01x05 - Chain of Command

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x05 - Chain of Command

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )

RHINOX: This isn't a natural stone formation.

Somebody somehow built this thing.

Yeah, well, uh, excuse my error message,

but uh, I thought this planet was uninhabited.

( beeping )

Something else is odd. I'm getting an energon reading.

It's under this pile of rocks.

Just like baitin' a mouse trap.

( shudders )

This place alternates my currents.

Hm, you know,

the energon on this planet doesn't fit with its geology.

Hard to believe it could've formed naturally.

( grunts )

However it got here,

we must remove it before the Predacons do.

MEGATRON: Oh, Dinobot.

That Predacon chip still ticks inside your traitorous hide.

And I think we will take it. Yes.

No energon crystal too small, I always say.

Waspinator, terrorize!

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

( shrieking )

( dramatic rock theme playing )

Man, your old friends don't miss a beat, do they?

Dinobot, maximize!

Keep them away from the crystal.

Oh, yeah, sure, give us the dirty work.

( grunts )

( grunting )

Scratch one. TARANTULAS: He-he-he.

( grunts )

Fliers incoming.

They're mine.

( grunts )

( gasps )

( groaning )

Terrorsaur, you fool!

You've unleashed the crystals' energy.

It is useless to us now.

Back to base. Beast mode.

( crackling )

Beast mode, Maximals. And prepare for energon waves.

( dramatic theme playing )

( crackling ceases )

Hm. Like I said, those stones aren't natural.

What in the galaxy was that?

Looked kind of like, uh, a signal.

But to who?

Well, perhaps we'll learn the answer.


( dramatic theme playing )


Fire. Incoming stasis pod.

Plot vector to crash point.

Wrong profile for a stasis pod.

But it is isn't a meteor, either.

Prime. Where's it headed?

Right for the standing stones.

Yes. Looks like somebody answered that signal.

But who?

( grunts )

( gasps )

Whatever this fascinating device is,

we Predacons claim it as our own. Yes.

( growls )

Megatron, terrorize.

Dinobot, maximize.

( roars )

( groaning )

( stasis pod humming )

( grunts )

( both groaning )

( screams )

( groaning )


( growling )

Maximal t*rture chamber!

Oof! Hey!

( roars )

Whoa! Hey, power down. You're on our side now, remember?

( growls )


And Maximals don't have t*rture chambers.

Although, you know, heh-heh, I could get behind that idea.


How did I get here?

We found you dumped in front of the command base hatch,

scrapped down and alone.

Aw, just like an innocent orphan in a B movie.


Yeah, we were hopin' that maybe the innocent orphan baby

could tell us what happened to Optimus.

Optimus Primal was terminated.

( gasps )

An alien probe has landed at the standing stones.

It emitted an energy burst during Optimus's transformation.

He vanished.

Wait a minute. Why was he transforming?

Predacon attack. We have no time for further analysis now.

We must make another attempt

to secure the probe from the Predacons.

Rattrap, come with me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Stand by here.

Who died and made you Prime, scale face?

Optimus is certainly scrap,

and I, as the most powerful of the group,

shall replace him.

Anyone who disagrees may challenge me now.

Dinobot, maximize.

You've been messin' with the wrong mouse, chopper face.

Wait. We're not Predacons here.

We'll settle the chain of command

in traditional Maximal fashion.

By secret ballot.

( groaning )

( buzzing )

Megatron back. Megatron back!

Scorponok alone with Tarantulas and Terrorsaur, very bad!

You and Waspinator were returned to us badly damaged.

Yes. I remember now.

Optimus. Optimus Primal.


Quickly. Scorponok, you and Waspinator

get back to the standing stones and guard that alien probe.

As for us, this is a perfect opportunity. Yes.

I know just how the weakling Maximals

will respond to Optimus' death.

Confusion, bickering, uh, recriminations.

The perfect opportunity for a surprise attack.

One vote for Rattrap.


One vote for Dinobot.

( growls softly )

( beeps )

One more vote for Rattrap, and...

( beeps )

( sighs )

Another vote for Dinobot. It's a tie.

Hey! What?

Which one of you traitors voted for the Predacon?

It's a secret ballot. No one has to say who they voted for.

( laughs )

Great system, your democracy. No mechanism to break a tie.

Some power play, leather lips.

You know, I'm startin' to wonder if that alien probe

had anything to do with Optimus' disappearin'.

( snarls )

I've heard enough from this scrawny thief.

I will break the tie and be your leader.

By force if necessary.

( grunts )

( growls )

OPTIMUS: Maximals! Come in! Are you receiving?

Maximal command base, this is Optimus.


Optimus, this is Rhinox. Where are you?

Hard to say. As near as I can figure, I-- I have no body.

My consciousness is intact,

but my physical molecular structure

is being stored and scanned inside the alien probe.

Unh. Hey, we'll come and get ya. Just keep static.

Just beware of a Predacon attack.

They'll be after you now that you're outnumbered.

Rattrap, you're in charge.

I'm sure you worked out

the chain of command peacefully.

( clattering )

( alarm beeping )

You were right about one thing, anyway.

CHEETOR: We're under a Predacon attack!

No! Unh.

Well, commander? What are your orders?

Uh, um, we're-- We're scrapped if we sit inside.

Uh, prepare for a sortie.

A frontal attack? Pure madness.

No, Rattrap's right. We'll be buried in here. Let's go.

No, Rhinox. You get to work.

We need a device to extract Optimus from that probe.

Oh. Oh, no.

( dramatic rock theme playing )


Ah, they've come to meet their death face-to-face.

( grunts )

Make a device to extract physical molecular structure

from an alien probe?

Man, I gotta be a miracle worker.

( shot blasts then Rhinox gasps )

Oh, no.

( laughing )


( dramatic rock theme playing )

( grunting )

( alarm beeping )

Huh? Oh, no!

Dinobot, the shield circuitry's hit.

Get it back online.

Ha. I am currently engaged.

That's an order!

One more m*ssile hit, and our shields are gone for good.

Come on, please?

( panting )

( alarm beeping )

Not this time.

( grunts )

( alarm beeping stops )

( grunts )

( growling )

I suggest we withdraw, Megatron.

The true prize and reinforcements

await us at the standing stones.

Yes. The alien probe.

Withdraw at once.

( all grunting )

We've been in robot mode too long.

Beast mode.

Like we needed you to point that out.

Heh, well, at least they're gone.

You were selfless in putting that shield back online.

I ought to have followed your command.

I am dishonored.

Eh, uh, next time.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Uh, I don't know if this thing's going to work.

But it's as ready as it's ever going to be.

( sniffs )

Eh, too quiet here.

I thought for sure the Predacons would be making for the probe.

Ha! Excellent prediction, Commander Rattrap.

( gasps )

Let's see how you fare in the b*ttlefield.

( dramatic rock theme playing )

Rhinox! Get Optimus out of that probe!

Optimus, can you hear me?

OPTIMUS: Loud and clear, big guy.

I'm going to try to extract you.

( beeps )

( groaning )

It's not working.

RHINOX: Hmm. This whole area

is full of stable energon radiation from the probe,

like this whole place is a single device.


( groaning )

( groaning )

( standing stone buzzing )


This whole place is a single device!

( dramatic theme playing )

Look who's back. And feeling prime.

( groans )

Way to go, Optimus! Welcome back!

( grunts )

The day and the probe is yours, Optimus.

Yes. Just beware.

Not all aliens are beneficent, after all.

Rattrap, you commanded well in my absence.

Eh, command's a pain in the tail. Heh.

Especially with this pack of hyenas.

You can keep it.

I'm more concerned with this probe right now.

( probe buzzing )

What the spotted heck was that all about?

I don't know. I suppose they found out

everything they needed to know about us.

Yeah. They know we've got destructive capability.

And reasoning power.

Hm. But why would they want to know?

And more importantly, who are they?

Friends, enemies,

or something more?

OPTIMUS: Hm. Good question.

I wonder when we'll find out the answer.

( dramatic theme plays )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )
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