06x09 - A Fierce Battle! The Cybertrons are in Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x09 - A Fierce Battle! The Cybertrons are in Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

















all right we've accomplished our mission

in the temporary battle station now we

should go back to headquarters is

everything ready there

yes sir everything is ready for you


but chief giga what are we going to do

with the battle station now

needless to say i want to destroy we

can't do that we must keep the station


leave the station i can use it for my

weapons research and development

of course as you wish your hideous


come on






oh nightbeat

what's wrong what are you thinking about


well you see i uh hello hello how are



oh they're cute



it's a tough day today what's wrong

mr sand reprimanded me today he says i'm

a bad student but am i

raw house i'd get zero how's that get



you got zero oh you shut up yeah

who's her head

hey look mr santa's coming for you

why can't he leave me alone what does he

want with me now




why are you laughing what's so funny

oh said why'd you talk to your teacher

like this you're only good at making

fools of other people and you fail at

everything else i've watched you grow up

and it hurts me to see you like this you

know oh i thought i'd bring you mail

from cullen but you treat me like this

now oh no ah thank you very much

it's from dawn



transport oh

oh it's good news they've built the

world's biggest hydroelectric generator

near calan island that means that from

now on we'll have electricity that's

very convenient that really is good news

hose head that'll take your people out

of the dark ages huh

you're talking as if our people are

barbarians as if we're primitive uh

sorry i didn't mean that i what i meant

was that uh

you'll be even more civilized with

modern technology and know


are you genuine about that

you're not looking down at my people are

you well one thing's certain electricity

will make your life much easier and your

people will have a much better time

i'm sure you're right hydroelectric

power means making use of the water to

convert it into energy am i right


they join up the small islands between

park island with dams then they use the

immense force resulting from the

difference between high and low tides to

convert that force into energy you see

it's simple


and that's pollution free too isn't it

that's wonderful i like that yes it's a

great idea oh

what are you thinking about siren uh

i was just thinking about the two

powermaster warriors from the

decepticons powermaster warriors



the names of darkwing and dreadwind and

they call themselves the powermaster


yes we already know that hook what we'd

like to know from you is what kind of

people are they anyway well uh to tell

you the truth

oh the video is ready

okay why don't we look at the video

right now

this is the older brother darkwing

the other is his younger brother dredwin











landmine can you play that fighting

scene again but this time in slow motion


what's puzzling you hook

we've overlooked one important thing

what's that


now watch




so it looks as if all injuries sustained

heal immediately that's amazing


i wonder just what kind of people they



they're different from these decepticon

soldiers and they're not like us either

their fighting power is much stronger


ours if they're not one of those

decepticon soldiers and they're not one

of our own people then who are they and

what are they doing here it's strange

don't you think

they're another entity

what do you mean another entity


that's the only description i can think



are they a very different living

organism to us then

whatever it is they're very very



we're not afraid of them whatever they

are we'll beat them right

they're nothing against us jose

you mustn't underestimate the enemy

these two power master warriors dark

wing and dread wind are much more

powerful fighting machines than we are

we have to be careful





you mustn't get upset over what hook

said just now forget it

come and have something to drink


i think who's head is still very

depressed you know

who's head stop acting like a cry baby

you must be strong

i'm gonna cry baby

that's too hard

in the meantime head of decepticons

destruction mission chief giga and chief

mega have returned from the baptist

station to their hq with the power

master warriors


what's this dragon fists

huh it's a very powerful kung fu style

that we've adapted for combat it said

that it was passed down from ancient

china it's powerful

chief mega must like this battle station

of course she does otherwise this base

would have been blown up it wouldn't

still be here you idiot

not so loud she'll hear you

sub mirada come here oh yes

sup morata squeeze play wants to

demonstrate the power of the dragon fist

to us and he needs a helper why don't

you go and do it for me

me a punch bag huh

okay squeeze play you can stop now right


please play

it is very good

that damn squeeze play will pay for this

one day oh squeeze players become chief

mega's pet you could become a pet too if

you want it not me

chief mega give me the latest news

if we want to conquer the earth i

suggest we first attack the asian region

the first thing we must do is to destroy

and cut the power supply to southeast


our first target would be the new

world's biggest hydroelectric power

plant in park island

all right

power master warriors mobilize

yourselves right

chief giga can i go with him too you're

not coming what do you mean by that

you're not the chief listen bombers our

mission cannot fail and you've never won

a battle in your life so far

you even failed in the last battle using

the wildlife in africa

this time you better wait here and watch

us do the work that'll be easier for you

nobody insults us

but you can't ignore the fact that

you're useless




those two told us to wait here and they

said that we were useless they've gone

too far yes that's right we will never

ever let those powermaster warriors beat


you idiots

you will never compare to the two

powermaster warriors they possess a very

special power that none of you have

they are super beings when a human

spirit is combined with a computerized

robot they become a combination of

heaven energy earth energy and soul

energy this gives them a super power

beyond imagination

so your power at the moment will never

compare to the two power master warriors

they're a combination of both man and

robot which eliminates the weakness that

each one of them has

that doesn't mean that we don't need you


one day we'll need all of your help in

our crusade to conquer the earth you



hey i feel like a deflated balloon wow

it seems they attach more importance to

these youngsters than to us seems we're

not much used to them anymore huh it's

no use moaning about it we better do

something to restore our prestige now

yes we must show them yes you're right

we'll show them who's better

deadweight we're above our target now

should we go




the hydroelectric plant on park island

has been att*cked by two unidentified

flying objects which then turned into


it sounds like dark wing and dreadwin

the two power master warriors

the three of you better go to the scene

at once i'll follow with the junior

warriors immediately right

in the meantime bombers submariner and

skelgrin go to attack the refinery on

park island

they finally made a move


let's go




we're gonna show them we're not as bad

as they think we are



our plan has gone very smoothly so far

also this way we can split up the

autobot forces that's the main aim

behind it


it's you again b*mb burst it seems you

never learned do you

come on man


not you again




i'm gonna get you this time








get out of here transform






just go to hell


i'm gonna teach you a lesson


it's really powerful

what about this

dreadwin brother

those damn autobots i swear i'll get

them for this


well thank goodness we minimized the

damages the power plant has no

undergoing urgent repairs electricity

supplies should be restored soon

well done hose head


i'll never be as good as you will i

brother you are not that bad that's

right you two have the same amount of

energy distributed in you

you failed because of your lack of

combat experience


just watch

i'm gonna be better than my brother i

will be the best fighter

that's good

i like your determination that means


just wait and see your human race i'll

send all of you to hell one day



why can't we have power master warriors

on our team


just tell me what we can

oh no

when siren saw how powerful and

efficient the power master warriors are

he got worried he's afraid that next

time the autobots may not be so lucky

and someone may be sacrificed











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