02x19 - Bonkers for Bingo / The Ballad of Steve McClean

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x19 - Bonkers for Bingo / The Ballad of Steve McClean

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"adore" and "undefeated."

Just another typical day
for word girl,

Vanquisher of villains.

Word girl!
Word girl!

[All clamoring]

We couldn't have
done it without you,
word girl.

How can we ever
thank you?

Oh, their love is all
the thanks I need.

Narrator: the next day,
as becky botsford is
walking home from school...

Hey, becky, guess what.
You know the "big city

Ah, yes.
Nice picture.

Well, the editor
from the "big city

Mr. Woodward
just hired me

To write an article
for the paper.

What hard-hitting topic
do you plan to tackle
in your big article?

The story of the city's
newest bingo champion,
granny may.

Wait a minute.
Didn't i--i mean word girl
just put her in jail?

She was in jail,
but they let her out
for good behavior.

she's given up
her life of crime

And has devoted
herself to playing
bingo full-time.

I'll believe that
when I see it.

She's undefeated
at bingo, never lost
a game yet.

I'm going to watch
her play tonight

And interview her
for my article.

I'll come, too.
Got to make sure

Granny may isn't up
to her old tricks.



Because I love
watching bingo.

[Chuckling nervously]
there's nothing more fun
than watching bingo.

Except maybe flossing.

Uh, right.

Narrator: that night, at
the peaceful, quiet shady acres
retirement community,

It's time for bingo!

Man: b-!
Give me a "g."
Just one little "g."

What do I got to do
for a b- around here?

All right! Whoo!
Yeah, baby!

So this is
the world of bingo.

I don't get it.

How does bingo
work again?

You don't know?
Well, it's pretty

The caller spins
a cage until
a number falls out

And then you see
if you have that number
on your card.

If you get numbers
in a row, you win
and yell--


Sounds like you have
to be pretty lucky.

That's why granny may
being undefeated is
such a big deal.

The odds of her winning
so many games in a row
are really small.

She's incredibly talented.

Or she's incredibly


and with that,

Granny may wins tonight's
overall grand prize.

She remains undefeated,

Which means she has never
lost a single game.


Time to interview granny may.
A good reporter always asks

A few hard-hitting

Da-da-da! Here I go.

Granny may,

To what do you credit
your unprecedented success?

I just work hard
and play fair,

And I'm lucky.

Work hard,
play fair, lucky.

And finally--
please be honest here--

Bingo is really fun,
isn't it?

You know it.

Thank you for your time.
I got what I needed.

If you don't mind,
granny may, I've got
a few questions, too.

Oh, go ahead.
I love talking to
my adoring fans.

Great. Tell me how
you're cheating!

I am not cheating.

I just have
a positive attitude

And a really lucky
good luck charm--

My good luck duck.

Now run along
and leave me alone,
you noisy little troublemaker!

Man: granny may!

Sign my bingo card!

Can you sign
my bingo card?

"Granny may remains

"Going for a record
in next week's all-city
charity bingo tournament.

"Waving her lucky duck in
the air, granny may easily
defeated the competition.

Her fans across
the city adore her."

♪ I'm granny may
and I'm here to say ♪

♪ I love to yell bingo
in a major sorta way ♪

♪ I've never lost,
I'm undefeated ♪

♪ I win the game
standing or seated ♪

♪ When I say bing,
you say go ♪



♪ I ain't here
to cause no trouble ♪

♪ I'm just here to do
the granny may shuffle ♪

now raise the roof!

I can't
reach it.

Becky: I don't get it.

One day granny may is
public enemy number one,

And suddenly, just because
she's good at bingo,
everyone adores her.

oh, well,
if everyone adores her,

It means they like her a lot
and are very fond of her.

For example,
you are very fond
of sandwiches, right?

You like them a lot?

Then you adore sandwiches.

Granny may, on tv:
stick around, gran fans,

To learn how you can join
the granny may fan club.

Becky: ugh! I just know
granny may is cheating,

But I don't know how!

Come on, bob.
Let's investigate.
Word up!

We don't have much time.

You look where
granny may always sits,

And I'll check out
the caller's station.

Let's find out
what's been keeping
granny may undefeated.

[Metallic hum]


What was that?

Huggy, wave that
adorable duck around again.

that's it!

There must be a special magnet
in granny may's good luck duck,

And she's using it
to pull out certain numbers!

She is cheating!

Now we know how.
Come on, huggy.

I think it's time
we told granny may's fans

What their undefeated
bingo champion is up to.



Oh, fine.
Bring it along. Word up!

[Crowd clamoring]

granny may!
Granny may!

Uh, you there,
tiny reporter boy.

Scoops ming, huge fan.

Tonight's tournament is
being played for charity.

Tell me, what charity
will you be playing for?

The, uh, uh...

Uh, the, uh, save
the dinosaurs foundation.

Yay! Dinosaurs!

Spectacular idea!

Hold on just a second,
granny may.

Oh. Have you come
to cheer me on, dearie?

How thoughtful of you.

On the contrary. I'm here
to tell everyone in the city

That you, granny may,
are a cheater.

[Crowd gasping]

That's right, citizens.

Granny may is
cheating at bingo,
and I can prove it!

[Crowd booing]

How can you
say that?

Granny may is
a bingo champion
and a hero.

And a role model.

I named my daughter
after her--

Little granny may.

See, duck and cage...
[Booing continues]

The magnet!
Oh, I give up!

Ah, looks like
nobody wants to hear

What you have to say,
language lady.

I'll just take
my good luck duck.

See you tonight,
bingo babies.

[All cheering]

Announcer: playing
for the downtown
quilting stitch club,

Mona fallenbuckel!

[One person applauding]

And playing
for "the raise
some money to repaint

That one swing set
in the park" society,

David higginbotham!

And now,

Everybody's favorite
undefeated champion,

The older lady
you all adore,

Granny may!

Yay, granny may!

[Cheers and applause]

I think it's time
to save some dinosaurs
up in here.

Man: yay!
Keep the dinosaurs alive!
Oh. Ok.

And I'm being told
there's a late entry
into the competition.

One final competitor--

Word girl?

[Crowd booing]

Yeah. Boo.
I get it.

I'll see you
in the finals, cheater.

Not if I see you
first, spoil sport!

[Crowd cheering]

It's all come down
to this, folks--

The final match between
granny may and word girl!

[Crowd cheering]

And now, ladies
and gentlemen,

We'd like to take
a quick time out

To say thank you
to mr. Tim botsford

For providing us
with the ceremonial
final bingo ball

From his personal

Ok! And now
it's time for bingo!

Yay, granny may!

I just wanted
to let you know

Those new bingo balls
are made out of wood,
not metal,

So I don't think
your little lucky ducky will be
very helpful this time around...

Because magnets
don't work on wood!

It's tough to stay undefeated
when you have to play
by the rules, huh?

Oh! Bring it, word girl!



it's all come down to this,
ladies and gentlemen.

Granny may needs n-.

Word girl needs n-.

Whoever gets their number
first will win.

Granny may:
come on, n-.

, N-.

Please, please.


Come on.


That's right.



Word girl wins,

Taking with her
the hopes and dreams

Of the entire city.

Granny may: well,

I guess word girl
just doesn't like
old ladies.

Poor dinosaurs.

Come on, huggy.

Looks like this city
doesn't think I'm
a hero anymore.

And as victory flew
out the window

Like a duck flies
over a pond,

Granny may's good luck duck
was called--whoa!

Huh. That's funny.
This duck is magnetic.


wait just a minute!

Thanks for the silly dance,
bob, but it's not working.

I'm still sad. The city
doesn't love me anymore.


Becky! Becky!
Check it out!

I wrote
another article for
the "big city times."

Front page!
"Granny may is
a bingo cheater"?

"Granny may's
criminal ways exposed"?

"Granny may was using
a magnetic duck to cheat
and win unfairly.

"Word girl was
right all along,
dinosaurs are extinct,

"And word girl loves
old ladies.

"And in conclusion,
the city should once again
trust word girl,

The city's real
undefeated hero." Oh!

Mr. Woodward bernstein
called it a hard-hitting piece
of investigative journalism.

I'm really proud of it

Crowd: word girl!
We adore word girl!

Narrator: and so we end
where we began.

Word girl is
an undefeated hero,

Adored by the city
she protects.

Join us next time for another
exciting episode of "word girl!"

♪ Word girl

Hello! I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "silhouette."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


The one thing
all those clips have
in common is word girl,

And she's a superhero.
She's a super superhero,

So obviously, "silhouette"
is another word for
a super superhero.

Sorry. That is incorrect.
Anyone else?


Is it
a regular superhero?

Sorry. That, too,
is incorrect.


Based on the clips,

I think it's
the outline
of someone

Or something
that appears
all black.

That is correct, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

It's an official
word girl movie screen!

Project movies on it
and have your very own
home theater,

Or just make
funny silhouettes.

Ha ha ha ha!

That's it for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"snazzy" and "heist."

It's a beautiful morning here
at national national state park,

But at the famous hot springs,
trouble is brewing,

Courtesy of dr. Two-brains.

Ha ha ha! Success!

Good shot, boss.

Oh, I'm just getting
warmed up.

Um, boss?

Quiet. I'm trying
to concentrate.

But, boss...

Now, ready...


Not so fast, two-brains!

Word girl!


Aw! You ruined it!

Now how will I achieve
my super-secret plan to--

Turn the national national
hot springs to liquid cheese,

Suck it into that giant t*nk,
and take it home to fill
your swimming pool

So you can break
the world fondue record?

Ok, fine.

I have been chasing
that fondue record
for years,

But how did you know
my secret plan?

Have you been spying
on me?

We didn't have to.
We've been on to you
the whole time, doc.

Oh, I doubt that,
word girl. I think
you just got lucky.

Well, I got to say,

Your cheese heists
are starting to get
kinda predictable.

All these--
now you take that back!

Help! Someone's robbing
the grocery store!

Is this the police station?

Um, no.
It's the woods.

Oh, yeah. Help!

We got to get
to the grocery store!
Let's go, huggy!

Word up!

Oh, right. Uh,
tell you what, doc,

I'd love to stay and
duke it out, but this
might be important, so--

Sure! Run along to
your little grocery
store villain.

Ha ha! Let me know
when you're ready
to take on number--

Thanks! Word up!

Boss, she
didn't even
arrest us.

Oh, be quiet.

Narrator: later,
at the grocery store...

Oh. Sorry. Aisle .

What happened?

We were robbed
by a strange new

He really
cleaned us up.

But don't you mean
he cleaned you out?

I mean both.
You see, first
he cleaned us out,

Then he
cleaned us up.

This character
stole all the
cleaning supplies

From aisle , then he
cleaned the whole aisle
before he took off.

And all he left was
this snazzy card.
It's laminated.

"Another clean getaway
by steve mcclean.

Making the world
a cleaner place
one crime at a time."

I've never heard
of steve mcclean.
Have you, huggy?

you have to admit,

He is one

"snazzy" means something

That's nice to look at
in a fun or flashy way.

uh, sure.

Like you.

Or snazzy
like aisle .

It hasn't been
this bright and
clean in years.

Aisle might look snazzy,
but we're going to find
this steve mcclean

So he doesn't get away
with this heist.

Man, on loudspeaker: help!

Someone is robbing
the first second third bank!

Hey! That bank is
for employees only!

Sorry, but someone
has cleaned out
the bank's vault

And dusted all
the potted plants.


I have a pretty good idea
who it might be. Word up!

Well...hello, handsome.

Narrator: while word girl
investigates at the bank,

Dr. Two-brains enjoys
leisure time at home.

Can we watch tv
with you, boss?

Have you both had
your baths?

Oh, all right, but no talking
while my stories are on.

You got it, boss.

[Theme music playing]

Welcome to "word girl
weekly super villain countdown."

Coming in at number ,
mr. Big, still in the big house.

At number , it's tobey,
currently on time out,
according to his mommy.

At number , it's the butcher,
who's been quiet this week

But he and word girl are sure
to "meat" again soon.

Ha ha ha! Get it?

Do you think you'll be
number one again, boss?

Of course! Haven't I been
number one

On the super villain countdown
every week for two years?

I just want to make sure
they use that nice
new picture I sent them.

But the big news
this week is our brand-new
number-two villain.

It's our longtime number one,
dr. Two-brains, slipping
down a notch.

You see? I--what?!
Number two? Who's number one?

Tv host: and zooming
to number one is the new,

The cool, the snazzy
steve mcclean.

Steve mcwho?

Steve mcclean has taken
the city by storm,

Pulling daring heists
at the grocery store,
the bank,

And the house of combs.

Huh! Steve mcclean.
What a joke!

I'm the real
number-one villain,
and I'll prove it, I will.

[Bank alarm blaring]

[Police siren]

[Police siren]

Tv host: welcome back
to "word girl weekly
super villain countdown"

And holding the number-one spot
for the third straight week
is steve mcclean.

Woo hoo!

And there he goes.
Snazzy wheels, steve-a-reeno!


Don't look now, fans,
but it's word girl

And captain huggy face
in hot pursuit.

Word girl! Word girl!
Care to say a few words?

ordinarily yes,

But we're hot
on the trail
of steve mcclean.

He's just pulled off
another heist.

Well, how about
a quick definition?

Uh, ok, sure.

A "heist" is
another word
for a robbery,

A hold-up,
or a theft,

And steve mcclean
just pulled a big one
at the car wash.

He washed his car,
then cleaned out
the cash register.

Well, let's just hope
steve mcclean's latest heist

Doesn't leave word girl
all wet. Ha ha ha!

Uh, we have to go.
And in other news,

The grocery store is so afraid
of another "mccleaning out,"

They've doubled security
on the cleaning products aisle,

Leaving their dairy case
completely unprotected.

Guess they're not too worried
about old dr. What's-his-name.

"Old dr. What's-his-name"?!

Oh, you fickle public!

Ok, ok, get a grip,
get a grip. Henchmen!

Coming, boss.

Uh, what's with
the mustaches?

We just thought
steve mcclean is kinda,
you know, snazzy.

Oh, that is it!
Two can play at this
snazzy game!

Narrator: meanwhile, at word
girl and captain huggy face's
secret spaceship hideout...

If only we had
a way of knowing

Where mcclean
planned to pull
his next heist.

Come in, word girl,
come in!

That's a go
for word girl.

Steve mcclean
has been spotted heading
toward our grocery store.

He's being chased by
a crazy mob of teenage fans.

Please come quickly.
Aha! We're on the way!

Oh, by the way, the guy
with the mouse brain
is here, too,

Hanging out in
the dairy section. Typical.

Ah. Ok, we'll check
that out, too. Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile, at
the grocery store's foolishly
unguarded dairy case...

Attention, shoppers,
come meet the villain

Formerly known
as dr. Two-brains,

Now the new and improved
snazzy dr. Cool-brains.

Hit it.

♪ I got the cool brains
and I aim to please ♪

♪ I can hook you up with
a nice piece of cheese ♪

♪ I'm hip, I'm fun,
I'm totally chillin' ♪

♪ Snazzy enough to be
the number-one villain ♪

♪ I got bling to fling
and these cool sunglasses ♪

♪ Steve's got one,
I got two mustaches ♪

Oh, no, he didn't!

Two-brains: hooray!

Look, everyone!
It's word girl,

Come to battle
her number-one

Dr. Cool-brains.

Yeah, sure.

You haven't seen
steve mcclean
around, have you?

We were about to
finally catch him,

But then we lost him
when he was mobbed

By fans in
the parking lot.

Did you hear that?

Steve mcclean is
in the parking lot!

Wait! Come back!

Doc, you look,


Manager, on loudspeaker:
word girl, please report
to the front entrance.

Steve mcclean has
just robbed the safe

And straightened up
my office,

And now he's trying to take all
of my suits to the cleaners.

Word up!

Oh, I have had it up to here
with that steve mcclean!

If you ask me, all he's done
is make a mess of this town.


Dr. Two-brains just had
a very snazzy idea.

Henchmen, fetch me
my cheesefizz ray.

Aah! Yipe!

I don't see him
either, huggy. Maybe
we're too late.

Well, us two brains
have a saying:

If you can't beat 'em,
eliminate 'em!

Cheesefizz ray, engage!


See if you can clean up
this mess, mcclean!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, w-what
a terrible mess.

That's the voice

Of mr. Cool,
steve mcclean? Ha!

Huggy! Look!

Steve mcclean is such
a clean freak,

He can't bear to cross
the liquid cheese.
He's trapped!


Stay back.
This cheese is icky.

Oh, don't worry, steve.

They got a nice, clean
cell waiting for you
down at the city jail.

Actually, it's
quite dirty in jail.

No! No!

Hey, watch the shoes,
like, the shoes,

'Cause if cheese
gets on leather,

You know,
it never comes out.

Well, I guess
they'll clean up
his act, eh, huggy?

Heh! Did you get it? Clean?

But, hey, where'd
all this liquid cheese
come from?


Oh, clumsy me.
Just sloppy, I guess.

And now for a "word girl
weekly" update.

In a stunning turn
of events,

Former number-one
villain steve mcclean

Has seen his
latest heist foiled

By the unlikely team
of word girl

And our new
number-one villain,
dr. Cool-brains.

Uh, this just in.
It's plain old
dr. Two-brains again.

Well, dr. Two-brains,
how does it feel

To mop up
the competition and
get back to number one?

Well, I'm not the type
of person who worries

About what other people
think about me.

I just try to be myself.
What do you think of that?
You're very modest.

Come on, doc, admit it.

Aren't you just
a little excited
to be number one again?

You know,
it's just a number.

It doesn't really
mean--yes! Yes!

I'm number one!
I'm number one!

Woo woo woo woo woo!

Oh, boy.
Easy there, doc.
Whoa, back.

Narrator: and so word girl
and captain huggy face foiled
yet another heist,

With the help of some teamwork
from a surprising source.

We're number one!
We're number one!

Tune in next time
for another adventure

From the snazziest superhero
around, word girl.

♪ Word girl

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "silhouette."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Sure am,
mr. Handsome.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for "silhouette."

What's your answer, emily?

I can only see
the outline,
or silhouette,

Of dr. Two-brains--
number one.

That's correct,
which means you're
our bonus-round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

Your very own parade!
[Crowd gasping]

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Cap♪ favorite word, show us
my favorite word is cuddly.♪

I like that word
because I like to

Cuddle my mom and my dogs.

My favorite word is plethora

Because it rolls off your tongue

And it doesn't sound
what it means.

I thought it meant
it was a type of leather,

But it actually means, like,
of many, like, a lot.

It's fun to say.
Plethora or plethora.


♪ That's my favorite word

That's right!

"Frenzied" means to feel
so crazy, you can't sit still.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record,
techno music playing]

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