01x17 - The Trigger, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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01x17 - The Trigger, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

( dramatic theme playing )

( roars )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic rock theme playing )

♪ Beast Wars

( dramatic theme playing )

ANNOUNCER: Last time on Beast Wars...

Attention, Maximals.

This is a code one emergency message from Tigatron.

Airazor has been damaged. She and I are trapped

on a mysterious flying island.

This island is a self-contained ecosystem

guarded by powerful weapons of alien design.

Blackarachnia and Scorponok have already managed to invade.

If they gain control of the island and its weapons,

the Predacons will be able to destroy the Maximal base

and win the Beast Wars.

( static )

( dramatic theme playing )


It is as though I have come home.

Though my heart is a Maximal fluid pump,

my soul is that of a tiger.

And on this strange flying island,

despite its weaponry,

I at last feel myself at peace.

It must not fall into the clutches of the Predacons.

( dramatic theme playing )

That obelisk seems to be the center of power

for this whole place.

Then it is probably guarded.

Figured that all out by yourself, did you?

Keep your scanners on high res.


There's something here,

some sort of marking.

( yells )

( grunts )

( groans )

Have a nice trip?

( laughs )

( grunts )

There are times it pays to be a spider.

That symbol...

It seems to mark a trap location.

( chuckles )

This could be useful knowledge.

We should move.

How are you feeling?

Better. Still thrashed.

( grunts )

Can't fly.

In that case, the lady shall ride a tiger.

( dramatic theme playing )

Man, I still don't see why I gotta be the one

to get carried like a sack of rusty nuts.

Because you're the only one I can fly this whole distance.

Besides, Tigatron's message said

the flying island was booby-trapped,

and no one knows traps like Rattrap.

Eh, the curse of a great reputation.

Heh, heh. Say, we get beverage cart service on this flight?

Just make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.


( beeps )

Launching laser probe... Now.

( grunts )

This is Maximal base calling Optimus.

Come in, Optimus.

This is Optimus Primal.

Sounds like the laser link is working fine.

It's line of sight transmission,

but at least it's free of energon interference.

And the infrared beam should go

right through that cover cloud without trouble.

( panting ): Hey, speaking of trouble,

Waspinator and Terrorsaur just took off from Pred central.

They must be back online.

You hear that, Optimus?

OPTIMUS: More than hear it, Rhinox.

We're livin' it live.

( Terrorsaur squawks )


( dramatic rock theme playing )

( Optimus grunts )

( yells )

RATTRAP: Oh, no.

( laughing )

( Terrorsaur shrieks )

( grunts )

I can't maneuver with a passenger.

Huh. Well, excuse me.

I'm the one hangin' on by my little pink toes here.

I can't even transform like this.

( both screaming )

( suspenseful theme playing )

Hold it, shell head. SCORPONOK: Oh!

We want to avoid this area.

( groans )

( clanks )


Call it intuition.

Blackarachnia seems freaked by that mark on the tree.

A mark? Like that one?

( tense theme playing )

What does it mean?

( rumbling )

I think we just found out.

( screaming )


( Optimus screams )

( squawks )

Rattrap, I'm on my way.

( yells )

Ah! It's slag-heap city. I'm going to die.

I'm slow and pitiful and helpless!

( Terrorsaur laughs )


( laughs )

A scared little mousey.

This is just too good to be true.

Ha. You know, beak face,

you're right.

( grunts then screams )

I-- Beast mode.

( squawks )

Unh. Heh!


Just had to get you close enough to hitch a ride.

( laughs )

Now fly, you featherless freak,

or I'll toast your tachyons.

( groans )

( dramatic theme playing )

( growls )

( groaning )

Finally. Now for Rattrap.


Thanks, but I got it handled.

( Terrorsaur groans )

So, uh, what are we hanging around here for?

( Optimus laughs )

You're a real piece of work, Rattrap.

Eh, ain't it the truth?

( rumbling )

TIGATRON: We've activated another of this island's traps.

Can you fly yet?

( panting ): You think I haven't been trying?

Then we have but one dangerous option.

Tigatron, maximize.

Now we must run.

Huh? The Maximals.

It fired on them.

Then quickly, before it can recharge.

( dramatic theme playing )

There. And about time too.

Heads up!

( Terrorsaur laughing ) ( yells )

( grunts )

Unh! Ow.

Beast mode.

Man, you talk about your bumpy flights.

It is good that you have come.

The Predacons have almost reached the obelisk.

We must stop them,

but we must be careful to avoid the traps.

Watch for that symbol.

That marks a trap location.

( grunts )

So I see.

And don't use energy weapons.

This place gets ticked if you do, b*mb.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

You mean that whoever built this place

went to all the trouble of making traps

and then marked them,

and it won't let you use energy weapons?

What are you getting at, Rattrap?

I'm saying that this ain't no paradise.

It's a puzzle.

This whole place is designed to attract intelligent species

and then test them.

Test them? Test them for what?

I don't know, bird lady, but I'll tell you this.

Generally speaking, being a guinea pig

ain't exactly a long-term career gig.

You know what I'm saying?

I say we get off of this flying sod b*mb.

No. This is a land of peace.

I will protect it.

It won't be a land of peace much longer.


( dramatic theme playing )

Ah. At last.

The power center must be inside.

We'll have to blast in.

We can't.

If we use energy weapons, it'll blast us.

Ugh. Then we need a diversion.


( Blackarachnia laughs )

( beeps )

The fliers will try to take our triumph for their own.

They must be stopped.

I will blow them from the sky.

Oh! Backstabbing bug.

I'll vape you first.


( laughs )

( both grunt )


( both scream )

Pterodactyl idiot.

( Terrorsaur squawks )

Now, before it recharges.



( mysterious theme playing )

This flying island and all its power

will soon be mine to control.

( laughing )

( Blackarachnia laughing )

( panting ): They've breached the monument.

My wings have recovered.

Oh, man, I hate these glory charges.

What say, gorilla guy?

Any chance of a negotiated settlement?


Battle ready, team.


( dramatic rock theme playing )

It's mine. This island's weapons

will give me the power to defeat even Megatron.

I will destroy the Maximals and rule the Predacons.



Megatron anticipated your treachery.

That's why I'm along, to eliminate you.

Fool. You fire at this range,

and the expl*si*n will destroy us both.

Heh. No problem.

I'll just get a little distance, and...

( screams )

( Scorponok grunts )

( laughs )

Make that a lot of distance, chitin cheeks.

( screaming )

Now for power.

( suspenseful theme playing )

BLACKARACHNIA: This must be the control center.

But how do I...?


( screaming )

( growls )



I feel the power.

I have the controls.

Let there be...


( dramatic theme playing )

Huh? Uh-oh.

( yells )

( grunts )

( Blackarachnia laughing )

All speed to the Maximal base.

( dramatic theme playing )

Rhinox, code one emergency.

Evacuate Maximal base.

Scramble. Scramble.

( alarm blaring )

( both yell )

( both grunt )

This is something that should not have happened.

You get no argument from me.

( m*ssile approaches )

( both grunt )

Ow! Rattrap.

No. Get moving.

You got to get in there, or we're all scrap.

But the defenses. And your leg.

Hey, leave it to the rat.

I'll handle it. You just run!

( Rattrap groans )

Listen up, you oversized thumbtack.

Try a little taste of this.

( power surges )

( screams then grunts )

( rattles )

Hoo-hoo! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Yes! Do it, Tigatron.

Maximal base almost in range.

( dramatic theme playing )

BLACKARACHNIA: Five, four, three...

May I be forgiven

for what I must do.

( electricity crackling )

What? No!


( dramatic theme playing )




What do you suppose that beam was all about?

Some kind of signal?

A message.

We were given a paradise.

All we had to do was live there in peace.

But we proved unworthy.

And the paradise is no more.


It's an old story.

Maybe someday we'll learn.

Yeah, well, pardon my pragmatism here in this,

you know, deeply philosophical moment,

but I'm a little more concerned about

who got that message.

Because you gotta know they ain't gonna be real happy.

What do you think they're going to do?

That we're just going to have to wait and see.

( mysterious theme playing )

( dramatic theme playing )
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