01x14 - Double Dinobot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x14 - Double Dinobot

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( thunder crashing )

( screeching )

( buzzing )

MEGATRON: Nucleate the thermal coils.

SCORPONOK: Nucleating.

Activate mutator beams.


Boost particle ionator to triple capacity.


Increase chamber pressure.

( grunts )

The circuits. They're overloading.

Let them. Activate the accelerator.

Full force!

( dramatic theme playing )

( growls )

MEGATRON: Oh. Success!


I present to you a perfect clone of Dinobot.

And all I needed was a speck of that traitor's DNA.

Oh, very impressive.

But what do we need him for?

He'll provide us, shall we say,

an unfair advantage,

by infiltrating the Maximal base,

and shutting down their defense grid.

Of course, he can't transform,

but I doubt it will be necessary.

Are you certain this zombie bot can pull it off?

Aah! Not only will I pull it off,

I'll chew it up, and spit it out.


Now, it's Terrorsaur's job

to eliminate the real Dinobot.

Yes. Then I'll send in the clone.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( yawns )

By The Inferno, I am bored.

There's never a Predacon around when you need one.

Hmm. At last.

Now, to give our treacherous friend a little motivation.

Terrorsaur, terrorize!

( dramatic theme playing )

( yawning )

At last, an end to the boredom.

Dinobot, maximize!

( roars )

( screeching )

( laughs )

Beast mode.

( screeches )

Coward! You won't escape me that easily!

( roars )

( growling )

( dramatic theme playing )

( screeches )

( growls )

( roars )

DINOBOT: Where are you, my old comrade?

Come out and we'll have a nice little chat.

I have nothing to say. Except goodbye!

( growling )

( laughs )


( laughs )

Rust in peace, old comrade.

Terrorsaur to Megatron.

I've taken care of Dinobot.

( over radio ): You may proceed with phase two.

Acknowledged. Megatron out.

It is time for you to do your worst. Go!

As you command, mighty Megatron.

( ominous theme playing )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( machinery whirring )

Optimus, the Predacons.

They're mounting a full-scale as*ault.

From where?

Grid Omega.

Hm, there's nothing on the scanners.

Rattrap, check the grids around Omega.

Eh. Peaceful as an R chamber.

Eh, looks like old chopper-face is seeing things.

No! They're there, I tell you!

Well, they could be using some kind of stealth device.

Rhinox and Cheetor are close. I'll have them move in.

You and Rattrap go back to where you saw them,

and get a fix on their position.

There's no time for that!

If you don't stop them now,

they'll overrun the base.

You must lead a counterattack at once.

Sentinel can handle them.

And there's no reason to fight a battle we can avoid.

Better get moving.

But-- But--

That's an order.

( growls )

Well, you coming?

( sighs )

( suspenseful theme playing )

So, uh, where's these Predacons?

It's as quiet as an oil bearing out here.


They should be right over that ridge.

Well, then we better transform.

Rattrap, maximize!

( sighs )

Uh, ahem.

What are you waiting for, micro-brain?

Settle into the metal.

Hmm. Uh, Optimus said fix their position,

not engage in battle.

We can do that better in beast mode.

RATTRAP: Oh, man.

Talk about your inferno.

Let's go quickly.

Why don't you lead the way?

( ominous theme playing )

Huh? Hey!

Hey, what are you doing?

I should think it would be obvious.

Even to a vermin like you.

( screams )

( screaming )

( grunts )

Ah. Oh, man.

Oh, I just knew I smelled a rat.

And it wasn't even me.

Oh, just wait till I--

( sniffs )


Oh, man! Give me a break!

( groans )

( grunting )

( growling )

( dramatic theme playing )

RHINOX ( over radio ): We've scoped Grid Omega.

No sign of Preds or anything else.

Odd. Rattrap and Dinobot should be there by now.

Better have Cheetor check it out.

( Dinobot clone groans )


( groans )

Optimus. What happened?

We were-- We were ambushed.

Megatron is using a stealth device,

just as you suspected.

Where's Rattrap?


You must leave at once, if you're to save him.

Coordinates three-nine-six.

I'll get you to the R chamber first.

No! There's no time.

I can make it.

You go.

I'm putting Sentinel on a*t*matic.

When you've repaired yourself,

take over the scanners and comm links.


Good luck.


( dramatic theme playing )

COMPUTER: Perimeter shield online.

Sentinel now active.

( laughs )

Ooh. Optimus will rue the day

he left this clone alone.

Now, what was it Megatron said to do?

Oh, yes.

COMPUTER: Please enter deactivation code.

Deactivation code.

Megatron said nothing about that.

Well, I'm sure I can figure it out.

There. That should do it.

( screams )

COMPUTER: Code incorrect.

Scanning user.

User identified as Dinobot, beast mode.

Yes, yes, yes. I'm Dinobot.

And I order you to deactivate.

COMPUTER: Maximal energy signature not present.

Please enter deactivation code.

Code incorrect.

( screams )

( grunts )

( sighs )

Megatron said this would be easy.

( suspenseful theme playing )

( sniffing )

Any sign of Rattrap or the Predacons?

No Preds. But I picked up Rattrap's scent

a few minutes ago. It ends here.

You don't think he...?

Let's hope not.

Rattrap's a pain in the circuits,

but I'd hate to lose him.

We'd better keep searching.

( screaming )

( grunts )

( screams )

Oh, man, you gotta be kidding me.

Rattrap, maximize!

( grunting )

Ah. Oh, boy.

I was almost deep-fried rat.

Well. Heh-heh.

It's time to blow this joint.

( expl*sive whining )

( expl*si*n in distance ) What was that?

( Rattrap groans )

You all right? ( grunts )

Yeah. I will be.

Soon as I get my hands on that stinkin' Dinobot.

You know, that bolt-head tried to scrap me.

But Dinobot's the one who told us you were trapped.

Oh, yeah. Sure he did.

To cover his own big butt.

I tried to tell you,

once a Pred, always a Pred.

Now where is he?

I left him back at the base.


( dramatic theme playing )

Well, that's just prime.

( Dinobot snarls )

Sentinel, stand down.

COMPUTER: Perimeter shield deactivated.

Ah! Yes, I've done it.

( laughs )

Clone to Megatron.

Megatron here. Report.

DINOBOT CLONE: Phase three accomplished.

Defense screen deactivated.

And the Maximals?

( laughs )

Off on a wild vermin chase.

The base is yours for the taking.

MEGATRON: Excellent. Yes.

I'll be there shortly. Megatron out.

( both gasp )

( both growling )


( roars )

What in The Inferno are you?

What you might have been,

had you not betrayed Megatron.

( roars )

( grunts )

( hisses )

Dinobot, maximize!

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

( growls )

Oh, no.


what are you waiting for?

Transform! So I can finish you with honor.

I... I can't.

Of course. You're nothing but a clone.

Well, far be it from me to fight an inferior foe.

( both grunt )

Fortunately, I don't share your stupid sense of honor.

( roars )

( growling )

( growling )


( roars )

( both growling )

( grunts )

( growls )

( grunts )

( growling )

( groans )

( laughs )

Ooh. Megatron will reward me for this.

Ah. Defenseless and completely unguarded.

It almost seems too easy.

Megatron, um, where are the others?

Preparing an ambush for those Maximal fools.

Then when they return here, I'll finish them

with their own defense grid.

Ooh. Your brilliance is an inspiration to me.

Oh, you are a most enchanting creature.

I may just clone the rest of my troops.

And now, my leader,

the prize is yours.

( chuckles )

( dramatic theme playing )

Sentinel, activate perimeter shield.

( shield powering up ) MEGATRON: Aah!

( groaning )

So. You ungrateful clone.

You're as treacherous as the real Dinobot.


I am the real Dinobot.

( roars )

So, you managed to best my clone after all.

A pity. He was such a loyal fellow.

Unlike you!

( growling )

Game's over, Megatron.

Well, it appears my revenge must be postponed

until next we meet.

( gasps )

( yelling )

( groans )

You and that clone sure trashed the place.

Ah, don't tell me you're buying this clone stuff.

You heard Megatron admit it.

Oh, yeah. Like I'm gonna believe him.

If there was a clone, then where is he, huh?

I'm afraid he's gone for good.

A shame really.

He was such a handsome creature.

And, uh, quite tasty.

( burps )

( playful theme playing )

You're disgusting.

( growls )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )
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