01x06 - Villain School

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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01x06 - Villain School

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: today's
featured words are

"Novice" and
"legendary. "

Narrator: something's
happening in there.

Let's go watch.

Man: and welcome

To the coach's evil villainy
and arch-enemy school.

I am the brilliant and evil
mastermind, the coach.

And with my patented,
proven techniques,

You all will soon be

From novice villains
to seasoned professionals.

[Scattered applause]

Thank you. Thank you.

Anyway, I'd like to
start each class with
a little roll call.

We'll start with you.

Whoa. My name's
timmy tim-bo.

That's what
my buddies call me.

And I got fired from
the pizza place downtown.

So I thought being
a villain seemed
kind of cool.

So, uh, here I am.

Right. Great.
Super powers?

Oh! Yeah. I can nap.
Like a lot.

Heh heh. Awesome. Next.

Hi. I'm big left hand guy.

Ha ha. And as you can see,

I have a big left hand.
Ha ha!

Oh, hey, I guess that's
my name and my super power.

Double whammy! Ha ha ha!

Ah, finally, you.
Ms. Question.

What do you want
to know about
me again?

Your name, super power,
that sort of thing.

Is that going
towards my grade?

Oh. Oh, I see!

You're ms. Question,
and your power is to ask
questions until--

Is it that
or is it?

Whoa. She's good.

Do you really
think so?


Ok. Ok.

Now, so I think you're
ready for your first
real-world experience.

Then I can use you,
my ignorant goofballs,

To steal whatever I want.

Um, coach,
we heard that.

Oh! Well, good for you.

Uh, you've all...

Passed your first
villainy test, uh...


That was easy.

Did you know
he was gonna
do that?

That's right.

Now, your first
step on the path
of villainous success

Will be to steal me this.


Tim-bo: whoa.

This is

Legend has it that
whoever blows it
will have power

Over anyone who
hears the tune.

Is that
really true?

As far as I know.
How can you
be sure?

where did you get
your information?


Ohh! Just go steal
the whistle.

Oh. Now?

Once you nincompoops
bring me michelangelo's

I will become legendary.

Ho ho ho!

They'll sing songs about me,

Write poems about my deeds.

Narrator: later at
the whistle museum...

Whoa. Whistles.

Ok. Now, let's grab
the whistle and get
out of here.

Um, which whistle are we
supposed to steal again?

Uh, the
whistley one.

Maybe we should just take
them all.

Good idea.

Narrator: at that very moment...

Ok, huggy, let's try
this new attack again.


All right. Here we go.

Ah, up!

Oh! Ouch.

Don't worry, huggy.

It's a new move,
and you're still
a novice at it.

But with some practice,
you'll have it mastered.

And then we'll catch
the infamous
teddy bear villain.

Sorry. It's just
he's so cute.

[Buzz buzz]

Someone's broken into
the whistle museum.

Come on, huggy!
Word up!

[Tim-bo whistling]

Hey! Quiet much?


'Cause we're
stealing stuff.
Heh heh.

Oh. Right.

Wordgirl: sorry, guys,
but your whistle stealing
days are through.

Whoa! Wordgirl!

Right. And
you guys are?

Who wants to know?

And this is regarding?


Oh, that there's
ms. Question.

Oh. Now I get it.

That's timmy tim-bo.


And I'm big
left hand guy.

Yeah. We're, like,
the city's newest villains.

Yeah. And we may
be novices, but
we're not scared

To take
on the legendary

Or that fuzzy
little monkey
guy either.

What's legendary?

Ah, well,

Legendary means that my
actions are so celebrated,

They've taken on
the nature of a legend.

You see,
people talk about me
and tell stories about me.

And, well, I'm just
so flattered by all this.

Huh. Is anyone else
a little lost?

Oh, ok.

Well, take
michelangelo's whistle.

It's supposed to have
legendary powers,

Powers that have
been discussed
throughout history.

Hey, the michel--

Blahbity-blah whistle
is the one

We're supposed to steal.

Ah, ah, ah!

You'll have to make your
way through us first.

Wow. You guys don't
look like novices.

Ok. Bring it on.

Um, aren't you guys going
to attack us or something?

We haven't
learned that yet.

We only learned
how to pose.

Heh heh. Ok,
tell you what,

Since you guys are

And you haven't
successfully stolen
anything yet,

I'll give you
a head start.

Ready? Go!


Would you
just get out
of the way?

Dude, watch your hand.

It's stuck!

Hey, do you have
to get so close?

[Ms. Question muttering]

Let's go, huggy!

Why didn't I listen
to my mother and go
to pastry college?

Wordgirl: all right.

You guys are
coming with us.

Tim-bo: no, we're not.

Fine. Huggy, let's give
them our new attack.


Wordgirl: ouch.


I didn't even
see that cab.
Man, that guy's good.

You were right, huggy.
Novice criminals stealing
whistles from a museum?

There's something
fishy going on here.


That'd be me.

Does everything
have to be taken
so literally around here?

Word up!

Students, that mission
was a complete failure.

Sorry, coach.

Well, except for you
hailing that cab,
big left hand guy.

That was incredible.

Heh heh.
Thanks, coach.

In order to teach
you the proper way
to steal something,

I'm gonna bring in
a legendary student of mine,

The whammer.

[Novices gasp]

[Tv program playing]

Hey, whammer,
you got a minute?

Whammer's whamming
a little tv. Wham.


Ok. I'm whamming.

Whammer's going with you
to steal that whistle

To show you novices

How a legendary
villain works.

Ok. The whammer's gonna
teach you guys how to wham

And steal stuff.

Oh, and wham. Yeah! Yup!

But first the whammer's
got to get his pie
out of the oven.

Is it organic?

Coach: all right. We'll sit
and have a slice of pie.

And then you guys got
to go steal that whistle.

Uh, dude, does
your pie have
butter in it

Because I'm
super allergic
to butter.

Whammer: dude,
the whammer's pie is
whamming with butter, yeah!

Ah, man.

Mr. Whammer,
is it?


How did you
get to be

The legendary
you are today?

Care to

The whammer just is,
you know? Wham.

There you go.
You see.

Easy as wham. Yeah!

Now we just wham out
the way we whammed in.

Wordgirl: I knew there
was someone behind
these novice villains.

But I never thought it
would be you, whammer.

Novice? Wham?

Novice. It means--

It means a person new
to a field or activity.

Yeah. Like a beginner.
Like a little kid playing
soccer for the first time.

Uh, fellas, that's
kind of my thing.

I define the words.

Oh, sorry.

What's the
whammer doing?

The whammer's getting
ready to wham. Yeah!

Wordgirl: take cover!

Where am i?

Oops. My wham, fellas.
My wham.

No! No, the whammer
needs that.

Oh! I'm all
whammed up, yeah.

Well, whammer,
I guess from now on
you should think

Before you wham.

Huggy, it's time to unleash
our new attack.

It's the only thing
that'll stop him.


Come on, huggy.
You can do it.

Hey, look, you're
a great sidekick

And an even better

You just need
to believe in yourself
a little bit more.

[Chatters excitedly]

Ok. Ready? , , !

Big left hand guy: taxi!

[Horn honks]

I guess I should have spent
less time inspiring you.

Narrator: man, that guy
can hail a cab.

Wordgirl: seriously.

[Mumbling nervously]

Oh, me. This carpet's dirty.

[Breathing heavily]

Here, coach.

Michelangelo's whistle!

big left hand guy.

You have just graduated
from novice villain
to expert.

Ha ha ha! Gee, thanks
for believing in me, coach.

You know, it's all--

Hold it right there,


Coach: wordgirl,
how did you find me?

I followed the cab.
There's only, like,
in the whole city.

Forget it. You're
back to novice.

Aw. Marshmallows.

I should have known
you'd be behind
these novice criminals.

Novice and pathetic,
but successful.

[Laughing sinisterly]

Once I blow
this legendary whistle,

You will be under
my total control

And i, the coach,

Will become a legendary,
unstoppable force.




The sound,
so beautiful.

Narrator: is this the end of
wordgirl and captain huggy face?

Will the coach gain total
control over them and the city?

Is there any pie left?


What? It's--it's a dog whistle?

[Coach moaning]


Well, huggy, it looks like
you're no longer a novice

At that new attack.

As for you, coach,
it looks like

The only thing you'll be
whistling from now on

Are some sad, sad songs.

Narrator: and so once again,
our legendary heroes

Have saved the city,
this time from the coach

And a trio of odd-named
novice criminals.

Tune in next time for another
amazing episode of...

[Deep voice]
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