it for you.

Tsuna: Meanwhile, Gokudera-kun and his group...

Ryohei: Extremely clueless here!

Ryohei: Why was I defeated?!

Ryohei: Look! I'm just fine!

Gokudera: We said that it's the future you!

Gokudera: Haven't you been listening?!

Ryohei: I have!

Ryohei: So you came ten years into the future

Ryohei: to find a world that was completely crazy!

Tsuna: Th-That's right.

Ryohei: And then I was defeated...

Ryohei: But it wasn't the current me.

Ryohei: That's why I've come to help.

Tsuna: N-No, that's not all...

Tsuna: More stuff happened before you came.

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun fought with Lightning Gamma...

Tsuna: Yamamoto was pitted against the Phantom Knight...

Tsuna: Meanwhile, Spanner and I, with the perfected X BURNER...

Tsuna: After we defeated the Phantom Knight,

Tsuna: we finally reached Shoichi Irie.

Tsuna: But there we found...

Irie: I'm impressed that you made it all the way here.

Irie: I've been waiting for you.

Irie: I'm actually on your side.

Tsuna: Do you understand?

Gokudera: How many times do we have to explain this?!

Gokudera: It's been five hours!

Yamamoto: Now, calm down...

Tsuna: Ry-Ryohei, how much of this are you getting?

Ryohei: Well, basically, to get back to the past,

Ryohei: you went off to beat up the key guy, that Shoichi Irie.

Gokudera: Th-That looks nothing like him.

Yamamoto: No, I kinda see it.

Ryohei: But Irie was actually a good guy,

Ryohei: so you realized that the guy who's extremely evil

Ryohei: is the Millefiore Family's boss, Byakuran!

Tsuna: Y-Yes.

Ryohei: That's so simple then!

Ryohei: Defeat Byakuran!

Ryohei: Defeat the Millefiore!

Ryohei: That's all there is to it.

Tsuna: Y-Yeah...

Tsuna: Something like that...

Gokudera: There's no point in simplifying it for him.

Ryohei: What was that?!

Ryohei: When a story involves flip-flopping back and forth,

Ryohei: I can't make it past the first flop!

Gokudera: Why're you bragging about that, idiot?!

Ryohei: Only idiots call other people idiots!

Yamamoto: Come on, guys...

Yamamoto: We're finally reunited.

Yamamoto: Let's try to get along.

Gokudera: You're supposed to be getting rest!

Gokudera: Scram, baseball brain!

Yamamoto: I heard he was so worried after we disappeared one after another

Yamamoto: that he searched all over Japan five times.

Yamamoto: Doesn't it make you feel good?

Ryohei: Because of that, my body and soul are pumped to the limit!

Gokudera: What are you talking about?

Gokudera: The second you spotted your sister, you were all like, "Kyoko! Kyoko!"

Ryohei: Of course!

Ryohei: She's the only kid sister I've got in the whole universe!

Tsuna: This is making me really tense.

Tsuna: But...

Ryohei: There isn't another one in the whole universe!

Tsuna: Now that the old Ryohei is here...

Gokudera: Keep going, turf top!

Tsuna: Everybody's a lot more cheerful.

Yamamoto: Now, now, Senpai...

Tsuna: It probably sounds weird for me to say this,

Tsuna: but youth is an incredible thing.

Tsuna: Lal fell ill after we returned from Melone Base,

Tsuna: but I'm so glad her life wasn't in danger.

Tsuna: And Gokudera-kun looks to be fine.

Gokudera: You're acting so high and mighty!

Tsuna: But I still don't know

Tsuna: what I should tell Kyoko-chan and everyone else.

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Aren't you hungry, Chrome-chan?

Kyoko: You don't have to force yourself to eat right now.

Kyoko: Food tastes best when you're actually hungry.

Chrome: I'm going to my room...

Haru: How about a cup of tea first?

Haru: There's some great tea...

Haru: Eek?

Haru: She's a quiet and odd girl.

Bianchi: She doesn't know what to do when people are kind to her.

Kyoko: What?

Haru: Eek?

Bianchi: I heard from Reborn...

Bianchi: That girl thought she was all alone for her whole life.

Bianchi: She's never considered that others would accept her unconditionally.

Bianchi: That's why she's suffering a bit of culture shock from what you would consider natural behavior.

Bianchi: But she's a good girl.

Bianchi: Don't treat her any differently.

All: Got it!

Ryohei: Extremely awesome food!

Ryohei: Food! Food!

Haru: Tsuna-san!

Tsuna: We're gonna eat now too.

Lambo: Lambo-san's here for food!

Gokudera: It's your fault that I'm starving.

Ryohei: Could you shut up?!

Gokudera: So what are you serving today?

Gokudera: Ooh! Fried shrimp!

Gokudera: S-Sis!

Tsuna: Gokudera-kun!

Lambo: Is he dead?

Lambo: Hey, is he dead?

Tsuna: Bianchi, put your goggles on.

Bianchi: Oops, sorry about that.

Tsuna: I hope we can return to such peaceful days.

Tsuna: For that to happen, we have to defeat Byakuran...

Tsuna: But...

Tsuna: What are the Arcobaleno Trials?

Haru: E-Everyone...

Haru: Today is the last episode of the corner you've all supported for so long!

Reborn: About time, I'd say.

Haru: But I won't give in!

Haru: I'll stay my cheerful self!

Reborn: Today's guest is Shoichi Irie-san.

Irie: Is it okay for me to be the last guest?

Haru: Of course!

Haru: So, yeah, Tsuna-san told me something.

Irie: Wh-What?

Haru: When you were a child,

Haru: you couldn't even walk after you saw Bianchi-san in a bikini.

Reborn: That's right.

Reborn: You were pretty hilarious back then.

Irie: Bikini! Bikini! Bikini!

Irie: S-Stop it...

Irie: Just the thought of it

Irie: is making my stomach hurt again...

Haru: Eek?!

Reborn: You've worked pretty hard, for a failure, Shoichi.

Irie: Well, I didn't really have a choice.

Irie: There was nothing else I could do.

Haru: Eek?

Haru: Are the two of you talking about a secret?

Haru: That's no fair!

Haru: Fill me in!

Reborn: We can't tell you.

Haru: B-But then the interview...

Haru: Eek?

Haru: It's ending!

Haru: Th-That's all for today's "Haru's Haru-Haru Dangerous Interviews!"

Haru: Thank you for your continued support!

Dialogue: On Screen: ,{\fad(,)}Fin

Haru: Today is the last episode,

Haru: but I hope to see you again one day!

Reborn: Hey, Haru.

Reborn: You never managed to finish a real interview.

Haru: Please don't mention that!

Tsuna: Next time:

Tsuna: The Strongest Seven.

: See you next time!
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