07x28 - Nazo?! Kichi Bakuha no Wana

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x28 - Nazo?! Kichi Bakuha no Wana

Post by bunniefuu »



deaths Andrus has acquired the energy he

needed to react to make the space city

then he launched a massive attack on

earth cheap star saber and victory Leo

disappeared during the ensuing battle

which has left the Autobots in a

desperate state there's still no sign or

any news from the chief the detector is

on full power but we picked up nothing

yet could something have happened to him

keep trying to contact him it's a slog

yes captain can you go tell the Autobots

I want to see them now but what for

never mind just call them oh no a huge

meteorite he's coming this way it'll hit

us soon we must try to blow it up in the

air forget it there's no time so what do

we do

the space city

turns for birds

we must try with Zephyr

why do you want us to have this captain

ice pick because death sandra's has

betrayed us he's only using us he's this

loyal to us first so why should we be

loyal to him but still uh-huh

I need to discuss this with my friends

stakeout can you come at once leg

crosses been wounded oh no no more now

how can I handle so many at one time

bland cross as well okay then I'll go

almost all the fighting force and the

team's been rounded now what are we

gonna do when the enemies here oh well

me God he's taking his mechanical truck

was he going


click on now you're gonna tell me where

you're going what are you trying to do

Oh fix it I already found a way to

destroy death Cyrus and space city

captain icepick gave it to me he gave it

to you maybe we should try it and see if

it works or not everybody's wounded

that's why I'm going alone it could be

dangerous let me come with you you know

me come you could k*ll hmm but I man on

about why or two people in the shuttle

identify yourself I repeat identify

yourself red hot you just stay in the

face oh it's you captain fix it

none of my predecessor to manage to

fulfill the Empire's ambition conquer

the universe but I'm gonna change

history I'm going to destroy the earth

then spread my power other planets in

the galaxy okay ready let's start now

yessir I sho use a super energy force to

shatter the earth into pieces switch on

this system and prepare for the launch



I have to destroy a study I must have

lost consciousness yeah the space a

does it matter


that's the energy into the firing device

watch shopping finish so victory saber

is still alive it's all right my lord

I'll take care of him all right but

don't k*ll him keep him alive for a

while I want him to witness a

destruction of the air I know what to do

my lord


we're not gonna stop me this life star

saber missin your beautiful earth will

be blown to pieces in exactly 10 minutes

from now I'll stop you no matter what it

costs don't be so sure

thank heaven for to mr. alive you don't

be too so easily okay I'm going into the

space city hey Vito mikha what are you

doing me oh I found a way to destroy the

space city we've come here to help you

it's too dangerous make hot

there's more

I'll go in victorville utility of Kaiser

right okay come and fight me Leo Kaiser

looks like a human being missing from

these guys


this must be it the flats tour of await

the energy reflector is the heart of the

space city as soon as it's destroyed

then a space city will lose all of its

power ah this is a massive structure how

can I ever destroy this

only two minutes

sorry Aramina cute I need to use you to

destroy the energy reflector I'm very



can't move it all I've empower alive

that idiot anybody who gets near the

mouth of the cannon which is filled with

energy will be immediately sucked dry of

their power they could even be k*lled as

well never mind very soon the earth will

be destroyed anyway

10 more seconds to go

I rely on you

what's that what's happened

lika you've done it

may God where are you me con me God come

on stop me

I'm in love

he was very powerful but you lost it to

a little boy

I get you

that Sandra's

let's see who's got very who will sing



John you

better what


thank you one no way you cannot beat me

star saber with his puny sword you have

no chance nobody can beat me nobody in

the universe for Ryan Kath son mica

could me kind of been k*lled I hope not

let's look inside right

Neela haha oh that's it how do you feel

are you hurt me con what happened is the

earth okay and the space city the earth

are safe the space that he's lost all

its energy uh-huh and where's the chief

now I don't know I thought he'd followed

you in here I suspect the chief must be

in here somewhere then let's go and find

him oh you better lay down okay I'll go

and find the cheek myself fix it you

take me con out of here now because

where are you

the cheaper in there okay star saber you

haven't big me yeah you won't k*ll me so

easily if I die you die with me what's

that not only will you die with me but

your beautiful earth will perish

together with me the space city has been

set on a course it's gonna crash into

the earth and going to pieces my dream

will be fulfilled after all I will be

the first ruler to destroy the earth and

the Autobots there's nothing you can do

now but away

I know it I have that conquer anyone who

stands in my way will die no it's gonna



cheap I'm inside the space citi-def

Sanders has set it to collide with the

earth why chief can you get out of there

jeff mican where are you victory leo and

fix it save me i'm outside now i have to

blow up the space city before it hits

the earth even it means sacrificing my

own life uh-uh no chain no gee chief

don't worry I found you I'll be with you


Victoria literally Oh would you agree to

risk your own life to save the earth

good then let's take a gamble

let's concentrate our power for this one


then at the end for the air


oh gee gee

the Autobots love a piece and courage

together with the tenacity and courage

of the human race have at last enabled

them to restore peace to the earth and

the universe

I've had everything it's a one for you

we wouldn't be here now I think we

should all thank the chief of course but

you did a wonderful job as well actually

I couldn't have succeeded without you

owe me really well actually it's not

what I mean you did it had a flatter a

girl Lauren courage will always prevail

roda braver and Laster have all been

promoted to captain ds in the space

Defense Force unit one land cross is now

responsible for training new recruits

still pulling around and taking things

easy route is still very young and sit

shot has returned to myth cloth to

resume is closest captain of the unit to

Clark an ice pick of the dinosaurs has

become head of the garbage collection

team we are cleaning a whole city and

slug has become very popular among the

children in the playground as for me and

meeza we've both been promoted to 8th

grade will be able to be together again

oh yes there's the key spare

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