06x05 - Rampage!! Little Devils with no Need for Rules

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x05 - Rampage!! Little Devils with no Need for Rules

Post by bunniefuu »


















come on



yeah we did it we got two that's enough

huh you've broken the rules again

how many times have i told you siren the

most important thing on the field is

teamwork it's not for showing off

individual prowess have you forgotten




you always have new tricks oh no

i shouldn't be playing



oh you're here tonight

yes look asked me to come too

oh don't look at me like that it's

embarrassing don't get me wrong that's

one of the dance movements i learned huh

i'm amazed you're still in the mood to

learn dancing at a time like this

my teacher says i'm clever i learn first

so i decided i must learn this

traditional dance well

yes we must be enthusiastic yes i agree

we'll be good combat soldiers you'll see

you two aren't the least bit

artistically inclined

you are not sophisticated at all

don't be frightened nothing has happened

now listen to me

i've just heard wave rider has called

from the states he wants to invite you

three over


so then have a good time all of you hook

you and waverider are nice you're always

so kind yes you always care about what

we need and you certainly know how to

flatter people

the trouble making little monsters



these are the devil riders

and this is the place where the

so-called bad elements of society used

to gather

one day a rival g*ng att*cked us that's


we were outnumbered the situation didn't

look good at all


many of us were injured i was captured

and tortured


after that

we are forced to disband and i swore

that i get even with them

yes i know and later you even sent them

a challenge didn't you this is getting

more interesting

i'm gonna make them pain



that was good one more time

okay that's enough

it's time for training

training again right you need to have

more specialized training to develop

your potential it's very important

i knew he wouldn't come here for

sighting so hook fooled us

it seems so it's too late for all that




come on then

relax just imagine you're at the

football ground




good i've done it


okay now the next step


it's your turn next hose head me

it's strange this is only a simulated

test but i can feel the heat


i'm afraid you failed the test you need

to undergo more training hose head


next nightbeat

transform now and save that dog

yes sir

it's gonna drown

right i've got the dog and i saved it



watch out

have you forgot what your next action

should be

your attack can only stall the enemy for

a short time if you're in a real combat

situation you would be dead by now


i'm okay it's medical stuff but i'm no

good in combat

don't worry if the situation requires it

i can go and fight isn't that right

now i have an assignment for you

i have to go out now to check out an

underwater volcanic expl*si*n will you

look after things here while i'm away

sure no problem

my beat

don't be depressed by the results of the

test i'm sure you'll do better next time

right i'll see you all later


power on




there they are



is this all only three of you three is

more than enough

don't play tough i know very well what

you can do you're just a bunch of

chickens idiot just me on my own could

wipe your entire group out oh yeah and

let's see

go get em

what's going on


well done they all felt like flies

please forgive me let me go

i promise you i i won't go against you


i'll do anything you want please please

oh yeah

well it's too late you gotta pay


well done fangri keep up your good work

destroy continue to destroy and show

people on earth who are the real masters

show them our powers intoxicate the

young people's minds and recruit them

establish subversive elements all over

the planet

i will sir another thing factory the

autobot junior warriors are out of

action now you give them a real beating

that'll teach them




we're at your service we'd like to join

up with you if you'll have us we'll do

anything that you want us to

hey baldi do something don't just sit

there go and get the other boys together

go on right


there's so much food it looks delicious

you're sucking in a lot huh he never had

this in the jungle here is a news flash

three men are wreaking havoc in the main

street causing a great deal of damage

there must be the decepticons the


wait where are you going how am i going

to stop the decepticons and drive them

away you can't we must consult wayfinder

about this we are now out of our

warriors we must act on our own if we

have to ask people every time we do

something then we're not true warriors

don't forget our job is only to give

medical help i know that as well but we

can't just sit here and do nothing while

these animals are k*lling people i must

do something to help siren



right i'm going with him don't go home

i have to go tyron can take all the

credit no we have to inform wavelet at


this is urgent why don't you try to stop

us oh i know you're afraid i'm sure

you're scared to go into combat i'm not

siren and i'll take care of this you can

stay here see you



if this was real combat you would be

dead by now

an autobot warrior must have courage

oh i'm useless






you animals stop right now

go away this is none of your business

don't be a fool you're being used by the

decepticons you'd better quit right now

what are you talking about nobody by the

decepticons gave us a chance what do you

know huh that's right we've learned many

things from the decepticon it allows us

to do what we want hey never mind what

they say let's show em up and do

let's get rid of the troublemakers come

on boys let's go


foreign oh










but you won't get away


home where's siren i don't know

please help that can you come and help

me a girl's in danger here huh what's

wrong with her

hey wait for me

she must be around here somewhere

but where do we start looking

this is a dog

tell us where your mistress is now


i got it she's in the car park basement

let's go


huh where are they going

let's get her out oh

oh is she all right her leg may have

been broken we must get into the

hospital at once


you saw the junior warriors around here

that's right he saw them near a parking


all right come on naughty later

huh what's happening


transform and merge


well done

go on get rid of him hey come on

hey angry we can't let him go now we

have more important things to do

peace peace

peace where are you don't worry peace is

here peace

it's peaceful further to your rescue you


really thank you peace

so it's only a girl i'm amazed they

would have a girl amongst the

warriors okay let's teach them a lesson


okay you asked for this





oh no

please don't go out there


please don't die oh please please oh

please here you are don't die oh please

don't die please don't die please

don't die

oh don't die peace please don't die


you animals you k*lled my face


an autobot warrior mustn't be soft

i must stop them



okay you got the better of me today but

you haven't heard the last of us hey

wait for me




what's this the water dragon






peace i'll get you another dog as clever

in his bravest peace really

yes now please stop crying

nightbeat you finally overcome your fear

you have transformed and fought


remember if you strive together then no

one will be able to beat you

okay on account of nightbeat performance

i'll announce that you've all passed the

test congratulations you picked the

right team yeah you did hey don't brag

after the battle with the decepticons

nightbeat has finally overcome her fear

and siren and hoe's head also learned

the importance of teamwork from this

experience they've determined that

they'll fight to the end to preserve

peace on


earth fools











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