02x22 - Robo-Camping / The Stew, The Proud...

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x22 - Robo-Camping / The Stew, The Proud...

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"serene" and "independent."

Who's excited? I sure am!
And so are becky and violet

Because they're headed
to fair city scouts camp for
a weekend of fun with nature.

In a few minutes, it's back
to city life for me.

But you two will be
getting in touch
with mother nature,

Leaving behind
all modern conveniences,

Enjoying serene views
of mountains and lakes.


"Serene" means calm
and peaceful.

And don't forget
your sasquatch repellent.

[Sasquatch groaning]

See you
in two days, dad.

Narrator: meanwhile, tobey,
evil boy genius, is also
being dropped off.

This is going to be
an important trip
for you, tobey,

Because you're
going to learn to
appreciate nature,

And hopefully
grow out of this
silly robot phase.

Yes, mother,
that would make sense,

Except that nature is
a thing of the past.

and robots are--

Tobey! No robots!
I don't want
a repeat

Of what happened
last summer
at basketball camp.

[Crowd cheering]


I win again!

Or two summers ago
at baseball camp.

I win again.

Aw, that was
our last ball.

Or last last
last summer
at drama camp.

To be or not to be.
That is the question.

My data indicates
the answer is
"to be."

I win again!

That doesn't
even make sense
in this situation.

I mean it, tobey.

No giant robots.
End of story.

You need to be
more independent

And learn
to do things
on your own.

Ok, mother, I promise.

No giant robots.

You didn't say anything
about small robots

That turn
into giant robots!

Ha ha ha ha!


This so fun!

I feel very independent
being away from home.

Man: hey, kids!

Allow me to officially
welcome you all

To fair city scouts camp.

Now some of you
may know me as your
local prison warden,

But from time to time
I need to "make my escape."

To nature, that is.
Ha ha!

Did you all get
that escape joke?

'Cause I'm a prison warden.
That's my day job.

Anyway, everyone's doing
a bang-up job setting up
the old camp,

And I promise you
right here and now

That if you don't have
the best time of your
lives this weekend,

Well, I'll eat my hat.

It's ok, warden.
You don't have to--

I'll eat it!

But right now,
let's all take a moment

To soak in the sights
d sounds of nature.

[Inhaling loudly]


Smell the blossoming marigolds.

Look at them, bending
gently in the breeze.

Can we all bend
like marigolds? Good.

And hear the serene call--


Get off those marigolds!

Would you just
look at these
adorable tents?

It's like I've been
transported back
to a time

I would never want
to be transported
back to!

Robot, build
my new home now.

[Construction equipment buzzing,
hammer hammering]

That cabin looks
so comfortable.

And you didn't even
have to do any work.

Well, congratulations.
You're both capable
of stating the obvious.

Would you like a tour
of the place?

Tobey, why would you
bring a robot to
a camping trip?

I'm pretty sure the
whole point of this
camp is to learn

To respect nature
and be independent.

I am being independent.
I only brought one robot.

I normally travel with
at least a baker's dozen,

But I thought, oh, what the hay?
Throw caution to the wind.

Speaking of which,
wind, please.

Being independent
means thinking and
acting for yourself.

That is a pretty nice cabin
his robot built.

Aw, there we go,
little marigoldies.

So, what'd I miss?


as the weekend continues,

The campers grow closer
to nature,

Sort of.

Boy, boy!

You're not going
to get anywhere

With that robot-aton
fishing for you.

I'm sure the robot
doesn't know how to--

Oh, look at all
of you working
so hard.

You're even pretending
to enjoy it. How cute!

We are having fun.

Now one of the hardest
but most important skills

For survival in the nature

Is starting a good fire.


Don't even pay
attention to him, bob.

We want to learn
the real way
to make a fire.

Am I right, everyone?

I guess.
Not really.

Warden: and there
you have it, campers.

Say hello to the world's
strongest knot.

Pull on that bad boy.

Why, I'd eat my hat
if that knot didn't hold up.


Man, on tv:
we now return to our show,

"The greatest rock-climbing
adventures ever filmed."

Oh, man!
That sounds

Becky: tobey!
You're missing
the best part--

Learning to cook
[Flies buzzing]

Come on!
We're roasting hot dogs.

What's that, now?

Well, we're also going
to roast marshmallows and
use them to make delicious--

Yeah, exactly.

No, that was a command.
I was talking
to the robot.

Mmm. Oh, delicious.

Enjoy eating off
of nature's dirty
tree branches, everyone.

[Rock music blaring inside]

Boy: is this being

ok, everyone.

Fill your bellies
and then hit the hay.

Tomorrow's the big hike,

And if it isn't the most
enjoyable nature hike
you've ever taken, I'll--

All: I'll eat my hat!
Ha ha!

Narrator: the next morning,
all the campers are enjoying
their serene nature hike,

Even tobey.

♪ Hike, hike, hike all--

Ah! My darn trick knee
is acting up.

That can only mean one thing:
big thunderstorm's on the way.

Yes, with all due respect
to your trick knee,

I happen to know that
there is no chance of rain
for the next days.

I checked my weatherbot
before leaving on this trip
and planned accordingly.

Heh heh! Little boy,
a prison warden's knee
is never wrong.

If it is,
I'll eat my hat.

How nice. Still, I prefer
to rely on my robot.

The technology is
slightly more accurate
than your leg joint.


Well, perhaps
you're right.

We'll keep going.

it's so beautiful here.

I don't think I could
paint anything this amazing.

Yes, I could.
I know.

It's so serene.
Tobey, don't you
think it's serene?

I'm sorry. I can't--

I'm sorry, I missed
your blathering.

We were wondering
if you were

The peaceful,
serene view.

Peaceful, ser--look,
I really don't understand
your devotion to nature.

All I see are trees.
It's boring.

But, tobey,
trees and nature
are so cool.

Look how tall
the trees are.

Can you imagine
what it would be like

To be that high
in the sky?

Yeah, I guess that could
be interesting--

Looking down on everything
from high above.

Yes, robots win again!

It sure would be cool
to be up there.

Sure would.
He's having more fun
than any of us.

Sure looks that way.

Narrator: just then,
a freak thunderstorm rolled in.

Uh, excuse me?
Freak thunder what?


Uh, take me down
now, robot.

Now how could this be?

I knew it!
My trick knee
is never wrong!

No, you don't understand!

It wasn't supposed to rain,
so I didn't waterproof my robot.

Come back, robot!
I'm stuck!

We have
to get tobey down!
But how?

We can use this rock-climbing
rope that I brought
for rock-climbing

Oh, it's not long enough!
It's useless!

no, bob.

I think we should
try to do this
as a team,

Without word girl.

Why don't we put
our skills to work,

[All cheering]

To work!


Get out your
rock-climbing ropes.

Now let's use our
knot-tying skills

To make a rope long
enough for tobey
to climb down.

If that knot doesn't
hold, I'll have to--

Eat your hat.
We know.
No time.

Just trying to make a point.

Ooh! That hurt my hand.


Now tie a firm knot
to the tree
and climb down.

Tie a fir--well!


I-it's ok.

This is just
a light drizzle.

I'm sure this will pass
and then I'll--

Then I'll just wait
for my robot to dry off.


Ok! Ave me now!





[Tobey whimpering]


That chipmunk's cool!

Narrator: well,
looks like tobey is safe.

Becky and the g*ng worked
together to save the day and--

Um, hello?
The whole evil
robot thing?


Narrator: someone should
do something about that.


Word up!

Oh, crackers and jam.
This isn't going to end well.

Well, too bad.

Hey, robot!
You stop that right now
or I'll have to--


You see what you made me do?

We better act fast,
captain huggy face.


[All cheering]

Campers, I never
thought you'd be
learning this lesson

Out in the nature,
but a robot is
the one thing

We don't want being
too independent.

[All laughing]

Ok. Hey!
Where'd becky go?

I don't know,
but I got to go.
See ya!

Oh, hey, violet.


you missed the
craziest thing!


Narrator: well,
even with becky, aka word girl,

Looking for a serene weekend
out of the city,

Another crisis is averted,

Another day saved.

And it looks like everyone's
learned a little something
about being independent...

Well, except for tobey.

He never really gets it.

Join us next time for another
exciting, colossal adventure

Of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "tiff."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[ Dings]
oh, you all
buzzed in at once.

I totally
buzzed in first.

The judges say
it was tied.

People are judging us?

Like, only since forever.

I think I
buzzed in first.

Yeah, right.

Can anyone define
today's word?

What was it again?

You got me.
No idea.

But you all buzzed in!

Why would you buzz in
if you didn't know
the answer?

Picking on kids?

Mr. Handsome,
that's beneath you.

You're right, emily.
And now that the tiff is over,

Would anyone care
to define the word?

Oh! A tiff must be
a silly disagreement.

That is correct, phil!

You're today's winner!
Huggy, show him what he's won.

it's an official "word girl"

Huge cream pie!

[Huggy chittering]

[Smacking lips]

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"arrogant" and "overdo."

One day, at the city library...

Now, then, since I am
the city's chief
executive librarian,

It is my job
to show you the ropes...

And there they are.

That's where people wait
in line when they
check out books.

Oh, I get it.
That's funny.

Ms. Dewey, you can't
teach me anything
about velvet ropes

That I haven't
already learned at the
librarian academy, ok?

Milt, you're sounding
a little arrogant.
Now, any more questions?

Yeah, uh, just one.
Who is...

Becky botsford?

Because according
to my list here,

She has books
checked out,

All due back before
closing time today.

you don't have to worry about
becky botsford being overdue.

She's borrowed thousands
of books from us,

And she's never been late.

Maybe so,

But if just one
of those books
comes back late,

I'll slap
an overdue fine
on her so fast

It'll make her
library card spin.


Right in my pocket.

Narrator: meanwhile,
across town at the botsfords'...

"Fare thee well,
young stallion,

For you are free now."

Ah! What a perfect

Dad! We're ready to go
to the library now!

Coming, pumpkin.
[Humming a tune]

Whoa, what's
the barbecue brush
for, dad?

Well, before we return
your library books,

We're going to make
a quick stop at
the book store

So I can get
this baby autographed
by raul demiglasse!

The famous chef from tv.

You mean you've never heard
of his cooking show,

"If you can't stand
the heat, get out
of the kitchen"? Ha ha ha!

Oh, bob's not allowed
to watch cooking shows anymore
since he licked the tv.

Well, I don't
blame you, bob.

Raul demiglasse is
the best chef on tv,

And he's reading from
his new cookbook at x. Libri's
book store this afternoon.

But we can head
to the library
after that, right?

they're only open
until :,

And if I'm late,
they'll be overdue.
Heh heh!

I've never been late
or overdue.

Never, never.
I can't do it.

Oh, sure thing, pumpkin.
We will get you to the library
before they close.

wood-paneled basement!

Are those all
due back today?

Yep. It was
a light week.

Man: ohhh! Yuck!

You call this food?!

Where is the fresh
cheddar cheese?

the garlic salt?

Where's the shazap?


Oh, joe!

Are you going
to cry now?

no. Uh, i--

If you're going
to cry, then
I'm sorry.

You got to...
Get out of
the kitchen!

[All cheering]


Folks, those of you
who watch my show on tv know

That i, raul demiglasse,
am very, very famous,

Not just for cooking,
but because I can make
anyone cry.

Some cry because
they love my food.

Some cry because they can't make
the food like raul makes it.

But, hey, it's like
I always say,

If you can't stand
the heat...

Audience: get out
of the kitchen!


I don't know,

Raul seems like
kind of a bully,

And he's
so arrogant.

I know! Isn't he great?

No, dad.
"Arrogant" means
to be a showoff,

To act
like you think
you're better

Than everyone

I just hope he likes
my sauce brush.

Now who wants to meet
the best chef in the
whole wide world, huh?

Ooh, now's my chance!
Back in a jiff!

You kids stay here.
Wow, this is awesome.

Look at that line.

Oh, I hope we make it
to the library
before they close.

We only have two hours.

Man: pardon me, 'scuse me.
[Screeching angrily]

Hey, I was savoring
that place in line.
[Becky gasps]

The butcher.
What's he doing here?

Milt: there she is again.
There she is again!

You know, I've been
looking in the jackets
of all these books,

And becky botsford has
checked out almost
every one of them.

There must be thousands,
and you say she's never
been overdue?

Becky botsford is
the kind of girl

That makes you proud
to be a librarian.

You know what makes me
proud to be a librarian?

Catching people like
becky botsford when they
turn in overdue books.

No one gets
special treatment.

As soon as the clock
strikes :,

She's going down

Like an overdue stamp,
right here.


Narrator: meanwhile, back
at libri's book store...

Raul: shazap!

Who's next?

Ha! Greeterings, raul!

My name is the butcher
and, uh--

Yeah, yeah, ok.
I'll sign it to mr.--

Oh, wait a minute.
Where's my book?

You did buy my book,

No, no,
but I'm a big fan,

And I was hoping
you could try
my beef stewnami here--

Oh, oh, everybody
wants me to try
their dish, ok?

Here's how it works,

You buy my book.
I sign a book.

Shazap, ok? Boom. Next.

No, no, look,
if you could just
try my stewnami,

I--i think
you'll find--
You buy my book

Or get out
of the kitchen!


Look, would you just
try the stew already?


I don't like it.

But you didn't
even taste it!

Oh, what?
Are you going
to cry now?

Hey, cut that out!

I think somebody can't
take the heat!

Am I right, folks?


What's going to happen?

I'm warnerin' you!

Maybe you should get
out of the--

Pastrami attack!


Yeah, that's right, chef!

And neither of us is
getting out of any kitchen

Until I make something
you like,

Even if it takes
all day. Got it?

[All murmuring]

All day?
But the library closes
in minutes.

What are we going to do?

Tick tock, snickety snock.

Minutes to :.

Is today the day
becky botsford joins
the ranks

Of the overdue,
ms. Dewey?

She will be here
by :...

I hope.

We'll see.

back at the book store,

The butcher's diabolical
taste test is well underway.

The butcher's diabolical
taste test is well underway.
Down the hatch.

Down the hatch.


Butcher: here comes
the choo-choo train.

Raul: never!

Ok, ok, get it together.
New plan.

I'll transform into word girl
and find a way to take down
the butcher.

You sneak out,
get those books
from the car,

And get them back
before closing time, ok?

Ok! Good plan!

Word up!

Oh, excuse me.
Word girl.

I mean, mr. Dad.

I mean,
mr. Botsford. Hello.

Say, word girl,
I'm looking for
my daughter becky.

She's about your age,
your height,
your hair color.

Maybe she's in
the classics section?

Thanks for the tip.
Sure thing. Word up--

Oh, me again.
One last question.

Is that captain huggy face
out there, breaking
into my car?



Your corned beef needs
more shazap,

And your pot pie is
too bland!

You're not going
to make me cry like
those people on tv, raul.

Oh, no?
Try my own beef stew.


All: ooh!

You think you're so great,

But you're just glarrogant.

Hold it right there,
both of you.

And the word
is arrogant,
not glarrogant.

I'm calling off
this taste test so
I can return my libra--

Uh, so we can all
go home!

[Crowd booing]

they don't want to leave.

I guess they're having
too much fun.

This is fun?
Mr. Botsford: it totally is.

It's just like the end
of raul's hit tv show.

Raul and the challenger
each make the same dish,

And then a judge does
a blind test to decide
who's the winner.

And I always win,

And then the loser,

He cries.

Well, we both made
beef stew,

So we can use that
for the taste test.

Great, then!

Now is there anyone
out there

Who would like to eat
a large amount of beef stew?

All: stew!

I love stew.

[Huggy screeching]

[Dishes crashing]


Word girl: tex connelly's
beef stew in a can?

Raul! You were cheating!

These white flecky things.


raw onions?

Raul: no.

Raw onions
make you tear up.

So that's how raul has been
making everyone cry.



[Crowd booing]

I don't know what I ever
saw in you, raul.

I think my homemade recipes
are times more shazap.

I can't believe
I almost let you sign
my sauce brush.

Yeah! I want
my money back!

I'm, uh, getting out
of this kitchen!

[Crowd booing]

So, word girl,
do I win the cook-off?

Um, sure.
Why not?


Great entrance, huggy.
Right on time.

time! Time!

Minutes to :?

Oh, no!
The library books!

We have to go!
Word up!

Becky, there you are.

You missed all the--
let's go!

Oh, what does mr. Clock
on the wall say?

"T" minus two minutes
to closing time,

And books still
checked out.

Sounds to me
like a recipe
for overdue fines.

Becky's never let us down.

She'll be here...

I think.

Well, I guess I'll
just lock the door

And get out
my rubber stamp
that says "overdue."

And I'm going to put
some fresh ink
on it there.

There you go.

Come on, becky.

[Clock ticking]

[Door creaks open]

Oh, no, ma'am.

Becky: not overdue!

I'm here!

I'm sorry to cut it
so close, ms. Dewey.

It's just, you see,
my dad had this
barbecue brush

And he really wanted
to get it signed
by this crazy chef.

And then the butcher was
there and he was like,
"try my stuff!"

And the chef was like,
"no way!" And...ohhh!

They were
really good books.

Oh, no--how--
[grunting angrily]

Ok, well,
don't you worry,

Because there
will be a day

When becky botsford
is overdue,

And I will be here

Me and my
rubber stamp.

Narrator: and so
the plans of the arrogant,

The dangerous,
and the just plain silly

Have once again
been foiled by word girl
and captain huggy face.

And don't forget,
if you have a yearning
for fun and adventure,

You just may be overdue
for your next episode of...

"Word girl."

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have a word!"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater pris
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word "tiff."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one shows
the definition for "tiff."

What's your answer, phil?

If I recall correctly,
a "tiff" is a small fight,

And it looks like becky
and t.j. Are definitely
fighting. Number two.

That's correct, which means
you're our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.


Another cream pie.
That's great.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

Narrator: want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is "cuddly."

I like that word because I like
to cuddle my mom and my dog.

My favorite word is "plethora"

Because it rolls off
your tongue and it doesn't
sound what it means.

I thought it meant
it was a type of leather,

But it actually means,
like, "of many," like a lot.

It's fun to say--

Or plethora. Plethora.

Captain huggy face,

Show us what flummoxed means.

That's right! Flummoxed means to
feel really, really confused.

Congratulations, huggy.

[Dance music playing]

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