07x02 - Sneak Attack! Dinoking

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x02 - Sneak Attack! Dinoking

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Dinosaur Force combine to form


Bring your swords together!

Sneak Attack! Dinoking

Hailing from the Death Zone, the
Decepticons' emperor Deszaras
commands a fiendish army

that ceaselessly plunders energy from
the planets inhabited by the intelligent
living creatures of the universe.

They made the Earth their next target.

The Earth is threatened!

But then, the hero of the Galactic
Peace Alliance and the Supreme
Commander of the Autobots,

Star Saber rose up to protect the Earth.

The Decepticons destroyed the
Lunar Base energy facilities...

...and the space station.

The humans that were working in
those places are all in our care.

All of those people say that they want
to return to the Earth immediately.

Okay, the program is complete.

Jan, this is you. And these
are the Decepticons.

Ready, start!

Okay, take this!

Why you...!

Why you...!
-Be careful Jan! They come
at you from below, too!

-Huh!? Aa...!
-Be careful Jan! They come
at you from below, too!

Nn... damn! Nn!

C'mon, you...! Jerk!

That's understandable.

They probably want to return home
to their families and loved ones
waiting for them on the Earth.

But we don't know when the
Decepticons will show up again.

Okay, we'll take them there ourselves.

What!? W- wait a minute,
Supreme Commander!

Huh? What is it, Dashtacker?

If everyone is going to the Earth,
does that mean our captain
is getting left behind?

That wouldn't be fair!
Right, Machtackle?

That's right!

No one has said that they're
leaving anyone behind. Listen
to everything I have to say!

Yes sir...

You're always jumping to
conclusions, Dashtacker.

You shouldn't be laughing!




Wingwaver! Report
here on the double!

I'm saved!

Huh? Saved?

Yes, I thought I was going
to have to stay here!

That wouldn't have been fun at all!

You saved me!

You talk just like Dashtacker...

Be careful along the way.

Be careful along the way.
-All right!

Hey! Listen to everything I have to say!
-All right!


Dinosaur Force Captain
Goryu reporting.

Emperor Deszaras!


A limitless mine lays before our eyes!

We will defeat the Autobots,
take all of the Earth's energy,

and take control of the galaxy!


Yes, Emperor! The plan to defeat the
Autobots is ingrained into my heart.

I will set it into motion immediately!

Goryu! Take the Dinosaur Force and
destroy the Autobots' Galaxy Base!

Huh!? Their Galaxy Base?!

Shouldn't that annoying Star
Saber be taken care of first!?

Shouldn't that annoying Star
Saber be taken care of first!?


I'll take care of Star Saber.

Just do as you're told!!

Just do as you're told!!

Do I detect dissatisfaction, Goryu?

D- dissatisfaction!? N- not at all!

I'm the leader of the
Dinosaur Forces, after all!

We'll move out immediately!

Move out!

Troops, follow me!

What are you doing, idiots!?

I said move!!


Troops! We'll begin our
operation over there!

Huh? That's...


Get down!!


Decepticons, I presume?

An Autobot, eh?

Can't you tell?

I'm the captain of the
Autobot Multiforce,


"The captain of the Autobot
Multiforce, Wingwaver"?

Who do you think you are, you punk!?

If you're an Autobot, then we
can't let you leave here alive!

Today I'm gonna be the
first to run him through!

For a warm-up, let's tear this guy apart!

Watch it! You're always in the
back so you're going to mess
up if you try attacking first!

I'm sorry!



Wait, you!

I can't get out!

What are you doing, idiot!?

Hurry up and take him down!

The Captain's late. You
think something happened?

Nah, there's no need to worry.

What are you making, Laster?

What, indeed?

Nothing useful, I take it?

Never you mind.

Okay, it's done.

Have a look!

What is it?

It's the "Flasher".


Turn that way and turn the switch on.

I can't see!

Don't worry, you'll be
fine in a little while.

It's a w*apon that temporarily
blinds the enemy.

Awesome! That's the Autobots'
number one technician for you!

You flatter me!

I can finally see again...

What do you think? Powerful, isn't it?

Can I have this?

Sure you can!


All right!

Aww, no fair!

He tested it, so he gets priority.

Thank you!

Thank you!
-Big trouble!

Big trouble, everyone!

Wingwaver was att*cked
by the Dinosaur Force!

Wingwaver was att*cked
by the Dinosaur Force!

What did you say!?

Commander! Machtackle
and I will go help him!

Commander! Machtackle
and I will go help him!

Your duty is to protect
the Galaxy Shuttle Base.

B- but...!

Then shall we...?


Leave this to us.

You Multiforce are still rookies.

Watch our fighting style carefully.



Surround him!

I'll finish you.

Take this!

Now to finish you!!

Lieutenant Commander!

How dare you!

Hey, Wingwaver!

Your arm okay?

l- it's nothing!

Taking on all of the
Dinosaur Force by himself

is just what I'd expect from the
leader of the Autobot Multiforce!

Wingwaver! Leave them
to us, get to the base!

No, I can still fight!

Hey, kid!

Just be good and listen to
the commander's order.


Show those Autobot insects
the limitless strength
of the Dinosaur Force!!






Got that? Move out!


What're you doing!?

I'm sorry...!

Now all the Multiforce are assembled!

We'll really rip up the
Decepticons now!

Right, Captain?


Attend to that wound immediately.

Attend to that wound immediately.
-- Y- yes sir!

Supreme Commander, shouldn't
we go to give them some backup?

No, there's no need to worry.

They're experienced warriors.

The Supreme Commander trusts them.

But Deszaras' lack of
activity worries me.

Those idiots! Just flatten
them with Dinoking!

Damn you! I'll show you the
power of the Dinosaur Force!


Merge to form Dinoking!




Witness the power of Dinoking!

I'll shatter your bodies, weaklings!

"Dinoking"? He's
nothing but a big robot!

That's right!

What's this?

That's the Decepticon Dinosaur Force!

Why those...!

Multiforce! Get to your battle stations!

Yes sir!

I will go to cargo block !

Dashtacker will take , and
Machtackle will take !

Dashtacker will take , and
Machtackle will take !
-Yes sir! -Yes sir!

We'll take cargo block !

Stop messing around and
man the defence lasers!

Stop messing around and
man the defence lasers!
-I am manning them!

You won't close in so easily!

Can't get close, can you now?

Now, try swallowing this!!

Did you really think
those could hurt ME!?

Bring your swords together!

This isn't good, they'll be wiped
out if I don't do something.

Wingwaver! Blacker and
the others are in danger!

I'm heading out to give them
backup, you handle things here!

Yes sir!


There are many humans inside
the Galaxy Shuttle Base.

Protect them!

Yes sir.

Here they come again!

Damn! Those animals were waiting
for the Supreme Commander to leave!

Eat this!


Dinoking! I will be your opponent!

Supreme Commander!

Blacker! You three fall
back and protect the base!

Yes sir!

Star Saber! I've been waiting for you!

I'm gonna turn you into scrap!





Wh- what!?

Star Saber had a battle
machine like that!?

Great Emperor! I'm heading out!

Wait. Don't be so hasty.

Carefully observe his abilities.

Yes, Emperor.

It's no use, Jan! Let's escape!

This thing came in handy!

The humans we rescued are in danger!

Galaxy Base separating
from cargo block.

Delivering the humans to Earth.




You're not getting past this point!




This sword cannot forgive evil.

If you can survive its
wrath, then do so!!

Fall back!

Supreme Commander!

The Galaxy Base already left for Earth!

Okay, let's hurry and follow it!


So that's where Jan's from.

What a beautiful planet!

What's wrong, Jan? Aren't you happy?

Well, I'm worried because the
Decepticons are after Earth...

Don't worry, we're here with you!



Right now, Star Saber's heart
is burning with a newly found
determination and fighting spirit

to protect the beautiful
planet Earth from the wicked
fangs of the Decepticons.

Preview for the Next Episode

After Jan arrives with us on the
Earth, he enters the school that
he always wanted to attend.

However, his joy is fleeting as an
indiscriminate Decepticon attack turns
the school grounds into a b*ttlefield.

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Attack! Leozack"

Attack! Leozack
"Attack! Leozack"

Attack! Leozack
Now, you too together with us,

Now, you too together with us,

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