02x06 - Book Ends / Mr. Big

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x06 - Book Ends / Mr. Big

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe

♪ You need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime will pay ♪

♪ And throw some
mighty word your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes

♪ Wordgirl

Announcer: psst...listen for
"destroy" and "predictable".

Narrator: the mayor is giving
a thrilling speech celebrating

The opening of the city's
spanking new library.

And so, without
further ado, I present

The city's sparkling new
go-kart park a-go-go!!!


Oh, ok, right.

And so, it is a great
honor and privilege

To present the city's
sparkling new library!

Excuse me,
ladies and gentlemen,

But there's been a
slight change of plans.

There has?

Please watch in awe as
i, the mighty tobey,

Destroy the new library.

[Crowd gasps]

I said, I'm about
to destroy the library.

Oh, wordgirl!

Yoo hoo!

Library...being destroyed.

Umm, mom?

I left my library
card at home, so---




Um, I'll be
right back.

Word up!

I'll take that.

Wordgirl, what
a pleasant surprise.

Wish I could
say the same for you.

Sending your robots to
destroy the library.

You're getting kind of
predictable, you know.



How ridiculous!

You really think so?

Uh, well, yeah.

I mean, you always
use your robots
to destroy things.

Very predictable.

But each time I use them
to destroy a different thing.

Therefore, I am
not predictable.

Have it your way.

All I can say is it's
pretty easy to tell what
you're going to do next.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

Robots attack!


I'll be back!

Didn't have to
make fun of me.

Thanks, wordgirl.

You really
saved the day!

Hey, want the library
named after you?

No, that's ok.

Park bench?


look at the time!

I've got a go-kart
opening to attend.

Vroom, vroom!

Narrator: the next day,
the mayor is once again giving

A thrilling speech celebrating
the opening of the city's

Spanking new library.

Now where was i?

Oh, yes... So without
further ado,

I present the new public
swimming pool!


When did they put a
pool in the library?

Last one in
is a rotten --


I thought
it was a...

Oh...a library? Ok.

Um, mom, I'll
be right back.

Bob, um, forgot
his bathing suit...


Word up!

Oh, wordgirl.

I'm back!

Where are you?

Oh, look.

More robots.

, To be precise.

I doubt even you
can handle this--



Anything else?

No fair!

You know my robots
can't swim!

Then you shouldn't
have come back

With more robots.

But all I
have is robots!

I know.

That's why it's
so predictable!

On the other hand,
there's a wrecking

Right next to
the library.

Hi, huggy!

Why didn't you
just use that?



Or what about that drum

Of hazardous material
teetering on that ladder

By the front door?

Well, that--that
looks dangerous.

All I'm saying is that
robots are a little--

Crowd, say it with me--


Oh, this is fun!

Stop using that word!

You are the predictable one!

I mean, how predictable
of you to use

The word "predictable"
instead of something like...

foreseeable, apparent.

But--i know--still--


Pick this up

Narrator: at the library,

The mayor is giving
a thrilling speech

About the
new library... Again.

This is getting
a little predictable.

And so, without further ado...

You're seconds late.

Ah, absence makes the
heart grow fonder.

Uh, whatever.

Come on. Let's see
your army of robots.

How did you--

You're really not
getting this whole
predictable thing, are you?

Because you keep doing the
same thing, it's easy for me

To know
your next move.

We'll see.

Ladies and gentlemen,
my robots shall
hereby destroy

This library as a
tribute to wordgirl.



See, I'm not so predictable!

Robots, attack!

There's too many of them!


Tobey, make them stop!

Ah, so you admit defeat.


And my superiority!

Ok, sure.

And you'll accompany me
for ice cream this evening?


Um, we'll
discuss that later.

And you'll give me
your secret identity?!

That's a little much.


Leave the
library out of this!

Can't we fight it
out some other way?


I know!

How about a battle of words?


I got it!

How about dodgeball?

Against ?

Sure. Why not?

And if I win, you'll
tell me your secret identity?

Ok, fine.

But if I win, you and
your robots have to work

In the library
for a whole month.

Have it your way, since
you'll be losing anyway.

Narrator: here we are at
the park, on a perfect day

For dodgeball.

The mighty wordgirl and the
fearless captain huggy face

Square off against
of tobey's giant robots.

And me!

I'm playing, too!


And we're off!

Wordgirl's got robots
in her sight.

Boom, boom, boom!

Robots out!

She's really tearing it
up out there!

Tobey takes aim...

Wow, nice throw!

I mean,
tough luck, tobey.

Uh-oh, wordgirl is
in the direct line of fire!

Is this the end
for wordgirl?!


In your face.

Narrator: whoa!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Did you see that?!

They don't call her the "pint-
sized powerhouse" for nothing!

Nobody calls me that.

Narrator: leave the
announcing to me, ok?

Uh-oh, looks like
tobey is about to fire.

Now's the time
to grab a snack.

Take this, wordgirl!

Narrator: man, he stinks!

Captain huggy face
joins the fray,

Hurling the ball with
all his monkey might!

Look at wordgirl go!

Taking em down
without even looking!

Tobey takes aim...

Guess that means
wordgirl's safe.

Another robot out!


and tobey's out!

Knocked out by his own ball!

That is terrible.

Nice work, wordgirl!

Huggy! I think
we're home free!


Narrator: and
wordgirl is... Out?!

I don't get--

Wait, that can't be right.
Where's my script?


I saved a seat for you!

The game's not over
yet, tobey!

And you only have
one robot left!


My robot is more
than a match for
your puny monkey!

Narrator: has tobey finally
triumphed over wordgirl?

Is captain huggy face about
to be hit really, really hard?

Tune in next time--

What?! This isn't
a -part episode!

Narrator: oh, right!

So, tune in right now.

I mean, don't
change the channel.

Just watch.



You lose,

Narrator: huggy
caught the ball!

Team wordgirl wins!


You did it!

Narrator: wow, didn't
see that coming.

Yes! An ending that's
not predictable!

I demand a rematch.

Out of !

Maybe, after you
finish what I have
in store for you.

your end of the deal?

Oh, about that.

I'm afraid
that's going to be
impossible because--

Of prior engagements --

I can't--my mother--stop--


You're all right, huggy.
You're all right.

This book is
minutes overdue.

I know.
I had strep throat.

You have seconds
to pay the fine...


Just a second--

... ...


Powering down.

Thank you for your donation.

Right. Sure.
You're welcome.

Becky, have you found the
swimming pool yet?


Mayor said
there was a pool.

No talking in library.


I said no talking.

Hit the deck!

Wordgirl hasn't
heard the last from me.

She will rue the day she
forced me to engage
in manual labor.

You put that book
in the wrong spot.


Return it to its
proper place or else.

You have seconds.

Excuse me?


Hey! I built you!


Look you bolt



Narrator: and so wordgirl
and captain huggy face

Save the day again,

Not that it's getting
predictable or anything.

Tobey: yeoww!

So tune in next time for
another exciting episode
of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

Audience: "may-i-have-a-word"!

Beau: as usual,
the player who correctly

Defines today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

Audience: "may-i-have-a-word"!

Beau: yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is "soar".

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from wordgirl

That show the meaning
of the word.


Yeah, to soar. It's
what wordgirl and
huggy did in the clip.

Sorry that is
not a definition.


Oh, but phil,
captain huggy face
doesn't soar.

You see, to soar
means to fly upward

Or rise to
a great height.

Can you run
the clip again?


Wordgirl is actually
carrying huggy
while she soars.

Huggy can't fly.

That's right. You defined
soar correctly, which means,

Congratulations, emily,
you are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

The official wordgirl
soar like an eagle

Hang glider with
attached eagles!

Audience: ooh!

Boy, huggy sure doesn't
have luck with soaring.

See you next time on...

Audience: "may-i-have-a-word!"

Announcer: listen for the words
"vague" and "specific".

Narrator: in a penthouse
office, high above the city,

A mysterious man is
speaking mysteriously.

Ah, my beautiful city.

Soon, no one will
stand in my way.

Narrator: who is this
mysterious man?

What is he planning?

Oh, you'll find out...
Mwaa haaa haa!

Narrator: you see?


Carry out the plan!

Yes, sir.

Oh, city, you're like
a soft little bunny,

And soon you will be mine
to squeeze and hug
and press your soft

Bunny fur against my--



Which plan did you want
me to carry out, sir?

Wh--? The plan!

Well, you have to
be more specific.

We have like or
plans going on.

Well, um, number ?

The one with the clowns
and the roast beef sandwich?


No, the one with
the "thing".

You know, the thing.

Oh, right.

Plan number .

Soon my soft and
squishy little bunny city--


Plan a or b?

Narrator: meanwhile,
walking home from school...

I know you get a
little bored in class, bob.

But I don't think my
school offers physics.

Hmm, that's new.

"What is the thing?"

Yes, I suppose
it could be.

Well, there's no
sense guessing.

It could be anything at all.

I mean...the question
is way too vague.

Is that
all you ever think about?

"The thing...coming soon".

Where did you
get that hat?

Oh, hon,
it's beautiful.

The ad did say
it's the best, and if you

Can't trust advertisers,
who can you trust?

Hey, mom, dad, tj.

Hi, hon!


Just in time to see the
newest addition to

The botsford family!

The radiator
microwave !

Let's power this baby up!

And now to set
the coordinates to potato.

[Beep beep]


Oh, hon...

Now that's impressive.

Tv announcer: oh, no!

Mustard spill!

Your favorite shirt, ruined!

Or is it?

"the thing!"

Oh, I saw
a bunch of ads for that

On the way home!

They were too
vague to really--

Shhhh! Becky,
the tv is on.

It's time
for commercials.


Tv announcer: "the thing!"

The thing
can do all sorts of stuff.

Get one today at a
special low, low price!

Keep one in your car!

On your boat!

You can never have
enough things!

Quantities are limited,
so run out and get

Your thing.today!


Is anyone really going
to fall for that?

I mean what does
the thing do?

The ad never said
anything specific.

Hey, where are you
guys going?

Why, to get
"the thing", of course.

Come on!

We'd better hurry
before they sell out.


Narrator: so that's what
he was planning!

That's what who
was planning?

Narrator: oh, uh,
I can't tell you

Or the show won't
have any suspense.

Plus I'd get fired.


We'll just have to figure it out
ourselves, right, bob?


Word up!


I'm sorry, but we've just
run out of the thing.


What's that
in your pocket?


Mr. Botsford: he's got
more things!

Get him!


Everyone, stop!

being tricked!

The thing doesn't do anything!

Yes, it does!

It does sooo much stuff!

The commercial said
I need one for my boat!

You don't have a boat.

Hon, we need
a boat for our thing!

You don't need a thing!

The commercial said--

The commercial
wasn't specific!
It was extremely vague!

And vague means...

Not specific.

And specific means...

Not vague.


Still don't get it,
do you?

No. Uh-uh.

Ok, well, the
commercial for the "thing"

Just said it can do
all sorts of "stuff".

It didn't name any specific
examples of what it can do.

It was, in fact, very...


Right! Got it?

Got it!

Good! So it's kind of silly
to get all worked up over

The thing, right?


Can anyone sign
for this big shipment
of brand-new things?


Hmm..."Mr. Big

Well, maybe it's time
we paid this mr. Big

A little visit, right
captain huggy face?

Captain huggy face!

Come on!

Narrator: meanwhile, back at the
mysterious man's office...

Psst...mysterious man.


Narrator: you think
maybe you could--

I'm sorry.

You're going to
have to buy one like
everyone else.

Narrator: drat!

Secretary: sir,
there's a little girl

And a monkey in tights
here to see you.

Yes, send them in.

Are you the
head of this company?

Yes, and you can
call me mr. Big.

Now, what can I do
for you, wordgirl?

Would you like a tour?

See where we make
"the thing"?

No, that's ok.

I just want to
talk to you for a sec
about "the thing."

Yes, it's an
amazing product, isn't it?

I'm not sure.

What exactly does the
thing do exactly?

Well, the
public seems to love it.

That doesn't
answer my question.

They're selling
like hotcakes.

answer the question!

And what
question was that?

does the thing do?

Why, all
sorts of things.



What kind of stuff?


What kind of things?


Stop being vague!

Tell me specifically,
what stuff?

Ok, fine, if you
have no imagination.


This little thing is made
from a mixture of
space-age polymers.

It's unbreakable.

It's scientifically designed
by scientists to do all

The stuff you've always
dreamed of doing.

In fact, this thing
can do so much stuff

That the sheer amount
of stuff it can do
cannot be listed.

It's just too much stuff.

The thing is, quite
simply, amazing.

There. Satisfied?

No, not at all.

Your speech was just
as vague as your ads.

So? Is being vague
a crime?

Well, no...but..

I'm sorry, but I
don't have all day

To explain it to you.

You'll just have to buy one
and see for yourself--

That is, if you
can find one.

They're quite
popular, you know.

Now, please, leave
my office, wordgirl.

Mr. Big, sir?

Here's the mind control
device you wanted for phase .

Mind control device?

Nothing vague about that.

I'm about to put
you out of business.

Oh, really?

Here, catch.

Ooh, it's all sticky.

That would be the glue.

Now, what's your
sidekick's name again?

Captain huggy face.



Wow. Ok.

Captain huggy face,
listen to me.

That is the very last thing
in the entire world,

And she wants it
all to herself.

That's not true!

You want the
thing, don't you?

Well...go get it!


Ow! Huggy, stop!

That's it! Grab her!

Huggy, let me go!

Now, I wonder why this
isn't working on you,


I have it set on
earthlings and alien monkeys.

We'll just fix that.

Alien little girls...

"Must restart
to change settings."

All right. Well, wordgirl,
when I restart this machine,

You, too, will be
under my control.

And then no one will stop me
from taking over the city!

Ha ha ha ha!

Squishy bunny squishy bunny.

Narrator: can wordgirl escape
the clutches of a deranged

Captain huggy face?

Will wordgirl--

Actually, you think we can
hold off on the cliffhanger
for a second?

Narrator: wh--no. It says
right here this is where we

Have a cliffhanger.

No, I know. I just don't think
we need it right now.

Narrator: oh, so,
you don't need me.

No, that's not
what I'm saying.

Narrator, crying:
you never liked me.

What do you mean?
Of course I do!

Guys, do you mind?

Oh. Right.

Here we go.

Leslie: sir.

This just came in
from development.

Bring it here.

Yes, sir.

Well, wordgirl, before
I take over your mind,

I want you to see my
greatest invention.

The mega thing!

So now you have a bigger
thing that still does
absolutely nothing.


It's genius!

The original thing caused
a mob scene in the city.

When I release the mega thing,
there will be absolute chaos!

You fiend!

Yes, well, when
you've got it,
you've got it.

But enough chit-chat.

Say good-bye to your
brain, wordgirl!

Huggy, see
that mega thing?

You want it?

Well, that man doesn't
want you to have it!

He wants it all to himself!

Go get him!

Hey! What the--ow!

And now to...


Well, mr. Big, looks like
your store is closed!

All right,
well, no problem.

I still have my mega th---




A specific use for it.

You ok, huggy?

Sir, we just got
word that our rival,
mondo-mega corp

Just released this.

What is that?

They're calling it
the mega object,

And saying it's even
better than the thing.

that's pretty vague.

I mean,
who would buy that?

Well, they just
sold out across town
in minutes flat.

And they're not
even using mind control?

It appears not, sir.


the fun in that?

Well, mr. Big,
we'll see how much fun
you have in prison!

episode's over.

Hit it!

Narrator: oh, so now
you need me.

Of course!
We all do!

Come on,
don't be like that.

Narrator: ah, I can't
stay mad at you.

And so, wordgirl
is once again victorious,

And mr. Big gets
a new office

Or, to be more specific,
a new jail cell.

Good one!

Narrator: you're just
trying to butter me up,
and it's working.

Tune in next time
for another exciting episode

Of "wordgirl"!

Hello. I'm beau handsome, and
this is the bonus round of...

Audience: "may-i-have-a-word"!

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "soar."

Ready to play the bonus round?

Is wordgirl ready
to fight crime?

You betcha.

Ok, take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows the
definition for "soar."

Whaddya think, emily?

That eagle's really
taking off in flight.

I'm going with number .

You are correct, emily!

Which means you
win the bonus round!

Huggy, show
her what she's won!

Soar like an eagle
with these official wordgirl

Eagle wings.

Is huggy ok?

Oh, he's great.

See you next time on...

Audience: "may-i-have-a-word"!

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your
local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word, what's
your favorite word? ♪

I like the word "dream"
because when I think

About dreams it's something
you want to achieve and a goal.

And I want to be an actress,
a dancer, and a singer
when I grow up.

And that's my dream and I
want to achieve that dream.

So, I really like dreams.

My favorite
word is "monkey".

I am just a person who likes
monkeys and I just like

The way the word sounds.


It just sounds good.

It's time for another great
moment in wordgirl gadgetr

Captain huggy face,
show us what drowsy means.


That's right! Drowsy means
to feel really sleepy.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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