01x06 - Model Behavior

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x06 - Model Behavior

Post by bunniefuu »

Adrianna,what's wrong with you?

You can't go out there like this.

Of course I can.

Annie,you're up.

Change out of that costume.

Put on Adrianna'S.

Mom,it's not just a casual
fling with her and dad.

He's moving her
into the beach house.


Give me a break!

You are never gonna be
happy with somebody else

because you're still in
love with Dylan,and you know it!

So,you think more
about the party after?

Your hotel room?

Ty's in the shower.

In the shower?

Rinsing off.

He didn't tell you to
meet him here, too ,did he?

Here's the thing, Adrianna.

If you have a problem
and you let us know now,

then there are options.

I don't know what
miss walsh told you,

but all I did was take some cough
medicine to preserve my voice.

Which is something she's been doing

since she won the miss sunburst
beauty pageant at age six.

I don't know what you were on,

but you were on more than just
cough syrup,and you know it.

Do you have proof of that?

Okay,this is not just about Adrianna's
behavior the night of the play.

Her attendance this year
has been terrible;

she shows up late and exhausted;
her eyes are red.

okay,you know what?

I go to,like,five auditions a week,

so,yeah,I'm a little tired,
but that doesn't mean I'm on dr*gs.

Well,maybe it's time to think about
pulling back on the acting a little bit.

Well,maybe it's time you think
about lightening her workload.

That's not gonna happen.

Adrianna,you are a fantastic actress.

And if you choose to,
you're gonna have great success,

but there's plenty of time for that.

Maybe you should take a little bit
of pressure off of yourself right now.

Do you really think I want to end up like you,

acting in some tragic theater company,

directing high school musicals
in my spare time?


Adrianna,this is the one and only
time we're gonna offer you this solution.

If we find out that you're using
unprescribed or illegal dr*gs,

we'll have no choice but to expel you.

You people are unbelievable.

Isn't it enough you embarrassed
her in front of the entire school,

not to mention half a dozen industry executives?

Adrianna does not use dr*gs.

If you try to imply otherwise,I'll sue.

Come on,baby.

Good job.

You were amazing,Annie.

You were so good.

Oh, my god ,it's like od,it's like you
were performing just for me.

Nice job,Ty.

Good job,Annie.

Annie,we need to talk.

No,we don'T.

In fact,I think it'd be best if you
just never spoke to me again ever.

I don't get you.

You don't get me?

It's a joke.


I'm sorry.


You're the girl who took Adrianna's part.

Principal wilson's daughter.

It's all starting to make sense now,
isn't it?


God,what is her problem?

She is having a rough time.

Yeah,but so is everybody else.

It's called "high school."

I'm just saying it might be easier

if you can find a way to be the bigger
person where she is concerned.

My mom said she read in some
cougar blog that apparently,

young guys like the "trick" the altoids.

I live in a nightmare.

I mean,my parents are acting like 20 years'
worth of marriage meant nothing.



Don't what?

Don't say you're sorry like there's
no hopelike there's no hope.

Your dad's the one who said there's no hope.

Only because gail has him
under some kind of spell.

I mean,the minute he got in the same
room with my mom they ended up in bed together.

What does that tell you?

That they're still horny.

No,that they still have
feelings for each other.

All I have to do is get them back
in the same place at the same time.

How are you gonna do that?

Um,I kinda have to cancel our dinner plans.

Is that okay?


'Cause I have dinner plans with
daddy and his mistress.



And what about bill fontaine?

I mean,is he still in milan?


Well,see if you can get him anyway.

And send me a list of everybody
who's stateside and available.

Thank you.


is everything okay?


The pacific coast fashion show's
one of my biggest jobs of the year,

and my #2 photographer just.

pulled out.

Oh,and you can't sh**t an entire
runway show by yourself?

And everyone I ever worked with
is either booked or out of the country.


maybe I could work the show with you.

I mean,you said yourself I did a great
job with the los angeles magazine spread.

Debbie,thanks,but this type of sh**t,

it's,it's rough work,even for veterans.

Tough angles,difficult light.

I wouldn't offer if I didn't
think I was 100% ready.

I know how important this job is to you.

The models come later today for camera tests.

Let's just see how that goes
and we'll take it from there.

You won't be sorry.

I promise.


I can't believe this.


Dude,you've been in Beverly Hills,

like,ten minutes and you're
already have a girlfriend.

You know what that makes me?

A loser?

No,a third wheel.

See,this is why you don't go
befriending the new kid

because they're always gonna
be your friend until this.

Needy much?

I mean,is this like a bona fide
mid-teen breakdown right now?

All I'm saying is that I refuse
to be the third wheel.

Are we clear?


Yes,listen,I'm gonna let
you guys just hug this out

while I go try to blog navid a whole new wheel.

Please,don't do that.

Hey,the only thing worse than a third wheel
is a fully exposed squeaky one,okay?

Uh,yeah,it's just kinda what I do.


Dude,what the hell?

Touch me again.

So what do you think is
up next for Adrianna?

Honestly,rehab at promises.

Maybe a mug shot on perez hilton.

I don't know.

Really.How do you relate to a child
actor who probably peaked at age 14?

It's a shame it had to go this way,Brenda,

'cause it really seemed like you were
getting through to her during the play.

Maybe if I had just let her go on,
none of this would be happening.

No,you did the right thing.

I saw her that night, too,
and something is definitely up.

Or maybe she's telling the truth.

I mean,maybe it really is just a classic case
of militant stage mom meets one-too-many hits of robitussin.

On a lighter note,what's next for Brenda walsh?

Well,tonight is our final performance at the taper,

so I'm thinking,afterwards,a glass of chardonnay
and a hot bath sounds about right.

what about you two?

Oh,well,I was hoping I'd take this one to dinner.


What do you say,kels?Tonight the night?

What's the matter?

It's Dylan.

Where is he?

He says wyoming.

Yeah,well,um,actually,I'm here with kel now.


He wants to talk to you.


Uh,who's Dylan?

Sammy's dad.


Season1 Episode06

Don't forget your "future enterpriser"
assignments are due next week.

Five pages detailing your research on any
career in any industry that interests you.

No,Adrianna,you can't do
the paper on yourself.

Annie,what's your plan for the assignment?

Um,my mom's taking pictures
at the pacific coast fashion show.

Dixon and I are gonna be her assistants,
so I thought I could write about that.

You,uh,think your mom could
use a third helper?

thanks,I don't need your charity.

No,what you need is a b or higher on
this assignment to keep from failing my class.


Yeah,we are leaving right after
school for my mom's studio,

and if you're late,we're leaving without you.

Good,then it's settled.

Have you lost your mind?

I want nothing to do with you.

If anybody gets to have a problem here,
it's me with you.

Oh,are you serious?

You stole my part in the play.

Adrianna,I was your understudy.

I had to go on.

You,on the other hand,
did not need to sleep with Ty.

Then why are you helping me?

Because unlike you,I'm actually a nice person.

Kind of ran off there.You okay?



Brenda filled me in on
the whole Dylan saga.

Thought he was supposed to
be off saving the world.

Uh,well,he said he was tired of traveling.

He wants to come back home.

But not to you and sammy.

Not to Beverly Hills,at least.

He wants me and sammy with him.

Guess a romantic dinner with me is kind of out.


look,you are a really great guy.

I mean it.

Any girl would be lucky to have
a chance with someone like you,

but with things the way they are with Dylan,

I just don't know if or when I'm gonna
be able to go there with somebody else.

And you deserve more than that.

Are you asking me to wait?

'Cause I got nothing but
time and the distinct feeling

that women like you don't
come around very often.

I don't want you to wait.

I'm sorry.


Hey,uh,kelly,do you have your
phone with you today?


I was just wondering,if Dylan wanted
to talk to you,why was he calling Brenda?

It's not that I don't want to
go with you,it's just.

I reject the unrealistic expectations
the modeling industry pushes on average women.

And I totally agree.

I totally don't believe you.

Look,it's not like I'm not interested
in seeing runway models in their underwear,

because that would be a lie.

I would like that,a lot,actually.

Okay,if you're still trying to convince
me to go,you are failing miserably.

Check it,I figured out a solution to our third-wheel problem.

dude,that's your problem,not our problem.

But you guys are still going to
the fashion show,aren't you?

How about you let me tag along?

Uh,isn't tagging along the essence
of the third-wheel problem?

Not if I'm not alone; if I bring somebody,

then we'll have all four wheels
on the same track,fully loaded.

Oh,all right,all right.

So who are you bringing?

Uh,well,that's where you come into play.

You know,after the epic flame-out with Ty,
I figured I'd take a shot at Annie.

What do you think?

- what do I think?
- Yeah.

I think that's going in the
"never gonna happen" pile.

- No.
- Why?

She's hot.I'm hot.We're bros.

It makes perfect sense.

Don't make me drop you in
the lunch line,bro.


Looking for this?

I borrowed it for my lunch date this afternoon.

Lunch date?

With who?


Dad's investment guy?

Hello?He's gay.

Yeah,well,I know that now.

He spent the entire lunch talking
about his partner,william,

and I thought he meant business partner,

until he whips out his pictures
from his cruise to barcelona.


Yeah.It's just as well.

I really don't know what
I was thinking.

Oh,no,daddy's taking me to
dinner at the marina club.

Well,that sounds nice.

Is she going?

Hey,ethan and I are going to the
pacific coast fashion show tomorrow night.

We have an extra ticket,if you want to come.


Surrounded by hundreds of hot,
tan,young runway models?

Naomi,how bad do you want
me to feel about myself?

I didn't mean that.

I meant,you're beautiful and smart and.


Thank you.

Count me in.

Okay,here wokay,here we go.

All right.



You know what?Just turn
your hips towards me.

Oh,that's perfect.


That is so good!

Okay,you know what?

Can you give me the other camera?

Thank you.


Can you switch those fans on for me?

There we go.

Debbie's my new prot?g?

Very talented woman.

That's hard to come by these days.

Everyone's so easily preoccupied with.

excuse me.

Um,who are you?


No,clearly,I mean,what modeling
agency are you with?

Uh,yeah,I'm-I'm not a model.

You're kidding.

I mean,the structure and the symmetry.

My name's tom moreno.


Nice to meet you,silver.

You know,that could be you up there.

Yeah,I'm not interested.


I mean,most girls would give up their
cell phones for a professional modeling contract.

Well,I guess I'm not like most girls.

So it seems.

excuse me.

Thank you for inviting me to dinner,naomi.

It means a lot.

To my beautiful and very mature
daughter for bringing us together.

Thank you,sweetheart.

Of course.

We all know you're not exactly the world's
greatest communicator,daddy.

I was worried I might not get to know
your girlfriend if I didn't take the lead.

Obviously,my dad's legendary
secrecy isn't news to you.

Actually,charles and i have always
talked openly about everything.

Oh,well,then you know what a workaholic he is.

I mean,expect him to be gone most nights
and weekends,and lots of business trips.

It's been like that since
way before you guys met.

Or is that how you guys met?

Actually,gail and i met in line at
a gelato stand in century city.

That's so cute!

I didn't even know you
liked gelato,daddy.

Must be one of his dirty little secrets.

Sweetheart,I know what you're trying to do,
and it's not going to work.

Gail knows everything there is to know about me.

Oh,well,that is truly amazing.

How are you handling the current
situation with him and my mom?

You must be a saint to allow them to
keep their own "lines of communication" flowing.

I'm not sure I know what you mean.


I'm sorry,I just.

figured since you and my dad
were so open and honest

that he would have told you that he
and my mom are still sleeping together.



Tracy and i have a very
complicated relationship.

I have always been open
with who she is to me,

just as I've always been open
with who you are to me.

And who would that be,the woman
you're shacking up with at the beach?

Excuse me.


Thank you very much,young lady.

No problem.

Your proofs yesterday look fantastic.


I-I was afraid there was too
much bounce in that last setup.

The light's perfect.

So,this is where the magic happens,huh?


Um,antonio,this is my husband,harry.


Good to meet you.

This is tom moreno.

Tom's producing the fashion show.

Mom,we're gonna start packing up the van.


I will grab the keys.I'll be right back.


Principal wilson.

I'm gonna go wait in the van.

Looks like you and Adrianna
are getting along well.

Mr.Matthews told me
you offered to help.

Yeah,well,that's not
exactly how it happened,

but you said she's been having
a tough time lately,

so I'm trying to cut her some slack.

I'm proud of you.

You know,sweetheart,there's
a little more to the story.

And as principal,I shouldn't be telling you this,

but as your father,I feel like I have to.

Uh,Adrianna might have a substance problem.

Yeah,I kind of figured.

I was there the night of the play.



what's the matter?

Do you still love me?

where's this coming from?

It's not a trick question.

It's just we haven't said it in a long time.

You know?And it's important.



Oh,my god.

Look at yourself!

The guys are going to fall all over
themselves when they see you tonight.

Trust me.

Thank you.

at least my daddy will.

You invited your dad?

Not exactly,but I'll figure out
a way to get him there.

And neither one of them knows
the other's gonna be there?


This isn't the parent trap,naomi.

You can't fix them this way.

Could you go home and get ready?

We're losing valuable time.




Oh,I'm sorry,hon.

Can you back up a bit?


Oh,I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

Where do I know you from?

Are you an actress?

Do high school musicals count?

Spring awakening,west Beverly Hills high?

You saw it?

Yeah,I got dragged to it
by this agent I'm dating,

but I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm reeve conlon.

Annie wilson.

Well,it must be fate that I ran into you tonight.

I'm producing a slasher film about
Beverly Hills cheerleaders at cheer camp,

and it's a shoestring budget,
but the script's a real roller-coaster and.

do you want to come in and read for me?

Yes,that would be amazing.


I'm sorry.

This is Adrianna.


Um,we actually met at sundance,
like,a few years ago.

Right.You played the little
girl in josh marsten's short.


What happened?You kinda fell
off the map after that.


I've been here.

I just,uh.

I haven't been working a ton lately.

I,I was Adrianna's understudy,
the night that you saw the play.

Yeah.If she hadn't gotten
sick right before curtain,

she would have gone on instead.

She was really,really great.

Tell you what.

Why don't you both come
in and audition for me.

Call me tomorrow.We'll set something up.

Thank you.

That's a great-looking house
you're building,sammy.

It's a skyscraper.

It is,is it?

I think you may have a little
budding architect on your hands here.

All right,sammy,it's time
to get your jammies on.

Come here.

good night,buddy.

I'll be in in just
a minute to tuck you in.

I better get going,too.

Ryan wanted to keep
an eye on Adrianna,so.

I had my agent get us some
tickets to that fashion show.

Oh,you and ryan.

I guess old habits die hard
with you,don't they?

What is that supposed to mean?

When's the last time you saw Dylan?

I don't even remember.

I remember the last time
I saw him was.

christmas eve,sammy's first christmas,
right here in this living room.

I can even tell you what he was wearing.

Well,you two had a lot more going on
that we ever did,so that makes sense.

Then why do you think he
called you today,and not me?

You would have to ask him that.

I will.


Brenda,if there is something
going on with you and Dylan,

now is the time to tell me.

He got my e-mail address from brandon,

and he sent me a message from
Africa a few months ago.

He wanted to know if you
were in a relationship.

I talked to him about that same time.

Why didn't he just ask me?

I don't know,but I told him that
he was already messing up,

and that if he was serious
about reconnecting with you,

he needed to come back to the
states and do it the right way.

I mean,he's hurt you so many times,
I was just trying to protect you.

Or maybe you were trying to
keep the door open for yourself.

I thought that we had moved
past all this already.


I'm sorry.

It's just.

hearing his voice today in that place.

with you there.

just stirred up a lot of
old feelings,I guess.

Hey,Dylan and i are ancient history,
and it's gonna stay that way.

Kelly,you deserve to be happy,and so does sammy.

And if that means ever after on
a ranch with Dylan,then I am all for it.

You deserve to be happy,too.

i am happy.

I'll talk to you soon.

All right.


All right,do you know how many third
world families could live on that?

Maybe you should go for it and feed the world.

I mean,you know,too bad male
underwear models don't have it

as gmale underwear modelsdon't have it as good

or I'd definitely try it myself.

Well,if you ever want to model
for me,we can just go.

okay,discomfort level rising.

Uh,navid,why don't you go
talk to one of these girls?


You're persian?


and cute.

Come on.I'll introduce you
to some of my friends.


this is not like any high
school weeknight I remember.

Well,you didn't go to west beverly.

Trade in rhianna and louboutins
for madonna and black leggings,

and it's exactly the same
as when I was a teenager.

Nice to have a veteran by my side.

I'm guessing I wouldn't be your first choice.


Well,it's pretty clear kelly's not
really in a head space to date,

whatever that means.

You know,I-I probably
shouldn't say anything,but.

I love kelly.

As great as she is,
you just dodged an epic b*llet.

You're pretty sassy,you know that?


I've been told.

are you gonna be staring
at your sidekick all night?

You gonna stare at all the fake boobs all night?

I 911'd my dad six times.

He said he'd text me the second he gets here.


Wait till my dad sees how good she looks.

It's going to be perfect.

Oh,my god.He's here.Okay.

Make sure mom doesn't go anywhere.

I'll be right back.

I have to say,your mom-- pretty awesome.

She is,isn't she?

Guess I never really looked at her
that way because to me she's just mom.

Sometimes I feel like my mom doesn't
even see me as her daughter,

more like her favorite client.

How do you handle that?

By not letting her down.

Hey,that was really cool,
what you did for me with that producer.

Thank you.

No,I was just telling her the truth.

Listen,Annie,I need to tell you something.


Ty didn't invite me to his
hotel room after the play.

I don't understand.

He wasn't in the shower when you showed up.

He was out looking for you.

I.tricked you and I'm sorry.

You do realize that I told Ty
to never speak to me again.


I said I was sorry.

You're unbelievable!

Are you okay?


Annie,where's Adrianna?

Oh,you know,she's just off cooking up her
next little psychotic plan to ruin my life.

Is she.?

On dr*gs?

You little bitch!

What are you,some kinda narc for daddy?

All right.You know,what?
Let's take a breath.Okay? Let's calm down.


I am calm and I'm not doing dr*gs.

It looks like principal wilson's
little sting operation failed.

His perfect little daughter's cover is blown.

- Dad.
- Yeah.

Did you tell me to be nice to Adrianna
because you wanted proof she was using dr*gs?

No!Of,of course not.

I would never put you in that position.

Yeah.Well,she thinks i was spying for you.

She's probably texting every
number in her sidekick as we speak.

- I'm sorry,sweetheart.
- Yeah.Thanks.

I had to meet you here?


Where'd she go?

Where did who go?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Young lady,what are you up to?


What are you doing here?

I received an urgent text message from
your daughter saying that there was an emergency here.

Now I see she was lying.

I wasn't lying.

Would you explain this to those of us who
have no idea what you're talking about.

Uh,we were set up.

Set up?

Clearly,naomi expected me to come in here,

find you in the arms of your ridiculous companions
and whisk you off in a jealous rage.

Is this true,naomi?

Did you really just invite me
here as some sort of game?

No,this wasn't some sort of game.

I just wanted you guys to
give your marriage a chance.

I figured if you were together.

we are not together,naomi.

Your mother and I will never be together.


you don't have to be cruel.

No,I have tried the civil route,
and it didn't work.

You'll accept that this marriage is over,
and we can all move on with our lives.

I hope you and gail are happy together.

Looks like this party's really
kicking into high gear.

Yeah,I never should have gotten involved.

Hey,you know,you were just trying to help.

I think I may get out of town
for a little bit,you know?

Take a break from acting,recalibrate.

Any idea what you might do?

Might go visit my brother
brandon and his family.

I didn't know you had a brother.

There's a lot that you
don't know about me,

and it's probably better
that it stays that way.

I'm heading in your direction if you want a ride.

How do you know where I'm heading?

I don'T.

Let's go.

Now,I thought the modeling
world was not for you.

Morbid fascination.

I was dragged here kicking and screaming.

You know how you can tell when
one of these girls are really special?

You catch them in their everyday life.

I discovered rebecca romijn in
a supermarket in santa cruz.


I was also the first to see
the potential in heidi as well.

You know,you've got the exact
same thing they have.


What's that?

Me backing you.

All you need now is an agent and
a stylist and a portfolio.

But I can help you with that.

But if you're not interested.

how about I get my driver to take
us back to my house in the hills,

and we can plot the world
domination of silver in my jacuzzi?

You're kidding,right?

Do you know how old I am?

Oh,age,to me,is more of a state of mind.

Yeah,well,in the state of california,
it's 15 to 20 hard time.

Look,you're obviously a very smart girl,

and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

so why don't you think about
all the good the money could do?


Get your hands off her!

Dixon,what are you doing?

Who the hell is this thug?


This young man is my son.

Oh,really?And who the baby daddy?

Excuse me.



Back off!

What the hell is the matter with you?


What's going on here?

What's going on is this prot?g?

of yours and her little compton kid compton.

just lost you your biggest account.

You're fired.

You okay?


I'm an idiot.

Do you know I.

actually almost started believing that guy.


That guy is a pig.

But he was right about one thing.

You were definitely the most
beautiful girl in the room tonight.

Thank you.

Let me take you home,all right?

that was at palisades high.

It's is like,"we found pigs 1,2,and 4,"
but where the hell is 3?

"We've looked everywhere,
and we can't find the fourth pig.

" But the joke was there
was only three pigs.

We just numbered them 1,2,and 4.

yeah,I don't get it.

There was no fourth pig.

But then what happened to pr three?

What are you doing here?

I got a text from Adrianna about an hour ago.

She told me about what happened at the roosevelt.


Looks like we were set up.

Yeah,lots of that going on around here.

Look,I'm sorry.

About what?

Even with Adrianna standing
there in that towel,

I knew you weren't that kind of guy,
I should have trusted my instincts.


You should have.

You know,I went to the hotel that night thinking
it was going to be the night for us.

There's other nights,other hotels.


not for me.

Not yet.

I'm just not ready.

God,this town really messes
with your head,doesn't it?


you've always got a friend with me.

If you need one.

I think that might exactly
what I need right now.

Friends it is.

antonio,I'm so sorry.

If you want to fire me,
I totally understand.


You were defending your son.

And life's too short to work
with people like that.

And you're too talented not to keep around.

Thank you.

Thank you.

He did not fire you?


hey,is dixon okay?

Yeah,I gave him grandma's mercedes.

He is taking silver home.

Where's Annie and Adrianna?

That is a whole other story.

Can we get out of here already?

I will fill you in on the way home.

Every time I try to fix it.

Every time.

I should have just listened to you.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

I just wanted everything to be the same before.

before all this drama.

Now my parents will never get back together.

Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

How can you say that?

some people just.

aren't meant to be together.

That's all.

They were together,ethan.

That's the point.

That doesn't mean anything.

Sex always means something.

It says there's still some feelings,connection,emotion.

It's that way with us,right?


Not always.

So is that why you couldn't
say you loved me earlier?

It's complicated.

It shouldn't be complicated,E.

I'm just so tired.

I'm tired of pretending that my parents
are gonna be together forever.

I'm tired of pretending that we're
ultimately gonna stay together.

I think it's over,E.

For good,this time.

I think you're right.


How was the party?

Oh,you know.

Dreams built up and shattered.

Typical night in hollywood.

I'm sorry.

Is he awake?I don't want to wake him up.

Oh,no.He's down for the count.

We had a big day.

What's up with the suitcases?

Well,sam and I are going to visit Dylan.

Oh,my god.

Are you gonna get back together with him?


And there is every
possibility that after this,

Dylan may be out of our lives for good,

but I have to find out one way or the other.

I can't keep living in this
in-between place,you know?

You actually think he's changed?

There's one way to find out.

Well,how long are you gonna be gone?

The school gave me a two-week leave.

And I talked to your dad.

He has a room ready,and he's waiting for you.

You're kidding,right?

I am not gonna go stay with Mel
and his latest child bride.

I think that girl's
actually in my homeroom.

Ugh,I don't know.

Well,you can't stay with mom.

That's for sure.

And you're not going back to that shelter.


Why don't I stay here?

I can look after your place,
bring in your mail,

pay your everything,you know,
water your flowers.

Come on.My stuff's already
here anyways, so.



Okay,yes,I think you can handle it.



that means you have to come back,right?

With or without Dylan.

Don't worry about it,okay?

Silver,you and I are family.

You'll never be alone.

Come here.


I love you.

I love you.

Got your message.

Who are you?

Where's kevin?

Kevin doesn't work for me anymore.

What are you looking for?

I'll take whatever you got.

Welcome to the big leagues,little lady.
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