02x25 - The Invisi-Bill Hand / Birthday Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "WordGirl". Aired: September 3, 2007 – August 7, 2015.*
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Series follows WordGirl, a girl with superpowers whose secret identity is Becky Botsford, a student.
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02x25 - The Invisi-Bill Hand / Birthday Town

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon

♪ Watch out, villains

♪ Here she comes!

♪ Word girl

Narrator: today's featured words
are "acknowledge" and "conceal."

There's word girl, our hero,

Receiving her th key
to the city.

Meanwhile, let's count
how many keys your humble
narrator has received.

What? Oh, zero.
Does that sound fair?

Excuse me. I'm having
a moment here.

ok, ok, it's your show.


good morning,
ladies and...


Today, by offering
this key to the city,

We acknowledge
the heroic efforts of...


Thank you, thank you.
This is--wait.

Don't you mean word girl?


Ha ha! I think
the card's
upside down.

Ha ha ha! Uh...

Well, thank you,
word girl.

[Crowd cheers]
thank you.

Thank you. I just can't
believe this, really.

I mean, has it been keys
to the city already?

So, should we start
with an action shot and...

[Music playing]


[Crowd murmuring]

Uh, over here, guys.

Hey. Guys?

Superhero being

Key to the--hey!

Ha ha! Taxi!

[Tires squeal]

Some guy hailed a cab
and took off with
the key to the city!

Now he can...
Get into the city!


That was mine.

Nice superhero.
Can't even protect
her own key.

I can, too!

Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: later, certified
villain school villains

Big left hand guy
and invisi-bill...

Ha ha!
That's me,

Ha ha ha ha!

Narrator: yes, we know.

They're celebrating
their successful robbery

At big left hand guy's
big left loft.

It looks so small.
How can it open
a city, huh?

Hey, big left!
Hello! Bye-bye!

Here I am! Now I'm not!
Look at me! Now I'm gone!

Ha ha ha!
Heh heh.
Yeah, that's great.

You know, with your power
to conceal yourself

And my incredible ability
to hail a cab, we can't
be stopped. Ha ha!

We'll be super
villains! Hooray!
Ha ha ha ha!

Everybody from villain
school will be like,
"look at those guys!

Hey, is that invisi-bill?
We love invisi-bill!"

Ha ha ha!
Yay, invisi-bill!

They sure will.
Now we just have to wait
for word girl to stop crime.

Then we swoop in and
resteal the stolen goods

Right out of her tiny
and not-huge hands.
Ha ha ha!

But wouldn't it be easier
to just go steal
our own things?

Yeah, i--i kind of
like it the long way.

You're right!
It's more fun! Yay!

That's who I am!



Narrator: the next morning,
in the botsford backyard...

Great compost heap!

That's what we're going
to have once I get
this composter set up.

After we put in
these used-up fruit
and veggie scraps,

They'll become
natural food
for our garden,

And the botsford backyard
will be the compostiest
heapiest yard on the block.

Is that really
a good thing?

It sure is, becky,
but good for you
for questioning authority.

Now, go collect the lint
from behind the fridge.

That goes in
the compost heap, too.

All right.

Hey, why so down?

It's just some lint.

Oh, it's nothing,

Except that someone
stole the key
to the city

Right out of my hand.

You got the key
to the city?
You heard that?

Sure did. I have
/ hearing.

In high school,
they called me
the human ear.

Oh, well, I was just
rehearsing for a play.

I love plays!
In high school,

They also called me
the human
play actor.

What play is it?

Uh...it's called...


"A key to every city."

I love that play!

In high school,
they also also--


Someone's robbing
the jewelry store!

This would be
a perfect

For a superhero
to save the day

And get the city
to acknowledge

Her heroic efforts


Oh, whew. Never thought I'd
be relieved to see that guy.

You know what, dad?
I just remembered,
I have, um,

Singing practice
for the play.

All right.
Have fun.
Come on, bob.

Wait a minute.
There are
no songs

In "a key
to every city."

high school was
a long time ago.

I guess
they changed it.

Narrator: blah blah blah.
Word girl stops amazing rope guy

And recovers the jewels.
Let's get to the good part.

Everything's fine
now, citizens.

I've stopped
the villain

And recovered
these jewels.

[Crowd cheers]

Ah. I'll take
from my fans

Over a key to
the city any day
of the week.

[Music playing]

This calls for a little
cape in the wind,
don't you think?


I hope and trust
you've learned your
lesson in spades.

And don't think
you're concealing

With that
flimsy mask.

I know you're
that rope fellow.

You have
all these--whoa!

Oh, gee.

[Crowd gasps]


Follow those jewels,
captain huggy face!

Big left hand guy:
Hurry up!


Hold it right there!

Heh heh heh!
So long.

Oh! Let's go!

Heh heh! Uh, hi.

Let's see what's in
the other hand.



I don't get it.

must be up with
big left hand guy,

And that was
exactly how
my key was stolen.

good idea, huggy.

We'll follow him
and find out what's
going on.

Ha ha! All right!
She's gone, invisi-bill.



[Clock ticking]

Hey, hey,
That's me.

Wait. I'm mad.

Heh! Yeah.
Uh, sorry about that.

What happened?
Invisi-bill had to walk
all the way home!

By himself! In the cold!
In flip flops!

You took the cab
without me!

It was a mistake! Heh!
I--i thought you were in it.

You know, sometimes
I just feel so invisible.

Well, uh, you can
conceal yourself.

You're invisi-bill!
Ha ha ha!

No! I need attention!

Don't you think I'm
doing a good job
being me?

Of course!
Well, then maybe you can

Acknowledge my hard work
once in a while.

Give me a big thumbs-up
or something

Or say "yay"
when I do something.

Sure thing.
Somebody call for a taxi?

Word girl: wow.

I guess even villains
need acknowledgement,

Something that says,
"yes, what you're doing
is being noticed,

Good job,"
like a thumbs-up.

Cabbie: hey, it's word girl!

Isn't that something?
Word girl!
Word girl!


And captain huggy face!

Monkey throw!


Maybe that was the wrong way
to go in this situation.

heh heh heh! Oh...

Hey, where'd
that other guy go?

[Door slams]

Narrator: later,
with one big left half
of a crime team in jail,

Becky botsford returns home
to ponder how to catch
an invisible thief.

♪ Key to every city


Oh, hey, becky and bob.
I was just--

That's a nice-looking
compost heap.

I'm trying to set one up
in my place.
[Flies buzzing]

Maybe you can heeelp.

Why, I'd love to.
You know, in high school--
and he's gone.

You really did
a great job, dad.

No, no, no.
are not in order.

I made a compost heap
to help out our yard
and mother nature,

Not for the acknowledgement
of my fellow humans.

Doing good deeds is
what's important, becky,

Not having people tell you
those deeds are good.

♪ Good deeds,
good little deeds ♪


Dad's right, huggy.

Solving crimes
and stopping villains
is what matters,

Not keys to the city
or adoring fans

Or the way
people's eyes light up
when I walk down the street

Or the way they chant,
"word girl! Word girl!"

[Imitates cheering]

Oh! Ahem. Yeah. Sorry.

Come on! I have a plan
to stop that invisible guy!

Word girl:
thanks for doing this
again, mr. Mayor.

It's part of a plan,
you know.

It's really not
about me getting
another key, I swear.

It's not like
I need another key.

[Chuckles nervously]

Right, right, right.


Uh, here is the key
to the city,


I'll just put that there
and ignore it.

Yup. Not paying attention
to that key at all.


Hah! Just kidding! I am!

Let's go, huggy!

taxi! Taxi, please!

Come on! Taxi! Come on--

why can't an invisible guy
get a taxi in this town?

Um, you're caught,
whoever you are.

Ha ha ha!

I mean, forget it.
No one's here.

Well, I guess
big left hand guy
was the one

all those crimes with
no help from anyone.

What a super villain!

Too bad, because if
someone was helping out,

I would think
he did a great job
at concealing himself.

You know, hiding
himself, like maybe
by turning invisible.

Someone with that
ability would certainly
be acknowledged

As a first-class

they would?
Ha ha! Hooray!

That's me!

a super villain!
Ha ha ha ha!

Hello! Buh-bye! Hello!


Heh heh heh!
This is kind of funny.

Ok, ok!
Stop right there!

you can't see me.
I'm invisible.



Yeah, you are,
but he's not.

Aw, sticks.

Can you at least
acknowledge that I'm
a super villain?

Well, I would have,
but you caught.

Mayor: great job,

Narrator: ♪ awkward

No, no, i--i'm fine
with it. Heh!

I don't need

In fact, I'm not even
going to do the whole
cape-in-the-wind thing.

Justice is all
the reward I need. Heh!

Narrator: are you sure?
The wind is pretty good
right now.

You know you want to.

Capey windy.

Ok, ok, maybe just
a little capey windy.

Narrator: and so word girl saves
the city from evil once again,

This time from a man
with the incredible power
to conceal himself.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, that's not bad.
Narrator: yes, it is.

Join us next time
for an exciting, awesome,
stupendous adventure of...


You just couldn't
help yourself,
could you?

No, no, I couldn't.

Word girl.

I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word!"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word!"

Yes, you may.
Today's featured word
is "elegant."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

yes, emily?

means stylish
and dignified,

Like captain
huggy face in that
tuxedo and top hat.

That's correct.
I'd say huggy looks

Almost as elegant
as a certain
game show host.

Uh, who are you
talking about?

Oh, no one.
Hey, what's that off
in the distance?

Perhaps I should
take a look.

uh, a-anyway,


You are
today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

An official "word girl"
velvet cape.

How elegant.

Really? A cape?

You think that makes him
more elegant than I am?

No doubt.

Ok, then.

That's it
for today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word!"

♪ Word girl

Narrator: listen for the words
"mimic" and "hoopla."

Just another profitable day
for mr. Big,

Who has found yet
another way to make money--


Everyone loves to make
a big hoopla out
of their birthday,

So I opened
mr. Big's birthday time
all the time party store.

High five, leslie.

All right. But I can't
take all the credit
for my success.

There is one little lady
who has really helped
make this store a hit.

Well, sir,
I guess it's--


[Customers gasp]

My most loyal customer.

It's not a day
until I see your
cute little face in here,

Buying things.

Hmm. Today is
my birfday.

I know, sweetheart.

I know.

And the mayor is going
to buy me whatever I want,

Right, mayor-wayor?

Uh, g-gosh,

I'm not sure
the city has enough money

In the budget to buy
all those ys. Heh heh!

How about picking
just one out of the pile?

Grr! But today is
my birfday.

Yes, mr. Mayor.

Today is her birfday.

Do you have to mimic
the baby talk?
I find it annoying.

Eileen, pay
no attention to her.

[Baby talk]
the way you talk
is adorwable.

Buy me
my birfday toys,
mr. Mayor,

Or I'll get mad.

Yes, uh, we'll take all
these birthday presents.

Buying her a birthday
present every day is
still cheaper

Than cleaning up the mess
birthday girl makes

If she gets loose
in this town.

Thank you!
Come again.

see you tomorrow

Because tomorrow is
my birfday!

it sure is, sweetie.

I just had an idea.

What if I somehow
made all the boys
and girls in town

Think every day was
their birthday?

You're going to make
every kid think every day
is their birthday?

Yes. Think
of the hoopla
that would create,

And the money.

[Laughing evilly]

Hold on. Hold on
to your evil laugh
for a second.

Your plan has
a slight problem.


Normal kids don't turn
into big, green monsters

When they don't get
all the toys they want.

When they act like
eileen, they usually

Just get in trouble
from their parents.

Ah. Right.

So you think
I should make all
the parents in town

Think every day is
their kid's

I didn't--
after all,

The parents are
the ones who buy the
birthday presents.

Oh, that's
a great idea,

Have you ever
heard me make
this sound?

Ha ha--

Are you going to make all
the parents think every day
is their kid's birthday?

Oh. Let me think.

Whoa! Oh! Hey!

Oh! I've got it!

Mind control.

[Laughing evilly]

Narrator: later,
at the botsfords' house,

Mr. Botsford
is watching the news,

While becky, bob, and t.j.
Are watching mr. Botsford
watch the news.



"Oh." See?
I just mimicked you,

But you're going
to have to wait your
turn to watch tv.


Dad, why do you even want
to watch the news anyway?

They just make
a big hoopla
about nothing.

Well, as an adult,
I like to keep

On all the important
current events.

Is it someone's
birthday today?

Come to mr. Big's birthday time
all the time party store.

Presents, pointy hats,
noise makers,

Cake? Yummy cake,

Pin the tail on
the donkey.

Leslie: donkey, donkey.


And if you find
a birthday supply store
with lower prices,

Bring in your receipt
and I'll eat it.

What? Leslie!

That says "beat it,"
not "eat it."

Oh, r-right.
We'll beat--

Beat it? No.
Well, we'll--we'll
look into that.

No promises.
We have everything

For all
your birthday
party needs.

Today is your
child's birthday.

Buy things at mr. Big's
birthday time all the time
party store.

Why not?



Supplies are limited.
Your mattress is free!

What are you doing
sitting there? Today's
your child's birthday.

you love your kid.

Bring money.

Bring money. Birthday!



See you soon.

Wow. That commercial sure
had a lot of hoopla.

What is mr. Big up to?

What am I doing?
Today is your birthday!

I need to start planning
your birthday parties!
Come on!

Let's go to mr. Big's
birthday time all
the time party store

And buy you kids
some presents!

Yeah! Ok!

But today is not
our birthday.

Becky, if dad says
it's our birthday,
then it's our birthday.

I knew it.

I bet mr. Big is
using some kind of
mind control again.

We should go along
and investigate.

[Car pulls up, horn honks]

Narrator: meanwhile,
back at mr. Big's party store,

There is quite a lot of hoopla.


It's working!

High five, leslie!

Ok, we have to work
on our high five,

But look! Look!

Everyone is buying,
buying, buying!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
It's your birthday!

T.j., T.j.--

I got it!

A baseball
birthday party.

You and your friends
can mimic your
favorite players.

Ooh! Thanks, dad!

Hey, anything
for my favorite boy
on his birthday.

Dad, do you know
when t.j.'S birthday is?


don't blow this.

Dad, when is
my birthday?

I mean what date?

Um...every day is
your birthday,

So today, tomorrow,
the next day,
the day after that.

Let's see. Green eyes,
strange behavior,

Buying stuff from mr. Big.

I think we have
a mind control
situation. Word--

Hey, do you know
a special girl
who would like

The new pretty princess
magic pony limited-edition
unicorn figurine

For her birthday?
me! It's my birthday!

Well, maybe having
a birthday every day

Isn't the worst thing
in the world.

Narrator: at first, kids
all over town were ecstatic
having a birthday every day,

And what appeared to be
a dream come true for
the children of the city,

And a financial boon
for the city's clown union,

Had an unexpected result.

Kids became less
and less excited about
their birthday parties

And their birthday presents,

Even becky and t.j.

Oh, this is too much.

Can someone help me?


I'm buried!

I never thought
I'd say this,

But I don't want
any more birthday

This has gone too far.

Happy birthday!
Here's your cake!

Dad, no! No!

No! Nooo!

Attention, shoppers!

Word girl is here,
so it's time for this
birthday party to end!

[Huggy squeaks]

I don't think
anyone heard me
over all the hoopla.


Oh, well,
I'd be happy to tell you.

A hoopla is a big, exciting
event where everyone is
making a noisy fuss.

mr. Big: I heard you
over all the hoopla,

And so did leslie.
Right, leslie?

Well, I have a few
more words for you:

Stop using mind control
on all the parents.

No. Hey, parents,

Time to play
a new party game.

It's called "throw
your birthday cake
at word girl."

Uh-oh! Oh!

[Mr. Big laughing]

Even though
you're the ones
covered in cake,

The sweet taste
of victory...

Is mine.

[Laughing evilly]


Uh, what are you
doing here?

Today's my birfday,

And I want
my presents.

Everything is gone.

Well, eileen, today is
a special day

Because it's a lot
of children's birthday.


It's my birthday...

And it's only mine!

Mine! Mine!

Please stop
destroying my store!




Let me go!
Let me go,

And you can have
anything in the store.

There's nothing
in that store!

my presents?!


Word girl, help me!

First give me
the mind control device.


Why are we buying
all this stuff?

It's not even
my kid's

In fact, I don't
even have a kid.

And why were we mimicking
the behavior of
birthday girl?

All: yeah!

What does
"mimic" mean?

All: yeah!

Well, when you mimic someone,
it means you imitate them.

It could mean
you sound like them,
but it can also mean

That you act like them
or look like them.

You were mostly mimicking
birthday girl's behavior,
but it wasn't your fault.

It was mr. Big and his
mind control again.

Hi. Ahem.
N-no refunds.

Word girl, why didn't we
like it when every day
was our birthday?

Usually I can't wait
until my birthday,

But when it was every day,
I stopped caring about it.

Maybe the great thing
about birthdays isn't
the presents,

Although they're
very nice.

It's about feeling
special, and if every
day is your birthday,

It's like not having
a birthday at all.

[Birthday girl

Can u keep it down?
I'm trying to make
a point.

It's my birthday!

You mentioned
that before.

um, word girl?

It really is
my birthday, for reals.

Really? Wow.
What a strange day this
must have been for you.

Well, happy birthday!

Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.

No! It's my birthday!

Birthday girl,
you know how you love
the way it feels

When people wish you
a happy birthday?

Well, sometimes it's fun

To give that feeling
to someone else.

It's really
this girl's birthday.

Also! It's
her birthday, also.

Try wishing her
a happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

and so, once again,

After all the hoopla,
word girl saves the day.

Some may mimic her,
but no one can defeat her.

Tune in next time for another
exciting adventure of...

Wo-o-o-ord girl!

[Word girl laughing]

Word girl:
on the cake! Ha ha ha!

Narrator: want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

On pbskidsgo.org.

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!
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