07x23 - The Death of Ginrai!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x23 - The Death of Ginrai!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Jan, Holi!

Godmasters... are immortal!

Commander Ginrai!

The Death of Ginrai!!

Eat this!

Help me!

Still haven't learned your lesson?



As his ambitions to rule the entire
universe are blocked by Star
Saber and the Autobots,

Deszaras, along with Leozack,
challenges them to a fight and
attempts to eliminate them.

As he is about to finish off Star Saber,
God Ginrai comes to the rescue
and his plan ends in failure.

However, God Ginrai
is fatally wounded.

Star Saber is injured, and Lieutenant
Commander Blacker is also hurt.

The Autobots now face
their greatest crisis ever.

Kick the worms out!
Take the solar base!


Damn it! And the Supreme
Commander is injured!

Supreme Commander! There's
a communiqué from Dashtacker
on patrol in America!

Okay, open a channel!

Yes sir!

The Dinosaur Force have appeared at
the New Cheyenne Airport fuel depot!

Machtackle and I are currently
exchanging fire with them!

The two of us can't possibly
stop them by ourselves!


They know our situation so they've
been launching multiple att*cks!

Supreme Commander!

Wingwaver! Hurry to the airport
with Holi and the Rescue Team!
Laster, Braver, come with me!

We're going to the solar base!

You can't!

Please stop, Supreme Commander!

Leave this to us and get some rest!

And let the civilian casualties
increase higher and higher!?

Supreme Commander!


-Supreme Commander!
-Supreme Commander!

Grab hold!

Got it!


Will the Supreme Commander
be all right in his condition?

Let's hurry there in Galaxy Shuttle!

Yes sir!

Yes sir!

Lieutenant Commander!

Why didn't anyone stop the
Supreme Commander!?

We did stop him, but...

Star Saber hasn't changed a bit since
before he was Supreme Commander.

Lieutenant Commander! Are
you really going to head out?

I wouldn't want to have to wake up and
see more injured Autobots next to me.

Let's go!

As the injured Star Saber
and Blacker headed out...

...God Ginrai was lying in the
base's intensive care room.

Going by their looks, I'm done for.

I have no regrets.

I was just asked to be the Supreme
Commander of the Defence Force.

You're the best for the job!

Do you really think so?

Everyone wants it to be you!

Thank you.

But I don't like giving orders.

God Ginrai, will you
continue to help me out?

You're asking me?

Don't be so formal. I'll help you
out even if my life is at stake.

That's a relief to hear.

I'll tell Headquarters that I'll accept
the role of Supreme Commander.

You didn't accept it yet?

I thought I'd see what you
thought before giving my answer.

Star Saber!

I mean, Supreme Commander!

Supreme Commander...

A-hoi-hoi-hoita! Tasty energy~!



C- Captain! It's the Autobots!


sh**t them down!

Leave it to Kakuryu! Tee-hee!


I'm- I'm sorry!



Lieutenant Commander!

Don't worry about me!


Stop the energy theft!

Yes sir!

With Star Saber and
God Ginrai eliminated,

the Autobots will be nothing to fear.

Star Saber's life was not
put to an end, however.

It's nothing to worry about, we
only need to gather energy.

Hmm? That accursed Star Saber!

He must want to be finished off!

I will put an end to his life!

Please remain here!

Killbison, Drillhorn, come with me!

The others continue working!




Supreme Commander! Look out!

Eat this!

Supreme Commander!

He wasn't ready yet!

I hate this! I HATE THIS!

The Decepticons getting away
with doing whatever they want...

The Decepticons getting away
with doing whatever they want...

God Ginrai.

This is difficult to say, but...

I can take it.

Tell me the truth.

To tell the truth...

I'm done for, right?

We tried many different
treatments, but...

...so I was right.

...so I was right.
-Don't take it the wrong way.

You're only done for as God Ginrai.

What do you mean?

If you were a human, your
heart and internal organs
would still be functional.

So that leaves us with one last option.

But you will no longer
be the same God Ginrai.

You don't need to console me.

Please listen to what I have to say.

I'm not as advanced as a Brainmaster.

But I've lived as a Godmaster
and without any regrets.

That's enough for me.


I'll listen.

Pl- please forget about that!

You are still the commander
of the Sector Two Force,

to suggest such a
thing to you would be...

Something must have been
wrong with me. Please forget it.

What are you hiding?

G- Ginrai...

We've known each
other for a long time.

So you see, I wasn't yet sure what
I should do to preserve your life.

Tell me the truth.

Doctor! We should tell him the truth!


Allow me to say it!

Commander Ginrai, even though
your main functions are outdated,

they possess extraordinary abilities!

The doctor knows that
more than anyone!

So the reconstruction
design should be...!


Reconstruction design?

No, it's nothing...

Forget about it.

If you're worried about me,
then tell me everything.

So your position as
Supreme Commander

wouldn't allow you to
stay put, Star Saber?

Even if I was a mere Autobot
solider, I could never allow
you to get away with this!

You're spouting bravado
while your body is trembling.




What have I said!?


Don't say it. I'm not reprimanding you.


Turn off the switch!


The Supreme Commander is...!

It was too much for him after all! We've
got to hurry and bring him back!

He'll be k*lled!!

Someone take me there!!



Do as I say.

God Ginrai, you can't possibly...!

Hang on!

Supreme Commander!


Commander Ginrai is...!

Did something happen to Ginrai!?

He says he wants to talk to
you in person right away!

Has his condition
worsened that badly!?

Go and meet with him!


Commander Ginrai is fully aware that
you can't easily leave the b*ttlefield!

But he's still asking you to come!

Leave this to us, and go and see him!



I heard!

Go to him!

You're just slowing us down!




You think I said too much?

You think I said too much?
-He was glad.

Laster! If we die, it'll be together!

Let's fight with all of our Autobot spirit!

All right!

What!? Done for!?

Even though I can still talk,

I can't stand up, and I can't hold a g*n.

Can I be a commander like this?

You'll get better soon!

Supreme Commander.

Allow my body to be reconstructed, so
that I can become a power-up for you!

R- reconstructed!?

You three! Did you tell him about my
power-up reconstruction design!?


Don't reprimand the doctor.

I made him tell me.

And this is something
that I decided on my own.


I will die and be reborn.

Even if my appearance changes...


Show us.

No! I don't want the Commander
to change into a form like this!

My decision is firm.

Even if your decision is firm,

I won't allow it!

You may be reborn as a new lifeform,

but the lifeform known as God
Ginrai will disappear forever!!

The doctor has already
given me a long lecture.

Even still, my decision is firm.

I still don't like it!

Commander Ginrai will be gone...


I won't die.

I'll be reborn.


If I am reborn, and I combine
with the Supreme Commander,

we'll be able to stop the Decepticons
from doing whatever they please!

But the Commander I know
will be gone, won't he!?

Jan, please don't worry.

I'll always be your friend.

No. I can't just use your body.

There's no time!


He will still live if he remains here.

But if we are to resurrect
him as a new lifeform,

we must begin the procedure
before any metal corrosion sets in!


Hurry up and haul it out of here!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Here we go!







Behave yourselves from now on!
Be sure to tell that to Star Saber!

Damn them!!

God Ginrai...

I made this choice myself.

Let me fight by your side
once again as an Autobot.

Commander Ginrai!


We still be together, now and always.

We'll really be together
always and always, right?


Is everything prepared? We're
beginning the procedure!

Everything's okay!

God Ginrai.

I'll make sure that your death
will not be in vain! And...

...l'll never forget you.

Supreme Commander,
please step back!

Commander Ginrai!


Supreme Commander!

Is this...!?


One minute until the
death of God Ginrai!



Now, a completely new lifeform
with God Ginrai's operational
functions will be born!

All positions, concentrate
on revival operations!

Yes sir!

Commander Ginrai!

Commander Ginrai...

Commander Ginrai...

Commander Ginraiiiiii!

Preview for the Next Episode

A new warrior is born to we Autobots!

God Ginrai has
resurrected like a phoenix!

His name is Victory Leo!

With destructive power and
the ultimate transformation,

no enemy can stand in his path!

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Fight, Victory Leo!!"

Now, you together with us,

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