01x13 - Dark Designs

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x13 - Dark Designs

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( suspenseful theme playing )

( device beeping )

RHINOX: Ah, now we're losing the reading.

There's energon here, but it's too deep to access.

Dead end.

As dead ends go, at least this one has a view.

Ah. Are you telling me that we spent all day

yomping up here just to enjoy the scenery?

Oh, man. What else have we got to look forward to?

( yells )

( grunts )

Ah. You had to ask, didn't you?

Predacons. Up there.

Optimus, maximize!

Nowhere to run and no place to hide.

Yes. Obliterate them!

( dramatic rock theme playing )

We need a diversion. Cover me.

Prime jets, on!

( Optimus screams )

Big bot!

There's only one alternative.

Attack! We storm their position.

RATTRAP: You're on the wrong wavelength there, lizard lips.

We run!

Oh, yes.

And just where do we run, rodent?

It shouldn't be this easy, no.

But mustn't complain.

Rhinox, sh**t straight, for crying out loud.

Your missing him by a parsec.

Close the file on Optimus Primal.

And delete.

( grunts )

Look out!

( grunts )

There's more than one way to skin a cat.

So to speak.

( grunts )

No time to waste. Dinobot, lead the way.

Rattrap, Cheetor, help Optimus.

I'll cover the rear.

Well done, old friend.

Steady nerves and quick thinking.

Comes with the job description.

No, I'm serious.

If you ever wanted to, you'd make one prime leader.

Thanks anyway, but I'll leave that sort of thing to you.

I'd rather just tag along behind and smell the flowers.

( suspenseful theme playing )

The rhinoceros.

I do believe I may have underestimated him. Yes.

And I could find a use for someone like that.


( device beeps ) Looks clear.

Keep on going. I'll catch up.

( device beeps )

( Tarantulas laughs )

( web fires )

( grunts )

( Tarantulas laughing )

( Rhinox grunting )

( Rhinox groans )

( cackling )

( grunts )

The transmuter. Megacycle's in the design.

But infinitely well worth the effort, Maximal,

as you are about to discover. Yes.

If I can just patch in, I can activate his comm link.

I say we just go after him.

Cool your circuits, Cheetor.

First, we have to find out where he is.

Ehh. I got it.

RHINOX ( over radio ): If you're going to finish me anyway,

then do me a favor.

Shut up and get on with it.

MEGATRON: Oh, finish you, Maximal?

No. I've only just started with you.

( screaming )

( cackling )

( ominous theme playing )

Rhinox, terrorize!

( roars )

( ominous theme playing )

Afternoon, all.

This a private club?

Or can anybody join?

Let me be the first to welcome you.

Everyone, meet our new Predacon.

( Rhinox cackling )

( dramatic theme playing )

CHEETOR: Rhinox reprogrammed as a Predacon?

Oh, man.

Indeed. Most ominous.

It alters the balance of power.

I'm talking about what it does to Rhinox.

Better dead than Pred.

Some of us have survived the experience,


I can't get it back.

We're too far away and there's too much interference.

We'll have to get closer to the Predacon base.

Yeah. Real close.

Like through the gates with lasers blazing!


We don't have the forces for a full-scale as*ault.

Yeah, but the kid's got a point.

Man, we can't just leave my pal in there.

Oh, yes we can.

That's exactly what we're going to do.

Oh, good-- What?!

Optimus! You got a few bugs in your systems directory?

No. But I've got a hunch

that Megatron's bitten off a little more

than he bargained for.


( ominous theme playing )

RHINOX: Nice little setup, chief.

I think I'm gonna feel right at home.

And now that you've toured our base,

to business.

Your former lodgings, Rhinox.

And you have intimate knowledge of the defense systems.

Knowledge which will

prove most valuable. Yes.

And what's in this for me?

The satisfaction of having played a leading role

in the destruction of your former comrades.


Yep. Destruction is always good.

( groans )

Something wrong?

There must be a malfunction

of the image decompression protocol array.

Gee. Hope it's under warranty.

( growls )

The chief wants to know how long this is gonna take.

Tell him not to get his software in a snarl.

First, I have to figure out what the slaggin' problem is.

Hang on. The redactor modem's missing.

No. You shock me, Scorponok.

( muttering )

RHINOX: Scorponok.

Over here.

( suspenseful theme playing )

Hey, hey, hey!

You wanna be careful there.

Oh, I'm being real careful.

See, I'm on this side.

And it's all gonna fall that way.

( yelling )

( grunts )

Idiot. What have you done?


The idiot does not respond.

The idiot is trauma-toast.

MEGATRON: Get him to the restoration chamber.

( grunting )

( Rhinox chuckles )

( muttering )

( screams )

Heads up.

( grunting )

So this is the game.

( panting )

Destroy all Autobots.

Bot-- Bot-- Bot--

Waspinator, what are you buzzing about?

Waspinator. Negative, negative, negative.

I am Shrapnel, Decepticon hero-- Oh, oh, oh.

Shrapnel? That was a Decepticon from the great wars,

three centuries ago.

He's wacko.


No, Wonko. Wonko, the sane!

( dramatic theme playing )

Look who's here.

Our loyal friend.

Is that supposed to mean something?

Deep-six the big wide-eyes routine.

You're trying to destabilize the whole operation

so you can knock off Megatron and take over.

Well, I got news for you, pal.

I like this plan. So here's the deal.

You and me. Equal partners.

No. Here's the deal.

( choking )

You're gonna keep your big beak shut.

And do exactly what I tell you.

Because one false move

and you're a new fast-food sensation:

Pterodactyl hot wings. Get it?

Got it.


( panting )

( coughs )

( Tarantulas & Blackarachnia groaning )

MEGATRON: Taranatulas? Blackarachnia?

These spiders have been poisoned.

What's going on around here?

Heh-heh. Now I get it.

Leave Rhinox in there and let him create total chaos.

Yes. I was guessing that the transmutation

would push his aggressiveness quotient right off the scale.

And it looks as if I guessed right.

There's just one problem.

Megatron is no one's fool.

Yeah. I mean, pretty soon

he's gonna put two and two together.

And then what happens to Rhinox?

( groaning )

I... I looked up.


It seems I made a mistake

by reprogramming the Maximal. Yes.

But fortunately, this can be rectified.

It's time to bring this experiment,

and Rhinox himself, to an end!

( suspenseful theme playing )

We gotta move. And fast.

Not yet. If we intervene now,

we're facing seven Predacons, including Rhinox.

And if we wait, we're facing six Preds.

And a large collection of rhino bits.

He's right. The game is over.

Not quite.

Rhinox and Megatron have one more hand to play:

With each other.

We'll move in closer, but then we'll hold our position.

Until I give the word.

( dramatic theme playing )


Such a pleasure to see you, Rhinox.

Always a treat to see you too.


Yep. You got a point there.

In which case...

Rhinox, terrorize!

( roars )

They're playing our song, Megatron.

Time to dance.

Oh, I do so hate to disappoint.

But you won't mind if I sit this one out.

Scorponok, terrorize!

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

Oh? You're back on their side now?

Gee, a guy can hardly keep track.

( coughs )

What's he talking about?

Uh, don't listen to him.

When I slagged you and bug eyes,

he was watching and smirking.

TERRORSAUR: Th-- That's a lie.

RHINOX: Then how come you're looking so shifty all of a sudden?

( screaming )

TERRORSAUR: I am not-- He's a smirker.

( laughs )

( yells )

( grunts )

( screeches )

No. Idiots! He's the enemy.

( grunts )

( Rhinox cackling )

( both thud )

( grunting )

Well, what do you know?

I win.

Reprogramming me was the worst mistake you ever made.

Because now that I'm a Predacon,

I'm just a little too crafty for you.

Yes. I see this now.

It's called irony, sport.

I take over and you head straight for the recycling bin.


So it would seem. And even now, Rhinox,

you're teaching me a valuable lesson.

Yeah? What's that?

Sometimes, Predacons gloat too much.

( screams )

Wh-- What happened?

Maximum buffoon.

You thought you'd outwit me?

( alarm wailing ) Aah!

OPTIMUS: Maximize!

( all growling )

Okay, so how about we just punt your butt

a couple of hundred yards downfield?

( muttering )

Decepticons, attack! Attack!

( Waspinator babbling )

( babbling in distorted voice )

( growling )

( groans )

( both grunting )

( growls )

( both growling )

( yelling )

( groans )

( screaming )


( Optimus yelling )

( laughs )


( growls )

( screams )

It's gonna blow!

Predacons, take cover.

Dinobot! Grab Rhinox and let's go, go, go!

No. This is our chance to take command of the base.

That's an order!

( whistles ) Yo, everybody out of the pool!

( dramatic theme playing )

No. Look, I can explain.

Let me share this with you, Terrorsaur.

I am very, very unhappy indeed.

Oh, yes.

( dramatic theme playing )

( peaceful theme playing )

( sniffs )

( sighs )


( Optimus laughs )

Good to have you back, Rhinox.

So give us the scoop.

What's it actually feel like being a Pred?

Hmm. Like you're three gigabytes of attitude

on a two gig hard drive.

No wonder they got personality problems.

( laughs )

( all laughing )

( sighs )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )
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